
Marked By Destiny


05-08-2014, 06:56 PM
Was she feeling better yet? Of course Ritsuka was thinking about Gossamir. Ever since she got sick at the hunt Ritsuka had been stealing quick visits by her den to visit her, to check if she was okay. Most of the time he didn?t linger, though he?d bring her things to eat every so often. Though Ritsuka didn?t say it allowed he hated the thought of the fae being ill... To know she was hurting in some way. Blizzard?s words would echo in the back of his mind.

Okay, so maybe he did care for Gossamir more than he would admit to anyone else. She was a fae with spunk and fire, despite her small size, and the brute liked that about her, honestly. Gossamir wasn?t a fae who would simply hide if there was danger... No... She would face it readily. She was one who could stand on her own and not completely rely on others, as faes that he had met before tended to do.

Ritsuka was actually near one of the dens he had seen Gossamir use, and so the male decided to drop by and check on her. Emerald orbs would shine just a bit as he neared the entrance, calling softly in case the fae was asleep inside. ?Gossy-- Uh... Gossamir??




05-10-2014, 02:03 PM

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

Gossamir had been in her den ill with the stomach bug and it only increased her sour mood. She'd missed the hunt AND the training session. It just wasn't fair. Thankfully Ritsuka and Qanik were around to help take care of her and she deeply appreciated it. She'd been so used to being on her own that she'd forgotten what it was like to have someone look out for you and tend to you when you were down.

Thankfully she was better but she hadn't quite had the motivation to get out of the den. What was she feeling? shame perhaps? Tortuga was finally growing and where had she been? In her den. Leaving only to puke. She was sure the other members thought she was useless now.

Ears flicked forward at the sound of approaching paws then she heard the voice of Ritsuka. A grin split her maw and she got to her feet and crawled out stretching once she was outside. Maaannn she was stiff. Shaking out her coat she moved to bump her left shoulder against his right in a playful greeing. "Hey 'Suka! How's it going? Don't worry I don't think I'm contagious any more but man what rotten luck! Can't believe I missed both the hunt and the spars."

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night


05-13-2014, 05:39 PM

The brute would chuckle as she came up beside him, bumping his shoulder with her own. ?It?s going alright. Been a bit dull without you around.? The male was glad she was feeling better, his tail lightly wagging behind him. He hated seeing anyone he cared for sick. ?I wouldn?t worry about it too much. There are definitely going to be others... And as for the spars you still owe me a spar at some point I believe.? He would give a good natured wink. It was lucky she hadn?t been on his left side, considering that ear had some damage to the hearing.

?If you?re up for it maybe we could do some patrolling around together for a bit. Some company never hurts after all.? His words remained light, his eyes shining. He was truly glad to see Gossamir up and about, even if it was just out of her den. The tan brute would give her a gentle nudge, chuckling softly. ?Then, when you?re really feeling better, we can have a go at a spar. Sound good??




05-14-2014, 07:49 PM
ooc: b/c of my impending abscence maybe we out to skip the spar for now xD

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

"Well, I am the life of the party." She chuckled and grinned at him, taking in his emerald eyes and his playful nature. Life really would be a drag without him. She did care for Roman and Qanik and she was sure she'd get used to the other members of Tortuga as well but it was always Ritsuka that had been the most fun. They'd have to go coyote wrangling again sometime. He mentioned the spar and she laughed lightly. "Oh yea? I forgot about that. It's a date! Not sure I'm well enough just yet though." She sighed. Over all she felt pretty good but there was still an odd weakness in her, like dehydration.

"So how have things been Ritsuka? Is the pack getting on well?"

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night


05-15-2014, 09:26 AM
Ooc:: Okies.

Ritsuka would give a soft chuckle as Gossamir spoke. It was kinda true -- the small fae tended to liven things up a bit. He honestly missed being able to hang out with her so easily, and honestly he looked forward to being able to do it again. The other members of Tortuga were nice, but of them all he supposed he was closest to Gossamir, followed by Qanik. They were the two he had spent the most time with... A sort of kinship developing the day that they all joined the pack together. He supposed he felt a bit more attached to Gossamir too because she was around his own age.

He would give a gentle bump with his own shoulder as she spoke, eyes shining happily. ?I?m going to hold you to it, Goss--amir.? He would trip up again, almost calling her ?Gossy? once more. He wasn?t too sure how the fae would feel about it, and cleared his throat, trying to play it off if that had been the reason for his little stutter over her name. He would frown a bit as she asked how things were going in the pack.

?For the most part things have been going well. I?ve scented a couple new scents around... Seems were expanding. We had a decent turnout for the spars, six of us... Although...? He would give a soft sigh. ?Something is up with Misha... I can?t figure it out. I found her passed out near the ocean... She didn?t even fully register she had been unconscious... And can?t seem to remember Dayton either.? There was a troubled look on his face. ?I don?t like it one bit... Something happened to her and it ticks me off not knowing what it is.?



05-24-2014, 01:48 PM

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

ooc: sorry my replies are so sparse >< we can still spar if you don't mind no defaults?

He gently nudged her and she laughed lightly as she stretched her limbs and took to pacing lightly, almost in a prance as she tried to work out the kinks from being confined in her den for so long. Maybe a spar would do her good. She caught his stumble in her name. "It's alright, you can call me Gossy if I can call you Suka!"

She listened and nodded, tail wagging at the confirmation that Tortuga was expanding and thriving. Finally! Though her movement slowed at the mention of Misha. "That is concerning? though she didn't seem all that right in the head to begin with. I could try talking to her but I don't know?." Misha didn't seem to be the type of personality Gossamir normally got along with and she felt a sting of pity for Dayton. He seemed so nice.

Gossamir moved to stand in front of Ritsuka, facing him. "You know? I could go for that spar if you're still interested. I need to get loosened up. So stiff being curled up in my den."

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night


06-01-2014, 08:23 AM
Ritsuka would breathe out in relief, a wide grin spreading on his maw as she said that it was alright if he gave her the nickname Gossy, as long as she could call him Suka in return. ?It?s a deal.? His tail wagged a bit more, happiness shining in his green eyes. Seeing her out and moving around so much was definitely good. She seemed happy too about the news of Tortuga, at least until it got to the mention of Misha. It was indeed concerning, thinking about the other fae. What was going on with her. He would let out a soft sigh.

?I don?t either... Things definitely seem quite odd... I think that it should be brought up to Roman, truthfully... Maybe she?ll have a better idea of what to do.? She didn?t seem too bad but... Something definitely wasn?t right. He wondered how Dayton managed to fall in love with her honestly. She didn?t seem that bad but... Ritsuka didn?t think she was the kind of femme he would ever be interested in. Well, that and a certain other femme had already caught his eye.

Ritsuka would give a soft chuckle as Gossamir came to stand in front of him, eyes shining mischievously as he looked upon her. ?Oh? Well if you feel you want to right now, I?m game.? He would flash a smile. ?Though maybe a short run first might help first. You want to make sure you?re ready. I?m not going to go all easy on you.? His words were light and teasing, though he was ready to go if she was.
