
string theory



5 Years
06-24-2014, 06:16 PM

Faint vocals had drawn in the behemoth, having taken the chance that night to sleep, she was not as fearful of what might befall her in a tired state. IF someone wanted a fight, she would gladly make the fur fly. Powerful paws would touch down upon the terra with nearly no sound, though the impact of her weight upon the ground might be felt to the small creatures beneath. As she approached, songs were heard from deep within the bowels of the cavern in the mountain. Intrigue drove her on, cerulean orbs fixed upon the entrance, seeking figures wreathed in shadows or heavenly creatures serenading her, selkies pulling her to her doom. There was nothing, but her skepticism would not be killed. Broad hips would sway sensually as she strode onward, long plume sweeping across tall heels. Her crown remained held loosely between her broad shoulders, movement much easier without danger of abuse by shorter objects like cave ceilings and branches. She would step through the entrance, seeking the source of the music. There was still nothing but an empty cave, where melodies rang out from different places every second. It was odd, magical.
A derisive snort would escape her charcoal sensor as she lifted her cranium to look about. This seemed like a good place to commune with the gods, should those voices prove to be heavenly signs. There were no words to these songs, simply a tune that weaved through the air wondrously, pitches seamlessly flowing higher and lower without warning. It was lovely, but nothing mesmerizing. Some of the voices held familiarity, but nothing the Viking princess could place nor cared to. It didn't really matter. She stepped further within, her golden form now cloaked in light shadows as the light from the entrance receded. Her cornflower blue optics scanned over her surroundings, taking in the sharp spires rising from the floor and dropping from the ceiling, some meeting in the middle to form pillars of varying girths. The steady, dim sound of water dripping from the tips of the stalactites provided a suspenseful ambiance to the moment.

As it should be, it was at that moment that the giantess heard the quiet breaths of another, and scented a feminine musk. A long inhale of breath brought the sweet tang to be tasted upon her tongue, which snaked out to run along her large pearl daggers. Her cranium would rise to it's full height upon her well muscled neck, and ever so slowly it would pivot to point her thick muzzle over her shoulder to see who this lady might be. A gunmetal coated she wolf, with an ebony mask and mercury optics. Small, but with an angular frame that the much larger woman wouldn't mind getting closer to. Or pressed up against. A wolfish grin would come to play at her inky lips, revealing those daggers. "Hello there, lovely." Her silken vocals would rumble as she turned to face the stranger. What a sensual creature, with a bold aura. Her charming grin would not cease, and she stood before the strange woman, awaiting a response. This would be interesting, a pretty face with a sublime body, alone with her in a dark cave.


Katja the First


8 Years
06-24-2014, 06:58 PM

She had gone to the caverns to seek guidance, to hold commune with them. So much had gone wrong, so much continued to fall apart. What had she done to lose the favor of the gods so quickly? She had lost Raisa, Raisa's children and their inheritance were in jeopardy because of Raisa's irrational lover, the pack she held in trust for them falling apart at the seams as the rats jumped ship.

She had not expected to find someone already there.

The thrumming feeling of the god-touch, Freya's hand as the music of the cavern's rushed through her, suddenly tapered off as the scent and sounds of another wolf intruded. Gold-flecked mercury eyes narrowed as her head turned to regard the wolf, who had likewise noticed her.

The woman's silky words automatically raised her hackles. Head and tail likewise raised dominantly as she stared at her golden counterpart, cold eyes fixed on her in the darkness. "Who are you?" she rumbled.



