
It's Time To Begin



Extra small
06-25-2014, 12:30 AM

Oh but bless their unprepared minds and their hearts for his time had come and he would be relentless. The beast had made note of the fact his true opponent was gone, but nevertheless; it did not bother him. Isardis would learn the fiery titan had taken his home and eventually he would strike back. Isardis, however, was still not the obsession. The king wanted a change of scenery and he wanted to be back to his imperiality and his immortality. He wanted to rule again; stronger than before. Thus, he came. Slipping through the darkness and curling his body through the shadows of the night. He had travelled for a few days, and began his final trek the night before. Now, the sun pooled just over the horizon and the heathen, with bated breath and slavering jaws, sang for them.

He stood with his head held even across his chest and his posture particularly loose and relaxed. First, he wanted to know which of the minions Isardis had left the crown to, and from there he would size them up and take them down. A smirk enveloped his features and he waited. Glaciems would pour into his sight and he would give them but a mere few moments to leave before he took apart their leader and tore down their walls. Of course, those that wished to say and swear perfect fealty unto him...they would find themselves feeling the most amazing bit of pride. They would be power moguls. Syrinx, would craft the militant bunch he had once sought after--this time he would be final...this time he would not create a rift or divide those that tried to stand beside him. The Adravendi would have another home. For those that Valhalla had...outgrown...he had a feeling those numbers could be plentiful.



6 Years
06-25-2014, 12:50 AM

Vereux would heed to the call with god speed. His beloved was being challenged, so of course he would be forced to witness it even if she were to lose. The boy would stop feet away from the beast standing in front of him, and the king would keep his face expressionless at that. He had to place ever sense of faith in his mate to beat down those who opposed their empire. They were bred for this kind of thing after all. Even if the bubbling rage sat underneath his surface.
"I wish you luck challenger." Vereux would mutter before backing up. He would make sure no one heard his words, he was simply being civil after all. The one eyed boy then sat on his haunches, holding himself high as he would stand by and watch. Tail curling around his scarred leg to the right.



06-25-2014, 10:15 AM

A challenge would ring out across Alacritis, the voice vaguely familiar and the summons calling for the Glaciem primary. A growl would bubble within her chest, ears folding flat as she glanced bitterly toward the direction of the call. How could this happen? How could Glaciem be challenged for right after Athena earned her rank? The youth hadn't even had the chance to settle in yet! A displeased sigh would seep from her slackened jaws, tail flicking irritably behind her dainty hips as she takes off toward the battlefield to behold the challenger. Ramses heard the call too, and was trailing at his mistresses heels, amethyst eyes sweeping their surrounding for any threats. The duo would reach the field shortly, and immediately her eyes would fall upon Vereux, whom seemed to be standing across from the challenger. Was that... Syrinx? Azure eyes would widen in bewilderment, but she would harden her features upon approaching, frigid gaze glancing from her king to the challenger. "It's a pleasure." She says to him, lips smirked ever so slighty as she waits for Athena to arrive. Now would be the time for Athena to prove her worth as queen, but despite her faith in the youth Liberty was not naive- she had heard of Syrinx's war stories and was completely aware of his unwavering power. Could Athena beat him? She could recline onto her haunches, Ramses pressed tightly against her left side as she glanced toward Vereux once more.

"her speech" "his speech"



2 Years
06-25-2014, 10:16 AM

no longer would the youth wait; it was time at last. Her crown was held high, observing that finally, her father was challenging for a kingdom he should of had long ago. There was no denying that meinx felt as though he where the victor; afterall he had beaten Isardis once, the placid man that she thought untouchable, a man she thought would never come tumbling down. Even when her father had left; to a place still unknown to her she knew that she could never be truly alone. Perhaps if he finished what he had started, Her sisters would come back. All of them. It seems they had all left soon after Syrinx, perhaps in search, or maybe to start fresh. Meinx would shrug the thoughts from her shoulders, making her way boldly towards area. Her tail would flick idly behind her, oceanic gaze watching. No words would ooze out of her onyx lips; he needed very little; afterall he already held his ambitions high. Finally, her optics would look the half blind boy over, Knowing nothing of why he was here. Part of an audience? Glaciem member? Meinx would stare blankly upon the two before whisking of a little to the side, waiting for the ruler to show.

This was all perfect timing; for the black pearl anyway. Just recently Cataleya had left her throne after the loss of her daughter. But lucky for meinx it meant she had gone rouge. There was no denying the youths loyalties to the woman. Meinx needed a home and was given one straight away. But now Arcanum meant little to her. she had heard another was challenging for it; Artemis.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



4 Years
06-25-2014, 01:31 PM

For so long Arian had been trying to perfect herself, in fighting and healing. Though it always felt like one would suffer at one end or another, in her secluded den on alacritis that no one had been aware about. It had been nearly a whole season since she had any interaction with a second wolf. As a familiar call of her uncle rang out into the land in a challenge suddenly the previous planned heir for Seracia rose her body. Heeding to the call, her well formed body would come to rest to his side for a few moment as she went to speak to him. "I'll be here if you need me Uncle." she said to him, believing that in this situation he'd be able to win. Rumor traveled fast if anything at all as her blue eyes moved to the boy sitting across from Syrinx. Arian stepped back and settled herself a respectable distance away.
She would come here as Syrinx healer personally, unless she was somehow needed for something else. Arian had lost her home, and her family, Syrinx was the only one left. So she felt the need to follow him, the adravendi name was not dead quiet just yet. Specially with those Armada's running around, what she saw in the man was the family future. That was the truth be told for the smart yearling.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



2 Years
06-25-2014, 06:14 PM

Well the meeting had certainly been a lively one. But at least it seemed things were finally starting to come together for Glaciem and he was excited to start his quest to move up in the ranks. But, as it seemed to be for Glaciem lately, every step forward called for another two back and as the call rang out over the pines there was no mistaking what it was. A pack challenge. The young brute rose to his feet and headed for the battlefield, curious who the challenger was. He didn't know how to feel about it yet. Glaciem didn't need some shaking up but it seemed like they were finally making progress only for this to happen.

Drashiel slowed to a halt as he gazed at the brute. Eyes widened slightly as he noticed the deformity. Syrinx. The only wolf to have ever bested his father in battle. Oh yes? Drashiel had heard the stories of the siege. How could he not? As such though Drashiel didn't bear any sort of grudge against the brute. If anything he respected him as a fighter. Not many got the better of Isardis. He offered a curt nod of respect before moving to take a seat near Vereux. Should Athena win he would stay, if she lost he'd move to Tortuga. Either way he didn't have to much at stake here and even if the brute won and didn't allow them to leave well? he'd still be in the presence of a great warrior. There was always more to learn.


Athena I


9 Years
06-26-2014, 04:50 PM

It would seem there would be no time to rest. First the epidemic that welcomed her into her throne and now, just as she was beginning to get her feet under her as Queen, a challenge would pull her toward the battlefield. The thought of someone other than an Armada holding her throne infuriated her and it was that fury that she would carry with her as her paws moved swiftly toward her challenger. The sunlight glinted off of her silvery fur and the gold bands she wore with pride. Athena held her head and tail high, letting the world know that she was a Queen and no one would take that from her.

She arrived, slowing to a sauntering waltz, brushing her side against her King's side as she passed by him. It was always a comfort to have her brother with her, as it was too see Liberty and Drashiel there for support. Turning her piercing ruby and emerald toward her challenger at last, all she could think of was the thrill of a challenge. She had never backed down from a fight, no matter the difference in size or skill. In fact, that only drove her onward and made herself all the more eager to tear her opponent apart.

"No need for banter, hm?" she commented with a smirk before the smile fell away from her face, a snarl taking its place. She set her stance, her paws falling easily into a practiced, even stance while she settled her center of gravity and sank her claws into the blood stained soil to improve her already stable balance. Her head shifted down over her throat and her shoulders rolled forward, her scruff bunching up to protect her neck. While her ears folded back and her eyes narrowed to protected slits, her tail went out to lay even with her spine. Her muscles tensed and her lips pulled up in a snarl to expose her fangs, ready for whatever her challenger had to throw at her. She waited with an eager, blood thirsty glare, ready to prove that she deserved this throne.


Round: 0 of 3-4?

