
-- Burn.



5 Years
05-10-2014, 04:51 PM

A level of solitude fell over the dove. Like a thin layer of spiritual content, she walked with allure, as if her own aura was form fitted to her figure as she floated, pelt the color of snow was slick against her slender, flexible figure, long stalks that she stood upon were slowing as she remained on the rim of a pool. Silent, careful steps were watched under a sharp, lavender eye. Optics folded gently before her skull, dial carried at whither height, yet her visual emotional disconcern was not matched with the fine-tuned beauty in the way she walked. Like a dream she floated over the cracked obsidian earth, as usual her angelic ways were befitting to the dove. She moved deliberately and carefully over her terrain, always unsure of her next step, but still with enough forward motion to make the transitions seamless.

A gentle sigh escaped the angels great lungs, her small, gentle figure steering clear of small pits and puddles. Though it was clear that she had been bested once or twice, for three of her slender stalks were stained black with tar. Thick oozing syrup-like tendrils matted the once white pelt coating her cannons. Only a single stalk remained dry, and the discomfort she was feeling was obvious. In her best attempts to ignore the black traps, she pushed on, searching for anything her eyes may meet that did not resemble the pits surrounding her pathway. Obsidian nostrils breathed in the harsh fumes from every directions, heat radiating beneath her belly as she walked, unsure of her next step each time, waiting for that moment of worry to pass as she would be able to land a black and white step.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-10-2014, 05:47 PM
The large brute would not stray far from the presence of his siblings, but an odd scent would catch his interest. So strong was the tug that the silver backed wolf would allow his creamy paws to carry him to the source. Thick clouds of smoky mist would drift by him, their entity defiled by the smell. He would follow to find the tar pits. Ebony nose would inspect the odd pools before him, sticky black liquid he wished not to touch. There was the semblance of a path, but the risk of covering himself in such substances. Nothing across the pools would call for him, but as his gaze peered deeper into treacherous territory the swamp would bring forth it's prize.?

A dainty girl, covered in downy white with three black legs. He would take her in observing as her movements seemed interrupted. She didn't seem to be moving right, Scorpion could feel an urge to overtake her. To swallow the weakness she showed him, but as he would observe more closely he would realize her limbs were covered in the tar. Why had she been foolish enough to brave the pits he had to wonder what was so special on the other side. He would also contemplate the strength of her wits, would he have to battle for control? Letting her come to him the yellow eyed wolf would watch her every step, his stare unabashed.?



5 Years
05-10-2014, 07:49 PM

Stepping idly now, the fae felt a rancid shiver fall down her delicate spine. Snow laden pelt stood on end for a moment and she froze in her step, her visage falling slowly and a sickened look crossing her fine maw. Long, slender muzzle wrinkling back upwards against her lavender optics which sunk downwards slowly. Slender tail bobbed for a moment, twitching momentarily as the shiver faded, only then had the realization that her one stalk, free of greasy, black liquid had strayed unexpectedly out of place and fallen victim to a shallow old puddle of oozing black rubber.

The stench burned at her nostrils once more and a boiling force of frustration rose through the small dove's chest, exhaling almost inaudibly into a growl, directed in full expression towards the filthy earth infecting her physical appearance. True, she had chosen this path, only for it to be the shortest to her destination, not to mention a sense of understatement was given half-heartedly to herself about this particular land-mine of a swamp. Taking in a heavy sigh the fae turned her skull upwards, almost instantaneously her attention fell forward, holding her oozing paw up for a moment she slowly put it down beneath her, her bodice was fully frozen in place now, and nothing but a slight breeze from behind her disturbed the overgrown brisels of white fur to flicker forward. Lavender optics landed on the source of the distant scent. A blink to clear her mind and thoughts as she calmly zero'd in on the brute. He was large, although far from her, she could tell in comparison to her own size. She pushed forward slowly, her gaze remaining on the silent brute starring her direction, careful as she neared closer, her steps seemed to slow down, and her auds peeled back against her skull gently. Gracefully she stood a good 40 feet from the male, he essence growing stronger, and the feeling she received from him grew more and more negative. She hesitated quite abruptly from moving closer, and instead she took a small step backwards.

