
Days gone by

Twig I


06-15-2014, 10:37 PM
Set right after Valhalla meeting a day or so after Twig learns about Themisto's illness

Themisto was dying. It was a fact she was still coming to terms with, and still trying to deny. Her heart was breaking for him. She wanted so badly to cure him, to make him feel better. It was hard to see him so hurt and to know how limited his time on the earth really was. She'd left him be, she didn't want to cry in front of him, she wanted to be strong, to show him how much she loved him. She was still trying to recover from Fern, and this.. it would open up the wound all over again. She felt desperate and confused, hurt and lost.
She hadn't seen Alpine in a few days time, most of all she'd wanted the comfort his shoulder could provide. She didn't know what had happened to him though, so before she let herself back to Themisto's side she would fall into her once shared den. She hoped Jinxx was there, she needed to tell him about her plans. She wouldn't leave the healer's side until the very end, no matter how hard it would be. He needed someone by his side while he said goodbye, and she would be there.
Her marked features would lean into the opening of the den, no doubt her brother had noticed her disappearance already. She was recovering well, her body seemed filled out and her coat had a returned sheen. With Themisto's sickness though, the light seemed once again gone from her vibrant eyes. "Jinxx? There's something I need to talk to you about.." her voice was soft, and obviously strained.



06-25-2014, 11:45 PM

The cross marked male had been sleeping deeply, his dreams often turning into nightmares as of late. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a peaceful nights rest, usually keeping his mind sharp and aware for the sound of Twig nearby. The prior night, he had barely slept at all. For the forms of shadows had been continuously plaguing his mind as of late, and if he were human he'd have deep and dark shadows under his eyes. Limbs would twitch in fitful slumber, eyes squeezing shut at his nightmares continued. His nostrils would fill with the scent of death, tongue holding the metallic taste of stale blood. He wasn't sure why he had been having dreams like this, but they were becoming more and more frequent. If not for the voice, he would have succumbed to the darkness threatening to take hold of him. Immediately, his head would snap up, tired eyes finding their place upon his sister as she stood by the entrance. "Ashley? What is it?" He could tell just by looking at her, something was wrong. And so he would pull himself onto his haunches, exhausted he was, but he would push it away to focus on her.


Twig I


06-29-2014, 10:11 PM

Obviously her brother was tired, she could see it on him plain as day. She too felt the tiredness, as was visible in her distraught form. He would pull himself up, visually giving her all of his attention. "Ashley? What is it?" Slate backed ears would cover her skull as she let herself into the den. Her form would slide next to his own as she held back the emotions and tears that wanted to spill over. She would suck in her breath, her words coming out hurriedly as she raced her tears. "Themisto is dying. I'll be staying with him until.. until.." She would hiccup and loose control of the cracked dam. She would break down in Jinxx's arms once again. Useless to help him from his dark places. She had her own to fight.



07-06-2014, 07:49 PM


She was trying so hard, he could tell. His sister had once been able to hold in the world, and now she seemed to break down with no more then a hairline fracture. He moved towards her, pressing into her as she pressed into him after speaking. Shock would light his face, although he had no idea who she was talking about, for her to be this distraught about the other wolf, he must be a good friend of hers if not more. His heart pounded, wondering how he could help her through this. And as her big brother, he would do all he could despite his always feeling useless, unable to even help himself. But she needed him now, and he would be there. Gently, he would hold her close to him. Face burying in her fur as he pressed into her, allowing her to pour her emotions into his fur, onto his shoulders, wherever she wished. "Ash...I'm so sorry..." His black lined ears would fall back against his head, eyes now visibly showing sadness that coincided with hers. He hated seeing her sad, and for her to lose so much in such a short time seemed to strike at his heart. What else would go wrong? "I'll be here for you, sis. Don't ever be afraid to come to me, okay? Do you want me to come with you?"

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark