
Along Shores of Gold

Twig I


06-12-2014, 07:13 PM

They'd found a nice den the morning after they arrived on the island, though it wasn't many nights they spent within it. Twig enjoyed the sea breeze of her face, and the lulling melody of the waves. The sand was comfortable underneath their sleeping bodies and waking up to the sunsets made her heart smile. Twig was completely happy on the island, more exuberant even than when she was a tiny girl. Her mind wouldn't wander, she didn't want to disturb the high she was given when their feet touched the sand. Her body lay in the shade near the palm littered forest, tail wagging slowly an obvious happiness. Legs would sprawl lazily upon the beach, her rounding stomach visible over her thin frame. The ocean's breeze would play with her creamy fur as her nap continued. The sun was high overhead, having coaxed the heavily pregnant she wolf into the cool of the shadows.
Dreams were not of reality as her mind played through different scenarios. Fern would occasionally make an appearance within the playhouse of her mind. Her perfect family. Her mother's kind features would nuzzle newborn pups as Alpine looked on proudly. Her imagination would soothe the hurt, all was well while she slept.

I'll Dissolve When the Rain Pours In



06-13-2014, 10:46 PM

It had only made Alpine happier when Twig had preferred to sleep beneath the open skies, despite the warm den they had procured and readied for their children. They slept with the lapping sounds of waves as their music, and the soft kiss of the wind as their company, and he did not feel lonely for a single second, in fact, he had never felt more surrounded with love and happiness then he did on this island. This was their paradise, their happiness and he was astounded that they had found it, that they could find such freedom.

He often went off in short hunting trips, being gone for a few hours at a time to ensure their where plenty of food on the island and that his pregnant mate never wanted for food. He was on such a trip now, and returned with a plump rabbit in his jaws as he made his way to her form. She seemed utterly relaxed in the soft shade and he stood back a moment to admire to, to the bulge in her stomach that spoke of family and great things to come, to the smile that adorned her face more and more these past few days.

He approached on soft paws, placing himself at her head as he gently put the rabbit on the ground beside her and took a seat himself, his hips brushing against her head and his tail curled behind him as he looked down at the love of his life. ?Quite comfortable?? he teased.


Twig I


06-14-2014, 10:51 PM

Alpine would leave her occasionally, she knew it was impossible to truly spend every moment with him, but when he hunted during her naps the time without him didn't seem so long. Her sides would rise and fall as her even breathing entered and exited her lungs. Sweet dreams danced through her mind as Alpine would find himself in her presence once again. She wouldn't notice his approach as her nap continued, completely unconscious as his paws drew him closer. The scent of a kill would invade her dreams, starting the process of bringing her back to consciousness. Her eyes would start to bat open as her mate took a seat by her crown. He would sit close, his fur brushing against her nose. ?Quite comfortable?? his teasing tones would stir her further.
Vibrant violet gaze would flutter open as her features turned up to his own. A bright grin lighting up her face, her body would turn slightly. She would lay on her back, slate paws batting faintly at the air as she nuzzled his hip. "More comfortable than i've ever been." she'd let a soft giggle filter through her lips, her pearly teeth gently nipping at alpine's soft fur. The time she had with him would continue her recovery. His constant presence would bring her joy in a world that wished to continually bring her down. "Is that rabbit for me?" her voice was innocent, knowing full well that he had every intention of taking care of her.




06-17-2014, 04:30 PM

He would look down upon her half sleeping form, to the eyes that wavered gently as she stirred from her sleep, and the sweetness of her muzzle as she lay in utter contentment. He waited in silence after his initial words, giving her the time she needed to rouse herself to reality ? a reality as sweet as any dreams. His eyes would roam to her bulging belly and his smile would only grow beneath gently twitching lips and dazzlingly content eyes.

Her head would turn to nuzzle him and he lowered his own muzzle to her cheek as she did. He felt the warmth beneath her fur and chuckled soft and deep at the paws that wavered gently at the air as her head moved against his hip. She would ask then if the rabbit was for her and he would grin again and pull head back from her side. ?No, that ones for Jerry? he gave a slightly wicked grin ?But maybe you can have a bite.? he swiped the rabbit off the ground again and dangled it before her, ready to pull away the second she made any attempts to grab it off him. ?What?s the magic word? he whispered, beneath a jaw full of rabbit, as his eyes continued their wicked dancing.