After a long moment of silence she finally opened her maw to allow her vocals to sound out, she spoke slowly and lightly, like the angel she was, her voice was light like the heavens, and laden with an accent. Each syllable was slight but deliberate, "You seem tense, monsieur." She kept her choice of words light but also a bit of a mocking tone. Wanting to see just how on edge this large brute was.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-10-2014, 09:14 PM
Bright yellow eyes would observe as the fine she wolf would err again, dainty white paw slipping into sticky black tar. He would feel his massive head swivel disapprovingly, wondering when she would take him into her sights. An amused smirk residing on his chiseled features. Ears would swivel towards her as an adorable growl would leave her pristine jaws. Maybe she was not the most clever, but her beauty was absolutely screaming at him. The slight breeze would whisper past her form, catching her alluring scent and bringing it teasingly to his nostrils. He would breathe her in, enjoying the gentle gifts such an awful place would present to him. Blissfully opening his eyes again Scorpion would observe her delicate movements, canary yellow eyes taking her within his imagination. His smirk only broadening as she brought herself closer, brilliant lavender gaze would suddenly find him. Smirk would transform into an amused grin, as his front paws would shuffle excitedly in front of him. Temptingly she would draw near, but oddly she would become a bit startled. Even taking a step back from him, like a poor doe caught in his sights.

He would also back from her, the silence a bit much as she looked through him. Like a tantalizing treat too far out of reach her precious lyrics would reach him. Such perfection would her maw release, he could feel within him the urge to claim her for his own. However, it seemed she wished not to play his game. Cowardice would ensnare her. "Ah, what a shame. I but stretched just this morning." His voice was light, he had no intention of running after her, yes he wished to call her his own but if she would like to play catch he was not willing to abide. Shaking out his pelt he would turn from her, feigning disinterest as she kept herself within the tar's grasp. "Might you explain to me the reasoning you would play in the tar pits? Blemishing such fine fur seems.. wrong." Lifting his gaze back to her form he would again take her in hungrily. His features staying light but his eyes would trace her curves.



5 Years
05-11-2014, 11:10 AM

Another sigh leaked from her jaws, allowing her disturbed physique to relax for only a moment more. Sticky tar was pulling uncomfortably at the slick white pelt that once painted her stalks. Long tendrils stuck to her paws as she walked in such discontent. A frustration was visible in the way she walked and the way she inexplicably looked at the pits beneath her. She felt the stare of the giant brute in font of her sink through her flesh, though she did her best to tolerate him for a moment as her focus strayed to her footsteps. In an attempt to complete her brief journey through a rough terrain the delicate dove had underestimated, she pushed her tired figure forward, as she neared him it was obvious her battle with the tar had also stretched up along the side of her neck and below her chest, splashing against her maw and skull, drying slowly against her angelic figure.

She eyed the brute as she began to near closer to him, giving herself a moment to assess the situation. She was not in the right form of energy and strength to take on an aggressor, but the question was whether or not she wanted to risk it. She could sense something was off about this brute since before she had spoken to him initially, though given her current circumstances, turning and running from the direction she had come was not an option. A very small smirk crossed her dainty maw, auds flickering forward to catch her last sentence. Her thin brow line narrowed as she watched him with a lavender stained gaze, both on edge and careful. A very small, light laugh ensued from her vocals, like a birds song it lasted only a moment in time, very quiet and brief. "You amuse me, monsieur..." She cooed out, her angelic voice speaking briefly before she managed to shake and rid herself of the discomfort weaving through her mangled pelt. "You believe I would voluntarily put myself through that horrid terrain." Her voice turned light and playful in a way, her delicate self pulling up in front of the great brute, her optics rarely strayed from him, a very palatable air of concern stayed with her even though her voice may cut the tension, it stayed strong. "Unfortunately, I managed to let the tar get the best of me." She admitted innocently as she ceased walking a good ten feet before him, lavender gaze staring at him carefully, a single forepaw raised underneath her and shook for a brief moment in an attempt to rid the tar of her stained stalks, though it managed to be rather unsuccessful.

