
Turn the page [LUDICAEL MEETING]

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-15-2014, 04:22 PM

The last meeting hadn't exactly had the turnout he would have hoped for, many in the pack had probably been a little confused he figured now. Even if the meeting had been brilliant however, a new one was certainly needed now given that a lot had happened recently. He had waited until Novel was well enough for the meeting, meaning that the rest of the wolves would likely be well enough to attend as well. There was of course only one way to find out how successful this meeting would be though and that was to begin it. Lifting his head he would call the pack forwards and then sit and wait for them to begin to arrive.


06-15-2014, 07:12 PM

Oh, it was such a relief to the tricolor babe that the cure had been found and shared equally within the packs. Novel, Song, and all the other ill wolves would be cured now! And everything would hopefully become normal...hopefully. How about the world gave the poor wolves a break? Earthquakes, hurricanes, illnesses, so much had happened before she even arrived to Alacritia. How about a little break? A little time for the packs and other wolves to live in peace. Just for a little. No harm done with that! Or...maybe there was? Wren didn't care...she just was so joyed that things would go back to normal in the pack. No more chaos for the time being. No more panicking. None of that. But while she was thinking about how things would go since the epidemic was over...a smooth howl rang out into the air. It almost sounded familiar and close-by. Maybe...Dutiron? Yes. It was him, summoning the wolves of Ludicael.

After hearing the smooth summoning howl of the author, Wren slowly lifted to her long pillars and began to near the Lover's Mangrove. Once she arrived, she wasn't very entertained. All that was there were many tree's and little streams running here and there. Little did she know, though, that at night everything that was beautiful came to life. But she really cared less about the landscape. She wondered where this highranked male was. Finally after a few minutes of searching, she arrived, shooting a warm glance to the Ludicael author and dipping her head with respect. "Good evening, sir." She'd greet softly, making her way to a spot before him and sitting down calmly. First to arrive, it seemed. Bravo Wren.



06-15-2014, 07:26 PM

The majestic image of Cherokee was out and about, not paying attention to any details around him. His mind had been swirling with thoughts, thoughts that dealt with his mother and how she was doing. Ever since the cure had been found, Dhiren was excited beyond anything. Song had given the herbs to his siblings, making sure they were all right before letting them leave their dens. Dhiren, however, had remained in the shadows while everything had been taking place. He had felt clumsy on his paws and didn't want to mess anything up. Even at a year's age, he was still insecure about some things.
He hadn't been present a lot, either, since the cure had been found. For some reason, the image of Gwen continued to appear and he couldn't get her off of his mind. Time had really passed since he had seen the lovely girl, but he didn't push the topic onto anyone close. He had also been consumed with thinking of where he fit in with his family. Since his grandfather had taken over the pack, there hadn't been anything discussed in regards to his future. Perhaps he would be able to say something to him later...
As luck would have it, the time would be sooner than expected. A familiar howl hit the air, letting him know that Dutiron was eager to call another meeting. Dhiren didn't even hesitate to answer it. He wound his way around the furthest mangroves, enjoying the gentle breezes that swept beneath his wintery pelt. Silver and gold eyes searched for his grandpa as he continued to weave his way in and out of the trees. In no time at all, he reached the meeting place and realized he was the second one to arrive. The first was an unfamiliar face, but he politely dipped his maw in her direction. "Hello, ma'am," he voiced, before his attention turned to Dutiron. "Hello, Grandpa," he said, tones evident of happiness and curiosity. "How have you been?"

Talk like this

Howl 1


06-15-2014, 09:27 PM

The male would lumber towards the call, a rabbit clamped firmly in his jaws. As winter was not over yet, he would hunt as much as he could to ensure the pack had some food; it was the least he felt he could do after all. Howl had done much thought lately, since the last meeting anyhow. He wanted to stop feeling so much failure within himself, wanted to stop being so secluded and introverted. But how? There was always so much resentment and hatred lying within his heart for the past, he didn't know how to let it go if at all. He would start, perhaps, but trying to be a bit more friendlier with those in the pack. And although it was under new leadership--leadership he hadn't quite expected, he would try nonetheless. He approached those already gathered, hazel eyes observing those already gathered. A sharp intake of breath would calm his beating heart, for he wanted not to burst in a fit of anger and say something he might regret later.

