


06-23-2014, 03:20 PM

The lands were foreign to the lioness, they were so different from what she was used to, and held so many strange looking creatures. She had followed her brother here, but always remained a few days behind him. Massive paws pressed into the soft snow, her nose wrinkling in distaste. It was cold, and wet, she didn't care for it already. Her golden pelt stood out sharply against the pale terrain as she prowled closer and closer to the cliffs edge. Her ocean blue eyes would reach out to the sea below, watching the waves crash against the cliff mercilessly. Her long tail flicked behind her, rounded audits swiveling. Turning away from the cliff she would retrace her steps, seeking out a place out of the snow. Jaws would part, an ear shattering roar leaving her creamy lips as she called out for her brother. Her call would travel for miles uninterrupted, and hopefully reaching him and alert him of her presence. Paws would begin to work, scraping aside snow until she had a big enough place cleared for her to lay down. Golden haunches would drop, muscles coiling delicately beneath her pelt as she lowered herself completely to the cool ground. Her light cyan gaze would scan the cliffs as she patiently awaited her brothers arrival.



06-23-2014, 07:12 PM

He had expected her to come. Of the trio, Elsa was the most likely to trail after him. Still, she had taken her sweet time of it and he was not one to wait on anyone when he was traveling. And so, naturally the two had fallen days apart in arriving on Alacritian soil. He had taken this time to get himself acquainted with the area, meeting both Sibelle - the little she-wolf, and the curious male tiger. Apart from these two, none had been interesting enough for him to linger with for long, and so as her call boomed throughout the area - quite nearly shaking the terra firma - he found himself pacing toward her location. She had lay down in what appeared to be a field, though it very swiftly dropped off into the roaring sea. It was an unusual place, but it was enthralling as well. He strolled past her, allowing his tail to trail across her hip and spine before drawing himself to the very edge of the cliff. Hulking head dipped down to gaze almost hungrily at the water below as he panted once, then twice. ?Striking, isn't it sister?? He noted an area of descent, into the crashing waves - onto a little spit of land coated in white sand. An idle thought to take the path crossed his mind, but he would first get reacquainted with his sister. He glanced over her form, looking for blemishes or injuries from their trek - upon finding none right away he drew his amber gaze to her cyan. ?I see you fared well despite the journey.? She was young and full of exuberance, much like himself - they were invincible in his eyes.



06-23-2014, 07:38 PM

It would not take long for her brother to arrive, his tail tickling her spine and flank before he stalked towards the cliffs edge. A smile graced her golden features, audits swiveling as her brothers deep rumbling. "It is, but very different from home." He would peer over the edge before turning back to her. Her gaze would lazy search his behemoth form, but he seemed to be free of harm. "As have you." The lioness would rise, powerful limbs pushing her upward, tail curling as she moved towards her brother. She would bump her shoulder against his, burying her face in his name, a happy purr rumbling in her throat. "Its good to see you again. Have you seen much of this place?" She would peer up at him, her expression curious. This had been one of the first places she had traveled to and she had yet to meet any of the locals. Perhaps her brother had had different luck? Though she would be surprised if anyone had managed to catch her brothers attention long enough to leave an impression. Idly she wondered if their remaining sibling would join them, or they would stay back at home.



06-23-2014, 08:32 PM

He watched her stand, disrupting a bit of snow that was nearby. It seemed she had cleared a bed for herself, and he assumed it was because she wasn't a fan of the white powder. He personally didn't mind it, it was akin to water - which he loved. ?Indeed,? he chided in confirmation that he too fared well during the journey. ?I doubt there's much out there that can scathe your brother,? he joked in good humor, with a tone that was rarely heard by anyone but his family. 'Have you seen much of this place?' she would question with curiosity. She was an eager little duck, wasn't she? He nodded in the affirmative and responded. ?I came across a little she-wolf, Queen of a pack called Arcanum - it seems we might find something of a home there if a deal can be struck with her. I also met with a male tiger, these lands harbor many different beasts - according to him.? He paused to let the information sink in. ?We ought to stay close with each other from now on, I am uncertain how welcoming others may be to our presence.? His tone was fearless, but cautious nonetheless. He would be a fool to endanger his sister - and even though he doubted anything in the world could harm her, precautions were best taken anyway. As she tangled her muzzle in his mane, he lowered his head, curling his chin toward his chest, and bumped her lightly with his crown. ?It's good to see you too.?



06-23-2014, 09:20 PM

A low chuckle growled off her tongue as her brother cracked a joke, gracing her with a smile that was reserved only for family, a massive would lift, batting at his shoulder playfully. "Except me." Words would tease him lightly, amusement dancing across her face. She would listen carefully as he spoke of a little she-wolf, Sibelle, providing them a possible home. This interested her. "A she-wolf has caught my brothers attention?" She would allow mock horror to cross her golden features for more laughter rolled off her tongue. The information about another big cat in the area was even more interesting. Especially with the fact that he was a male. Lips curled back in a devious smile, she would have to seek out this male tiger, see him for herself. He would pause before suggesting that they stick together. She would nod in agreement, she had no reason to leave her brothers side so soon after reuniting with him, but he had always been protective, whether or not she needed it. He would return her motion of affection with one of her own. She would pull away, returning to her snow free spot before sitting down, gesturing for him to sit beside her. "What sort of deal did you have in mind with this pack?" Cyan age would tip up towards her brother, a brow lifting curiously.



06-24-2014, 03:53 PM

Her paw bounced off of his shoulder like a drop of rain, to which he would give a feigned 'oof' of recognition. ?In your dreams, little sister.? In truth, he knew that Elsa could pack quite the punch if she wanted to, but it was unlikely she would ever honestly hurt him. His brother, on the other hand, could be a different story altogether. 'A she-wolf has caught my brother's attention?' ?Yes, she's the Queen of a pack in the South.? Apparently quite a large pack, he mused - remembering how much land she laid claim to. The idea of a pact with her was appealing, and he hoped that everything would work out for the better. Lions and wolves didn't often fraternize, but perhaps there had never been a smart enough pair of them. ?It seems she may be in need of some muscle that I can provide, in return we'll be able to live and hunt within their lands. Nothing is set in stone just yet, but if all goes well I may have a home for you and I - and our brother if he decides to join us. Who knows, there might even be a job in it for you.? He imagined Elsa might like the little wolf children well enough to keep an eye on them. He didn't imagine she'd ever like his job - which required much more brute force and sinister punishment.



06-24-2014, 04:46 PM

He would play along before teasing her. She would laugh softly, knowing full well that she would never harm her brother. Her brother would explain that this she-wolf ruled a pack in the south. Her curious would only grow, waiting for her brother to continue. He was in the process of striking a deal. A smile curled her lips as he explained. This pack needed muscle, easy enough, and in return they would have free access to their hunting grounds. Her eyes would light up with excitement, especially when he mentioned that there may be a job in it for her. A happy purr rumbled in her throat. "Who have thought you could handle politics so well." The lioness mused quietly, half talking to herself, half teasing her brother. "When will you know for sure? What sort of job? Do you think our brother will ever join us?
Oh I wonder what the other wolves will think of us."
She would ramble off questions, excitement clear in her tones. There was no doubt in her mind that she and her brother would thrive in this so called pack, and who knew, she might even befriend a few. Pleasure rippled down her spine. The wait would surely kill her, the not knowing, all the possibilities. Her gaze would turn to her brother, beaming with happiness.



06-24-2014, 05:43 PM

He was eager to get the ball rolling with the arrangement - and hoped sincerely that it would all work out. He was a louse of a hunter, but if he lived in a land crawling with wolves ready and willing to do it for him, plus his sister, he knew that he could survive and even thrive. Plus, he would have a safe place to keep his sister out of trouble and harm's way. He felt responsible for her, even if she was the same age as he. ?It's not my best quality,? he noted with amusement. Enzo had been in a fine mood lately, but who knew when or where that might change. He wanted to strike the deal before it did. ?I'll check in with Sibelle tomorrow, you can come with if you like. I'm not sure what kind of job you could do, but I imagine those wolves may have children in need of protection.? She asked about their brother, and his lip would twitch in irritation. ?I hope that he does, but you never know about him.? He could feel her excitement in the air, which pleased him deep in his core - but he didn't bother letting it show. Instead, his mane quaked lightly as he moved toward her and took a seat on her right side. ?They will like you just fine. Me.. I'm not so sure about.? It wasn't that he cared, that was clear in his tone. He could care less if a pack of wolves liked him or disliked him. He only cared about being fed, reuniting his family, and taking care of his own. Idly his claws would knead into the earth as he plotted and planned for the future.



06-25-2014, 08:25 PM

It was not very often that her brother was in such a pleasant mood, especially pleasant enough to go around making deals with the locals shortly after arriving. He must have been just as excited to be here, though he would never show it. He would promise to go speak with this Sibelle woman tomorrow, allowing her to attend the meeting as well. A new wave of excitement blossomed in her chest, she would get to meet this woman sooner than expected, it would be a chance to get the feel for her and see where she would fit into this pack. A grin cracked her lips as her brother mentioned that there was a possibility of children. She had never wolves children before, but she imagined that they would be just as adorable as all children were. Her excitement would dim only slightly as the mentioning of their brother. There was no telling whether or not he would show up. But they were all old enough to make their own decisions anyways, so if he decided to stay home, so be it. Enzo would reassure her that she would indeed be liked by the wolves, it was him that they may not like. "Whaatt? You mean my brother not playing nice and making friends?" She would gasp, rolling onto her back in feigned shock before bursting out into laughter.