Twig I


06-17-2014, 05:07 PM

Had she spent her pregnancy within the confines of Valhalla it was likely the outcome of the birth would have been much different. With out the peace and quiet, and with out her mate by her side dark thoughts would have certainly infiltrated her mind. As it was the girl would fight back thoughts of regret, how could she want to bring children into a world that had only caused her heartache and pain. The world was cruel and her children were innocent. Had she not retreated to the island she might have lost her children from simple negativity.
However, they had found themselves alone, on a honeymoon of sorts, on a lush tropical island. She had nothing to worry about, and would find that happiness and perfection could still be found in their cold cruel world. Alpine was her savior, as he leaned in to nuzzle her cheek she would sigh softly. She'd never realized how incomplete she had been until she finally gave her heart to this man. She would swivel her slate backed ears to him as he let out a gentle chuckle. She was usually hungry now that she had to feed more than just herself. Alpine obviously knew this as he took the rabbit back within his jaws.
She would fall for his trap and would attempt to bite at the flesh dangled before her. She wouldn't make it very high off the ground, but wouldn't catch hold anyway. ?What?s the magic word? he would tease her, "Give your pregnant wife her meal!" she would giggle playfully, her tail pounding the dry sand beneath it.




06-17-2014, 05:21 PM

Oh, those words where so beautiful, in fact he didn?t think he had ever heard sweeter; My pregnant wife tasted like honey in his mouth and his boisterous grin would only widen, they certainly felt like magic words. After she spoke there was a moment of silence, with just the sound of their breathing and the soft beat of her tail against the earth. ?But like I said, this one?s for Jerry, or was it Adam?? he laughed and lowered himself closer, the rabbit just before her. ?Names Twig?? he whispered, his voice oddly wistful as he laid the rabbit at her feet once more.

His head was alive with names ? and well ?Adam? and ?Jerry? where only a joke it opened up a floodgate of them. Now free of his rabbit burden he seated himself again before her. ?Have you considered any, both boys and girls? for our children?? he whispered, the names that flooded against his skull already building up against his tongue. ?Or would you want to wait instead until you can see them?? he whispered.


Twig I


06-17-2014, 06:09 PM

She would revel in her words as well, the happiness she felt when she was with him all she would ever need. He was her soul mate, her other half, and she would never feel complete with out him by her side. ?But like I said, this one?s for Jerry, or was it Adam?? He would draw closer to her, finding himself upon the sand next to her as he continued to tease, ?Names Twig?? She would whine happily as he lay the carcass by her feet once more. Her form would move again, the laborious actions forcing a grunt from her as she wrestled her stomach beneath her. She would nuzzle him in thanks, finding her focus upon the food he'd brought her.
She would tear into it easily as his form returned to a seated position. Her stomach would fill slowly as he thought aloud to her. ?Have you considered any, both boys and girls? for our children?? Her mind would wrap around thoughts of the future. She had no way to tell how many they would have or gender so she would come up with a pre planned list. ?Or would you want to wait instead until you can see them?? She would continue with the Black family tradition of taking a nick name as well.
She would fill herself before answering him, the words much to important to tell him while her mouth was full. Finally her vibrant gaze would fall back upon his form, "I have a couple of ideas.. she would whisper back as her form scooted closer to the alabaster man. "Viridian.. for a girl. I haven't found any good boy names." She would admit as she nuzzled his fur.

I'll Dissolve When the Rain Pours In



06-17-2014, 06:24 PM

There was a moment of silence as Twig ate, and Alpine hovered over her for a moment like a worried mother, wondering if she had had enough to eat, enough to feed herself and her young. When she finished she would return her attentions to names, and would speak one that sounded a lot like the newest pack queen, a name heard in passing before they came to their beautiful isolation. This also reminded him of his promise to venture out into the world for news every so often, especially of Twigs family and the sickness.

He laid a paw gently on her stomach and furrowed brows would met her gaze. ?I think a name? like Faun? would be beautiful? his thought momentarily on Fern, and well he didn?t wish to make her unhappy with the reminder he thought if might be right if a piece of the lost child could be reborn now. He cleared his throat, pushing away any lingering thoughts of sadness that accompanied Fern.

She did not know of any male names, and another thought would venture from his memories. ?Did I ever tell you I had a brother? Solor? he was called, and we thought we would face the world together.? He cleared his throat again, instantly embarrassed? no, they would find another male name. He kept his paw on her stomach and drew in a wistful breath. ?These children will be beautiful? he told her.