Defenses: Ears back, eyes narrowed, stance even claws dug in, tail even with spine for balance, muscles tensed, teeth bared, center of gravity set between her paws, shoulders rolled forward, and head down over throat

Attacks: None

Injuries None

Other comments When it's all said and done I would like Aly or Seren to judge this if it's okay with you and one of them agrees


06-26-2014, 09:56 PM

The ivory Queen heard the call, and let out a sigh. Her half sister had just inherited the throne- had just had her chance at glory. Who dared try to pry it from her paws? She left her territory, moving towards the battlefield, ready to show her support for her sister. Her father's grievances aside- Athena had done no wrong as a leader. Why wasn't she given a chance to prove herself an apt leader first? Mentally fuming, she strolled onto the field, and towards the gathering crowd- her violet eyes on the challenger. She hadn't been around during the siege, but she recognized, if only from stories the challenger. The deformity, was his sign- the only wolf in the land, to best her father. Barely best him, but to best him none-the-less.

She would come to a halt, near Drashiel, giving her half-brother a friendly bump with her shoulder. Her gaze would rest on Athena, but she wouldn't speak. Even if the deformity won- he could be a powerful ally, if her father didn't emerge from the shadows to end him. She let out a sigh, watching Athena set her defenses- and waited to see what would happen, and who would win.




06-27-2014, 07:18 PM

It was with only the most vicious of shudders that the albino would weave from the surrounding landscape of the battlefield, his spine rigid with a hatred for the coward who presented himself wholly out of weakness. After the wounded days of The Siege, Isardis had cried for the only man who had ever managed to defeat him, to face him again; and yet, the Coward would not come. Hidden away in all of his dismal, Isardis? challenge would go unanswered, as if the scar-faced beast shuddered somewhere in fear of the unknown. And yet here the failed leader stood, calling for an Armada daughter who had barely known her thrown for a few weeks, and already had it threatened to be ripped out from underneath her.

Muscles quaked in a fit of fume, saliva growing heavy against his tongue as the aging monster would fight his own desires to launch upon the man himself. Should the boy win, Isardis would prove only to harass him for the rest of his years, to fight to regain Glaciem as any creator would its own child. As he stood on all fours, rigid, ruby gaze would grow almost daring? eerie, pale lashes motionless atop wide eyes, not willing to blink; not willing to miss a single flinch of the fools motions. Every now and then a heavy inhalation would suggest the man were far too tense to breathe, too consumed by a powerless feeling he had never experienced before. Was there hope for a girl so juvenile within her youth, so inexperienced within her battles? Had he made a mistake in passing Glaciem on to a babe who had limited formal training? Oh the deepest of his love for Athena would plead with him, would plead for her to prove him wrong.


06-28-2014, 11:39 PM
set after arc challenge, keeping results vague.
The banshee wails and the paladin is quick to identify him, a smirk immediately warping the porcelain folds of her marred countenance as recognition strikes--the red titan finally calls for his crown after withering away in his realm of shadows. No--she no longer affiliates herself with Glaciem or its ice king, though she is intrigued by the prospective shift in leadership and glides towards the province of death and despair with evident languidity, movements slowed thanks to the fresh wounds that lace her battered flesh. She has familiarized herself with this arena--she has shed the blood of her adversaries upon its very grasses and has relished in the heat of battle; what others may have seen as repulsive, she saw as comfortable and welcoming. The paladin was no stranger to the macabre game that mercenaries played, and so, as she breaches the infamous battlefield, a grin is left to taint her velveteen lips as her pupils devour the behemoth form of Syrinx. Mismatched amethyst and silver gaze attempts to briefly interlock with his own cyan--a silent testimony of her support for his impending endeavor, before she notices Roman and saunters adjacent to her. ?Roman,? she greets the intricately-marked Armada sovereign with neutral tones, reclining upon her haunches as she waits for the battle to commence.

Ah; though what she views is entirely unsuspecting, and a brief frown is left to chisel her visage as her pupils fall upon the unfamiliar form of a youthful female. Ravenous jaws part in question to Roman, though before she can emit the inquiry of Isardis? whereabouts, she locates him--though he is merely a spectator, just like she. Brows furrow minutely upon her forehead as she scrutinizes him, curiosity and confusion settling into the pits of her stomach as she attempts to decipher why he is not rising to meet the challenge the red titan poses; and then she figures it out--he is retired and has left his own kin to defend his nation?s honor. A contemplative frown is stagnant upon her countenance as her attention diverts back to the main event, curious to see how the fight will unfold now that Glaciem is under the leadership of a fledgling queen.