He would place the rabbit in the middle for whomever wanted to eat, while he himself walked forward to sit before his Father. "It is...nice to see you again, Dad." He wasn't quite sure what else to say, mostly because he wasn't sure what his father thought of him still. Howl was very sure that he had made his disdain quite obvious the last time, but now, he was trying to make up for it...trying. He wondered briefly, if Anthem and even Symphony were going to show. He missed them...almost as much as he did miss his parents, even though he wouldn't admit it.




06-15-2014, 10:12 PM

Everything would be ok, her son would live as well as the other sick wolves. She had become more of her old self in the time of the epidemic. The spirited spark that came with doing what she was so good at, doing what life had made her for was a nice change. She felt like her old self, sure in her knowledge and skills, her determination not to give up. Three legs are not she moved effectively. With those able to move to her den that had the plague she was left to clean out the bedding everyday, gather fresh water, study her patients and anything else needed to care for them. Her den was even reinforce to keep it warmer from the winter's chill.

But not a night went by with her eyes not alert on her son's little form. She refused to sleep, pushing her body to its limit. And though one might think she would have breaked down, she fought back with all she could. She never stopped. That over powering surge of protection she held for her kids had never died down since she returned from the earthquake. She doubt it ever would, or if it could ever loosen up. The aggression and violence that followed was frightening even to her. She had no control over her reactions if the firing need to protect her children came to play. For lunar's sake she had nearly attacked her own mate when she came back that day.

A howl went up and this time she knew for sure who was calling for the pack. With a sigh she stood up, body screaming for rest. But instead she would gently nuzzle Feli to wake him up before picking him up. No need for him to exert all his energy walking there when she was still able to carry him. Heck if she could she'd carry all her pups through their whole life. She loved them so much she had never felt this intensity of emotion. It would not take too long to get there, with her leg properly wrapped and weight slowly being able to be applied to her broken limb, she moved faster than she had at the last meeting. She hoped Gitan and her other two pups would be there, she needed to see them.

The gathering was still on the small side when she arrived. At once she spotted Howl and her tail waged softly as she padded over to his side. He had yet to meet his nephews and niece from her, and though normally she would have been pissed off about it, she couldn't help how happy she was to see him. She gently placed Feli at her paws and nuzzled Howl and dipped her head to her father with guarded eyes. She still was unsure how she felt about everything.




5 Years
06-16-2014, 12:27 AM

Whilst some of her elder siblings still remained a little reserved towards Dutiron and Novel's arrival and ultimately stay in Ludicael, Novella certainly didn't have those feelings herself. Admittedly things had been different for the younger of the siblings and never had they witnessed the way in which Novel had obsessed over Song. She'd heard about it but receiving nothing but love there was no way it would change her mind.

Though quick to move to her parents call already two of her siblings, two nephews and a stranger she hadn't met had appeared. Her tail would let out a soft wag seeing Howl now stood before Dutiron and certainly growing a little hopeful. A bright smile would meet her features as she glanced happily to her parents though giving Howl a moment she wouldn't approach and would greet them from afar for now.



6 Years
06-16-2014, 07:44 AM

The call of his father -- or any family member, for that matter -- was something Anthem had no trouble answering to. Quickly the man would rise to all fours, letting a bark escape his parted jaws. Stiff limbs would stretch as he arched his back, loosening up his body before he began to bound toward the gathering, not far away from the meeting to begin with.

He hadn't seen Howl in some time, and his face brightened considerably as his brother came into view. The corners of his lips twisted in a gleeful expression, tail beginning to wave wildly behind him. The next wolf he noticed was Symphony, which simply made him all the more excited. Another gentle would sound from his chest, but he was more quiet than he might have been if he had not seen the child before her. Anthem had heard that his sister had children now, but he had yet to see them. "Symphony," he greeted her warmly, nuzzling the side of her neck quickly, as though she might leave if he didn't embrace her then.



6 Years
06-16-2014, 08:38 AM

As the call came for the wolves of Ludicael to gather, Satu dragged herself sleepily out of her den. Brown paws carried her toward the meeting at a much slower pace than usual. The plague had hit her hard, and Satu had spent much of her illness unconscious. She had very nearly died, truth be told, but Ludicael had received the cure in enough time for her to be healed without any permanent effects. She found herself tiring easily now and she was sleeping quite a lot, but she was improving by the day and would soon be back to her usual self.

Yawning, she settled herself down beside Novella and glanced around curiously. It had been rather a surprise to, firstly, find that her aunt and uncle had followed them to Alacratia, and then even more so, to later learn that Song had turned the pack over to them. It was just like the old days, really.

