

Athena I


9 Years
06-23-2014, 08:00 PM

It was finally time to call the meeting that she had been waiting for so long to call. Finally she could pull together all of the members of Glaciem and rebuild the empire that her father had once created. She brushed her side against Vereux's, loving having him at her side as they walked toward where they would hold the meeting. The silver Queen had woken early, pruning and cleaning her fur till it shone in the early afternoon light. It would be the first time that the whole pack would see her and Vereux as Queen and King and she wanted to look her best.

They reached the middle of the Sparse Pines and Athena found a stump of one of the large trees. The tree had long ago fallen, leaving a raised, flat stump behind. Athena climbed on top of it, leaving room for Vereux to climb up next to her. "Shall we?" she asked, smiling and placing a lick on his muzzle before turning her muzzle toward the sky and letting out a howl, a summons for every member of the pack. She hoped her King would call with her as well, wanting everyone to know they were a united force that was not to be reckoned with.




6 Years
06-23-2014, 08:07 PM

Vereux woke up side to side to Athena, even though he had not been tired, the man wished to do everything with the girl just like that. His bright slate blue colors shining within the yellow light. Expressing itself in the most glorious of ways against the winter snow. As they walked on he kept a mild smile on his face for her until they reached the branch perch that had just oddly been created for them in nature's will. His body moved with Athena's, as he gave a nod of his head raising it back to clear a howl for a call of their pack.
His necklace would jingle against his neck just above the white splash that sat there. One green eye watching the area as he kept close marks on Athena pressing next to her for one moment. His face would turn expresionless for those who would arrive. Show no weakness, for they did not need leaders who would not thrive in survival. After all, it was his father legacy that he was protecting down to the very confines of his bones.




2 Years
06-23-2014, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2014, 08:30 PM by Drashiel.)

Guilt ate away at his mind in an absurd race with his own greed to decide which would consume him. He half expected Ebony to come looking for the murderer, even now, months later but so far everything was unnervingly silent and still. They'd done well to hide the body. No one knew. Just him and his teacher. But ohh there was a part of him that craved to try it again, this time on his own to truly prove his worth as a warrior. To have his own name be feared as it was for his predecessors. But what was the cost? What was he willing to pay? Or perhaps the question was what wasn't he willing to give?

Drashiel's head lifted slowly at the call of the new queen of Glaciem and in a movement swift and elegant he was on his feet and heading towards the call. Quietly Drashiel approached the new ruling pair. A brother and sister again. He personally found the idea of being in a relationship like that with his full-blooded sister disgusting but he would say nothing. He knew his father had been in such a union. And who was he to judge? He'd let an older woman rip his virginity from him already, he was far from pure. But oh that had been fun? he wouldn't mind trying again some time. But for now there was the matter of the pack. And of his future. He desired something more stable as a rank, something that denoted his purpose with in the pack. He was becoming so much more than a mere blood relative after all.

"Athena, Vereux. Good to see you're both well."




06-23-2014, 08:33 PM
Isardis Armada
It was always to be a big ask; to have Isardis attend a meeting that was not called upon by himself, but by another. It never had really bothered him to rush to the summoning cries of his family, to offer them his arms and curl his parental craving for them about four smaller feet. Alas, when the crown of his daughter now outweighed his own, he would ensure that he took his time; waltzing almost carelessly, as if to convince himself the summon was not for him, but for the lesser?s of the world. That he would attend purely through his own decision and influenced by no other.

He had much to say, little did he know his mind no longer controlled this pack; no, but to the former King, Glaciem would forever and always be the product of himself. It would forever be his, even when the glowing rubies of a golden crown rest now upon the skull of his daughter. Encased by the magnificence of her own blood, Athena was forever a sight to behold; ankles now baring the sun-kissed gift of the Armada?s, jewellery to represent their genetic wealth. The dark loops that had found their place beneath her duo-toned gaze were enough to lure ones gape to rest only where it should, or rather, only where royalty should.

And yet she was not alone, atop her pedestal it seemed Vereux stood, whether he were invited or not was forever to be another question. And yet, their closeness suggested something far more, something that screamed of lust and power, even when the boy had never really seemed to be the male strength of the litter. What she saw in him? Isardis was not wholly sure, and yet in the same moment he would wish for no other man to stand by his daughter?s side. The Armada?s blood was pure, and through their coupling choices Athena and Vereux would stand to deliver even more concentrated power to the family through their own future offspring.