A curious look painted over her slender visage, and the fae spoke out once more. "Tell me, monsieur... What is a fine man like yourself doing out alone?" She teased him, having fun with her words, in an attempt to make light of the current situation, and possibly keep him at bay with her voice for a while longer for the hunger in his eyes was growing heavier, and harder for her to miss.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-11-2014, 07:16 PM
She was cautious, as she should be. He was quite the menacing looking canid, long languid legs, rugged good looks, fantastic smile.. He knew she would come around and play his game. It was either him or the tar pits anyway. And from where he was standing the tar pits were much more dangerous than he. ?Of course he has absolutely no intent upon hurting the girl, willing partners were always preferred. Blood curdling screams were not his cup of tea. Still, he would enjoy the sight of her if only he'd be able to eat her up in his minds eye. She was a hot mess, tiny figure with perfect porcelain fur covered in the rough black tar. He found himself almost having to hold himself back, the usual cool demeanor he held becoming warmed by her mere appearance. It would indeed be a shame should she chose not to succumb to his grasp.?

Dark ears would swivel curiously towards her as one brow would raise. His gaze hardly tearing itself from her lovely pose. The smallest sound of bells would caress those same audits, a pleased smile forming on his maw as she admitted her amusement. The seed has been planted. He would recline upon his haunches, form relaxed as he would watch her swaying form draw near. Unsuccessfully would she attempt to rid herself of the sticking tar as her lyrics would explain her presence within the dangerous terrain. Barely blinking an eye he would continue his observation of the angelic she wolf. His desire to own her intensifying with every step she took. Today the game would not be forceful, only sweetened words would be used to coax this she dove. Her attention would turn their conversation upon him, having little to comment on the trip through the sticky pools. Her failure was obvious, verbal confirmation was not needed. However, it deed indeed seem a nice touch to her appearance.?

She would tease as though unaware of how desperately he craved the feeling of dominance. Of rolling her to her belly and ridding her of the ownership she had upon herself. He would not allow himself such an image, he wanted her willing. And though she so blatantly allowed his vision to see her weakness the advantage would not be taken. "Curiosity, dear Lady. I'd never smelled the tar pits before. I came to investigate, finding nothing of use I would turn to leave." he would make a slight mock motion, acting as though he would swivel and be gone. "But then, this dreary landscape would bring forth the reason for my journey. The eternally lovely Lady..." he would allow her a moment to complete his statement. He wished for a name to call her by. Brows would raise curiously as his needy gaze wandered her tar stained form yet again.?



5 Years
05-11-2014, 09:59 PM

A thought crossed the mind of the mangled fae. Her optics softened, and a gentle sigh escaped her great lungs. Interrupted by the sudden instinct to lift a paw and shake it for a moment he brows narrowed on her skull, auds folding backwards in frustration. She observed the massive brute in front of her in the corner of her eye as she brought her large paws together, leaving a messy trail behind her, so un-befitting for such an elegant creature. A natural beauty being splashed and followed by a hideous, sticky black mass. She could feel his lingering eyes and endless amusement, as well as complete bafflement towards the dove's decision. As a normally non independent wolf, she felt the essence of a proper, well-educated fae dwindling by the day, and sometimes, in circumstances such as these, by the hour. But, she was glad his day could have been so made by laughing at her messy decision which managed to backfire on her so well.

Still cautious with where she was, the white dove shook her pelt against the earth, allowing some still wet droplets to flicker from the ends of un-abiding strands. As always, she felt the great brute before her lingering his hungry gaze, as though in search of a meal for days, and now he had found one. She wasn't unaccustomed to it for in the past it's happened before, though she knew better than to quickly play into his games. Games... She enjoyed them, but before engaging in such play, she wanted the rules to be established. A small smile still remained on her delicate visage, keeping her eye line within vision of the male. One aid remained turned at him, the other free to roam with whichever direction she wished to be turning, keeping her freedom noticeable. With a small sigh the fae seated herself backwards, her distance remaining the same, trying to keep the fact that her appearances were akin to a hot mess to the back of her mind, she watched him curiously.

