
Remember Me



04-29-2013, 06:43 PM

She needed... closure. Something to make her get on with her life. Members in Valhalla had told stories about her past, many of them she did not believe. They told tales of her being a queen, leading a pack, having three children and a husband; all things she had no memories of. Before her accident everything had went to hell, but due to the damage done to her brain, she remembered nothing of the events. She couldn't even recall how she had ended up within the river in the first place. But, she needed to know the truth, she needed to know what had happened in her past life. Were the Valhallan's messing with her mind, or were they simply trying to convince her to return to these lands called Seracia? She did not know what was to come, but she was confident she would find what she was looking for; closure.

Stumbly, wobbly, wiggly. She could barley walk straight. Her brain strained itself trying to bring up memories, but the pain was useless. No matter how hard she worked her thoughts nothing would come up. But, all the thinking had made her trip from Valhalla to Seracia seem very short. Now here she was, standing before the mighty kingdom she supposedly ruled. Should she walk in? Or call for someone? She wasn't absolutely sure. Eye lids closed shut, a deep breath building up in her chest. She exhaled, and slowly took a step over the border. Nothing happened, so she took another, and another, and another. Before she knew it she was a good couple feet into the kingdom. Where was everyone? Where were her kids, her husband, her subjects? She needed to wait, wait for something to happen, or for someone to come. Certainly someone would pick her scent up and come dashing in her direction. How would they react seeing her? How would she react? She had no clue what any of them looked like. What if her husband was ugly? What if something had gone wrong, and she was in that river on purpose? She had no idea what was going to happen So she waited, tail flicking behind her nervously.

OOC: So unless something interesting happens, I plan on deleting her profile forever after this thread. Gerhardt and any of the kiddies may reply to this, but I would like some time with her and Ger alone at some point.



04-29-2013, 08:07 PM

He'd been restlessly pacing for most of the time since they'd come to the new land. It had been a hasty decision, but one that had been made in the best interest of the pack. With no fresh water left in the delta, and the constant influx of saltwater, Gerhardt was sure it would not be a suitable home for much longer. However, the range was substantial enough for the pack, and provided a completely different landscape. It had taken - and would continue to take - some adjustment, but over time the King knew he'd grow just as fond of this land as he had the old land. In some ways he already liked it better. The variety of prey was appealing, and the ample amount of forest and clearing gave the wolves both publicity and privacy. For the most part things had been going well, but a few situations still haunted his mind. Apparently Adette was living in Valhalla - for how long or how permanently, he did not know. He wondered if he ought to do the decent thing and send for her, and allow her to live out her life in Seracia. Sure, it was the decent thing, but was it the right thing? She was no longer his wife, and he no longer her husband. Would it be logical for him to allow her residence here when it would undoubtedly cause them both pain and possible strife?

No, it was not logical at all. Still, he couldn't help but feel guilty for the once-Queen's predicament. He'd heard rumor that she'd attempted to drown herself, and had been subsequently saved by Valhallan healers. It was a miracle they'd been able to save her at all. He wondered - briefly - if she had made it. Of course he wished her the best, wherever she was. He would slip through the thickest part of the trees, quite narrowly weaving through them as he made his way along the southern border. As he made the corner and moved north along the western border, he noted a scent that was all too familiar. Adette? Could she really be here? He quickened his pace, hastening to where she stood - quite literally present within the bounds of Seracia. How had she even known to come to the range instead of the delta? A quiet voice slipped from his lips. "Adette?" He took a tentative step forward, as if movement might make her disappear. He was still under the presence that she might be a figment of his imagination, although she appeared every bit as real as she ever had.


Image by Ruelle.



04-29-2013, 09:22 PM

Time, it seemed to crawl by so slowly. She figured someone would come, and finally, someone did. It was a man, a large guy to say the least, who held a somewhat regal posture. He looked rather astonished to see her standing there. It made her uneasy. Paws lifted to shift her weight as she tried to ease the tension. Who was he? She tried to recall the names a few Valhallan's had given her. What were they... Mavrock? Valkos? Gerhort? She couldn't remember exactly, nor did they give her descriptions of any of them. Who could this man be? "He-e-ll-o." Her voice was a bit soft and shaky at first, but she toned it up. No need to be afraid of someone she once had spent most of her time with. "Are you Maverock? Or maybe Valkos? Gerhort? I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce the names they had given me." The other wolves had said their names so easily, and for some reason it sounded bad coming out of her mouth. Plus, she wasn't sure which one he even was anyways. She knew the Maverock and Valkos guys were her kids, along with kamela, and that the Gerhort guy was her mate. This brute looked a little older, but she wasn't exactly sure how old her pups were either... or how old she was. Her tail flicked eagerly behind her tense frame. She was so nervous she wanted to collapse. "I'm sorry, i'm a bit nervous. Never done this before." She had absolutely no idea what she was doing. She hoped once the shock had set in and left this man would shower her with the love she had been expecting from her lost family.



