
I'll dissolve when the rain pours in

Twig I


05-18-2014, 04:33 PM


Her body would betray her. She had thought, and was almost sure that she would not come into season that year. With her previous pregnancy and her poor health that had taken over when she had spent the rest of Themisto's days in his presence. However she had been sorely wrong, it would come and with a vengeance. Her emotions already so raw she would be thrown further into chaos. She would feel herself craving the touch of a man, but at the same time flashbacks of Gorgos and his ferocious attacks would haunt her. ?So unstable would she find herself that nothing would make sense.
So her paws would carry her away. Away from Valhalla and all of her miserable memories. She would run from Gorgos' trial and awful death, she would run from Themisto's slow painful loss of life, as well as the sudden ripping loss of Fern's death. She would run from the gripping heat that took her during the winter's cold chill. She wanted to run from the gripping sorrow that wanted to drown her. So she would run, she wouldn't think about anything but her paws and outrunning the terrible pain.
She would lose her footing miles from Valhallan territory, the sand would take her and spill her out upon the ground. A feeling of utter and complete defeat would overtake her as she sputtered and coughed, gasping to catch her breath. She would lay there, not knowing anything and wanting to feel nothing.?



05-18-2014, 04:53 PM

Change had been wrought to this pale boy, with his demeanour so much softer then the bright light it had been before. He was more confused then he had ever been, and his heart ached for what he had left behind. He knew his actions rash, but he hadn't known what else to do and before he knew it so much time had passed. He was almost astounded by its quick passings, it had seemed almost endless in Valhalla beside the girl he had come to love. Out here each passing moment reminded him of what he lost and each day felt so long and curled its weight upon him. After so much time had passed, surely she had forgotten him by now, lost herself in Themesto. He imagined the two might be married by now, he could imagine Erani making the ceremony and he seethed a little inside, but this hatred was tiny compared to his self-hate and his pinning.

It would be met with utter surprise, and an instant disbelief that his senses where betraying him, when the scent of her touched him. He had somehow warped it in his memory, for the real thing was far sweater then what he remembered and his eyes would close as he swayed and took in this scent. No, this was definitely different to memory, more sweet and inviting and he felt himself wanting her in more ways then one. He would tremble with desire, the disbelief still prominent but unable to help himself he would move forward. He would find her sprawled against the ground and still he could not believe. The boy would move forward, would approach her side and gently lift a paw to touch, a need to see if this was reality or dream consumed him. He took in a deep, deep breath of her but this it turned out was a wretched mistake. The scent of her consumed him and his breath became quick beneath his chest. ?Tw...twig?? he whispered to her, needing her to say something, needing anything to distract him from the intoxication of her scent and form. Why was he feeling this way, had the distance and time melded him into a monster? He had never looked at her with such desire before, always it had been with love and softness, a need to protect. Not this.. this animalistic desire and need for her. He shuddered softly, partly from disgust and partly from the pleasure of her scent.


Twig I


05-18-2014, 05:10 PM

Her hormones would run ravage within her as an ugly desire would race through her blood. She didn't want this, she didn't want to face the terrible temptations her heat brought with it. She didn't want to be touched ever again. But then he arrived. The gentlest touch of his law would alert her. Not his scent and not the sound of his approach. Her senses were clouded, but she would hear his uncertain words. Where had he been the last month? While she was seeing to Themisto she had lost tabs on him and his presence. Slowly her features would swivel to take him in, her reddened violet gaze finding his appearance. She felt a hope inside of her heart, and a happiness she hadn't felt since learning of Themisto's sickness. Her skin would burn where his paw made contact with her, the curse of her season. Her dry throat would not find her voice, but a helpless whine would emit instead.
His face was so sweet, she would never have imagine how good his appearance would be to her. She didn't know how she had lived with out him all those weeks. She would come to know her much she absolutely needed him. A desire too had taken its grip upon her, and with her ever fuzzy emotions she could hardly tell between her real feelings and the absolute need her body had for a male. She could hardly move, with having run as hard as she could for so long, but she would make an attempt to nuzzle him, wanting him to know how much she'd missed him. Her eyes would plead for his contact as she struggled on the sand before him.?




05-18-2014, 05:24 PM
[Image: kPxY7Jv.png]

Quote:With his touch she would turn to him and he would get the first glance of her violet eyes in what could easily have been a month. He trembled again beneath the burning of that gaze upon him, and cursed himself for his weak will. His eyes upon her should be filled with friendship and kindness, not steaming in coils of lust as his eyes locked upon her orbs. He hoped that taking his eyes from her body would help him, but the smothering fire in her own gaze consumed him. This was utterly hopeless, and far from what he had imagined any runiun to reflect.

A soft wine would escape her, and it would do something to ground him as his eyes flicked over her again wondering for the first time why she was here and if she was hurt. Thats how badly he was slipping and he cursed himself again inwardly as he fought for the steering wheel of his own mind and body. She would move forward, and nuzzle him and fire would crawl his skin with her touch and he found himself leaning into it, his own breath catching band quick upon his lips. ?Twig.. what are you doing out here?? he managed, as with trembling paws he returned the embrace, stifling a groan as his nuzzle came into contact with her neck and the scent of her utterly filled and enveloped him. Did she know what she was doing to him? Did she see how she effect him right now, tore away his sanity until all that remained was the desire. He felt like little more then a beast as he closed his eyes to her pelt, felt her around him and struggled to surface the feeling of relief and welcome over the terrible need.

Twig I


05-18-2014, 09:57 PM

She would feel him lean into her touch, it felt like a life raft thrown to her as she gasped for air. She had never thought so much about his touch, it had always been so natural to be with him. She wouldn't notice the oddness of their interaction, her exhaustion too much to allow extra thought. Unsure words would continue, her heart falling from the euphoric high of seeing Alpine again. "Everything's gone Alpine. Themisto was laid to rest, Crucifix has joined another pack, my body has betrayed me.. I had to get away." her voice was cracked and so hoarse as she explained herself. "So I ran. As far as I could." she would close her eyes as she slumped back into the sand.
She felt so tired, the miles catching up to her. Labored breathing would be her focus as hr breath would still elude her. She had to get up and find water, an oasis in the wash. She couldn't move though, and the sun was going down. She knew she would need Alpine's help, she felt so weak. "water." she would breathe as orchid gaze looked up at him helplessly.?

Talk like this



05-19-2014, 12:20 AM

He did not expect the desperation that held down her tones, that shook her body and crushed her spirit. He trembled again, this time with all that her words held. Her Themo.. was... was dead? How could that be? He did not understand, here he had thought she had gone to him. He trembled, his paws seemed to betray him with their instability. His world didn't make sense any longer. Could it be that she had not chosen him over Alpine? Could it be that this entire time he had been.. dying... he shook himself free of the terrible thought and back to the present, of the pitiful image of his best friend with her world gone from around her. Crucifx had left her? That seemed unlike him with the protective nature he had held over his sister. Could it be that she was now truly alone...

?Shhh? he whispered as allowed his legs to give way beneath him and crumbled softly against the sand beside her. From here he would curl up around her as he had a thousand times before. All the time between them, the month he had been away fell away and it was as through she had always been there, beside him. He would close his eyes against her coat, breath in the scent of her and a thrum would start inside of him, a tingling of his muscles and every part of him that touched her. It was so hard not to tremble, with the fire of all of her about him, with her intoxicating scent.

She would ask of him for water, and he would groan as he pulled his head from the softness of her coat, and struggled to unwind himself from her frail body. He didn't want to leave her, the resistance his body gave him to stumble from her side was evidence of that. ?Do you want me to take you to water or bring it back to you?? he whispered through husky tones.

Twig I


05-19-2014, 01:05 AM

Suddenly he was at her side, cuddling her as he tried to soothe her with gentle coos. She felt like an absolute wreck, like she didn't deserve his attentions. She hurt all over, and her burning desires would only grow more intense with Alpine's presence. She would curse her hormones as she buried her features within his coat. She felt as though she'd never left him, like their natural position had never been broken. They fit together perfectly there on the sand, his body surrounding and protecting her.
She needed respite however, and a cool drink would certainly revive her enough to think straight. She didn't want to stay there alone though. "Take me?" she felt so terrible for burdening him so massively as she tried to stand. His simple presence would give her strength, but still her limbs would show to be rather wobbly.?

I can talk!



05-19-2014, 10:14 PM

Shivered slightly beneath the intensity of her gaze and touch, he would find himself nodding his head, a slight and gentle gesture towards her. ?Of course? he mumured gently knelt beside her and allowed her to lean her weight into him. Her touch could ignite fire in his blood and bones and he could barely think past the fog her scent seemed to wrap about his mind. All he wanted to do was grasp her close, hold her like she would be his forever. He tried to shake himself free of it all, horrified at the instincts inside himself that where so different to what they should have been. He shivered again as he waited for her to lean on him so they could walk together to find some water. He truly hoped that the touch of its coolness would calm the heat inside of him.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"

Twig I


05-20-2014, 04:13 PM

Alpine's loving gaze would help to bring her from the fog that clouded her mind. The emotions that would run ravage within her body were so much to handle. The feelings of loss, love, and desire. She would find focus though, in alpine and their quest for life giving liquid. She would whine painfully as she leaned onto his shoulder. She would cling to his side for dear life, her strength trying to return to her as they made their way from the sand. The palmetto trees would cluster, hiding a tiny oasis from any peering eyes. Alpine would lead them there, the sweet smell of water overwhelming her senses. She would try to walk on her own, her side losing contact with Alpine for only a minute. As her slate covered paws would drift forward she would quickly lose her step. Her chest would hit the ground, a groan leaving her lips as again defeat would overwhelm her.
She would feel a tear fall from her marked eyes, the overwhelming feeling of defeat encompassing her. She wanted to die. She wanted to drift away with the sand as it blew in the wind. She hurt, and she was so through with the pain. She would forget about her companion, his presence that meant the world to her. Violet gaze would open, seeing his form she would find a strength in her she didn't know she had. She would whine, her voice needy and helpless as she recovered and reached for his form. She wanted him to hold her and to never let her go again.?




05-20-2014, 05:05 PM

She would welcome his help as she moved her weight upon him. He made no protest to it, she was pitifully frail and light and would whine as through even moving pained her. It was enough to ground him, to pull from the dark dredges of his mind and back to the present. They clung to each-other as they walked and he himself hurt with how much he had missed her. It was still hard to believe she was here now, beside him as he guided her to the water.

She pulled from her side and he hissed in surprise as she fell with him unable to catch her in time. He eased himself on the ground beside her, looking her over for signs of injuries. Instead he saw her curves, well tight with her frail body and lack of food she was still stunningly beautiful with lush curls about her tail. Again, all that was lost from thought as a tear slipped her lips. ?no, no? he murmured in achingly soft tones as he shifted his head to be before her and see the stunning shines of violet through the glistening tear.

She would wine again, reaching for him and he was quick to comply. Curling himself around her, holding her and nuzzling his head into her neck. He would murmur soft and sweet into her ears, feeling the tickle of her furs beneath his nose as he held her and wishes he could stop the breaking that was tearing her apart.


Twig I


05-20-2014, 09:44 PM


She would feel him at her side, holding her and taking her burden to share as he once had not so long ago. He would deny her tears but her pain was so real. Themisto's loss was the most difficult experience in her life. She would lean into his touch as he found himself around her. Crazy emotions flaring up and storming through her being. She didn't know what she was feeling she only felt the sadness that enveloped her. He would nuzzle her gently as she felt her features in his fur. How had she gone so long with out him? His gentle words would sound in her slate backed ears as she tried to calm down and as she cling to him and her flying emotions. She was being flung around so far in every direction she didnt want to feel anything anymore. "I.. Don't know what to do Alpine. Nothing is right anymore." she would whimper, her nose nudging his cheek affectionately. "Nothing except being with you."