"Nothing of interest?" She questioned him, mocking the word with amusement in her tone. Angelic vocals pouring out with such an accent, figuring him for one who liked to play games, no matter the type. As he turned to leave her auds stood on end upon her skull, and her lavender optics widened. "Well, as a lady, you can imagine my curiosity has only just now been grasped." Her attention glanced at the tar pits, smiling playfully at the male, his overwhelming sense of need filling her to her core, like a poison it was spreading, and she was more than fascinated at this point. "Oh? growing tired of the scenery, monsieur?" She playfully exclaimed with such a light-hearted meaning behind it, lifting her chin to the air and allowing her already prim posture to increase it's level of perfection. Taking her time before giving what he wanted, she watched him for a moment intently, optics piercing into the brute's pelt, "...Cygnet." She allowed the dubbance to pour from her throat like a song, so light and so innocent in syllables. She would fulfill his request to know her name, after all, that was all it was to a wandering dove such as herself, unclaimed by nothing but the land. Her curiosity was peaking most quickly, and her bored figure was looking forward to playing a game.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-11-2014, 10:27 PM
He felt a shot to his ego as she kept her distance from him, even his candy coated words would not coax her into his arms yet. Ever the confident man he would let himself be filled with a patience. Should she only stay within his line of site he would be content with his field trip to the swamp. Though, he would never truly finish their conversation. Should she choose to keep herself from his rough paw he would find her again. Scorpion would not forget her scent or her delicate features, one day he would have her. Still, there were many possible endings he would still very well have his way. The she wolfs amused voice would again trickle into his ear, what she said was much less important than the tone of her bell like voice. She seemed to further be pulled into his snare, his simple words and needy gaze would work their tendrils around her. Failing to pull her in physically but mentally she would become ever more interested in him.?

Tossing her head back playfully he would almost bolt to snatch her up then and there, averting his gaze momentarily he would keep himself under control. Letting only his mind run away with her. She would tease him and make him await her name, he would take the time to roam over her gentle shapes once more. He would enjoy her image far too much as finally her name was presented to him. He would sigh blissfully and lean into his joints, his tall posture lowering slightly. "the eternally lovely, Lady Cygnet crossed my line of sight. I became hypnotized by her blemished beauty and exotic charm." his rough expression would soften as his marked eyes would roll along the hills of her curved form.?



5 Years
05-11-2014, 10:52 PM

An amused sigh crossed the dove's visage and she felt a shiver of energy flow down her spine, the excitement of this conversation was growing ever so suddenly, and she could hardly keep her seat. With a coy sigh the fae lowered her visage back to a normal height, allowing her almond shaped eyes to meet his own, lavender gaze flowing softly over the heated air. This brute was more than intriguing at this point in time, and he amusing suave self was effortlessly winning her over as well.

A gentle smile reflected against the brute's charming words. With another small laugh the fae couldn't help but soften her walls, perhaps it was more that a bad idea, but she decided to test the limits of this brute's intensifying need. For what? She wasn't entirely sure, nor did she want to know all at once. What she did know is that it was her turn to ask his dubbance, curious as to what he may say, though she had to admit she didn't much care at that point, his scent, his allure was all something she knew she would remember about this hunter for a long time. She lifted herself from her seat ever so quietly, careful with her each move, silent and cautious as she moved forward with small steps carrying her slowly towards him, whit hers rhythmically moving and her slender hips rotating with each careful step, the scent of tar overcoming her again but she managed to ignore it forcefully. As she neared him closer she spoke out, "Oh don't say such things." Her brief moment of embarrassment sent heat to fill her cheeks and she averted her modest gaze for a moment, returning it to him from the side, now much closer to the male than she had first thought she should be, her heart was at a race with itself but she kept herself relaxed in stance, "And what exactly can I officially address you by, monsieur? Seeing as i've already given you my own name, I think it's only fair, no?" She questioned him, moving slowly to his right side as she spoke, walking down past his shoulders, keeping a small distance, but allowing a small wind to cross between them, she rounded behind him slowly, all the while her eyes remaining on him cautiously, her vocals ending as she returned up his left side this time, looking up towards the brute softly though carefully.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-11-2014, 11:19 PM
Golden gaze would catch her exceedingly restless form, it seemed his attitude was contagious and she would find herself wriggling within her seat. Her royal purple stare would come to rest upon his own precious metal orbs. He would hope he was seeing her defenses fall, those high fences he was working so hard to conquer. He wanted a taste of her willing body, sure he could spy that spark of morbid curiosity in her own eye. Was she beginning to feel that same tug that pulled his own actions??

