
Fragments of Hope[epidemic thread]


05-21-2014, 01:12 AM

Vahva hadn't expected it at all, she was in the middle of gathering herbs when she noticed that there was blood on the chamomile she was sorting. Of course her first assumption was that she was bleeding, the blue maned femme tried to check herself for any cuts or bruises. But there were none, blinking again her vision wasn't doing it's best either. Was she bleeding from her eyes? Vahva squinted over towards the water looking at her reflection as she watched the drips fall into her reflection. A sudden shiver fell into her body, and without realizing it she collapsed. Her limbs flailing for a few minutes when her brain made her recognize that she was having a seizure and only could wait it out.
After it was over and done with, her limbs tucked underneath her her eyes bleeding Vahva was physically unable to howl for help. Her only means being her soft barks as her tail tucked between her legs. She realized she was feeling something she hadn't felt in ages, fear. She panted feeling the cold shiver through her body uncontrollably. Half of her body into the lake the other half out. Her front paws digging into the shore sand just to make sure she didn't sink into the water as she let out painful whines.



05-21-2014, 03:49 AM

It had only been a day or so, and Ryuk had detected a sort of imbalance in the lands. Upon the winds, a scent of which he had not smelled before carried to his sensitive nose. His mighty crown would lift to the heavens, nostrils flaring as a vague scent reached him. Curiosity would draw him forth, powerful legs carrying him towards the unknown scent. Towards Valhallan lands. He wondered if Obsidian could sense it too, and he wondered if she was safe. It did not take long for the male to arrive near Valhallan lands, a place he had not yet been to though it smelled strongly of Valhalla. He knew for it carried the scent that Obsidian similarly carried upon her shiny coat. He would stop, ghostly orbs falling upon a lake, empty. And yet, another scent would urge him onward. This one, seemingly unknown to him though it smelled vaguely of wolf along with..."Disease...?" Brows would furrow as he tossed his mane. Nostrils flared as he followed the traces of the sickly scent, but he would find something far more disturbing then he originally thought.

A she-wolf of dual toned colors, carrying upon her frame a mane of blue. It was not something he had seen before, however, he had also never seen someone cry tears of blood before...even in war. Powerful limbs carried him forth, straight towards the wolfess who lied curled up half in and half out of the water. Ears would tilt back and forth, the pain radiating from the she-wolf combined with the whining she emitted. She was definitely a wolf of Valhalla, and was in need of medical attention. Hooves would churn the muddied earth, though steps slowed as he would choose to stop no more then a couple feet away, neck extending towards her. "Miss, what is going on? Can I help?" However obvious the answer to the questions would be, he would still use his manners. He knew injured and sick animals were testy, and so did not want to cause harm to himself nor her should she decide to be aggressive.


05-21-2014, 10:15 PM
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Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. The scent of something strange was in the air. A type of sickness. Something... Something was terribly, terribly wrong. A low growl would escape the male as he pressed on his patrol, moving towards the lake territory. The soft barks in the distance were picked up. They sounded... Weaker. Concern would flash in cerulean orbs as Arwel searched his memory. Familiar. It was a familiar voice. He would break into a run. It had to be a Valhallan, and they needed his help.

He would arrive on scene, taking in first Vahva, half in the water and letting out pitiful whines, and another of those creatures that had attended the meeting. They were large and hooved, though they certainly weren?t deer. There was no time to wonder about that right now, however. Without thinking he would move towards Vahva, knots gripping his gut the moment he saw the blood on her face. He hesitated for a moment, uncertainty in his gaze as he looked at the healer. He?d breath in then. Sickness. But... She needed help! Arwel would cast fears aside... If he was to become infected, get snapped at, so be it. If he was going down it was going to be helping a fellow packmate and not standing by. With her current position he worried for her slipping into the water and drowning.

?Vahva, It?s Arwel...? The woman didn?t know him well, nor did he know her well, but she had called a healer meeting... One that had bombed but he had still tried to attend. He?d move to her now, paws squishing into the mud as he came alongside her. ?Hold tight, I?m going to try and help you out.? Arwel would shift his body so that he was directly alongside her, jaws aiming to grab her scruff and body ready to support her weight in a short drag onto the shore, should he be successful. There was no telling what might happen at this point, however.