3 Years
06-29-2014, 02:08 AM

[Image: aafzlv.png]

He had barely set foot within the borders of Glaciem, or at least gotten used to the territory when the call rang out. After the brief meeting with his acceptance of Athena he was tasked with being a Glaciem healer. Intent on keeping himself at a set of boundaries between everyone, but still being able to do his job he showed up looking like nothing but a brute coming to enjoy the fighting. The glaciem scent barely brushed upon his pelt as his purple eyes scanned those who were here. An odd albino man, who looked to have some sort of history with the one challenging the Glaciem queen slightly caught his eye. But the large wolf would stretch himself, oddly oggling Athena with interest. Devin was not one much for political matters, he simply served with an iron loyalty and a chance to expand his healing skills. He enjoyed what he did yes, but his appearance threw many off, for in his Dna his family was bred for the battlefield. Where he had seen his fair share of spilt blood already, he was an excellent fighter, but chose to live by something he enjoyed.
Devin wouldn't smirk or give any expression, his black markings under his eyes making him look like he was constantly being deprived of sleep. Setting back on his haunches, a slight indent in the dirt would be made. His orbs would follow the red beast, not quiet had he been able to handle something so large at he. It would be interesting on how the little queen would fair. As his tail thumped against the dirt, the Glaciem healer would simply wait. He was not needed until after the challenge was done. Regardless of who the winner was, he was to give Athena medical attention straight after.

-And here comes the sexy ass healer! For glaciem at least. Is it unfair that I'm playing the healer for both sides?

? ? ?

cait at btn



1 Year
06-29-2014, 02:15 AM

So many mysteries of the world were purely facts unknown; perhaps caused only by a canines desire to jump to rapid conclusions, regardless of the truth. The small soul was not even a yearling, and yet here he exposed himself to one of the greatest crimes his father could plead of him. Told he were a future prince, the son of the former King would defy his elders wishes and stray from the pack lands, and yet something told the child it may have been one of the smartest decisions the lucid being could have made at such a delicate age. There was nothing else that could cause his family to quake the way they did now, and it took no senior to understand the tenderness of the situation at hand.

He stood at a distance; no more than the mottled body of a pale ghost, eerie amidst the darker surroundings of The Battlefield, only half of his body naked to the eye as the lamb would find a false sense of security, partially concealed behind the jagged throes of a towering boulder. His small childish size would make him less than daunting, a supernatural air of unknown enveloping the youth in a way so few could comprehend. And his silence was as cold as his features, a breathless exposed the lack of gravity beneath is feet, his body no more than a capsule for his thriving mind. What intelligence scurried beneath his gaze was still unknown to those around him, and the young beast felt no desire to expose any part of his being to a distrusted world.

What would unfold would prove to be potentially life changing, and yet he remained so at ease with either of the outcomes? untroubled by the towering red ghoul that threatened to rip his family from royalty. Hell, he hadn?t been a boy of company anyway; and so no desires would beg of him, he felt no hate for the man that threatened his sister and no faith for the Glaciem Queen. He was his own soul in that moment, as he had always promised to be; a product of neither mother nor father, but a wrong-doing, a two-toned child that begged to follow no family guidelines and no genetic rules. A mind that rebelled even the strongest traits of his family, a heart with no task and no goal; he was a boy with no direction, but a boy that would never truly be lost.



2 Years
06-29-2014, 03:38 AM

Oh how strange it really was; strange to see Isardis stray away, there but not feeling his presence near by. A change of rule was hard to adjust to, afterall how could she prove loyalty to a new queen she barely knew? But still S'alkrie would waltz upon the scene, showing her support. Though if Glaciem does fall, who's to say it'll be oh, so bad? Perhaps with no home the youth would strive for better thing, greater things. Perhaps she wanted a different path; but it was still all undecided. She would see all of them gather, supporting either the Glaciem queen Or an eerie looking man she knew little of. The placid babe had no time to think about the precense of some who havent showed there faces in months, but to focus on who would win the challenge. S'alkrie would go to stand near drashiel, her small and more fragile body close to his- how she hopes one day he would rise to power.

The Judge


06-29-2014, 04:57 PM
Default to ATHENA

Due to SYRINX not posting in the allotted time, ATHENA is the winner, and RETAINS PRIMARY LEADERSHIP OF GLACIEM.