05-21-2014, 03:44 PM

He would hold her, and he would try to keep his breaths soft in her coat, try not to deeply inhale all that was her but it was difficult. He held her tighter, buried his nose against her coat as he felt his quickly beating heart echo against her chest where he held her close. He could understand exactly what she meant, how suddenly everything seemed wrong. Lately his entire life had felt upside-down and he had felt utterly ashamed of himself, hiding from his responsibilities and his fears. All of that was gone from him now, he felt grounded as he held her, as through in a way she held him also.

He could breath, truly breath and feel himself let lose all his concerns, his stiff worry, and he relaxed into her fur, as he breathed in her scent, and wanted nothing else in the world then to hold her close. He had already discovered in himself his feelings for her, knew them for what they were. He knew he could not say them, not when her world was breaking around her, it was not his right to do so. ?I?m not going anywhere my dear, I promise? he whispered softly by her ear, for she had told him it was only right when he was there. She need not worry, he would hold her to sanity for the rest of his life if that was what was needed. He would remain her friend, her guardian, her protector, whatever it was she needed of him he would be, in return she need only live?


Twig I


05-21-2014, 04:30 PM

Alpine would hold her so tight, his arms containing everything that she was. Her sanity her will to live, she wouldn't be able to go on with out him. She felt so lost, like her world was ending, like she wouldn't have anything to live for anymore. But Alpine's form would call her back, he would hold her anchored, convince her wordlessly to stay. He would beg her not to follow her mother, Fern, and Themisto into the darkness. Her features would bury into Alpine's neck, her limbs finding their way around his abdomen, clinging to him as she clung to life itself.
She would feel him relax and she would follow his lead, her body losing all of the tensions that had built up within her. Her emotions finally pinpointing on a single one: love. Alpine would promise her he would never leave, and she felt her heart swell. She would let herself submerge into Alpine's being. She never wanted to let him go, she never wanted him to leave her ever. Her feelings for him would blossom, she knew that she had cared for him, but this was different. Butterflies would develop in her stomach as her desire for him would erupt. She hadn't even felt like such with Themisto. She wanted him, and in a way she never though possible. After Gorgos had taken her so violently, she never dreamed she would want to be touched in that way again.
She would feel tears begin to run down her face, they were not out of sorrow though. Emotions bubbling forth as her breath was caught in her throat, gasps coming out instead. "Alpine.. Alpine.." She would cry, pulling herself close to him like if she didn't he would disappear from her. "Alpine... I love you."




05-21-2014, 04:55 PM
[Image: kPxY7Jv.png]

Quote:There was no space between them, they clung together and breathed, and existed only because of the other. After all she had been through, he knew he could not let go, for the same reason that all he had been through would not allow him to. When he felt her relax it was a blessing, that her tension could possibly ebb away and he felt that she might actually be okay, that she might get through this. It was very hard to think so, considering how hard Fern?s death had struck her, and now just as she was coming back to life she had lost enough. Had he been in her place he was almost certain it would have killed him. But she was okay, she was getting through this, somehow, through sheer will and strength.

So they clung together, and made each other whole. They were too broken when apart, but together... together they could find a way. She gasped his name like it was all that holding her to life, and he clung to her all that harder. ?Twig? he whispered back, her name a kiss upon his tongue. Her next words shocked him, he had never expected? after deciding to devote his life to be whoever she needed him to be he could scarcely dare to breath. Then he was kissing her, his tongue against her lips, tasting her in scent and touch as he gasped her name again ?My Twig, my Twig. I will always love you? he breathed.

Twig I


05-21-2014, 09:37 PM

She never wanted him to let her go. She let herself relax, her worries and sorrows of the world let go as she held tight to her dear friend. The sun had set, it's warmth would leave the night air but the sand would still remind them of the days warmth. It would begin to soothe away Twig's aches and pains as her body released it's stresses. She found herself breathless as his gentle lyrics were upon her ear. The moon would find its way off of the horizon, it's size seemingly massive as its light would reflect brightly onto the moonlight beneath it. Her silver cross would shimmer in the moons cools rays as Alpine drew her in and kissed her.
She would feel a slight surprise at first, her heartbeat fluttering as her cheeks grew warm. Her wide eyes would soon be covered by her beating lashes as the tiny shock wore off. Feeling her body seem to mold to his own, blissful eyes would close as she returned his kiss. There was a passion in it she'd never expected from herself, a deeper want showing through. Alpine's heady breath would be in her ear as her own lungs would start to labor. There was a growing feeling that would take hold deep within her being, the strongest feeling of affection she had ever felt towards anyone would blossom. It felt as though Alpine would never be close enough. Her lips would whisper a timid whine involuntarily as she took in his musky scent. Her emotions would war again, the heady feeling of desire would rise up within her but at the same time her sickly heart and brokenness would cause her to resist.?