My Words

Twig I


06-17-2014, 07:32 PM

Twig knew nothing of the red woman, Viridiana. She had always loved the color of Viridian and thought of it as a beautiful name. She might have named Fern that had she not told her of her calling in a dream. Her husband would apply his paw gently to her stomach, the pressure sudden but not unwelcome. His paw would disturb the little ones more than herself, she would feel a squirming within her as little paws pressed against the inside of her. She would look in wonder at the life that was so obvious within her. ?I think a name? like Faun? would be beautiful? Her memories of the daughter she lost would be triggered, such a similar sound. Though still absolutely gorgeous. She would feel similar emotions to what he would encounter, she would sniffle slightly as she held back the rough emotions. "That's beautiful, Alpine." She would smile, looking back up at him lovingly, ?Did I ever tell you I had a brother? Solor? he was called, and we thought we would face the world together.?
She would grow quiet, wondering what had happened to this mystery brother she had not heard of. From his reaction, and the clear fact that she had never met him, a bad feeling would well up within her. It was odd though, Alpine seemed a little embarrassed. Her nose would lift, searching for his fur, and she would kiss him. Twig rather liked the idea of naming a son after her mate's brother. ?These children will be beautiful? She would smile excitedly, surely he was right. "They seem excited to meet their dad." She would observe as tiny paws continued to push back at his alabaster toes. Excitement would fill her, rather than resentment. She had hope for their babies.




06-17-2014, 08:14 PM

The feel of movement beneath him would startle him, he would jump slightly but not move his paw. Instead his eyes would find hers and true wonder would light his face. These where his young he could feel, these little things moving inside of her, he could feel the soft beat of them as they pushed against the surface of her stomach. He moved his paw free then gently placed his head against the stomach and with his ear pressed to her fur he could hear the soft hammering of heart beats.

His own heart would quicken at the sound and inside he could feel a new emotion, something raw and undeniable, something that said ?I will protect these, I will protect these always? and his eyes would meet with Twig, and he truly felt the instincts of a father welling inside of him until he thought he might burst. He was dying to see them, to hold them, to feel them beside him these little lives that he had helped create. He would make a world for them, he would fend for them and feed them and teach them and by the gods would he love them.

He gave a soft and hesitant laugh at Twig?s words and let out another deep breath. ?I?m just as excited to meet them? he whispered.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"

Twig I


06-18-2014, 10:20 PM

She felt completely safe with her husband, and she was willing to put her life in his paws. As she was doing on the island, she hadn't let the thoughts of bearing children with out a healer. Hopefully she could remember enough from Fern's birth to help.. but she knew she couldn't rely on that. She'd blocked as many memories from that day as she could, it had become almost a black hole now. She could be happy on the island, so she would keep shoving unpleasant responsible thoughts flee from her mind.
Alpine would excitedly respond to the children's movements, his features falling to her swollen belly. He would look up at her, the look in his eye dissipating any doubts she had. He was there, and everything would be okay while she was in his care. She knew it. Hearing his hearty laugh would bring a smile to her face as he whispered to her and the children within her. ?I?m just as excited to meet them?
She would nuzzle him, utter devotion and love in her lidded eyes. "I'm so happy to hear it." These children had a family to be welcomed into. These children had a hope, and her heart would ache for her lost child. She had failed Fern so deeply, she could only put her faith in Alpine. He would help her, these children would live.

I'll Dissolve When the Rain Pours In



06-19-2014, 02:59 PM

Alpine would curl his body about Twigs, feeling the warmth and heat and form of her. Could feel the tight swell of her belly that spoke of new life, and also the softness of her coat and the familiarity of her curves. They belonged together now, in every way a wolf could belong to another. He was her protector, guardian, companion, friend, husband, father of her children and her lover, he was everything she wanted and needed and would do all in his power to ensure that it was so.

He too worried about the lack of healers, but he would push that aside for another day, he would travel around in a day or so to see if he could find any who had even a rudimentary understanding of childbirth. But in the meantime he had attention only for her. so he would curl about her form, ensuring she was well feed and warm and swept up in his arms. He would rumble a soft sound of contentment through his throat as he drew her closer and whispered soft lullabies into her ear, as he sang her to sleep.

?I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry?

?And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide...?
