
Look what the cat dragged in



11 Years
Athena I
05-15-2014, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 05:07 PM by Alena.)

Everything felt right. Ever since she had returned and finally come to terms with how she was feeling, it was like she had been taken back four years ago, back when this sensation was still fresh and new and exciting. Her violet gaze looked out over the cliff with a ever present confident smirk on her muzzle. Her shoulders held no tension and she refused to give a single care about anything. She settled down on her haunches, her tongue swiping over her muzzle as she licked away the last of the blood that stained her muzzle from her last meal.

A scent drifted to her nose, a scent that was burned into her memory. No span of time would ever erase that scent from her memory. Her ear twitched, but she made no other move to look for him or acknowledge that she knew he was there. She felt a strange mix of emotions as the brute that had knocked her up well over a year and a half ago now came to her mind. Finally Alena would sigh, calling out, "Bane, I know you're there. Come out, come out, wherever you are!" A giggle bubbled up in her throat and she would rise to her paws once again, turning around as her gleaming violet gaze searched him out.




11 Years
05-16-2014, 06:14 PM
It was a strange almost forgotten scent that held Bane's attention for the last hour. The personal musk of a she-wolf being breathed in mixed with the salty waters. Alena. The odor had been prominent for a long time in his life, during their meeting at the hotsprings and the month or so when he cared for her and their bastard children. He was then exiled for taking one of their pups, Nako, and one other time after that. Down by the river den where she had given birth, only this time it was because of a stray whiff of one another that they met up again.

The way her call was addressed to him worried the pale wolf. Perhaps she wanted to be within Ebony and needed somebody to vouch for her that she wasn't just some random rogue? Tahlia wouldn't like that. Non the least his mate wouldn't like that at all. But he had been called by somebody from his past, and he was obligated to at least have his ears open to whatever words she had to say. The trek to the cliffs was easy, and finding Alena's bone colored pelt even easier. Bane would stop just past the edges of the trees and eye Alena with a degree of caution. "Yes my once mate?" The elder should've told somebody where he was going, but it had happened too quick and a part of him wanted to see how she was doing.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



11 Years
Athena I
05-16-2014, 10:00 PM

The gray elder would finally show himself and her violet gaze would fixate on him, a smirk crossing her muzzle. He seemed nervous and stood off from her, maybe for good reason. He would address her and she would bark out a harsh laugh. "Once mate? Is that what I am now? I hate to break it to you, Bane, but one fling does not a 'mate' make." She stalked forward, adding, "I also don't think anyone would steal children from anyone they considered a mate."

She stopped maybe two feet in front of him before sinking down onto her haunches, her tail curling neatly over her forepaws in her signature style. Her eyes danced over him with a chuckle. Age hasn't been kind to you, has it? Such a shame. Tell me, how's the mate? Oh and your little pups, they're what... a year old? Almost a year? How precious." She scoffed, her gaze dancing with amusement. Her tone was taunting, her mind silently wondering how he had even managed to live this long. She was honestly surprised he hadn't made enemies with the wrong wolf and gotten himself killed by now. He'd already lost an eye, what more would his life be?




11 Years
05-19-2014, 05:57 PM
Alena gave a laugh at his words and the elder wolf's ears pinned back in a hurt manner as she strode forward to sit right in front of him. Bane wanted to back up, but he felt his tail touch the edge of the thickly spaced mountain pines, trapped in a minor sense of the word. "I won't explain what background I came from that would take to long, but I will say that once mated, always mind how your partner is doing in life, because you know now fully know them. Even if I was an impulsive idiot to take what was half mine in the way I did, I want you to know that I was desperate for young I could raise after losing what I lost."

Bane lay down in front of the she-wolf as she let out a laugh and ribbed him about his age and family. His remaining eye would narrow at her comments and a growl had to be suppressed. The bridge may be burned quite a bit between these two wolves but he wasn't about to let their meeting dissolve into a fight. A irritated huff left him as he kneaded the ground between his toes, thinking what about how much he should tell her. "We had two more before we came here, so the six of use are doing fine." Bane raised his head and titled his neck to easily eye the she-wolf in front of him. "What happened to you Alena? You look like you've been tossed about a good bit." Scarred didn't quite cover it. Something happened too her, perhaps during the earthquake or the hurricane.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



11 Years
Athena I
05-19-2014, 06:22 PM

He'd tell her a bit about how his little family life had been going, informing her that they had two more pups added to their flock. Well, quite an accomplishment at his age, she thought. She loved watching him squirm and knowing that the sheer irritation etched on his features was her doing. She could really care less about his little speech about what being a mate meant to him. In fact, he thought nothing of it and didn't even bother to comment.

When Bane asked what had happened to her, Alena smirked and launched into what was sure to be a lengthy explanation. Each scar had a different story after all. "Well, you should remember to large scar on my shoulder, the one I got from that bitch that challenged me for my pack? The one that started bleeding again when I tried to chase after you when you took Nako? Oh and then there's these on my face. Got those in a challenge for a higher rank in the pack I joined not long after that. This one on my foreleg... well, that's one of the largest from the night a few months ago when a group of wolves came to capture me. Apparently they were still a little pissed off from when I killed some of their family members back in the day. Go figure, eh? They didn't seem to understand that I was just a hired hand, I had nothing against their family members besides the fact that they were all rapists and murders themselves. Those bastards held me captive, abused me, used me, everything you can immagine. It'd be far too simple to kill me, you see. They wanted me to suffer. Well, all that earned them was me killing each and every one of them one night when one of the two wolves guarding my den dozed off." She chuckled, her gaze glinting dangerously. "So, yes, I guess you could say I've been 'tossed about' a good bit."