04-30-2013, 01:25 PM

She looked different. Though he'd expected her to, since she'd practically died and been brought back to life. Still, something in her seemed off. He'd been her husband for quite a while, it was only natural for him to notice such a thing. He'd thought it would hurt to look upon her - which was most of the reason why he hadn't sought her out this whole time - but somehow it wasn't as bad as he'd imagined. He'd assumed it would be this fierce aching pain, but instead it was a dull throb, a reminder of the past - but certainly nothing to demand of the future. She spoke, words staccato and not fluid like they once had been. She mispronounced their names, furthering the King's confusion. Was she sick? Had she somehow forgotten everything? Something in her notes told him that the latter was true. "I am - I'm Gerhardt, King of Seracia, and your ex-husband." He took a tentative step forth, as if the movement might somehow frighten her or make her fall apart altogether. She seemed so fragile, so breakable. He wasn't sure he could stand this for too long. "I heard what happened, is your memory - is it gone?" Words were broken, strained, but he choked them out as best he could. The throbbing continued, accenting the beats of his heart with a subtle pain.


Image by Ruelle.



04-30-2013, 04:43 PM

She waited, tail flicking eagerly behind her delicate frame. God she was nervous, she felt as if her stomach was rolling itself into knots. Why did she even have to do this? He spoke, her ears flicking forward to catch every word. Well, this was Gerhardt, her husb-- wait. ex husband? Why had the Valhallan's told her he was her husband if he was merely just an ex? Were they truly messing with her already broken mind? She stepped back, ears pinned, head lowered. Was this the reason why she had been in the river? Had he put her there? Had she put herself there? "They told me you were my husband. Why have they tricked me?" Head tilted to the side, pools of crystal blue filled with confusion. Why were the other wolves telling her lies? He took a step forward, but she held her ground. Why he was closing the gap between them she didn't know, but she accepted it. If he wanted to come closer, she would allow it. "I'm not even sure what happened. All I can remember is opening my eyes to see three odd wolves standing over me. I was drenched in water, and it was coming up from my lungs. They told me they had pulled me from the river, but I have no memory of even entering it. So yes, it is all completely gone." Her head turned away from him, eyes dropping to meet the earth. She was so confused, so broken she didn't know what else to do. She had come looking for an answer, looking for someone to envelope her in love and support. But, it seemed as if she had come looking in the wrong place. Eyes widened, her head snapping back up to meet his. She wanted a reaction, a few words, anything.




04-30-2013, 05:19 PM

She looked puzzled. She really couldn't remember anything. How could this have happened? Gerhardt gave a sigh, and a slight look of alarm. Valhallans had told her that he was her husband. She didn't remember their fight, didn't remember him turning his back and walking away. Some tiny part of him chimed in, telling him he could start over if he wanted, but he knew he couldn't do that. What if her memory came back? She wasn't a pawn he could play with, she was a wolf, and she deserved better. Even if he was a bit lonely at times. "At the time they probably were not aware of our separation. They found you in the Rio Grande after we had a fight. One of the men who found you came and informed me that you were being taken care of. I am sorry all of this has happened, I never meant for any harm to come to you." He felt responsible, and certainly she would think he was responsible. For all she knew he'd thrown her into that river, though he hoped she would not think such a thing. He would have to show her how kind and considerate he was, and then she would believe that he'd had no part in this. "If you would like to come in, I can tell you anything you'd like to know." Another day he might've asked her if she wanted a tour - as he was quite fond of showing off his land - but as it were, this would be a foreign land to her even if she had her memory. They had recently moved here, and there was no chance the land would bring back any memories by itself. What she needed was his knowledge, and he would give her all he had.


Image by Ruelle.



04-30-2013, 07:13 PM

She kept her gaze on him, all senses ready to take whatever he had to throw at her. He spoke again, and while he did so, she closed her eyes and listened. No, Valhalla was not aware of their separation, so they weren't messing with her mind. They simply did not know what had happened. But what really had happened? Why had they split? He mentioned a fight, but what could it have been about to be bad enough for them to go different ways? She wanted to know... but then again she didn't. What would she do? Eyes snapped back open, pools of blue searching to meet his. She was looking for something, anything, any sign that there could be traces of emotions left. Though she could not remember something in her heart ached for him. It must have been true, she must have loved him in her past life. Something drove her here even without a memory. Could this be the reason why? "Yes, I.... I would love to come in." Though she was already more than a few feet within the borders, she would do anything for him to keep feeding her information. Where would they go? She would follow him if he decided to go deep into the territory. She waited no time, she went ahead and asked more questions. "Gerhardt." She tried her best to pronounce his name correctly, and hopefully she got it down that time. "Were we really married? I never believed someone would marry me. Then again I never believed I would loose my entire existence. I don't know what type of personality I have, or what my morals are, or where I came from. I have so many questions answered before I can begin building myself up again. She looked at him, eyes weary, ears flicked back. "What if I'm not the same woman as before?"