He felt a craving for her soiled bodice beneath him, those curious eyes finding solace in his ravenous gaze. He wished to own her, he could feel his muscles coiling within. Wishing to overtake her as her tar covered paws brought her tantalizingly close. Her delicate movements would beg him to take her then, his self control being put to an ultimate test. Scorpion was stronger than the massive pull of lust, the game's prize would be all the more sweeter when he played by the rules. She had to come to him. To beg him take her for his prisoner. To become his. "I can speak only truth to thee, porcelain Lady." he would become slightly surprised in the proximity she would bring herself. He could easily have snatched her from the air, but refrain he would.?

With a lick of his lips he would watch as her form found its way around him, his ears following her every word. He would watch her, bringing his bright gaze to her own. The need still vibrant in them as he held himself back, wearing a guise of relaxation. "The Lady may name her Lord, Scorpion Destruction." though his words were firm he would let himself slide further towards the ground. "Where might she have been going, to have braved the pits of tar to get to? What was so important upon this side of such treacherous fields?" his muzzle would come daringly close to her soft features. His dark nose would take in the delicate scent she gave off, only feeding the greed he felt for her.?



5 Years
05-12-2014, 08:08 PM

The palatable air was thick with hunger, radiating from this tall brute bough to penetrate one's flesh. His need for her grew heavier, and the fae couldn't help but tolerate the fact that he was itching to grab her out of the air. Using what she's been given by the god's, she played with him like a cat with a mouse, though in reality the role of the mouse was being reversed quite readily by the moment, and she knew her time speaking to him as an individual was being limited quickly.

A sweet smile pursed across her snow colored lips, curling them briefly beneath her lavender gaze, cheeks at a flush with heat as she turned her modest attention away from him. "Oh you flatter me so, monsieur." Angelic vocals poured out again, quiet and gentle. Her steps were slow as she neared in front of him, watching him intently, preparing herself for the worst as she came to stop, her left side facing him at a perpendicular angle, dial turned to keep eyes in contact. After a long pause, the fae spoke out. "Scor... pion... Dee-struction." The expression on her face momentarily turned puzzled as she pushed the syllables from her lips in a confused fashion, as a lady not of these lands the dove forced herself to learn new words day by day. Auds fell back as she focused on mirroring his name into the air, amused by it and somewhat overwhelmed by the power of just one name, her facial cues turned soft once again, slender figure sitting down now, a delicate forepaw reaching upwards towards her visage to rub away at the black tar staining her cheek. "I suppose nothing but the other side interested me... My journey is at a constant, but my knowledge of the earth is less than accurate." In other words, the dove had gotten herself lost. She watched him slide down to let the earth meet his chest.

Her posture straightened and she watched him for a while, "Tell me monsieur Scor-pion." Her words jumbled for a second in time as she forced his name from her lips again, "I can't be all that interesting to you, so why are you out here? Alone?"

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5 Years
Extra large
05-12-2014, 08:35 PM
She would watch him ever intently, bright orchid gaze peering into his very desires as she swayed by him. Right before him she would hover tantalizingly, becoming ever aware of what she was doing to him. He he not been stubborn, and so enthralled with the play he would have ended everything then. He wished her submitence more with every word that trickles from her delicate mouth. Still she seemed nervous, like she was walking on egg shells. As though he were the mighty predator and she the frightened prey. Maybe she was. Porcelain lips would take up his name, unsure of the pronunciation. Obviously her accent had given away that she had not found residence here long. Which meant she wouldn't have any advantage over him should she choose a quick chase through the darkened wood. Still observing he carefully the tall wolf's vibrant gaze would watch as she settled herself back onto her graceful haunches. Her paw used to smear the tar deeper into her fur.?