05-22-2014, 01:40 PM
The boy had been almost uncertain if she would respond, and a fleeting doubt would whisper wings against his heart as she paused with the shock. This was wrong, this was all wrong for him to act this way with her heart in shambles around them. Yet in the next moment she would respond, and her heart would be with him as they beat together and their lips would touch.

He too could feel the moon upon him, alighting the scene with its uberathly tinged of silver and soft lights. His coat would glisten,as the lighter parts of her own would and he would feel a sense of a dream quality about them, the light simply too soft, luminescent and simply beautiful upon her.

Her touch did not feel like a dream, despite how long he had wished for it he knew there was nothing imaginary about the warmth and softness about her, nor about her sweet taste upon his tongue. He could barely breath now, and. Soft gasp escaped him to couple with her whine. This was all true, reality and unfolding before him. "My love" he whispered, the words he had bottles up inside of him no longer had a resin to be kept away "my sweet ove, my twig, my angel" he would whisper into her coat.

It was difficult to pull away, to draw himself from her embrace and he knew he was shaking a little as he did so. "I have something for you" he whispered, "wait for me"

And then he was gone... Pulled away from her and vanishing into the looming shadows of the night. With each step away he could feel a pull, begging him to go back. Despite telling himself it would be for no more then a fee heartbeats he still felt it agonisingly difficult to be apart from her now. He would retrieve the item and loop lightly back to her form. He would stop before her and genty place it against the ground.

She was recognise the material, with the grainy quality of the meteorite, still pale orange and dark and unearlthy. But more then that, she would recognise the shape. A gently curved and young fern that he Haas laberwd over and bet into shape over the last season. Ever since she ad shown him the grave of her young one and had picked out a piece of the rock, had he worjed over thia.

Twig I


05-22-2014, 03:16 PM

The scene might have been a dream around her, had she not known better she would have started to believe that she had died with Themisto. The temperature would continue to drop but being wrapped within Alpine's grasp would keep her warm. If Themisto had taught her anything it was living in the moment, and being thankful for everyone she had. She knew she could not let herself perish now, not while she had companionship such as Alpine. She could hardly breath as she tasted his lips for what felt like the very first time. The intimate moment causing a shiver to run down her frame that was not from the cold. His gasp would harmonize with her breathless sounds as Alpine would whisper gently in her ear. Passionate words soothing to the touch as her body would tingle with each syllable. Burying her features into his coat she would be reminded again of her heat. Clenching her teeth she would avoid the needy passions her body would crave, finding them ever harder to resist.
She would almost thank him as he slipped from her grasp, but his form would shake as roughly as hers. Another whine would slip from her ebony lips, vibrant gaze filled with confusion before sweet lyrics were sung to her. Reaching to kiss his muzzle before silver paws drew him away from her lazing form. Watching his departure the cross marked girl would feel an unearthly pull towards him, trying to distract her mind for the moments he was away her marked form would stray to the water's side. She was curious of his gift for her, what had he found while away from her side all those weeks. As she quenched her thirst the silver knight would return, her heartbeat suddenly starting again as his form was in her sights.
His presence would elicit another needy whine from her lips as she surprised herself with the intensity of which her being burned to feel his touch. He would keep himself from her though, his steps halting as he placed an item at her paws. She would feel herself Slip into a feeling of weightless euphoria as her amethyst orbs would take in the sight of his priceless gift. The symbol of a fiddlehead fern, she would gasp losing what was left of her even breathing. "Alpine, it's so beautiful." sparkling tears would well up within her brilliant royal purple gaze as she looked up into his clear blue eyes. She didn't know that she could ever love anyone as much as she loved Alpine in that single perfect moment.
Her marked lips would find another whine slipping from her jaws as she closed the distance between them. Her tail would wag and a smile would grace her features as her chest met with Alpine's. Her marked muzzle would slide under his jaw and to his cheek, two little tears running down her face. Their warmth would mingle as coats touched. Twig's skin would alight with the close contact, everything in the world forgotten but her and the wonderful man she embraced.?