04-30-2013, 08:44 PM

He needed to relax, to focus. Adette needed help, it was clear by the vacant expression in her eyes. His eyes would meet hers, just as they had so many times before, and yet he felt awkward doing so - almost as if he was taking advantage of her, or worse. He forced his amethyst gaze away, instead sweeping his vision to Seracia as she said she would like to come in. Fantastic. Perhaps this would give him time to think of what to do in a situation like this. He hadn't been prepared for an ex wife returning with no memory. There was no instruction manual. His name slipped off her tongue, and he remembered how she'd used to say it. This way was different, unnatural almost. He shivered involuntarily. She wasn't sure about the situation either. She didn't believe they'd been married, didn't believe anyone could love her. She didn't know who she was, and it was up to him to help her find herself again. She worried she wouldn't be the same woman she used to be. He worried the same thing, though some selfish part of him screamed at him to make the most of this opportunity. He could mold her into anything he wanted, into anyone he wanted. But he could not, he would not. "We were married, for nearly a year. We grew up together, in the Hannick Pack. We left - or were sort of pushed out. We set off on our own, to start a pack - this pack. We didn't settle here at first, in fact, you never came here that I know of. We stopped in a nearby land and found three pups abandoned - their parents had died. We took each of them in as our own. Maverick, Valkis, and Kamala. We raised them as our children, and loved them like they were of our own flesh. They all still live here - well, save for Valkis - I'm not sure where his loyalties lie. We settled our pack and founded it in the delta not far from here, but I recently had to migrate us to this place due to the lack of fresh water in our old home." That was enough for her to digest for now. The King took in a deep breath and paced a little farther into the Kingdom, leading his ex wife as he went. He wondered what the reactions would be of anyone who might see them.


Image by Ruelle.



04-30-2013, 11:32 PM

His eyes diverted away from her own, something she did not expect. She wondered if it pained him to see her here, standing before him. Had he not expected her to come back? Had he hoped she's be gone forever? She certainly hoped not. If they were married, and the story he told was true, then why would he want her completely out of his life? She could only wonder what had caused them to part. She listened to his story, a shy smile tugging at the corners of he lips. Had they really been together for a year? It seemed like such a long time. And they had adopted children together? What a selfless thing to do. Valkis... That was his name, not Valkos. A quiet chuckle escaped her for a second. She was saying half their names wrong this entire time! Her kids... they sounded so wonderful, even the troubled one. This place was really beautiful, she couldn't help but stare at everything around her. She was honestly too enveloped in the scenes that she forgot to give the man a reply. She simply followed him, eyes bouncing from left to right as she took in the scene. She sped up a bit without realizing it, ramming straight into Gerhardt.



05-02-2013, 08:39 AM

The King shifted his weight instantaneously as she butted up against him. She must've been looking at the land and not paying attention to where she'd been walking. He smirked lightly, she still had a few of her old traits. "You mentioned not knowing who you were. You were a strong, independent, fiery sort of woman. In fact, when we met as just pups you set your claim on me. I remember, you told me that I had better not even look at anyone else because one day we were going to be married.." He trailed off, recalling those moments. "I guess you knew what you were talking about." Sentiment would overwhelm the man, and before he knew it he felt a wetness welling up in his eyes. If only she could remember something - anything. "But as they say, all good things come to an end. You and I had a terrible fight. In the end of it we were separated for good. You went off in a direction I wasn't aware of, and I returned to what used to be our den. The next day a man came running across my borders screaming that you'd been found in the river. He swore to me you were dead. I went to the spot with him but you had been moved - by Valhallans according to his account. I knew they would take care of you if they could." He wondered if she would resent him for not going looking for her. It just hadn't been the practical thing to do. Realistically, a King could not leave his land and go traipsing after his ex wife who had somehow - by suicide attempt or otherwise - ended up nearly drowning in a river. Collected paws would carry him across the landscape through the wide clearing between the forest in the south and the cropland in the northwest. He would take her and show her the barn, shed, and lean to - anything she wanted to see. He owed her that much.


Image by Ruelle.