The thought gave her pause, and her expression turned smooth as she considered it. She hadn't really liked the old days. They were boring and restrictive. She'd nearly died recently, and it had really made her appreciate the small amount of time she had to live. She didn't want to waste it by doing nothing, no adventures, no travel, just pack life, but she was too dutiful to just leave either, so she just kept her trouble thoughts to herself and sat quietly waiting for the meeting to begin. After all, it had been her mother's smothering that had made things boring, not her aunt and uncle's leadership. She was just letting the plague get to her, that was all.

Requiem I


2 Years
06-16-2014, 09:30 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Requiem had been feeling rightly lost since Ludicael's last pack meeting. He had asked for a position specific to his needs, making himself very proud that he had managed to do so in front of so many, but before anything from the meeting could be put into practice the epidemic had struck. Left and right new sick wolves began showing up, the illness seemingly striking them down at random, and fearful of becoming one of the sick the poor brown boy had laid low, putting most of his effort into praying to the divine power who watched over them for salvation. He had thought for a time that nothing he was saying was getting through - he was only a child after all, without any of the influence that his more practiced mother had - but help had finally come. In the form of an unnaturally pretty, bright red wolf with yellow eyes. He had not wanted to jump to the conclusion that he had finally been heard, that he had secretly had any influence in this at all, but it was hard not to.

It had given the youth a new, tentative confidence, a self-assurance that he had not been known to possess before. Outwardly it was less noticeable, his gait still unassuming and his posture demure and polite, but his two-toned, teal and green eyes did not lower and look away this time. Now he watched, assessed, took note of those present and the cordialities that were exchanged. None of his siblings - at least the close ones from his own litter - were present, though plenty of others were already showing, and quietly Requiem threaded his way into their midst. He made no greeting to his grandfather - he was still getting used to the older man, and the fact he shared his brother's name - or to any of the others. Family or not, he still knew very little about them all on a personal basis, and he might have felt a little confident but not that confident.

Seating himself with a quiet sigh, the brown colored boy with the black arrow across his hips curled his tail loosely to his side and waited, hoping whatever happened today would have more time to stick and for their pack to finally organize itself so that he could fall into the spot meant for him.



3 Years
06-16-2014, 11:10 AM

The younger Dutiron had been amongst those to fall ill with this dreaded epidemic it had certainly put him out of action for a while and even now the boy wasn't quite back to his usual ways. Still rather tired from it all, his strength apparently amongst the last thing to return to normal he hadn't quite felt up to exploring much although he certainly had a lot to catch up on. The call would sound however and the Destruction child would slowly make his way towards the group. There were still many that had yet to arrive though with Requiem a little ahead of him, the pale boy would make his way over to his brother's side, quietly settling down beside him.

Mercury I


4 Years
06-16-2014, 11:12 AM

The boy had been spending most of his time within the presence of his mother, he didn't feel very comfortable leaving her side. Not even to go and see Canta. He would often go on hunting trips with Faolan, but for the most part he wanted to be close to his parents. He worried for them deeply, and did not want them to want anything. This was their retirement. They should be relaxing their life away, while he and his siblings provided for him. So he would do just that.

As his head lay against the den floor the call would ring out for a meeting. He'd missed the last one, he'd been out hunting and never heard a thing. And then the illness had struck and he was ever so busy tending to his parents. He didn't know what he would have done had they been ones to fall to the illness. As far as he knew, none in Ludicael had lost their lives to the disease.

He would approach the place of gathering, his head held high while he searched for Canta, the rest of his family should have been filing in behind him. He wanted to sit by the girl he'd been meaning to spend more time with. If he found her he was going to ask her to hunt after the meeting. Since the sickness had come to an end he was determined to spend more time with her.


Novel i


8 Years
06-16-2014, 11:50 AM

The sickness had almost completely left her, strength had returned to her bones and a will to live had been re-instilled upon her. She'd pushed away her darkened thoughts and only looked to the future. She'd almost lost her life, she was determined now to make things better. As Dutiron made his way from the den she would follow, allowing her voice to sing with his as they called the pack together.
She would nod to those as they arrived, the first a woman she would guess to be the Wren that her mate had mentioned previously. Followed by her grandson, and then more of their family. She would nod to each as they arrived, still unsure how she stood in her elder children's eyes. She was willing to put the past behind her, but if they were not there was little she could do other than love them from afar. Maybe someday she would gain forgiveness, but until then she would allow them the space they needed.




