
Devils Back Bitches


05-13-2014, 11:00 AM
DISCLAIMER: This is Creedance. This thread will have cursing in it. (Obvs, by the title.) He is violent. Not above challenging for whatever he wants. I don't guarantee it to happen, but he's rather unpredictable. CHAOTIC EVIL.

It was as if the last two years had never happened. The white devil couldn't remember them, and it was like he had been dropped in some waste land. What in the hell was this place? It reeked of packs and wolves, pathetic animals- sheep lining up for slaughter. He had left his home, and fought through hell for Amaranth, and yet he couldn't scent her. She had to be dead, and even her ghost wouldn't waste her time in a wasteland like this. His prowled, his body always braced for attack along the banks of the rushing river. The blood roared in his ears, the ivory audits flattened against his skull. Gums curled up in a snarl, the slew of curses that left his maw with every paw-step would have caused Satan himself to blush with embarrassment. Creedance Voltaire was back, in the same dark capacity that he truly had first embarked on the land- not that he could remember it. In his mind, this is how everything had always been. He'd spent the last week going from shore to shore- anger surging through him as he realized that he was nearly trapped. Getting away from this hell-hole wasn't going to be easy, so while he was stuck here- he supposed he could wreak havoc. What else could the demon do?

Angry at his lack of memory- the blackness that over took his mind every time he tried to remember the last couple of years. Years that he knew were gone, though he couldn't place how or why- he would plant his seeds of revenge. Someone here had to have caused this, and he would find them and make them pay- even if he had to eat the souls of every fool to dare stand in his way. He would bring this world to its knees.


05-13-2014, 11:36 AM

It was inevitable that the demon would return to the last place she had known herself. Alacritia had brought Liste immense happiness and comfort, but it had been torn so viciously from her that any hope of getting it back was lost. She had spent some time between her two worlds after her kidnapping, desperate to find herself again as she plummeted into darkness. Having no one here to come back to was the fuel for the fire that eventually engulfed her. She was now the product of pure evil, nothing more and nothing less.

Stealth had always been her friend though, through every aspect of her life, and now she thanked it as she crouched within the sparse foliage that bordered the river as though she was stalking prey. For a moment she had even considered victimizing this one, but as she listened to his vulgarity and saw the rage that consumed him she thought otherwise. Perhaps this one would be good for a little fun. She could toy with him for a while, get a bit of a thrill, then maybe she would use him for a little something else. Or she could seek out some true weakling to satisfy her taste.

With a demented sort of gleam in her eyes, Liste would emerge from her hiding place to saunter toward the male, swaying her mutilated hips in a manner that could only be described as suggestive despite her raised hackles. She would growl quietly--more of an alert to her presence than a threat--and allow the beast to choose to engage her, if he wished.

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05-14-2014, 10:44 PM

Wars swirled in his mind, a battle to remember versus a battle to forget. Red haze enveloped his pristine brain, driving out all reason with a surge of pure madness. Though lost in his world of madness and darkness, he did not miss the scent of an intruder to his space. Cerulean and orange eyes would seek out the intruder, audits pinning back as he heard a growl, not a challenge of dominance more of an alert. A returning snarl, reverberated in his throat, as he turned towards her. An ebony colored woman, dared intrude upon him. Was she insane? His shoulders rolled forward, claws digging into the ground, but he didn't launch himself towards her. No, it had been a long while since he had scented the delights of a woman. His ears ticked forward in interest, her sweet scent filling in the confines of his nose.

A purring noise would rumble in his throat, though his body was charged with madness. He would speak, his voice dangerously low, sultry almost. "Who dares to come into my presence?" He questioned, before answering, nearly making it rhetoric. "An ebony babe, a creature of the dark." Though he left room for her to speak, to announce herself, introduce herself as who she was. "Is she insane or a delight to behold? Someone to defile or someone to revel with me in the darkness, the madness?" Words were rough, and even the madness could not deny his curiosity.


05-31-2014, 01:38 PM

A growl and a look of aggression met her greeting, yet no attack ensued. She continued to saunter toward the white devil as his tones became alluring and a deep purr emitted from him, despite his continued cautious stance. His voice alone caused her to quiver with excitement, though the reaction was concealed by her walking a wide, slow circle around him. Liste had lain with none in many weeks, focused solely on her travels. She ordinarily chose to be in the only position of power, taking advantage of those weaker than her, but perhaps today she would share the joy, for this man appeared quite interested in what she was about to offer but certainly would not be bowing to her.

With a wicked grin she finally completed her assessment of the male and moved in closer, rubbing her side along his and nipping at his shoulder as she passed. She would continue not to speak, having no interest in it. Conversation would get them nowhere, though perhaps if he pleased her she would give him a name. Not necessarily her own name, but a name nonetheless.

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06-17-2014, 12:45 AM

His cerulean and amber eyes studied her ebon form. Ivory lids fluttered gently over them, as he stared at her. Was she mad or was she insanely courageous? To play a game with such a monster as himself. A wolf who had a habit of vitiating innocents, of tearing angels from the heavens. Skeptically, he watched as she approached, no words leaving her jaws. With every step she took, her intoxicating scent flooded through him- his body buzzing in response to the sweet smell. Lazily, he watched her circle him- his body tense even though something inside him stirred- something instinctual. Her fur brushed against his, and an electric charge shot through him- though he didn't move. He felt her teeth nip his shoulder, as she passed, and his head would snake forward, his own jaws parting to nip sharply at her scruff, hoping to seize the skin in his jaws. A slow chuckle radiated from his core- his eyes not leaving the ebon babe- but this time, he wouldn't speak. Rather he would only wait, to see what she would do. Perhaps she'd remain silent and allow him to claim the prize that rightfully was his.


06-20-2014, 06:47 PM

It wouldn't take much to get her point across. He already seemed to picking up on it and responding to her movements, as well as her touch. She allowed his teeth to draw blood as they briefly found their way to her scruff, but she pulled away just afterward and began another circle around the beast. She maintained contact through the entirety of her circling, either by rubbing up against his side or nipping every so often at his skin, eager for the slightest taste. Eventually she made her way back to his front and lowered herself to rub her side against his chest as she crossed beneath his chin. Finally, she positioned herself in front of him with a flick of her raised tail against his nose, the clearest invitation she could give. If he didn't take advantage now, she wouldn't hesitate to turn on him and do it herself.

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