11 Years
05-20-2014, 09:01 AM
His head would tilt at her smirk, nodding slowly about the scar on her shoulder and the circumstances behind gaining it. A wince of his left eye socket reminded him of how he acquired his eldest son and the punishment after his banishment. The scars on her muzzle was addressed and Bane nodded again, thinking of his own across his right eye. Then she mentioned wolves from another job that had come and taken her. Taken her body, her flesh. For both pleasure and to cause anguish as they made her pay for what she did to them in the past. Bane couldn't imagine what it was like to be raped and maybe the torture that came with it for the months since he'd last seen her.

But she made it back after painting her pelt with their blood and escaping their abuse. On a minor level Bane was still glad she was alive after all that despite the bad blood between them. The Alena he knew didn't deserve any of that.?"I... guess you have. I'm sorry." Bane stood and shook his pelt, muzzle reaching over and, though not quite touching Alena, warily sniffed her cheeks to reacquire her scent. "Bet the time we had together at the springs seemed sweet and tender compared to what you were put through right? Being pinned and pounded, I can't imagine. Though torture I can, because I have." Bane mumbled with a scowl. "What is it you called me here for?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



11 Years
Athena I
05-22-2014, 11:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 11:33 AM by Alena.)

Alena didn't move as Bane leaned in closer, his muzzle all but touching her cheek. At his words her eyes would narrow and a snarl would threaten to touch her muzzle. Suddenly his mere presence seemed irritating. No, infuriating. She moved suddenly, turning and lowering her head in one quick motion to latch her jaws onto his throat, not tight enough that she would break the skin but perhaps tight enough to impede his breathing a bit. In the same motion she pushed to knock him over onto his back, pressing her forepaw into his chest once she had. Releasing his throat, she stared down at him, her nose nearly touching his. As she stood over him a twisted grin spread across her muzzle and she chuckled, her Violet gaze holding all of her dangerous thoughts.

"You're right, you can't imagine, and don't you dare say you understand the torture. Though, I could make you understand." She lightly brushed her muzzle against his down to his throat, adding, "Skin is so delicate. Even with fur to protect us, it really just takes one little bite to tear it apart." She snapped her jaws together just above his throat, her teeth catching a few strands of fur there. She giggled madly as she brought her gaze back up to meet his. "I had no real reason for calling you. In fact, if I hadn't noticed your scent I would have probably gone on my way and we never would have had this little meeting. But, unfortunately for you I am quite observant."

She leaned in, her muzzle brushing his cheek and her teeth ever so lightly grazing the skin there. Her paw that was still pressing down on his chest flexed, her claws pressing into his skin. "I could kill you, you know," she whispered by his ear. "I'd make it quick. One bite to your throat, rip out your wind pipe, you'd be gone in moments." Alena would nip lightly at his ear before finally stepping back, releasing him and taking a step or two back before she spoke once again, her violet gaze glaring. Remember that as you go back to your family, go back to your life. Now scurry along and go back to Talla or whatever her name is and stay the hell away from me before I change my mind." With that Alena would turn and stalk off into the forest with a flick of her tail, turning her back on Bane hopefully once and for all.




11 Years
05-28-2014, 08:13 PM
The elder noted her snarl, having expected it. Alena's charge wasn't, her muzzle reaching under and firmly grabbed his neck. The wind was knocked out of him as she put him onto his back and her fangs tightly around his neck, the elders forelegs pressing against her chest to try and get out from under her. Her own paw found his chest however and she firmly pressed down on his sternum. The way she sneered at him, the maliciousness in her amethyst eyes made him cease a snap aimed across her nose. Alena mentioned how he couldn't imagine the torture she went through, and yet Bane could. The minor things before the eruption, and the weeks after trying to eat through a muzzle.

Bane gave a shiver at the feeling of her fangs grazing along through the fur on his throat. They way she brought her fangs together and how close she had touched him made the wolf flinch. The pinned male shifted a hind paw along the inside of her hind leg, getting ready to kick off. At her laugh he paused, uncertainty going through his mind at the fact she had smelled him. Alena would definitely smell the pack scent on him, and his safety, or a packed revenge should she kill him was assured. And so he relaxed, even as the white she-wolf nosed her muzzle along his cheek and sent her fangs along his skin, Bane didn't resist. He felt the claws dig into his chest and heard the death threat, registering that his once-mate had nipped the ear she'd been whispering into.

She released him. As he knew she would. Even if it was sudden the she was leaving, Bane was a bit saddened. Sure a part of him was irked that she had assaulted him and told him to live happily ever after. But he had wanted to hear more despite what she told him already. He felt sorry for her. And as the elder watched her white pelted figure disappear into the bushes the opportunity to ask that she join Ebony was lost. Bane shook himself off and stared at the place she had vanished. A thankful aroo was given with a toss of his head as he headed back to his pack, and wished Alena luck.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•