Her answer to his question would be anti-climatic, to cross the treacherous landscape with no reward would only ring foolishness in his minds eye. However she could do whatever she wished, and if covering herself with tar was acceptable, well he would just continue to enjoy the view. They would rest in silence for a time, both looking over their opponent's with seasoned eyes. Content to memorize her even better he would not be the one to interrupt their quiet buffet, her words would question him. "Ah, but the Lady is so much more interesting than she realizes..." his quiet gruff voice would betray his intentions once more, "I've told her the tar's scent would draw me forward, and her simple appearance would keep me tethered. However, before tar or woman there was my siblings. We've just arrived in these lands, and my paws carried me from them. And how pleased I am that they did." his roaming eyes would continue their unabashed inspection of her being as she pulled him in to her brilliant appearance.?



5 Years
05-14-2014, 08:18 PM

With a brief moment of curiosity and puzzlement as she watched the brute, the white dove blinked her lavender gaze slowly. Auds twisting back on her skull and softly pulling her slender visage to a tight and pristine appearance, that was of course, except the horrid black and brown stain on the side of her face. Seating herself slowly she kept her attention soley upon the tall brute doing just the same on her, though with that strange hunger and lust in his eye, enough of it in the air encircling the two of them that is was nearly palpable to the taste buds. An audible sigh escaped from the dove's great lungs, listening to his sweet words roll from his tongue like syrup, and she was the ant, drawn to it, wanting more of it, but also fascinated.

A smal smile curled across her maw, forepaws drawn close together to meet in front of her tight sitting position, her tail slowly wrapped itself about her side, the end of the soft snowy tip touching her black tinted feet ever so gently, her voice rolling out after his words, "You keep saying that, monsieur Scorpion, but I have yet to see how." She tilted her dial ever so slightly in curiosity towards his words, her smile softening as he spoke, How interesting. Both of us not from these parts most naturally. She eyed him with such a force behind her gaze, "Well... It would seem my lack of a sense of direction has brought me to you, monsieur Scorpion, and so that must mean something." Her gaze brightened for a moment, gazing slightly upwards towards the brute. "Won't you escort a lady such as myself to where she may be able to recognize the land?" Her dial cocked to the side once more, speaking slowly at him, waiting to move her figure until his words may meet her auds with such an addictive sweetness to them.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-15-2014, 04:18 PM

The way she held herself would beg him to overcome her. How he wished to touch her luxurious pelt, to feel the roughness of the tar that clung to her. A fantasy of pushing his weight upon her delicate form, of claiming this dark princess for his own. He would continue to pull her in, to entice her with his sickly sweet words. To bring her to want to give him what it was he sought from her. The marred perfection of the dove was enough to drive him to his end, only an iron will would keep his limbs contained. Beautifully exotic lyrics would caress his ears as she softly replied to his words, "He can show the Lady, if she so would wish.." provocative words would slip past his jaws as she continued, her tilted head urging a wave of desire through his body. Alert ears would take in her words as she would lead up to a question of him. An escort hmm? Well, it was quite certain he wouldn't be letting her out of his site for some time. An excuse to chase off any other wolves from them was welcome. He'd have her all to himself. Maybe she never would recognize the terra, then what? He'd be keeping her far longer than she would expect. "It would be.. An honor my lady." a suggestive tone would fill his voice as his gaze shifted slightly. "We can.. Get to know each other.. Better on the journey." deep vocals would reveal further his not so subtle intentions. Oh how he craved the girl.?




