
like father like son


04-30-2013, 02:49 PM

He had a mission. His goal was outlandish, but he had to try his hardest - he'd promised he would. He'd never seen Gideon act so erratic in his life, but then again.. he hadn't exactly spent much quality time with his 'uncle' - or anyone else (save for Kamala). The new land was growing on him, already he'd found many places he would use as resting areas. But Maverick had no time for resting. Every day the clock ticked endlessly until one day it would stop altogether. That day would be his wedding day, his wedding to Chrysanthe - the woman Gideon wanted above all others. If he got her, he would leave Kamala and Epiphron alone. If he got her, Maverick's life would not get any worse, and might possibly get better. A sigh slipped from his lips before he ceremoniously tossed his crown upward and let out a strong - almost demanding - call for his father fill the air. He had no clue where the King might be, but wherever he was, he would have to heed his son's call. It wasn't often the Prince demanded an audience with his father - but there was a first time for everything. The boy paced back and forth on lanky stilts, finding his pace to be erratic and staggered. He was nervous - of what his father would say - and of the outcome of this event. As he paced he would pivot every so often, preparing himself for the King's arrival - and feeling every bit like the child he was trying not to be.



04-30-2013, 02:55 PM

He'd been worried about changing locations, but it seemed everyone was settling in rather nicely. Many had taken the barn as a residence, and he'd since named it the communal den site. The machinery shed had been the haunt of a few others, though Gerhardt often used the lean to in the south as his afternoon resting place. The buildings were a nice change from dug out dens, and certainly offered a bit more warmth and protection than even a den could give. He missed the salty smell of the air near the delta, but if he stood in the right place, at the right time of day, he could faintly catch a whiff of it. Still, as much as he missed the old land, he was growing fond of this one and it's unusual features. The call of his son rang out loud and clear, so clear - in fact - that the King swore the boy could not be more than a few hundred yards away. It wasn't like Maverick to carry such demanding notes in his vocals, and so the King knew it must be urgent. Pivoting at once, the monarch would carry himself with haste to his son's location, finding the boy to be pacing restlessly. "What ails you, Maverick?" He had a feeling it had to do with the upcoming wedding, but with Maverick's flighty nature as of late, the King could not be sure that was the case. In an effort to quell the heir's nerves, Gerhardt settled his haunches to the earth, curling his tail around his hips and offering a gentle smile all the while.



04-30-2013, 03:04 PM

Pacing did little to sate his nerves, but it at least kept him moving. Maverick was a bit of a fidgety fellow - as much as he hated to admit it - and the movement comforted him in a way that he could not explain. A sigh would slip from his lips. What was taking so long? He knew in his mind that he had not been waiting more than a few moments, but it seemed like hours with such a weight resting on his shoulders. Tail flickered behind him as his father's scent drifted in his direction. The King was coming. Nervously the boy tried to settle himself, but his bodice would not allow for it to happen. So he continued his pacing until Gerhardt came into view, when he finally found the will to freeze himself altogether. 'What ails you, Maverick?' If only the boy had the time to explain it all. "The wedding, Father." He paused, gulping down his lunch that threatened to evacuate his gut. "I do not wish to marry Chrysanthe. I can't marry someone I don't love, and my heart belongs to another." Voice was firm. The boy had made up his mind. Still, he knew in the end he would bow to Gerhardt's wishes. He had to. He widened his stance, firmly placing his paws on the earth, and raising his head to a level he had not dared let it rise to before. Defiance was not natural for the lad - at least not against his very father - but it was necessary.



04-30-2013, 03:11 PM

Sitting there, watching his son pace nervously after calling for him so firmly left the King confused and rather perplexed. If this had to do with the wedding, why had Maverick not spoken up sooner? Of course, it would not have done much good. Gerhardt could not call off the betrothal, and wouldn't think of such a thing. As much as he loved his son, he knew that Maverick could do this, and he would do this. Seracia depended upon it. Maverick would speak three words. So it was the wedding that plagued his mind. Gerhardt had suspected as much. The King parted his jaws to speak - warning his son that there was no use in arguing or complaining - but he silenced in response to the boy's tone. The least he could do was hear the Prince out. So, he loved someone else. Probably that girl he'd been rumored to be running around with. Gerhardt snorted and furrowed his brow. "You can, and you will marry her. It's a good match, Maverick. She has experience holding high ranks, and is prepared to marry you in a season. I know you think you love whoever it is you are crushing on, but it's just that Maverick. It's a crush." The boy had to be let down, but in such a way that his spirit would not be totally crushed. Gerhardt did not want another son resenting him. A sigh slipped from his lips. He knew this would not be the end of their discussion, as he was certain his stubborn son would have more ammunition to throw at him. At least they could get it all out in the open and past them.



04-30-2013, 03:20 PM

He knew his father would not give up easily - and probably not at all - but he had to try. Maverick needed to be sure that Gideon got what he wanted, so that in time, Maverick might be able to claim his own prize. If Chrysanthe was given to Gideon, he in turn could ask for Epiphron for the betrothal. It would only be natural for her to be the next choice, since she had been appointed Alpha female. It was obvious of the favor she held in her brother's eyes. But he would have to get past Gerhardt for any of that to even have a hope of happening - and he wasn't sure he could do that much. His father would respond, assuring the boy that he would marry Chrysanthe, and how good of a match she would be for him. Maverick snorted. She was a wonderful wolf - and he considered her a new friend - but she was just that, a friend. Another snort slipped his nostrils as his father disregarded his feelings and called them a crush. "I know what love is." He would retort with a growl in his notes. "Gideon wants Chrysanthe, and I don't. He means to make her his wife, and he can't do that if she's mine. Let him have her father, let them be together. Can't you ask for the girl my heart longs for instead?" He knew what the answer would be, knew it in his gut. He turned his lime eyes upon the King, intent upon staring him down - if he could manage to stare for that long. He wouldn't yet say Epiphron's name, out of fear of retribution. He would only give her name if Gerhardt obliged him, and there was little chance of that.



04-30-2013, 03:27 PM

The boy's tenacity was amusing, and encouraging. A King needed passion, needed drive, but he needed it in the right places. Maverick was still young, and had a lot to learn. Gerhardt was confident he could mold the boy into the proper King one day - he only hoped he would have the time. The Prince seemed distraught by the words Gerhardt had spoken, but the King could have expected that. He knew he was letting his son down in a way, but it was for the greater good. Maverick could rise to this occasion - he had always done so in the past. Gerhardt had confidence in the boy, even if the boy did not. Gerhardt sensed him growing more frustrated, and heard it in his words. "You don't know what love is, don't pretend to. And even if you did, it doesn't matter. What's done is done." So, his brother wanted Chrysanthe. Gerhardt should have seen that coming, the Duke had mentioned it to him at some point along the line. "Gideon will have to settle for your sister, or another girl if he can't stick to one. Chrysanthe will your wife, end of discussion." The King did not want either of them saying something they'd regret, and so before the Prince could respond, he stood to his paws and pivoted away. "I know you'll do the right thing, son." With that, the King was gone.

Exit Gerhardt.