6 Years
06-16-2014, 12:06 PM

Gitan had not been certain what his mate?s response to the call would be, their son was just now beginning to get better and they had not discussed where they would be going in some time but she knew his feelings on the matter and had left the rest up to her. After the cure had been administered Symphony?s old den had begun to clear out as each sick wolf was declared healthy once more. Still his mate had not seemed ready to leave her old den yet, keeping a watchful eye on their still recovering son. When the call had gone up he had gently roused Cerise and Sorrel, and told them they were going to go check on their mother.
Her den was empty, that was a good sign. As he led the little group towards where the meeting was being held he very much hoped to find her there, how awkward it would have been for them to show up and realize she had just taken F?lician out for some fresh air. The man hesitated at the edge of the clearing, forest gaze scanning those gathered until they landed upon the oh so familiar shape of his mate.
He approached the gathering, inclining his head towards Dutiron in greeting. Symphony had a grey male pressed to her one side, their son seated at her paws and another male he didn?t recognize before her and as he drew up beside her, Gitan pressed himself into her other side. Giving her cheek a quick lick. ?Hey stranger.? He joked softly.

Speech, Think, Others,



5 Years
06-16-2014, 12:31 PM

Canta has started out the new chapter in her life with confidence and purpose. Yes her mother had stepped down, and it was a change she was still not used to yet but her role within the pack had not changed. Then the illness had struck. Suddenly she was where she had been a few months ago, feeling lost and useless. She had done what she could, gathered prey for the sick, dropping them off at her aunt?s den but beyond that she had not been much help at all. The girl has no knowledge of herbs or the like and so had not attended the healer gathering, she would have just been in the way.
As things were finally starting to settle down again she was starting to get her confidence back. Her grandparent?s call went up and the monochrome girl set off to answer it. The gathering seemed bigger than the last one that had been called and she was glad to see it. Instantly she identified Dhiren in the group and went towards him. As she brushed up against her brother she realized she could see another familiar male.
Canta had been made aware of his joining the pack though she had been unable to track him down at the time of the sickness. Giving her brother one last friendly nudge she stalked towards Mercury. For the first time in a long time she chose the company of a non-family member over her own kin. The girl silently nudged him, giving the black and gold boy a shy smile.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


06-16-2014, 03:47 PM

He awoke to his mother?s gentle nuzzle. The boy had been giving the herbs that had cured his illness, much to his and his mother?s relief. Strength was returning to him, bit by bit, though he still favored staying in the den with his mother and resting for the time being. A yawn would escape him, ears twitching a couple of times as he tried to rose himself completely. Not that there was too much need for that, as his mother picked him up and began to carry him to where they needed to be. F?licien, while no longer a tiny pup, was still grateful his mother could carry him like this, and that he was able to be with his family again as they once had been.

Once he was set down, F?li would snuggle against his mother, letting out another little yawn. ?Thank you momma.? He would say softly, looking around at the wolves gathered. Some he didn?t recognize, and that surprised him. Was this another meeting? A good one... One that wasn?t about sickness. His gaze would look towards the older male who had called the last one. He wasn?t particularly fond of positions of power, or those in them, so he shifted a bit uneasily. Luckily a distraction came quick enough by the form of a male. He would look up at him, head cocking to the side. ?Who?re you?? He looked like family, and smelled like family... Though a lot of the wolves in this pack were related to him.

?I?m F?licien.? He decided to introduce.



3 Years
06-16-2014, 04:47 PM

Sorrel was coming out of his shell a little, still far from behaving like most pups did though he was still reluctant to stray too far and had been rather envious of the ongoing attention that F?li still received. He knew his brother wasn't quite right though he longed for some one on one time with his mother as well, especially now that he wished for her to teach him all about herbs and healing.

At his father's suggestion Sorrel certainly wouldn't waste any time in heading to find his mother and his twin though to his disappointment she wasn't in the den. He hoped that Symphony wasn't teaching F?licien without him, young and inexperienced socially he hadn't quite understood the importance of the howl and that they were supposed to head to a meeting. He had been to one but perhaps it was fair to say it was mainly due to the attendance of his parents rather than the call itself.

The young boy would waste no time upon heading to Symphony's side as they finally arrived at the meeting. He was certainly not too keen on the large number of wolves and close to his immediate family was the place that he wished to be. Squeezing in beside F?li he would find himself at his mother's paws pressing back against her as closely as he could, though careful not to put too much pressure upon her, not wishing to make her lose her balance. He would remain silent and pray he was hidden well enough here.