He shifted, toes coming to halt beneath a body that though no longer was in its prime, were still bursting with vigour untameable. He would not approach his Queen, but rather watch in a rotation of interest, giving her a taste of his respect for her; of all she had to look forward to. He still had much he wanted to discuss with her, for though Glaciem were now her own, there was no denying the albino were to still crave some form of power, some form of hold upon the future of her pack. Drashiel seemed to arrive barely moments before him, and though the boy held a fondness within his heart, Isardis had no other desire than to contain his attentions to the Queen? silently, eerily.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia



2 Years
06-23-2014, 09:18 PM

The den was cold, eerily so. His mother had been gone, days.. perhaps a week now. He didn't know for sure - but he knew it was longer than she should have been gone. A lot had happened, a lot that could have driven her away. He knew of Athena's promotion to Queen - how his own mother had been stripped of her rank and quite possibly her dignity. It pained him to no end that his father had done such a thing to her, and only added to the fire in his gut that was for his sire. The new Queen's voice rang out and he stiffened, an involuntary growl slipping from his lips. One day he would stand where she now stood. One day. Though everything in his power screamed at him to ignore her summons, he could not. He would need to keep an eye on things for his mother's sake. Begrudgingly, the purest Armada trotted toward the call, being sure to keep from arriving first. His father was there, surprisingly enough, and he could not help but trot toward the ivory sire. ?It's wonderful to see you here instead of looking for your missing wife - or have you cast her aside altogether after she stood by you in your sickness and your failures?? There was an ounce of spite in his tone, but the pain in his notes was overwhelming. He was a child worried, and a child hurt by the sire he hardly knew. His brother was gone and Isardis had done nothing, now his mother was gone, would he do nothing again?


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



06-23-2014, 09:25 PM

She arrives a proud mother; regardless of what her children think of her she is proud of them. A true Queen once more sits upon Glaciem?s throne, and even if all hate her within these walls she is most pleased that it is her spawn Isardis had chosen. How could he not? Even with her misgivings, Isardis was a smart enough man to know that Argent?s children, the children of one undefeated in battle and the one who had built the kingdom alongside him (instead of destroy it, much as Sendoa had), were the best suited to rule.
She arrives, smiling at Athena and then Vereux. Her gaze flickers to Isardis, an old ache welling up in her chest, but she seeks momentary eye contact. Look at what we have made. Alas, the grating voice of one of Sendoa?s whelps rusts her ears. She looks over at him, debating, but deciding it is time to make things known. Oh, it pleases her that Isardis has not looked for Sendoa. He had looked for her, after all. ?I believe it is your mother?s failures that has brought this pack to where it is now, boy. Isardis may have been sick, but he has never failed. You would do well to remember that,? she notes. Oh, she herself is not perfect, but it is Sendoa who has weakened Glaciem, that there is no doubt of.
It is Sendoa, she is certain, that is behind the disappearance of her youngest brood of children. And she hopes the woman may never return, or else she will return without a womb, to prevent her from cursing this world with more of her ignorant spawn.



6 Years
06-23-2014, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:39 PM by Kyung.)
The sickness had left him weak and tired and hoping he would never ever fall ill again. That had been enough for the rest of his lifetime. He wanted to run and jump and never again fear falling down, and yet his legs still ached from the seizing and he could do little more than a quick hobble right now. But when a vaguely familiar voice called for a meeting he would not refuse.

Moving as fast as his still recovering legs would take him the boy arrived in time to hear some of what is being said and for a moment he remained still. Then a sort of frustration rose up inside him and as he approached the group, walking right past his father without acknowledging him he found words tumbling unbidden from his mouth. "Strange I'd consider failing to keep your own women and children happy enough to stay a failure." He would then seat himself with a huff, locking his gaze on Athena.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



06-23-2014, 09:54 PM

So proud he had been of that ebony squirm when he had been granted the life of Sendoa?s womb, and yet here the growing boy stood; his mouth as foul as the stupidity it were fuelled from. Pale lips would wrinkle into a snarl, flashing ivories beneath cherry skin as his hackles would bristle in a show of his still-standing supremacy. His limbs would stretch beneath him as his body grew taller, sinew straining beneath a pallid pelt; and yet it would not be his own words that would bite the child on his hanging backside, but the voice of Argent, who through all their disagreements still stood as proud as ever by his side. Her words were no less than the truth, in what had Isardis failed? Nothing.

