
It Doesn't Fall, It Crashes Around Me


05-11-2014, 10:30 PM
{{Ooc:: Will request Vi to come in later in the thread.}}

Lost. She had failed Seracia... Failed all the wolves that had been counting on her. Arian... Rohini... Those two names in particular struck at her heart. The dark woman, for the moment, was back in Seracia. Arian, faithful girl that she was, tended to her wounds after the fight. The wounds on her heart, however, were something that would not be so easy to tend to. Destruction felt broken. So very, very broken. Her role as Queen was never meant to be from the start... She was simply filling in for Loccian when she fell ill.

The pack fell apart... Loccian disappeared... And though she had tried to keep it together it just... It didn?t happen. Seracia... Was gone. Her home... All she knew... Everything was going wrong. Her spirit was left broken from the fight, far more broken than the wounds she bore on her body. It was hard to walk around... Her left leg plagued her with pain. The torn ligaments proved to make it difficult to get around. But it wasn?t the physical pain that hurt her...

It was how she let Seracia down. Since been brought back to Seracia lands it was the first time the woman had opened her single orb. How long had it been? A few hours? Days? She found herself laying in a den... Dragon?s scent was upon her coat. The woman would give a shudder, closing her eye again. Why... Why did it end this way? She felt more broken... More unsure than ever. What path did she need to be on now? Where did she go from here?

The woman could feel tears forming in her eye, despite it being closed. How could she face them...? But... It would need to be done. Her fate... She needed to decide. To remain here... Or to leave and not look back. Neither option, truly, seemed right. A soft sob would pass her lips, her head burying into her right leg.



05-12-2014, 12:37 AM

It hadn't been long since he had last Seen Destruction. The fawn like male found himself thinking about her on a constant basis. Though it seemed to be more along the lines of a daily basis. Aiden kept close to his heart the few precious moments he shared with the woman at the Orchard. And he recalled all that was said that day. It was today, however, that he would choose to make a final run to fetch some herbs that he would need over the winter before the season killed them off, and in the process hope that he would get to run into Destruction as well.

He would set about, crossing the lines he knew marked the territory, and begin his search. It wouldn't take more then a few moments of nosing around that his ears would catch the sound of something he'd not heard in a while...was someone crying? The male raised his head, honey eyes seeking out the source of the pain. Quietly, he moved through the undergrowth, intent on finding whoever it was. He was not prepared, however, for who he saw.

"Destruction?" He would find her there, several yards away with wounds seemingly fresh, tears streaming from her face and fresh pain of what only the heart could feel. Immediately he would rush to her side, heart clenching at the sight as he sought to comfort her broken soul. "Des! What happened to you? Please, don't cry...I'm here for you.." He nuzzled her face as gently as he could for fear of aggravating any injuries he could not see. His voice soft, concerned; eyes full of questions. He knew something bad must have happened, and he hoped that whatever it was, he could help mend and heal her.

"Talk here."



4 Years
05-12-2014, 05:01 PM

Arian nearly found herself in a trance while she starred at the water, she was supposed to be gathering moss and water to help Destruction if she needed them. For the most part she had tended to her wounds, and thank the heavens dragon had helped her in those moments. After she noticed that she had been day dreaming she shook her head, right now was not the time to think about losing the pack. Right now she needed to concentrate on making desctruction better. It wasn't just the physical pain she'd be dealing with it was the emotional. Arian had helped her before, but she wasn't sure if Destruction could bounce back from this unless she had more than just the healer being with her. Arian sighed, grumbling to herself some as she grabbed the small cluster of herbs she had from storage before. Heading back to the den.
When she arrived it seemed a man had intruded on her den, her fur bristled some in defense but when she heard him calling her name it made her feel a bit better. The yearling was acting as if she was a full adult now, she needed to act like an adult she was not the one in trouble now. Her body would come to a space next to the woman as she set down the herbs, crystal eyes looking to Aiden. "I've treated the most severe of her wounds, but it's best she doesn't move much for now." she had ligament damage. It would possibly result in a permanent limp at that too.
"My name's Arian....I haven't met you before but it seems that you know destruction." She made herself keep a fair distance from the man. Her tail flicked as she looked to the woman her eyes saddened slightly with the fact she was crying. Arian was half considering just snuggling up beside her, but she resisted for the sake of her wounds. "Destruction." she whispered slightly moving closer to the other side of her opposite of the one Aiden was on to lightly press her snout against her face.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


05-13-2014, 04:59 PM

The female would shift ever so slightly, lowered ears lifting a bit as she heard someone call her name. The voice, so familiar, would be something to bring Destruction out of her thoughts, lifting her head slightly. Aiden. Her body would quiver some, feeling guilty that the male had to see her like this at all. She looked absolutely terrible... Even if Arian had tended to the wounds. Her neck, the punctures at her throat, were what hurt the most. If that would hadn?t been treated by the young healer she would have, without a doubt, bleed out and died.

The gentle nuzzle, his words, they were slowly stirring at least a bit of the normal Destruction back into herself. She would lower her gaze all the same, a deep sigh leaving her lips. ?Seracia was challenged for... And I lost.? The dark female would lift her gaze to meet with amber ones. ?The pack was falling apart around me... Perhaps... Perhaps this is for the better...? She would say softly.

Destruction would lift her head a bit more as Arian arrived at the den, the young healer explaining what had happened. She would lower her head, heaving yet another sigh. She would feel Arian?s snout against her face, though she had been trying hard not to make eye contact with the yearling. The woman would shudder a bit, before the soft, broken words left her lips. ?I?m sorry, Arian... I?m so sorry...? Her ears were back to being lowered again, Tears were rolling down the right side of her face, clouding her vision. She felt horrid... What would become of the pack now?