05-22-2014, 04:08 PM

He was almost afraid to meet her eyes, fearful that the gift would be seen as a reminder of what she had lost in a negative and saddened light, rather than the cherished remembrance that he was searching for. But as his eyes met hers and the gasp escaped her lips he knew that he had done what was right here. He had laboured over this thing for a long time now, without true tools to make it he have used rocks to beat it to shape, had picked away at it with his claws to put in the details. He had made blunt and broken more than one nail over the process. His tentive smile started out small, uncertain and grew wider as he took in her expressions. She called it beautiful, she seemed truly amazed and happy with what he had wrought.

She seemed truly happy, as he had not seen her in forever? if ever, in fact. Truly happy, her smile was stunning upon her lips as she closed the gap between them and would be in his arms again. He held her close, her warmth and soft fur crushed against his chest as he breathed in her intoxicating scent, and his head swam with it. It was so hard, near impossible when this was the woman she loved, that this scene was perfect, and her heat was against him and in his nostrils. He sighed into her, a sound of love and longing, with a tinge of need. He needed this girl, needed to pledge himself to her, to hold her in his arms forever and chase away the nightmares, chase away any that might threaten her world again. ?Will you marry me, my Twig? I want no one but you..? he whispered into her coat.


Twig I


05-22-2014, 04:55 PM

She wouldn't no how long it would have taken him to create the lovely piece of jewelry. The immense amount of love and time put into it would fill her soul. Full realization of his love for her would overwhelm her senses as she lost herself in all of him. Their bodies colliding, his tender embrace enveloping her completely. The scene around them coaxing her into their own blissful world. Alpine's sigh would tickle her ears as the emotions held within were mirrored in herself. Never would she have guessed that she needed him so much. He would indulge himself as deeply as herself, the dream like qualities of their night surrounding her in perfection. She needed Alpine, needed his everlasting support and protection in her mind, body, and soul.
Her senses would envelope all that he was, her whole being shaking slightly at his very touch. Pushing herself close to him she could have never expected those perfect words to utter from his gentle mouth. His whisper a simple request, but one that would change her life and bound the two together for life. She couldn't have agreed with him more, her very life depended upon him being next to her. She would feel a sharp intake of breath as his questions was whispered softly into her ear, how could she not accept such a proposal? "Yes, Alpine. Oh, yes yes! Make me yours forever" she would whine as her features moved to kiss him again, her brightened gaze all for him. She had fallen head over heels for him and she hadn't even realized. Waves of desire for him would ripple down her slate covered spine, causing whimpers of joy to resound through her lyrics.?

I can talk!



05-22-2014, 05:32 PM
[Image: kPxY7Jv.png]

Quote:He quivered, so afraid that something he would do would push her over the edge again, knowing the entire rightness of the situation, but constantly shadowed by the knowledge of all that she had lost. He knew throughout his entire being that his words where the ones in his heart, and could only she could see and understand that, and hope upon hope that she might feel it too. Her acceptance was beyond gratifying, her excitement and her joy true evidence of her feelings as she pushed herself on him, her lips on his once more. She wanted to be his forever and again he would quiver with surprise and pure happiness. Suddenly everything wrong in his world looked simply? right. He knew that if the rest of his life could be spent at her side that he would never again want for anything else.

?My dear, my Twig? he whispered again, laughing between kisses as they both lavished them on each other. He held her again, his breath quick against her and his heart once more thundering in his chest, which he could feel echoed in her own chest against him. He sighed into her once more, taking in her breath, reminding him of her musky, beautiful scent that surrounded them both, felt the strength of his emotions as he held her, and wanted her. ?you?re the most beautiful girl in the world? he would whisper against her.