?The only task I will fail to do today, boy, is playing father daughter with your whelp-mother. I am not her servant, it is not my job to stroke her ego and heal her wounds; we stand amongst the ruins of the damage she has cast upon us, flailing weakly about the pillars she has brought down around us. Do you wish for me to track down the skin of her scruff and drag her helplessly to your hungry maw so you can cry upon her bosom? Know your place and know your strengths, you?d do well to remember she has abandoned you as much as she has abandoned Glaciem,? ruby gaze would narrow, so disappointed in the spoiled tongue of a babe he held such high hopes for.

His guard would not ease, willing to strike, willing to persuade the foolish boy of his own rights. No child of his would speak with such disrespect, and yet it seemed Kyarst were not alone today. The serpent tongue of Kyung would not be ignored, the viscious snarl rising yet again as anger-hungry gape would follow the ebony boys rolling frame. A sense of trust would coil beneath his ribs, knowing that as much as he once denied it, Argent was there? his blade was present, ever-sharpened and glowing, forever ready to support him both mentally and physically. Forelimbs pivetted towards the ebony child, Kyung that had spoken so out of turn, daring him with the syllables that stained his lips, ?What else ails your mind, child? Please, tell us more,? it was a warning to say the least, for if the child spoke again, his body was no less than ready to lunge.


06-23-2014, 10:13 PM

The ivory Queen had heard the summons from the depths of her den in The Red Forest. Curiously, she met the border that separated her from her family, the desire to know what was going on over there, nearly killing her. She stood at the border, her violet eyes staring deep into the pines, ears straining to hear anything that was being said. Apparently some in Glaciem had survived the illness, but who was left. She would turn, pacing at the border, wondering if she should dare to cross. Would they attack their own blood and ally? She cast a worried glance back at her own kingdom, her eyes lingering on her stomach for a moment. The lives she carried inside of her- were their blood too. The blood of Armada's... but would she be welcomed?

Letting out a hissing breath, she took a step forward- quickly crossing the border and heading into a forest she had come to know well. She moved gracefully through the trees, her paws falling into familiar paths as if she had never left. Her body was tense- alert, she was trespassing and the consequences for that, in her father's empire could be dire. She drew close to the meeting point, a flurry of voices and words in the air. She heard Kyarst, a pup she hadn't seen since he was much younger, Kyung- a wolf she knew only by name, Argent the once queen, and then Isardis. Father She froze- relief flooding through her body, as she heard his voice. She would emerge from the shadows, at the rear of the group- her stance proud, as she approached.

"Such discord. Such distrust in a king, in a father who was won you everything." She would announce her presence. Strolling forward, she would walk among her once pack. "Your mother ruined the empire, my father built. The empire our father shed blood for. You'd do well to hush your mouth, child." She said with a pointed glare at Kyarst. The boy had promise, but he was mouthy. She would halt near her father, and her gaze would move to Athena and Vereux. "Oh, how a crown, does suit you- sister." She said with a smile. She let out a breath, and glanced up at her father. "Father." She would greet softly. Oh had heard of her failings? Was she nothing but a disappointment? Steely gaze fixed, she glanced at the wolves present- taking in those who were still loyal to her father- to her sister, to Glaciem.




2 Years
06-23-2014, 10:18 PM

He was hard to miss, the white phantom slipping into the meeting area after being gone for so long. Peridot jewels slid sideways to gaze for a moment at his father. So the old man had survived, hm? Drashiel was surprised to find himself rather indifferent to the man he had for so long admired. Gaze slipped back to Athena as he waited for the meeting to get started. He supposed it was part of growing older. Heroes all dimmed and changed and he'd grown stronger and more confident in himself over the past seasons. No longer did he need an unattainable ideal to strive for or cling to. He'd had his first taste of power. He held another's life in his hands and he'd greedily swallowed it as his own. What further testiment to power was that? To give out life and death? He still respected Isardis as a fellow warrior but the word father held little meaning any more. Drashiel and Lysis had raised themselves and they were all they ever needed. Of course that didn't mean he held any direct animosity to Isardis. Unlike some of his other siblings it would seem. Siblings that had no idea how lucky they were to at least have a mother that wasn't so repulsed at their existence that she'd fled as soon as they were weaned.

Kyarst came in and immediately voiced his discontent. And? here we go? was all Drashiel could think. Not that he could blame the boy. Going from heir to one of the common masses? That certainly couldn't have been fun but the middle of a meeting was no time for this nonsense. Drashiel had things to do and places to be and the sooner this was over the sooner he could get on with his life, hopefully with a new station and new responsibilities. Argent soon arrived and spoke back to the young man. Well, well? was Argent Sight-Stealer alive and kicking as well after all this time? What a treat. And then Kyung? and then Isardis spoke again. And Drashiel stood, his bulky frame shifting dangerously. This was no place for a pissing contest.

