
Shades of my desires



2 Years
05-16-2014, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 06:06 PM by Crucifix.)

Each step beneath the moonlight plains would be wrought with the strength behind his muscles, each pace that carried his bulk along its surface was made beneath a precise form, and even movements. His carefully crafted stance could only be described as prowling, with his purple orbs held warningly above his features, and his tail a slow swish against his rump. His direction seemed aimless despite the purpose seared into violet his orbs. He was unfamiliar with the terrain of Covari, even the name was new and strange against his tongue, he could taste the uniqueness in that word, every bit as fantastic as the shades that boosted the bearers of the title 'Queen' with his ladies in shades unlike any he had seen before. Knowing their uniqueness it was hard not to hold himself with pride as he brought himself across the expanse they had claimed.

He had fallen into the role of protector, to aid his midnight queen however she saw fit of him, and he had no problem bowing to the wishes of that strangely adorned ruler. Even the memory of Vi and Deseree embracing in what was clearly the reunion of lovers would send shivers down his spine, but the woman in red would give him no leeway, the forms of her and her love where far past his reach, in a way their will was not. He however was not above teasing and playing with words to the likes of them both and delighted in the easy banter Vi chose to throw his way. He did not yet know the mind of Deseree, but yearned to see if her wit matched the likes of his red queen.

He found that he had paused, with his head held proudly to the overhanging whispers of silver that made up the moon, his legs half crossed as he eyed the slivers of light that created the sky. He pulled himself from his thoughts, of queens and ladies in red and once again continued his prowling of the Covari world.


05-21-2014, 09:44 PM

The moon bathed her russet coat in a little silver that shimmered with every movement. Night had fallen and the world had fallen silent with it. Creamy limbs pulled her across the land with easy, enjoy the easy walk after a meal. Hips swayed with each step, lean muscles quivering. She had yet to get to know the lands that she now called home, tonight was cool enough that it would be perfect for a stroll. She had been restless for the last season or so. Aeron had vanished completely from her life, without so much as a goodbye. She missed him dearly but she couldn't wait forever.

Already she had met the pleasant brute Valerius from Valhalla. She hoped to run into him again, though he was so easily embarrassed by her words, but she found him adorable nonetheless. Aside from him, her love life had be dead. Much to her dismay. When winter grasped the land, it had brought about her heat. The russet beauty had been sent into a downward spiral of uncontrollable desire. The perfume of her heat surrounded her, hanging on her heavily. Desire held a constant grip on her, curling heavily in her belly.

Verdant gaze swept the land, picking out a distinct figure in front of her. He prowled the lands, heading straight towards her. He moved at a steady pace, seeming lost in his own thoughts. She would slow her pace to a lazy walk, hips swaying easily. Tattered audits slide forward, eyes watching curiously. She recognized him from the pack meeting, but didn't know his name. A soft bark would shatter the stillness of the night, alerting the man to her presence, though she didn't think he would need it.




2 Years
05-21-2014, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 02:36 PM by Crucifix.)

There was a pleasent coolness to the air, that hung in the chill of the winter that had overcome the land. Its grip was tedious at best, its curls of fresh wind still light and whispery in a night that could not quite decide between the warmth and the cold. The brutes light excercise in the night was enough to start a fresh flow of warmth in his veins and a heat to violet eyes to pierce the subtle chill.

Try to the thoughts of the other, he was lost in the recesses of his mind, and thoughts of lands and queens. Her shape was just a flutter in the corners of his vision as he approached her, the shimmer browns of her cold made cold but soft in the curving glow of the moon. She spoke to him, this nightly beauty, waking him from his walking dreams and reminding him of reality. His steps would still as he came before her, and his attention would be fully upon her form. It would be from here that he would take in the piercing green of her orbs that watches him in light shades, a contrast to her dark and silvery glowing coat.

His head would lower in a subtle gesture of greeting as easily as half a smile would lift one part of his lips. "My lady" he would first say softly, even as the first lash of her scent would touch him. His toes would dig into the harsh cool of the ground, curling downwards as his tail swished pleasantly behind him. "Dare I say you smell delightfully... Eatable tonight?" His casual tone was a question, but the light behind his violet eyes told another story.


05-22-2014, 10:40 AM

The man would halt before her, greeting her with a subtle nod before speaking. His words had a mischievous smile playing on her lips. He was entirely different from Valerius. She could see the mischief dancing his in purple eyes despite his question. He knew damn well that she was in heat, and if not, then he was dumb as rocks. A small step would bring a few inches closer, her new bracelets glinting in the moonlight. She had found them, thought them to the be the prettiest things. The rose gold feathers blended in with her creamy legs, giving only a shine in the right light. The bracelets sat snuggly just above her ankles. "Only if I can say that you look delicious." The russet beauty cooed, knowing she was playing with fire. Tail swayed easily at her hocks, curling a bit at the end. Verdant gaze swept over his monochromed visage. He was just slightly smaller than herself, his coat composed of silvers, greys and blacks. On his shoulder was an interesting marking that she had never seen before, it appeared to be a cross of sorts. He was easy on the eyes as her emerald gems roamed over him lazily. Desire continued to curl in her belly, her body aching to satisfied. A small smile continued to play on her creamy lips.




2 Years
05-22-2014, 02:32 PM

After coming to a stop and settling his sights on Sibelle he would settle his stance, looking the picture of relaxed and totally at ease before her. It was the night, silvery and soft with shadows that stretched long fingers across a darkened world ? this was his domain. Not that the girl before him looked out of place, quite the contrary, he could imagine that she welcomed the night embraced in its secrets and its shadows. Her words in turn where quick to return the joke and his grin flashed white, there was little he liked more than a good, flirtatious banter. ?Alright, here?s the deal ? I sniff, you stare? he was quick to say back, leaning forward ever so slightly, lifting his nose into the air and taking in a big whiff to prove his point. His tongue would circle around his muzzle, as through sampling a fine taste upon his lips.

