


06-23-2014, 06:35 PM

The time was nigh. The champagne cloaked tempest had traveled for long enough. It was time for her to return to the kingdom she had been raised in, ruled by her sire, Isardis Armada. She was proud of her heritage, and whomever came to meet her that was not of Armada heritage, should stoop low. Rubies swept over the lands she once called home, and would soon do so again. Each and every piece and fragmentation of the northern empire was the same, it's own perfect manifestation of paradise. She was home... From her throat, came a melodic song, a summons to whoever could accept her into her lost home, a sunken paradise. She had heard nothing major had happened after the siege, and she hoped everything was in order ? and Isardis still ruled over the northern empire, as strong as ever ? or if he had given up the pack in a pathetic fit of weakness. The northern king would not do such an action, would he?

The albino tempest could only wait, her champagne locks swirling in the blitz of snow, her haunches touching the ground as she settled for a wait, just off the Glaciem border.

Athena I


9 Years
06-23-2014, 07:17 PM

A sweet song caught the Queen's attention and she lifted her head from where it had been resting on her paws. She had just returned to her den from her patrol and had been set on resting, but she could not ignore a summons. With a soft sigh she lifted herself to her paws and trotted off across the snowy landscape to meet whoever it was that was calling from the borders of her icy kingdom.

As she approached she spotted the pale babe that had let out the call and Athena headed toward her with interest. It wasn't hard to guess that this woman was family, judging from her albino coloring, and this was only confirmed by the girl's scent. It seemed every Armada had at least a touch of a similar scent. Unfortunately, since Athena had spent a good portion of her youth away from Glaciem she couldn't place a name with the face. None of the less, Athena approached her eagerly, keeping her stance that of a Queen.

"Well, hello there," she said with a smile as she came to a stop a foot or two away from the visitor. "I'm Athena Armada, Queen of Glaciem." Athena settled onto her haunches as she introduced herself, peering at her possible family member curiously. "What can I do for you?"



06-23-2014, 07:39 PM

Her call would be met by a white female, a figure materializing in the wintery paradise. She would approach in an eager fashion, her figure rather small and hunched. Rubies swept over the pearly queen's icon, stopping to meet her red-green gems, gazing within for any emotion. Her (Athena) inked lips parted to welcome speech, introducing her as the queen of Glaciem. "So my sire has handed the pack down..." These words slipped from her coral lips as a simple murmur, just loud enough for the new Queen to hear, if she would listen. The northern king had given up his rank, to a young Armada. She appeared to look as if she were spawned from Argent, a common mate to the former king. "I am Impra Armada, one of the many children of the former northern king, Isardis, whom I believe sired you, Queen Athena." Her head would dip in respect. Even if she would be disappointed in her sire for giving his rank to one of imperfection, one of no beautiful pelt, and of prowess, she would show her respects to the pearly tempest, for she now ruled over the champagne cloaked vixen's former home, and she would forever remain there. "What I seek, is to be welcomed back home, for the time I spent afar in faraway lands with my companions, Vask and Aros, whom I have not seen for some time now." Rubies locked onto the eager regent of Glaciem, as she spoke once more. "My loyalties are and forever will be with the Glaciem pride, whether they agree or not. Loyalty to the Armada lineage is within my blood. Each Armada sired by the former king, Isardis, is pure perfection."



6 Years
06-23-2014, 07:53 PM

Life as King was something that he had never imagined he'd gain. After the moving months went by, he had given up hope of redeeming his fathers name straight after his mother left his side and everyone else started to leave as well. His well formed body had grown into something that would perfect for a title that was fit as King. While he was not the perfect albino he had dreamt he would be, the slate blue armada boy was still having a rush of intelligence in his body. So pure, so careful with his movements. As he heard the call of someone near the border, his body rippled with movement as he started towards the direction of the call.
His green eye would come to rest upon the figure of Impra which he remembered from meetings before as one of his half sisters. His tail flicked once the scent of Athena hit his nose, eye softening slightly at the sight of his mate. There was no care for the world unlike his for her. The silent man for the most part in front of strangers would move forward. His necklace shining in the sunlight as he came to rest inches away from Athena. But still in close proximity in case she needed him for anything, anything at all. "Impra, it is a pleasure to see you once more. I don't know if you remember me or not, I am Vereux Armada I now reside as king inside Glaciem." his voice said smoothly and more civil. Impra probably remembered him as the weak boy, now that he was stronger he felt more confident. He would say nothing of her acceptance, for that would be Athena's choice she being the supreme ruler over him.


Athena I


9 Years
06-24-2014, 11:21 AM

Before the albino woman even introduced herself she spoke of her sire handing down the throne, confirming Athena's suspicions that his was one of her many half-sisters. It seemed that finding out Isardis no longer ruled here displeased her at least a little but, but Athena could understand that notion. She knew she would encounter that reaction a lot until the whole of the pack grew accustomed to her being their new Queen, but in time she hoped they would all accept her rule. Athena smiled as Impra introduced herself and now that Athena had a name to put with the face she vaguely remembered the woman. She didn't think they had ever really spoken before now, but she could remember, perhaps, seeing her from afar as a pup. "You would be right," she responded in agreement to Impra's belief about her father.

The pale woman spoke of her wishes to return home and her loyalties to the Armada blood and Athena couldn't help but smile. They were very similar reasons to her own for returning home after some time away. All the Armadas returned eventually it seemed. They all felt that pull toward home, toward each other. Athena opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the all too familiar voice of her mate. She turned her split-tone gaze to look at him, a proud smile gracing her muzzle when she saw him acting like the King he was.

Turning her attention back to Impra, she settled her gaze on the woman easily, seeing no ill will in her want to rejoin Glaciem. "Impra, I would be happy to welcome you back home. You do need to know that I do not run this pack exactly like our father did. I do expect a lot from each of my members, but I'm sure it is nothing you won't be able to handle. But tell me, what do you believe is your best skill set? Are you a fighter like myself or perhaps a healer like Eris?"



06-24-2014, 05:55 PM

When the shaded regent of Glaciem had begun to speak, another familiar Armada approached, his stature speaking of dominance, clearly not a subordinate. As soon as rubies would sweep over his visage as well as Athena, she gave a warm smile of reminiscence. "I remember you two when you were barely children... You have grown to be strong warriors that the Armada name lives up to..." She only spoke the truth, remember the frail boy named Vereux, one of the last litters seeded by the northern king and the dame, known as Argent. Rubies were once warm, before she heard the speech of the regent, gaze moving toward the regent.

"Every regent of the Glaciem pride has his or her different laws and ways of proving themselves. In every way, I agree with yours. There is little room for the weak, unable to prove themself." Rubies hardened in a ruthless and cold stare at the wasteland of the north. "Only the strong can survive the cold winters instilled upon us by the northern kingdoms." Her framework relaxed, as she lowered herself to sit upon the cold ground, claws gripping the ground, should she begin to slide away, if there was a layer of ice beneath the swirling blitz of snow. "As for a path I choose ? I will choose that of a warrioress, but I will also seek to learn some herbal knowledge, to be of most use within the Glaciem's pride, Queen Athena."