?What else ails your mind, child? Please, tell us more

"OH PLEASE DON'T." Drashiel interuptted, voice dripping with sarcasm and feigned dismay. "You're all so fucking needy?grow up already and stop waiting for daddy to lick your little asses. The middle of a meeting is no place for a pissing contest. Athena is queen now.. not Sendoa and not Isardis. Give her time to say her peace then we can all gather round and watch you kill each other over a nice piece of caribou." He grinned at the thought. It was true that Glaciem was in dire need of members to form it's base but if all they wanted to do was cause trouble then Dashiel felt it was time to trim the fat? and he was more than happy to do so. To his surprise Roman had appeared. He offered a quick grin at her regardless if their feelings to Isardis now differed.




6 Years
06-23-2014, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:44 PM by Kyung.)
Oh so he had wounded the silver man's pride? good. Foolish is might have been but Kyung was tired of the bullshit his father had gotten away with. It irked him to no ends that anyone could look up at the man and see anything but the failure Kyung saw. Isardis was as much a child as the pups he had sired and it was damn time everyone saw that.

A boy he didn't know stood and began to spout his own opinion and Kyung had to laugh. This boy knew nothing. He hardly needed his father to lick his ass, seemed everyone else was eager to lick Isardis' though.

The ebony male sneered up at the man he had once considered his father, ignoring the threat in his voice. Midnight eyes glowed with joy at seeing the man so angered. "Strange that you would let the words of a mere, child as you said, wound you so deeply." He remained seated, rolling his shoulders slightly. "Perhaps you are not quite so strong as you say, after all you threw a fit over one woman, one measly little woman. Maybe you are the child. Not that anyone would ever tell you that, wouldn't want to hurt your poor fragile feelings. Maybe you even saw it in yourself, why else turn your kingdom over to an inexperienced girl." He turned his gaze back towards Athena. "No offense meant."

"Everyone is so afraid of big bad Isardis, but you know what I see? A toddler that never learnt that being told no does not justify throwing a tantrum." He grinned again. "But by all means attack me, prove my point. "

But of course others would come to his defense, how predictable. His siblings were nothing if not kiss asses.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



6 Years
06-23-2014, 10:43 PM

What had first been bride moving through his veins, quickly turned into an inaudible rage as he watched the children fight. As of this moment, he was above them all. He and Athena stood at the top, and whatever sad pathetic words that spewed from the pathetic spawns mouth only made Vereux love the thought of tearing his head off and spilling his blood over the ground. He could feel his hackles raise, as his green eye narrowed at the boy. Kyung, and the other two children that had been the result of filth within his fathers throne. Had he ever gotten the chance to know that they would be doing this, he would have quickly wanted to rid of them. Age was but a number now in his thought, but a merely little number. And while he knew perfectly well that his father could defend himself. It was EXACTLY what this boy wanted was for Isardis to attack him. As soon as the words of Athena moved from his maw, his lip would twitch. He was a king this would be handled with delicate pride underneath his skin. As he gave a quick greeting to Roman. And then looked at his sister, he looked at her with a sense of trust as the man calmly stepped down from the throne, he would raise his body showing his dominance placing himself right in front of Kyung. Between his father as well as he lashed his tail listening to the noise of his own golden necklace trinket.
"What right does a yearling who knows nothing of his own fathers bloods loyalties to him. Who was it that took care of you when you were a pathetic little whelp who could do nothing but crawl and cry for his mothers milk. The Armada blood owes you nothing you pathetic boy. Isardis as king protected your home, took down the enemy, tore them from the hinges and you think you have the audacity and right to provoke him." he would let a stifled growl empty his throat, he would not let Kyung have what he wanted. Or at least he hoped. He looked back at his father, this is the man I have become, for the sake of our blood he would think. "NOW ALL OF YOU, better watch your tongue before I tear them from your mouths so that you may never stink up this earth with your putrid breath again. This is a meeting called by YOUR queen and king not a festering pit for those who are just throwing their hissy fits because they are sad they weren't the ones standing on the throne. Isardis Armada will forever and always be the one who nurtured this empire, who made it into perfection, who bled on these grounds and more for survival and protection. If any of you want to argue, you will be dealt with like any appropriate traitor would. NO ONE will betray Armada's blood and get away with it. Now are we ready to listen to what our QUEEN has to say and our guest. Or do we want to continue this little charade of whose better when it is clear who the winner will be?" He eyed Kyung, and would growl at him again his fur bristling with anger. Then turning he nearly smacked Kyung in the face with his tail, or at least tried. And returned to the Queen's side. "I apologize for whatever happens my love. But as King I felt the need to assert what little dominance they thought I had and fortify it." he said softly. Returning to his calm gaze. He knew if Isardis attacked Kyung he would not care, but obviously the boy and the little rebellious Kyarst were out numbered in their stupidity.