5 Years
06-24-2014, 07:25 PM

The granite hackles upon the femme's petite frame rose almost instantly, mercury gaze hardening to pure steel. A demand for her title came from the strange lady's jaws almost instantly, harsh and yet all the more alluring. A fighter, warrior. She would be interesting indeed. A hearty chuckle fell from her inky lips, cornflower optics rolling heavenward for the briefest of moments. She would sigh then, her mirth trickling to a stop. However, the grin would remain on her features, just the barest twist of the lips. "I am Sigyn ?sir, formerly royalty of the ?sir clan to the north." She replied with a nonchalant tone, dipping her crown in a respectful gesture. Her tail swept once across her tall heels, mirth twinkling in her cornflower blue pools as she raised her cranium once more. Her stance was somewhat relaxed, but it was evident she was still prepared for this gunmetal pelted spitfire to launch an attack. The happening of that would not surprise her in the least, and it would hopefully be a grand battle, worthy of such a lovely creature as the one before her.
Her brow would quirk inquisitively now, gaze holding the moonstone orbs of her opposition. "And what about you, what name should I pair with that onyx mask of yours?" She inquired in return, tossing a casual wink the stranger's way. By the look of things her flirtations and charm were only going to piss of the woman, but it wasn't exactly something that the golden coated giantess could turn off. She could only tone it down. Her grin widened for a brief moment, and then fell to a wry smirk again. She was surely going to get herself into trouble if she kept going on like this, but Sigyn was having a grand old time of it. The wicked assortment of gently curves and savage points forming a mark around her left eye had gotten her places back home, had earned her brownie points before she even opened that silver tongued mouth of hers. Here, such was probably not he case. She'd have to get used to that, but now wasn't the time for it, so it seemed.


Katja the First


8 Years
06-24-2014, 08:47 PM

Katja bristled as the woman burst into laughter. Had she said something funny? She certainly didn't think it was funny. The woman quieted, finally giving her name, and Katja's hackles lowered as she considered the woman, though she did not relax from her stiff stance. Her name was one more than familiar to Katja. The name of a god, from a clan named after the gods. It bordered on blasphemy, but then there had been a long tradition amongst vikings - kings and karls alike - of claiming descent from gods. All this did was declare her origin to Katja, rather than offend her. And she did claim royalty, which would go still further to explain her name. A foolish conceit, in Katja's eyes, but then again many things were.

"Katja Finnvi am I," she answered cautiously, though her eyes narrowed and her tail twitched with irritation at the saucy wink thrown her way. "Regent of the empire Ebony." She cocked her masked head to the side in some curiosity despite her annoyance. "Your name does suggest you be also..." she struggled a moment to find a word in the common tongue to describe what she was looking for, and finally had to settle on the closest thing she could. ".... Viking?"



5 Years
06-24-2014, 09:19 PM

The woman seemed disconcerted by her initial mirth, but it did get her to relax a little. That was a plus. Then there came a name, a strange one that sounded similar to the ones of a place she had travelled to in her life, a place she had conquered with the might of her family and it's armies. The wolves there had been formidable opponents, and many had earned the honor of being left alone, while others were taken as prisoners and slaves. She recognized the lilting tongue of which the name originated, that was for sure. Katja. Finnvi. A strong name, for a woman who showed much strength already. The twitch of her ebony striped tail and narrowing of her mercury eyes brought another chuckle out of the giantess, a quiet one that was more amused than anything else. Then an addition to the gunmetal femme's title was announced, prompting an intrigued quirk of the brow from the golden she wolf. A queen, eh? Impressive. This must be a formidable woman then, one who would be savage in battle and merciless. Sigyn found herself liking the stranger even more.

There was a quizzical tilt to the granite pelted wolfess' tiara now, a curious glimmer to her mercury pools. Her lips parted slowly, maw opening to reveal pearl daggers as she slowly posed a query that she seemed unable to finish. No matter. The princess simply stood calmly with her own mildly inquisitive expression and waited for the right words to come to her conversation partner. Then the proper term found the regent, who then finished her question. Well, add observant to the list of things this petite she wolf was. "Some call us that, yes." Her rumbling vocals would reply, a slow nod being added on. Then one brow would be quirked, suddenly curious. "Why do you ask, oh mighty Katja?" She would inquire then, a smirk crawling onto her features. The broad planes of her face shifted in the slightest as she spoke, the grin evident but not overbearing. Her golden plume would give an absent flick at her hocks, and she shook out her thick ruff in response to a droplet of water finally working it's way through the coarse guard hairs. Her cerulean gaze returned quickly thereafter to the dark coated lady's features, awaiting a response.