5 Years
05-15-2014, 08:28 PM

With a coy twitch of her tail, the fae lifted it slowly from curling about her seated position. Her lavender gaze closing for a moment to turn her hidden gaze up towards the heavens, nose twitching wildly with the scents drifting over the wind, riding it across the lands, never ending to a wolf such as herself, a constant scent that flowed endlessly into her lungs, like a drug they overtook her instantly, and for only a moment her attention had been cut. A gentle smile creeping over her maw as she gently pulled it from the skies, and pointed it slightly to the ground, auds laid back to listen to her skull as she would speak to the tri colored male, oozing need from his every pore, his attention was piercing, like coals in a fire, his eyes burned with want for her, and she knew it. His yellow gaze seeding through the white dove as if she were nothing but paper.

"Oh? Well then I wish for you to show me." She spoke out, french laden words like a song to the ear. A soft coo-ing voice accompanying syllables gently. Yet, in the back of her mind the fae had to worry only slightly, these lands were all too unknown to her, and so her escape may be far from near. Either way, she had to take the positives, this brute was intense and dominant as far as she could feel, but his powerful expressions were close to addictive to the dove. She wanted to stay near him, heed his protection and bask in the idea that she would know where she belonged, under a powerful male who knew his place in his own world. She pondered the negatives and the positives together for a while, a gentle smile still remaining on her visage, a shield to her thoughts within her. "Oui, monsieur Scorpion. I do look forward to it." She spoke out cheerfully, looking forward to her time with the brute. She lifted herself from the earth beneath her, thoughts encircling her mind like a broken record, figuring out her plan. Knowing what she may have to do to feel better about herself. If he were bestow his dominance over her in any way, she would challenge, but only to the edge of her abilities, wanting her freedom to be fought for with dignity, her body and mind won fairly.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-16-2014, 03:27 PM

His claws would dig ruthlessly into the earth as he held himself to the ground. He would be patient, and he would not overwhelm himself. She would make it difficult, her graceful movements keeping his eyes glued to her form. She would keep herself from his grasp, and tease him as she accepted his offer, she would allow him to show her exactly how interesting she was. He wondered if she might regret her words, to show the girl how he saw her. How he would enjoy such activities. Wanton gaze would glimmer as his features drew up into a darkly excited grin. With her permission granted he had but one task to still complete. He wanted her to come to him, he craved her own advances. He wanted her to want him as bad as he found himself needing her. Silence would sit between them as his eyes continued to wander her elegant form. Her cheery voice would sound again as she found her way to tar covered elegant legs. He would follow slowly, his towering form coming to its full height.
He could feel the great urge to leap at her, shaking himself physically and mentally the urge would lessen as their forms stood perpendicular to each other. Was she waiting for him to make a first move? He hoped not, that wasn't how this game was played. He would follow her where she wished to go, mostly because he enjoyed the view. However he was no love struck puppy dog, his tail would wave dominantly Above his back as a paw would step closer to her. "After you, my lady."




5 Years
05-26-2014, 07:10 PM

She allowed her sumptual self to pause ever so slightly once in a while, forepaws crossing one over the other as her silent steps seemed to awaken the earth beneath her. With every landing of her wide, white feet the grass seemed to shiver, and the dirt shake and tremble, as if her very connection with it was so whole. She was a very calm, collected young lady, and it showed in the way she walked and talked, not that that was something that had to be told to this brute behind her. Her rump would sway for a moment as she moved forward, visage turned to her left to look at the male lingering behind, the thirst in his eyes turning into hunger by the moment, and the dove felt a slight shiver of excitement run down her spine. It had been so long since she felt such energy brewing in her gut, the feeling of being wanted, hungered after, as if her snowy pelt was made of crisp waters, the yellow eyes of her follower swallowed it fully.

Feeling his footsteps behind her, the dive gently pushed forward, chest exposed forward, visage holding high for a moment, and her tail remaining low at the dock, swaying gently as her form moved over the terrain like a cloud above water. A gentle giggle escaped her vocals as she felt the pieces on this chess board begin to move. "So, monsieur Scorpion. Tell me about you." Her light voice carried away from her, her nose pushing it into the direction behind, to fall into his ears like a sirens song.

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