06-23-2014, 11:28 PM

A summons would rise into the air, the boys dual toned gaze curios and eager to attend the call of the woman who caught his interests. He cared not whether she was related to him or not, he saw a beauty when it walked in front of him. And Athena was definitely one of those. White stained paws would carry him with vigor across the snow, tail flagged high above his back in a show of confident dominance, and he didn't give a fuck who got offended by it. He was who he was, and none would tear him down. No matter how powerful they thought they were.

He would arrive, the male now at his towering height. Icy gaze swept across the scene, brow raised as childish banter from both young and old stank up the air like rotten garbage that had been sitting around for weeks. Lip curled in disgust, from what he had caught so far, they were all no more then petty children. He was disappointed even, in the former albino king. He then tried to make sense of what the so called wannabe king had said. Ripping out their tongues to no longer breath their putrid breath? Was he that stupid? Even without tongues, they could still breath. He rolled his eyes at the statement, for he knew he was nothing but bark and no bite. From what he had seen before, the boy had done nothing but mope around the pack since the storm. Yes, he remembered. For Raw had watched him slink about with his tail between his legs while he moped about his eye and whatever else he cried about. It would bring a smirk to his face. The male would go on, gloating and praising the doings of the former one. And as far as Raw was concerned, he hadn't seen Isardis really bother to integrate himself into the lives of his children. Even he himself barely knew nothing about him. What the hell was Vereux's problem? Was he that blind and twitterpatted? Or just trying to suck up in front of his father? Perhaps both. Raw cared not anymore, this pack was wasting away from egos that were not being adequately fed. As this was proof.

He would spot his mother, at last. It had been a while since he'd seen her, and without hesitation the boy would trot towards her and brush against her side, if he were a cat he would probably be purring. He licked her maw, ecstatic almost, to see her again. "Mother, I am happy to see you well. I've missed you." He would remain with her a bit longer, before finally extricating himself to go and sit near Drashiel; a sibling he had gotten to know during a spar not too long ago. He had skill, that he would admit. And he would see him as one worthy of talking to, and even being around. He would glance at him, a look practically saying 'Seriously?' at the events going on. He would shake his head slightly, they were all childish fools...bantering like children throwing a tantrum because they didn't get that shiny new toy from the store.




06-23-2014, 11:36 PM

The oxygen that penetrated his thriving lungs were all dedicated to the prosperity of his offspring, all devoted to his empire and the makings of his children. And yet every now and then, the mental genetics of his babes would morph, and before him, they would create a monster he was neither proud of nor willing to protect. As Kyung?s tongue continued to roll, he would devour all his father?s will to ensure his health, existence. A left ear would cock as Drashiel?s voice joined the instance, though appreciative of his reality, he was simultaneously displeased by his foul language? was discipline really all falling apart? And yet it would not be the words that followed that would cause Isardis to attack Kyung, but the rudeness of his laughter in response to that of his part-brothers.

As if his fuse had been cut short by the wicked cackle, Isardis? defences would be set as they had for so many of his enemies in the past; stance squared, weight evenly disseminated, knees bowed, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws biting into the icy soil, tail swaying level with an aligned spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered to ally with his shoulders, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against tapered skull. Muscles remained tense in groundwork, however supple to allow his freedom of movement. And as if Vereux?s dominating words of tongue-ripping had filled him with so many foul idea?s, he would speak in return, ?With pleasure, my Son.?

With the ambition to remain face-to-face with the foolish boy, Isardis would attempt to propel himself forwards; projected by the lurching of power gathered within his pelvis and thighs. He would strive to close the distance between them with powerful, extended strides. Within his motions his left shoulder blade would jut forwards, exposing the pointed bones of a weapon; seeking to aim towards Kyung?s left side ever-so slightly. And with his skull tapered away from the ebony babe, the Albino ghoul would attempt to propel his protruding left shoulder into the upper centre portions of the child?s chest, hopeful to contact the regions of his trachea; ambitious to cause severe damage to his windpipe.