Katja the First


8 Years
06-25-2014, 06:23 PM

The woman's quizzical words made Katja immediately stand down. Somewhat. After all, just because she was one of Katja's own didn't mean she was in any way trustworthy; just look at her cousins. But Katja did relax somewhat. It had been a long time now since she had the pleasure of the company of another viking, not since her sister had vanished. "Jeg er ogs? en nordmann," she told the stranger solemnly. "Long has it been since I stood in the company of one born of the children of the north, in knowledge of the aesir, and the vanir."

Silver eyes lingered upon the heavier golden woman's frame, the way she carried herself despite the annoying jocularity, and narrowed thoughtfully. "Welcomed, would be, another viking in the ranks of Ebony," she offered. "Soft are these southern wolves, and Ebony does have many mouths to feed, and children to train, and too few capable. If you be interested, you would have a place there." But she did not wait for the golden wolf's reply, impatient to get back to her pack now that her quiet sojourn had been interrupted. Instead she turned upon soft paws to disappear quietly from the cave, murmuring as she did, "If you're interested, nordmann, find me in Ebony."

And then she was gone.



5 Years
06-26-2014, 01:08 PM

There was a distinct loss in tension in the regent's dark shoulders, but not completely. Either way, that was progress towards a certain lewd goal, was it not? The sound of a reply in her native tongue met her tall audits, and a joyous grin slowly began to creep over her features. Another pillager, hunter, warrior woman. She was hooked now, the caramel bitch would have this gunmetal femme if it was the last thing she did. It probably would be, if her luck was any contest to it. When the ebony jaws of her companion opened again, she felt something akin to pity for the woman. However, it did not last long. Obviously the she wolf wouldn't be wanting that emotion from her. "Aye, I should think it must be a relief not to be surrounded by the uncouth for once." She chuckled, her hearty vocals amused in the slightest. She was coming to recognize a strange pattern of speech that leaked from the maw of the granite coated femme.
There was a ponderous narrowing in the mercury optics of the smaller woman, who then slowly opened her mouth again to speak. Attentive audits would push forward curiously as she lowered her crown in the slightest to watch the expression that might change upon those angular features. An offering of a home, already? How intriguing. A disdain for the soft hearts of these wolves here became known, obvious to be annoying to a fellow Viking. A place there, for her? A tempting offer, but more thought should be given, shouldn't it? Sure, the allure of the petite lady and all her glory would be enough to drag her there, but it should be more that drew her under someone's command. She tended to chafe under the command of others, preferring to lead her own troops and go off to raid as she pleased. Before a reply could fall from Sigyn's inky lips, the masked wolfess would turn and pad soundlessly from the cavern. There were hardly tremors from her movement, not something the giantess was used to after being raised among fellow behemoths that shook the ground under their feet.
Cornflower optics would follow the disappearing rump of the mysterious Katja, and when it disappeared she would turn to look to the cavern around her. The heavenly vocals would begin again, and an amused chuckle would trickle from her maw. "Maybe the gods do speak in wordless tongues here..." She would rumble absently, silken banner flicking at her hocks. Then, her powerful limbs would begin to move, carrying her from the cavern with her crown between broad golden shoulders as she decided to walk about while she pondered the offer. A pack might be nice, somewhere with troops to train into formidable warriors. Though, that would mean tying herself to a leader. She had only followed her father's orders half of the time for the sake of keeping him from trying to put her in some mythical place where she was supposed to be. Massive paws would strike the terra, leading her somewhere she didn't care to know quite yet as her mind roamed over the possibilities.
-Exit Sigyn-