05-02-2013, 07:29 PM

She instantly retracted from him, muscles tensing beneath her pelt. She was honestly shocked that she had been so wrapped up in the scene that she had run right into him! It was embarrassing. But... she enjoyed his touch, even if it were for a split second. For some odd reason she wanted... more. But she wouldn't demand it, nor would she even seek it. She barley knew this man, and even if they were married, she remembered nothing of it. To her, he was a stranger, one she merely felt lust for. Maybe it was her upcoming birth season, her heat, that put her into this mood. She wasn't certain, she couldn't remember being in heat before, so she didn't know what to expect. She listened to him, ears perked forward, eyes laying upon him. "Really? That's what I was like? I couldn't see myself claiming someone as my own... especially as a pup. I wish I could remember..." Words trailed off along with his, pools of blue seeking to meet his own. She could see the wetness forming. It made her feel terrible. What had she done to him? She reached out to him, her cheek aiming to meet his own in some sort of comforting gesture. She didn't want to see him upset, she hated seeing anyone upset. "But as they say, all good things come to an end" His words hit her like a thousand knives, each one piercing sections of her heart over and over. It... hurt, the fact that he made things seem so perfect, but seemed to rejoice the ending. And it was all over... a fight? What about? She was curious, she wanted every bit of knowledge he could offer her, but now wasn't the time to ask.

She had... ended up in the river, that day. Was it over the fight? Had he.. put her there in his frustration? He didn't seem like a man to do such a thing, but then again, she didn't really know him. She could remember nothing, including his personality. But, from what she had picked up, she saw no evil in him. So, was it really all her? She would have to ask at a later time... right now, it seemed he was more interested in showing her the territory. "They took care of me, don't worry." It was all she had to offer him at the moment, she didn't want to trail on about everything else he had said. She merely followed, him, taking in the- my lord. The clearing he had brought her to was... beautiful. She couldn't help but stare. But, she tore her eyes away from the scene, one brow raising. "What now?" She offered him a sly smile, her right brow still raised. Little did she know her old persinality was already shining through the cracks of her broken memory.




05-02-2013, 07:50 PM

She recoiled from him and he almost wished she hadn't. He had to keep reminding himself what had happened, and why they were here in the first place. They were divorced, he was her ex, and she his. He needed to remember that. He had to. It didn't matter that she couldn't, it was up to him to do so. "It'll come back to you," he replied wistfully - not sure if he truly believed it or not. Odds were fifty-fifty, her memories would either come back, or they wouldn't. He wasn't honestly sure which option he preferred more. On one hand, she didn't hate him if she couldn't remember, but on the other hand, she would not know their pups, or anyone else for that matter. How would she ever piece back together the last four years of her life? Her cheek lightly brushed his for a moment, and the man froze on the spot, unsure if he should be engaging in any physical contact with her. But the feeling was nice, and so he returned the light pressure for a second before retreating to his own personal space.

"I'm glad they did. We have an alliance with the Valhallans. They are an honorable pack of wolves." He would not share by what means the alliance had been made. He knew that she would be furious - or the old Adette would have, anyway. Perhaps this Adette would be more agreeable. Perhaps this one wouldn't divorce him like the last had. He blinked twice. He had to remember always that he had made the decision. She had laid down the line, but it had been his choice to walk on that line, or walk away from it. He had chosen the latter. "Anything you want, Adette. Are you tired from your trip? We could rest a while if you would like that. We could also get something to eat, or keep exploring, or just sit and talk." He knew a long time would be spent with his ex wife, piecing together just what her intentions were - if she knew at all. Did she want to stay here? He assumed that she would, at least long enough to learn about her past and herself. Then again, once she knew she might not want to stay. The King slowed his pace to let her decide the course of events that would take place.


Image by Ruelle.



05-02-2013, 08:16 PM

He had accepted her gesture, but it was only for a split second. He pulled away, wanting his space back, and she was fine with that. She just.. couldn't hold herself back sometimes. Inside she was a temptress capable of luring almost any man into her trap, but she didn't know it yet. She had her ways, and maybe someday, she would unleash them on Gerhardt, or any man for that matter. She wondered if they had ever mated before. Their kids were adopted, so... Maybe they hadn't? She would ask at a later time. He suggested rest, and the idea sounded marvelous, but she wouldn't rest here, at least not yet. Valhallans had set up a den for her, so in a way, she had her own little home there. Besides, there she could be alone and process all the information she had gotten today. Where would she stay here? Certainly she wouldn't be invited to his den, and she didn't want to be completely alone. At least in Valhalla she knew a select few. "A rest sounds nice. I have a den back in Valhalla, so id like to return there if you don't mind. I'll... see you around? Goodbye Gerhardt." With that the woman turned away, taking off toward Valhalla. -EXIT-