Eagerly, his skull would attempt to climb towards his own upper-left, jaws unhinged as nape would strive to snake forwards and vertebrae would hope to extend; hopefully stretched to his full length, Isardis would attempt a gradual pushing motion from the solidified balance of his hind limbs. His goals were ferocious, heartless; wanting to try and take a grasp over the top of Kyungs spinal column, directly behind his shoulder blades; aiming to sink upper canines into the right side of his spinal muscles and lower canines into the opposite side. Should he find his ambitions successful, Isardis would attempt to hold, to liquidify his body in an effort to remain close to the boy, to endeavour to tighten his jaws at a bone-crushing velocity. It were all or nothing in a world where even family couldn?t pledge loyalty, and Isardis was sure the boy would give his all. But would it be enough?

As if it weren?t enough, an ambitious left forepaw would be sent in an attempted reach for the boy?s left front ankle; with the hope of bending the lower joints of Isardis? own left forepaw around the inner mid-structures of the youth?s fore-appendage. The albino wanted to maintain his balance on his three standing limbs; weight equalized upon his haunches to possibly allow for the extra movement within his shoulders; and with one clean attempt, Isardis would strive to drag the boys potentially grasped limb back towards him, hoping to throw the immature?s balance, to send his meagre shoulders tipping towards the father he had so grown to despise. Tail swayed to keep his core centred. He wanted the fool to lose his footing, to be at the mercy of gravity and feel the weight of the earth beneath him. He wanted control. Though yet to be aware of any success, Isardis would swiftly strive to plant his left forepaw back beneath his broad chest; squared, re-balanced.

Isardis vs. Kyung ? Round 1 of ???

For Maim ? Severe permanent speech defect.

Attacks: Coming to Kyung?s left-ish side, from front: attempting to slam left shoulder blade into the centre of Kyung?s chest/upper wind pipe region. Attempted bite to the spinal chord?s surrounding muscle, and attempting to use his left forelimb to grasp Kyung?s left forelimb from the inside and pull it towards him/unbalance Kyung and cause him to tip forwards.

Athena I


9 Years
06-24-2014, 12:16 AM

ooc: would like it if we can calm down the dramas a little bit now please <3

ooc pt. 2: Also, this is not the beginning of the next round, just Athena stopping the madness lol

Oh it seemed she had more work to do than she thought. Drashiel would appear first with their father soon to follow, both of which she was proud to see. The albino's appearance at her meeting made her pull herself up a little taller and hold herself with a little more pride. She felt the same way when she saw her mother. It didn't matter what she thought of her mother at this moment, the fact that her mother was there and could look at her daughter and son with pride was enough. But then Kyarst and Kyung made their entrances, spitting their venom and insults. They disrupted the peace she intended this meeting to have. Athena was glad to see Roman here whether she was a member of Glaciem or not. Roman was family and Tortuga was a close ally, she was always welcome. The Queen sat tall and calm as the wolves around her began to spit comments back and forth, threats and insults alike. Every time she went to silence them another would speak, her own mate included. A quiet, seething rage built up under her skin, but she refused to let some snide comments to get a rise out of her. Her split-tone eyes simply narrowed and glanced from wolf to wolf as they spoke, her ears flicking with displeasure. She couldn't care less what the brats had to say about her, but insulting their father was too far. Vereux would step in, speaking most of her own thoughts and he would apologize. She would silently press her shoulder to his, telling him without words that she accepted his apology. They would need to discuss it later, but that was something that could be done in the privacy of their own den.

But then there was the icing on the cake. Her father, in all of his vengeful glory, went after Kyung in an all too vicious fashion. Her gaze widened with shock as she watched his albino form lunge toward his own son, Isardis first making contact with Kyung's chest with his shoulder. Athena knew well enough that her father was prone to reactions like this, but when she saw him reaching for Kyung's spine she knew he was going too far. She sprung up from her perch, carefully trained muscles instantly tensing. The Queen shoved her shoulder into Isardis's side, shoving him off of her half-brother or at least disrupting his attack. "ENOUGH!" she snapped, her furious, blazing gaze darting from Isardis to Kyung and back again. In that moment she didn't care if this was her father she was speaking to. In this moment she was the Queen. "This is not the time nor the place," she told them both, her voice low and seething. "Kyung, I hope this teaches you watch your tongue. And father," she turned her gaze toward the albino, her stance firm and unyielding, "Potentially paralyzing your own son is too far for a smart mouth. And even if it was, this is a meeting. My meeting." She lifted her voice, now speaking to everyone that had arrived. "We are family! Every single one of us! Does that mean nothing to any of you? You can settle your petty differences elsewhere. Here, right now, this is a meeting to discuss the status of our pack. I care not what got it to this low point, I only care about how we are going to rise to be the empire that we once were!" She turned with a lash of her tail, still fuming at the insolence of all of her family members. As she settled back on her perch beside her brother she glanced around at all of them, adding, "I am not forcing any of you to stay. If you truly can not put your petty differences aside for the betterment of this pack and of our family then you have no place here."




