
Let Us Do As We Once Did



7 Years
05-13-2014, 05:15 PM

He had met two others from Valhalla since coming to live on the outskirts of their lands. The ravine was where he found himself today... A little bit farther away from Valhallan lands but still relatively close. He would pad along, tail raised some and ears perked forward. He had asked Odette if she would maybe meet with him here today, so that the two siblings could catch up a bit more. He was endlessly happy that they were all together again... And that they could see each other now practicality whenever they wanted.

He would come to a stop finally, scenting the wind. Maybe Odette hadn?t left Valhalla yet... Or she was still on her way. The black and white brute would settle down, head tilting back as he let out a soft call into the air for his sister. Then Gala would settle down, relaxing as the cool winds brushed over his coat. Winter was just around the corner... And soon snow would be falling.



10 Years
05-16-2014, 02:33 AM

Odette Adravendi

Odette had been keeping to herself the past couple of weeks. Something had come over her, making her social self less open to the rest of Valhalla. She had remained close to Chrysanthe, spending time with her when training was not a priority. Their mother-daughter bond had grown within that short amount of time and Odette was pleased with how it turned out. She was becoming more thankful of her place within Valhalla, and in that short span of seclusion, she realized that her desire to make a difference in the world would continue to be fed if she remained.
With so many thoughts in mind of how to make herself better, she walked past the pack borders and out into the neighboring lands. Paws that had become so used to rough ground and different levels of earth carried her with her mind continuously clicking and shifting gears. As those thoughts were pushed back and forth inside her brain, a howl so familiar hit her ears and broke through the conga line of mental pictures. She was brought back to earth and the scent of her brother smacked her on the nose. A wide grin crossed her features and she immediately began to run in his direction.
When Galahad came into view, her heart hammered in its chest. She had been to see him the first time he and Oracle had arrived to the outskirts of Valhalla, but it had been two weeks ago. Their reunion was way overdue and with the prospect of a happy conversation between the two, Odette was excited. Tail wagged behind her as she raced towards him, closing the distance rather quickly. Her nose met his cheek and she happily whimpered to see her littermate. Sharp barks escaped her tan lips as she pulled back to meet his green eyes. "Morning, Gala!" she greeted with enthusiasm. Red and blue eyes twinkled as she immediately saw Ocena in front of her. "How have you been? I was wondering how you and Oracle settled into the new land."

I speak


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7 Years
05-19-2014, 04:56 PM

Galahad would look up as he heard the sounds of pawstseps... Though at a run. A wide smile would spread across his maw when he saw exactly who that someone was, however. Odette. He hadn?t seen her in a couple weeks... But he gave credit to that to the fact that she was part of a pack and had her own duties to attend to. On the otherhand he was often wandering, coming to this place. It would probably be better suited for a den for Oracle and himself, and if they made their way up the ravine there would certainly be animals that they could hunt. It seemed like an ideal place... For loners anyway. It was still fairly close to Valhllan lands as well, so they wouldn?t be too much farther from their sister.

She would close the distance easily, coming to his side and nosing his cheek. Galahad would let out a happy laugh, green eyes meeting her own bi-colored gaze of red and blue. ?Good morning to you as well, Ode.? His own tail started to wag, excited that she had found time away from the lands to come visit. Oracle wasn?t here... But Gala felt the need to be a little selfish and keep Odette to himself right now. They hadn?t spent enough time bonding as pups... And now they seriously needed to make up for lost time.

?I?ve been well. Thinking we might come a bit closer to the ravine. There?s a cave close to where we are staying but it looks as if this place might be just as good.? His words were thoughtful as he spoke. ?How are things going in Valhalla? Are you all pretty busy?? He wasn?t sure what pack life was like but... he figured it would have to be. Many mouths to feed... Territories to patrol... Needing to keep their skills sharp. There were many things indeed that they needed to do, and that was just from outside speculation. Even more could go on without a pack... The only way he would ever know was if he eventually became a member of the pack himself when numbers dwindled down.



10 Years
05-23-2014, 10:55 PM

Odette couldn't help but let her excitement sweep across where they stood. She enjoyed seeing her brother and sister, but since Oracle was missing, she figured that the yearling was busy. So, she took the time she had with Gala as the day slowly started to move on. Gala spoke of them having a tough decision of moving to a new place and she gave an understanding nod. "It is difficult to find new places sometimes. When you find the perfect place, you will know it. I don't blame you for experimenting until then." Odette would support her siblings, no matter what.
The Ocena replica then asked of her own agenda. Silently, Odette thought about it and didn't answer until her haunches met the cold ground. "Busy is not the word for it. There is so much to do and I have so much on my plate. I am training to be a Gamma -- which is a warrior -- and most of my sessions have been with Chrysanthe, my adopted mother." Her lips moved into a smile as she thought about the russet-faced woman. "She is a legend herself, so having her as my mentor means a lot." A light sigh escaped her lips as she continued. "Everyone is getting ready for winter and there have been herb hunts to ensure plenty of plants if they are needed." The small smile lingered. "Between having practice spars with other members, helping our Healers with the herbs, and spending time with Mother, I don't know how I am keeping up." She gave a light shrug and her tail wrapped itself around her hips. "Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up?"