Despite his actions, he would contradict his words by running his eyes along her form as she did the same to him. He would notice the swing of her tail as it haloed about her perfect ass, before running his eyes back up along her body once more and dancing them across her face. There was no doubt he was enjoying himself, getting high on the intoxication of her sweet scent and enjoying every moment of it.



05-22-2014, 03:13 PM

His retort was quick, drawing a easy laugh from the woman. She would watch as he made a show of leaning forward, inhaling her sweet perfume. But the man would do more than just sniff. His eyes roamed her figure heavily, absorbing every inch of her. "Like what you see?" A brow would lift and her crown to the side, a smirk forming on pale lips.

She would step forward, moving to his left, her nose lowering to skim his shoulder. "Whats this?" Silky words left her mouth as she continued to move down the length of his body, her tail flicking against his side every so often. The woman would continue until she circled him, coming to standing his right side, bracelets glinting the moonlight with every step. Verdant gaze mingled with his amethyst one, her curiosity about him growing. Sure he had been at the meeting but she knew little about him.

His pelt was full of sharp contracts. His legs dipped in a dark charcoal, the same rich color painting his face, chest and back. He was interesting looking, but appealing nonetheless. She would side step away from him, putting about a foot between them, mischief and lust sharping her gaze, clouding her thoughts. She couldn't give in that easy, she needed to keep a clear head.




2 Years
05-22-2014, 03:53 PM

Their eyes would both once again be upon each other, as green looked into violet, and vice versa. Her brow would lift and her head would tilt slightly to the side as she appraised him and he couldn?t help but think that the gesture looked gorgeous on her. There was no false trace to the boys smile, his delight was true and easily displayed before him as he titled his head ever so slightly in to the opposite side of her own. She had asked him if he liked what he saw, and he didn?t need any time to think upon that one. ?Most assuredly, your down right eye-candy? his tongue lolled from his lips in his grin ?And I?m dying for a lick? he added, playing on the joke of her being eatable.

It wouldn?t be the first time he had asked a lady for a lick? Vi for one came into mind, but the joke there had been that her coat was stained with raspberries. This russet girl looked all natural, and he had heard natural was good for you?

He made no protest as she stepped toward him, enjoying the attention and her eyes being upon his form. He did however shiver as her nose touched his form, trailing Goosebumps down his skin as she followed the line of his cross. Her breath as she questioned it would touch against his skin, warm and tingling as it left her muzzle. He was surrounded by her scent now, breathing it in, feeling its giddy intoxication. He almost purred with the feel of it against his nostrils, its sweetness to his tongue. He drew in another deep breath, his eyes finding her form in boy oval eyes as he spoke. ?My cross..? he shivered again, in delight as her touch traced further down his body. she circled him, taking in every aspect of his being and he spoke again ?It?s my family marking my dear? he whispered out, his vocals soft, and his breath skimming almost visibly warm against the air. She teased him, pulling herself away until once again distance roamed between them. ?I?ve always felt a taste for a taste is fair?? his voice was a purr now, a rumble in his throat of rich vocals as he leaned his head towards her, stepping closer to her side until he stood length wise facing her side. He leaned his head forward and licked her forehead before running his nose along her as she had to him, only his was following the line of her spine to her ass where he teased another lick against her rump before standing back a step himself and tilted his head to appraise her once more.



05-30-2014, 01:38 PM

He would watch her intently, she could feel his gaze on her. He would speak, bringing a grin to her face followed by a low chuckle. He certainly had a way with words. There was no denying that he had a way with words, his confidence was obvious. As she moved around him, he would shutter, answering her question diligently. It was an interesting marking to, much less an entire family to have, but it was unique, easily distinguishable. Verdant gaze would watch as her rose, stepping towards, his request a taunting purr. Eyes would close as his tongue swept across her forehead. A shiver would run down her spine as his nose left a trail all the way to rump where he would tease with a lick. A mischievous grin would curl her lips as he took a step back, his gaze appraising. She would step towards him, facing him head on. Desire curled deep in her belly, screaming at her to be sated. She would tuck her crown below his chin, sliding her russet bodice along his chest. "How about another?" Crown would tip so that she could glance at him over her shoulder, emeralds melting to liquid fire. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out. Desire clouded her mind, it burned her flesh with a scorching heat. Then it occurred to her that she didn't even know this mans name. It gave her pause for only the briefest of moments, she would find out eventually, they were both part of the same back after all.




2 Years
06-04-2014, 04:34 PM

She never faltered her steps, and each one was a glorious dance, each movement about each other and each word they spoke a part of the tune and the teasing. His breath was a constant rumbling purr beneath his chest and his breath was a warm puff into the cool air as lips teased upwards in a grin. She moved forward again, this time sliding her head beneath her chest, worming her way to his touch and into a place within his heart and desires. He welcomed her embrace, the warm blanket she swept across his form with her touch. He lowered his head, watching and appraising her, tasting her breath as she spoke once more.

?I would gladly steal another? he whispered back to her, his words a burning throaty whisper as his own desire crept into their tones. He purred as he rubbed his check against her own, feeling the soft fine furs there before turning and running his tongue along the bridge of her nose, the warmth of It tingling with the cool of her nose before trailing it along the edges of her soft ears. The tips of her furs where velvety and cool to his senses and the breath he sucked into starving lungs was ragged and needing. She was in all of his senses; she claimed and owned him with a flick of fine hips and softly spoken words. ?And another? he purred, running tongue along her lips, tasting the salt of her muzzle. ?I could taste and take every bit of you? he growled, as he pressed his head against her once more and took in another raggid breath as through it might be his last.