7 Years
06-24-2014, 12:23 AM

She carries with her a bunch of flowers, a celebration for Athena?s new role as Queen. How could Amalia possibly not bring the woman a gift! There is a bounce in her step, and perhaps a moment?s hesitation as she arrives on the scene, observing chaos erupting. She frowns as Athena spits out angry words, strong words, taking true authority. She seeks to come over to the silver woman?s side, hoping to drop the flowers (red ones, to match the Queen?s eyes!) at her paws and seeking to offer a kiss to her cheek.
It is then that the doll seeks to remove herself, seeking a place more fitting of a pack member of her stature. She beams up at the Queen, baby blues brimming with confidence in the newly crowned woman. She does note a few faces, the male who stands alongside her especially. Is that her co-ruler? She?ll have to make great friends with him!



6 Years
06-24-2014, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:48 PM by Kyung.)
Well now then, his half-brother would interject himself between them. Spitting venom at him, some bullshit about how Isardis had been the one to protect him when he was young. "Oh how lucky and special you must have been then, to have our father weighting hand on foot when you had been pups- oh wait. He didn't, did he? You see, no one was raised by him. Isardis cares as much for us as he does for the ants under his paws. My mother raised me, he hardly so much as even talked to us. Say what you want but blood means nothing when all it has come to mean is a missing father, a missing father and bunch of wolves too scared to think for themselves and realize that kissing his ass is only going to get you so far. I could care less who sits this throne, so long as our father never gets to abuse his powers again. He broke apart families, just like ours because his goddamn pride demanded he put his ego above the safety of our pack. A senseless war was fought because one fucking woman got away. News flash women are fucking everywhere!" He grimaced, feeling hot fury rising within him. " And who could blame a woman for wanting to escape a man that impregnates her and then abandons her and her children for the next catch of the day. Congrats brothers and sisters we are all children of women who mean less than dirt, who are no more than objects to our lovely and charming father over here." He cared less and less what they did to him, he wanted to see his father ousted, destroyed for the crimes he had committed. There was no ego, only blind fury that a hideous beast such as his father had ever earned such respect. He was a worm, the scum of the earth and they all needed to see it.

His father it would seem would oblige him. The boy wanted to laugh in triumph in joy, the man was eating from his palm and even if he lost he would be forever right. He was right. Not only that but as he father rushed towards him he could see the weakness in the man's plan.

Rolling his shoulders forwards and dropping his head even to his shoulders, chin tucking to his chest and effectively covering his throat. Ears would pull back and eyes would grow narrow. Lips furled to reveal glinting fangs. His tail would become even, aligning with his spine for balance. Knees bending, toes would splay, if he was going to win this he would have to use his size to his advantage

Isardis' rush would leave him unbalanced, shoulder jutting out unnaturally like that. Kyung could only hope he had enough weight to throw the bigger man off his feet. But then his father was not as quick, his massive weight giving him a disadvantage where it could also aid him. Not to mention his father was not a young wolf anymore.

With a quick shift the boy would make a quarter turn so that as his father slammed his shoulder into the boy it would meet Kyung's own right shoulder. Kyung pushed off then, using his speed and the momentum of the hit to sidestep away, sweeping his right forepaw as he went in an attempt to take our Isardis' right paw and hopefully topple the heavier man. There was shouting and as he side-stepped a weight was pushing into him. The ebony boy toppled over, rolling and coughing wincing at the pain in his right shoulder. He struggled to rise to his paws, fury evident in his eyes. "I will yeild if he will, but do not expect me not to defend myself." He spat.

Isardis vs. Kyung 1/1(?) For maim- Castration

Defenses: Ears back, shoulders forwards, head down, eyes narrowed, tail out, chin tucked, knees bent, tail out, toes splayed.

Attacks: As he side-steps he sweeps out his right forepaw to try and take out Isardis' right forepaw and effectively topple him over.

Injuries: Bruising on his right shoulder when Isardis connected.

OOC. If Isar chooses not to listen to Athena we can obviously bump the round count up, I just wasn't sure.