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7 Years
06-01-2014, 08:16 AM

Galahad would give a little nod as Odette spoke, eyes shining bright. ?True enough. Though the closer we are to Valhalla the better in my opinion.? He would give a soft sigh, ears going back as he looked past Odette, back the way he himself had come. ?I?m a bit worried... I haven?t seen Oracle for a little while... I just hope that she is alright...? The two toned brute knew Oracle was strong, that all of them were strong, as they should be, being who they were. But still... he worried for her. Especially after she had almost been kidnapped.

Odette had been doing a lot as well it seemed. Pack life was constant, working hard to do things he supposed. She was training to be a warrior as well... Training with the fae she saw as her adoptive mother. Plus helping healers gathering herbs, and interacting with others... Likely hunts and other bits of training as well... It was no wonder she hadn?t come to see them for quite a bit of time. Gala would give a nod, green eyes shining some. ?It is understandable... Seems you have a lot on your plate indeed.?

He would take a moment to sit as well, looking to the ground for a moment as she asked a question of her own. ?I?ve thought about it... But... I?ve been unable to come to a decision yet.? He would lift his gaze, looking to her now. ?Through trial and error, working with Oracle, I?ve taught myself how to hunt... Even larger game. I helped Emery with it too when we were all still living back at The Snowfalls. His family fell apart too, not sure if you remember them or not... His siblings pretty much all disappeared... And in the end it was just him, Mercianne, and Knight.? He would frown deeper.

?I don?t really have any skills... I tried a spar once in the battlefield but... It didn?t go so well.. And without a mentor to teach me things properly, I don?t know if I?ll ever really be able to do anything other than hunting, and maybe some sloppy fighting.? It was a confession that he hadn?t yet spoken to anyone, though he admitted it to Odette more easily than he would have thought he?d be able to. The brute gave a small shrug. ?But... I?m going to try and work on what I can... Mentor or not I can still figure out some things.?

"Speech" Think



10 Years
06-05-2014, 07:06 PM

Odette Adravendi

Galahad spoke of his worries for their sister and Odette gave a gentle nod. "I don't know what to tell you about her absence, Gala. I haven't seen her hanging around the borders, nor has she made an attempt to come see me. I wish there was something positive I could say, but all I can say is I hope that she is all right." She gently sighed and shook her head directly after. "Restlessness seems to run in our family. Maybe she is just exploring and is perfectly safe."
Her brother then spoke of not being sure about what he wanted to become yet. She gave him a soft smile and spoke again. "Gala, it's okay if you don't know what your road of destiny is right now. You have a lifetime of many days, weeks, and seasons to figure out where you fit in. My destiny was chosen for me before I realized what it was, but it is different for each wolf. Don't rush it, and your path will be revealed in time. Until then, do the best you can in each area, just to test the waters. You never know when those moments will come in handy."
Odette cocked her head to the side, thinking of mentors that would be good enough for her brother. "For hunting, I would recommend Ashtoreth. She is currently taking care of her new babies, but she is excellent at catching large game. For fighting, I would recommend Sephiroth. He is our large Beta that enjoys teaching the art and a great opponent. Healing, I automatically choose Friction or Imena. Both are wonderful at teaching for herbs and if you join Valhalla and want them, they will be great teachers." Her tail swayed beside her and a cool winter breeze hit the two of them. "Valhalla really is a great place to call home."

I speak


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7 Years
06-10-2014, 04:52 PM

Galahad would give a small nod as Ode spoke. So Oracle hadn?t been near the borders, or attempting to see their other sibling. What had become of her then? Odette was hoping that she was safe though, and stated that restlessness seemed to run in the family. The male honestly hoped that this was the only case, and that she would be back soon, safe and sound. He would give a soft sigh, focusing on his sister again.

A lifetime to figure out what his destiny was... And it was something different for each wolf. He didn?t want to rush it, but at the same time he hated not knowing where he belonged, the path that he needed to travel in. He just had to keep trying his best in each of the other areas, become more rounded he supposed. He would lift his ears as Odette mentioned mentors he could ask in Valhalla for each skill.

Ashtoreth. Sephiroth. Friction or Imena. Different wolves for different skills. He honestly wanted to join Valhalla, though he felt a bit uncertain. ?Do you think there is enough room at the moment for me to request to join? And Oracle too if she comes back?? Living close was one thing, though he wondered how it would be for them to try and get mentoring help if he didn?t live within the borders. Plus it never hurt to know how Valhalla?s numbers were fairing.