Cerise I


06-16-2014, 08:10 PM

She had been more subdued lately due to her brother being sick. Her normal adventurous self was silent and she either glued herself to her father or to Sorrel. She didn't like not being able to see momma or Feli. Concern ate away at her belly and she often complained about belly aches, unable to eat much. She didn't understand really that her worry for her mother and brother was stressing her out enough to make her not eat. All she knew was that her belly hurt all the time.

A howl went up and she looked up to Daddy to see what was going on. Whatever it was they were going. But first they would go get Momma and Feli. When they got to the den she whined softly, looking at the empty hollow. Where did they go? She scampered after Daddy, often weaving between his legs and bumping shoulders with Sorrel in an attempt to comfort herself with the two of them while walking. After sometime they came to the meeting but instead of going to hide under Momma's belly she stood under Daddy. Eyes starred up at everyone in wonder, this meeting seemed different, better than the last one. "Speech"



10 Years
06-16-2014, 10:02 PM

A pack meeting was not something to ignore. Although Ara was not overly ambitious -- she was content with a simple life, and taking care of her family and others as needed -- she did not want the leaders of Ludicael to view her as a waste of space. She had much to contribute, even if she mostly kept to herself, and she would help gladly if they needed her to.

Quietly the girl came to rest near the other wolves that had gathered. She noted her brother's arrival, and saw a girl quickly move to join him. A smile toyed with her lips, joy flooding through her that her brother had found a friend, it seemed. She couldn't help but worry about her siblings, even when she knew she didn't need to. Her family's happiness mattered much more than her own, especially when she was so content.

Slowly she settled down on her hind legs, her ears perked attentively and her eyes scanning the group for familiar faces. She knew her parents would join soon, although much more slowly than the rest, and she didn't blame them one bit. A peaceful feeling would wash over her as she watched family reunite, watched children scurry about their parents' legs -- there was no negativity here, only happiness and love.


06-16-2014, 11:08 PM

The young girl would walk through territories unknown. Her mind never straying from the girl she had met, the girl that had helped her prior to her injuries. The earthquake had stolen from her, the luscious banner that had once been her tail. And now, it remained as a stump still needing to be healed, for often it kept scabbing and reopening due to her inability and lack of knowledge to properly care for it. The stump would itch from time to time, often smelling infected, and she was sure it was. It was hard being on her own, she lacked the knowledge and abilities to to be on her own, even at a year of age. This she all realized, the day that the girl named Canta had come to her aid. A savior, in her darkest of times.

Ghostly gaze would scan the area, she had traveled eastward, and soon she would find herself getting closer to an area unknown to her. She would falter in her steps, looking around as she approached. She could smell the scents of others nearby, had she crossed borders and not realized it? No. Not quite yet. Instead, what she did find was the scent of a familiar. Canta, the girl that had come to her aid. She would press her nose to the ground, and soon her paws would work in trailing after the scent that became steadily familiar. She would be determined in finding her savior, and upon doing so she would cross pack lines. Unaware of the fact for she was focused on the scent she was tracking, but her discovery would not be in vain. When the girl looked up at last, she had nearly walked into a group of wolves. She would stop in her tracks, frozen for a time before she slunk towards the shadows. She pressed herself against a tree, her walk having brought her on the outskirts of the leftmost part of the group. Heart hammered in her chest, did they see her? Smell her? Would they attack her for trespassing on accident? She would remain quiet, silvery gaze locking on the head of the gathering, hoping, praying...that they would show mercy upon her.


Nuthin But A Reject by The Dead Rabbitts on Grooveshark



10 Years
06-20-2014, 10:23 AM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2014, 12:41 PM by Epiphron.)

She would find her feet easier now, the sickness wearing off her form. The call would disturb her, eyes fluttering into wakefulness. Brilliant gaze would take in the form of Ara, and happily she would push herself from the ground and follow the girl that had done so much for her while she was sick. Occasionally she would lean in her shoulder, but for the majority of the trip her legs worked on their own.
They would appear within the clearing, half late as many had already gathered. She would watch her own siblings, and for the first time would choose not to move to their sides. Canta would place herself next to Ara's brother. She couldn't help but smile, Canta usually kept to herself and the fact that she chose to sit there would spark her interest.
She would not move any further, and hoped that her younger siblings might take a seat by her as well. Little Dutiron had already found himself there, as well as her cousins. Slightly leaning into Ara she would relax and wait for the meeting.


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