SYRINX must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away, and may not challenge for another pack for a total of two OOC weeks.



Extra small
06-30-2014, 12:18 AM

[Image: ccjOwKL.png]

OOC:I'm so sorry guys. Lu was asked to work two 16 hour days and today was a 10. SO, no time for me to post :c. Anyways, It's good anyways because this is equally in Syrinx's character.

He knew it to be true...though this was something else entirely. She was a woman. She was Isardis's chosen challenge? She was going to lead the Armada to some greatness...or Glaciem? No wonder their names had faded. She was neutral. Despite the desire to crush Isardis, Syrinx held a massive amount of respect for him and he could feel the intangible annoyance spreading through his body after woman after man after woman appeared. Athena stood, rather proudly, and defended her body. Syrinx could crush her. He didn't want to, "No, let us not," Syrinx could feel his annoyance growing, but there was no qualm with her albeit her existence. Isardis had failed him. How peculiar a thought.

Finally, the pearly demon appeared and Syrinx allowed a smirk to sliver across his lips and he no longer even gave Athena a look to hold water to, "She is not what I came to do. Seeing Glaciem taken from her and given to me would only make you doubt her. Not yourself. Maybe your genetics. I'll want this when it's yours. It's you I'm so perfectly obsessed with, Isardis. I want to beat you again...this was the only fair wager. Unless other means of war can be held?"

There was a dark look in his eyes. He had enough progeny. He could always adopt. What say you, white king? What say he who thought he had everything...would he be prompted to lose it? Syrinx would return to Glaciem when Isardis sat upon the throne, and yet, for now...he could not be bothered, "Call me...if you have the balls to do this," With that the russet archangel would turn on his massive feet and leave. He no longer held business here as the Glaciem he knew was no longer existent. It was a shell of what it used to be and would become nothing more. there was no name to be feared. Syrinx was finished.



06-30-2014, 07:36 PM

To see the man?s aggression fade, to see his colossal structures begin to ease and his mind wander, Isardis would only stiffen, grow more rigid. The red ghoul would retract his stake from the rusted earth with an effortlessness cast only by his size, his daunting mannerisms; and oh how the Albino would crave to believe the Adravendi had recoiled his challenge through fear, had withdrawn his canines from the Armada?s only through his sight of Isardis, through his terror of a potential haunting. Alas, he knew not one bit of it was true; it was only the monster who had managed to defeat an otherwise supreme King, so why should he be afraid? He had little reason to be.

As the sickening child would shudder words from his ebony lips, Isardis would snarl, hackles bristling atop a curving spine as his muscles pushed the being to his full height; an impressive stature, but still no match for the red boy. The lyrics haunted his ears, sent coral towers twitching backwards against his skull, saliva growing heavy, ?No, boy; when you wish to die, we will meet alone. There will be no war until one of us lay rotting, until millions of tiny mouths feed from our corpse. Perhaps then, when one of us are no more than a picked skeleton, our families will decide the fate of a second battle.? Eerily steady his voice would preach of honesty, if the bastard wanted to face him again? it would be to the death.

Athena I


9 Years
06-30-2014, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2014, 09:07 PM by Athena I.)

Athena's snarl wavered as she watched the massive male turn his attention elsewhere, apparently unsatisfied with her presence. Her head raised to a normal position once more and her hackles lowered as her defenses fell away, her eyes narrowed with confusion and irritation. The male exchanged venomous words with her father and she quickly realized it wasn't a fight with her he craved. All the same it irritated her, annoyed her that she was somehow not worthy to be his opponent. Yes she was young, but she had practiced for countless hours, training for this exact moment and damn it she was a queen. A low growl rumbled briefly in her throat before she stifled the noise, reminding herself to hold herself with grace and dignity.

With a flick of her ears she shoved the annoyance away, reminding herself that she still held the throne and all in all this was a victory of sorts. She glanced toward her father, wondering if she would ever find herself no longer stuck in his shadow. At this moment, after this, she began to think that she never would. She would always be compared to Isardis. With a quiet sigh she padded toward Vereux, brushing his shoulder with hers as an urging for him to follow her and then headed back toward Glaciem. She was done here. This had been a waste of her time and she would be happy to never set eyes on that brute again. Actually, she wouldn't be too upset if she didn't see her father for a while either.