Edited to specify type of Maim, edit allowed by SeceretAffair.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]


06-24-2014, 04:36 PM

She is lost in thought when the call rings out, two voices summoning the pack to their feet, one of them very familiar, and one of them vaguely. She is certain the female voice is Athena's, and so the overseer is quick to her charcoal dipped paws, leaving her den and reaching Sparse Pines within a few minutes of paced traveling. Ramses, her clouded leopard companion, trails close to her heels as he searches for any threats that could lurk within the snow encased forest. She hopes she will be one of the first members to arrive, she needs to know if anything has happened to Athena and help her before others could. She has found herself growing rather fond of Isardis's daughter due to their hardships during the plague, and now that it was obvious Isardis would not be returning as king she wondered whom would be taking over next. Was she about to receive an answer?

To her surprise a group had gathered before she had the chance to arrive, their scents engulfing her lungs with each nearing step. She would cast a glance toward Ramses, whom met her azure gaze with his amethyst orbs, both exchanging a silent "here we go" before the duo would emerge onto the scene. Her eyes would glance from face to face, tension painfully present in the group as Kyung mentioned something about defending himself. But from who? Azure eyes would sweep toward the other side of the group, and immediately her jaw would slacken as she blinked in disbelief. Isardis? She feels a flutter of feverish emotions rise within her chest, and instantly feels the overpowering impulse to run to her kings side- but she refrains, eyes trained on the scene before her as she waits to see where this meeting is going, and if she will be required to put a stop to any fighting.




3 Years
06-28-2014, 04:01 AM

As Talvi arrived at the meeting the first thing she would notice would of course be Athena, words of anger being fired from her mouth at Kyung and Isardis of all people. It was certainly a surprise to walk in and see such a sight at a meeting and to be entirely honest left the blue and silver girl pausing for a moment, eyes then examining the rest of the scene before her.

It was then that she would set her sights upon the silver form of a wolf she most certainly knew yet could hardly believe was here; her mother. It had been so long since she had seen her about and to be honest there were indeed some mixed feelings whirling around inside her now. She'd been rather unsure of life since her meeting with Pandora, the discovery that the description she'd received of her father certainly made him appear a different man from what Pandora had said. She'd been glad then that she could avoid her mother, not certain what she really wanted; part of her wanting to question more and the other wanting to go back to the not knowing.

Now with Argent before her Talvi's mind would be set as she strode to her mother's side and came to a stop beside her. She would say nothing though if her mother turned her attention to her she'd be able to meet Talvi's gaze and see the apologetic look in her eyes. She could explain it all later but now was not the time. She never should have pushed her family away like that simply for one fact that truly could never affect her anyway. These half siblings lived elsewhere in Alacritia playing their little game of happy families with the man who clearly played favourites in life. His loss for not choosing her mother, though she certainly couldn't blame him for how broken the family had become as of late, that was all their own faults. Talvi strove now to make a better effort, repair the damage as best as she could with Kasai and Sol now both missing and it seemed only herself and Raw left in Glaciem with their mother.



2 Years
06-28-2014, 08:32 PM

Drashiel's hackles raised at Kyung's laugh. Had he said something funny? He certainly didn't think so but he was quickly getting to the point where he just didn't care any more. If the little twerp wanted to get maimed let him get maimed. They could carry on the meeting just as well without Kyung and Isardis involved. Besides, if he really wanted too, Drashiel could attempt to hunt the little bastard and teach him a lesson after the meeting without others getting involved. They'd see how well the piece of shit could talk with Drashiel's fangs in his throat.

Vereux stepped forward and at first Drashiel would be impressed that the mopey little flower was finally talking trash but he had to roll his eyes at the threat. Vereux had yet to do anything to truly earn his respect and he would only stop speaking when he dam well felt like it or when someone of worth asked him to. Drashiel didn't take well to such blatant commands. And even at the end of all of it he would back down to Athena, uncertain and wavering once again.

It was then Raw arrived and Drashiel would offer a nod in greeting. He felt a certain kinship and respect towards Raw after their spar and it seemed Raw was no more impressed with the state of this meeting than he was. Drashiel would shrug in response to Raw's gaze that seemed to ask if this was seriously happening. Hell if he knew? hell if he even cared anymore. With a yawn his gaze fixed on Athena who clearly was about to burst. He tensed and waited. Come on Queen? show your power. Finally Athena exploded. Her voice ripping into the meeting as she attempted to gain control. He agreed. If they couldn't keep their egos in check it was time for them to leave.
