
These Lands Are Our Lands (p2)



7 Years

06-26-2014, 02:29 PM

One land was not going to be enough for the plans that he had set out for Abaven. They needed somewhere to train, somewhere to host all of their guards as well as meet with other packs. Even though the sheer cliff could hold some danger, there was always a safe passage. There was no illusion about the safety of his new pack, they had plenty of access to fresh water and prey. And now the perfect grounds for practice. Padding through the thicket Bass once again began to mark his territory, his scent filling the unclaimed lands.

Going about matters much the same that he had in the plains, Bass sat upon his haunches and let out his claiming howl. These lands belonged to Abaven now, and anyone who wished to join his ranks were welcome to answer his song. Relaxing his neck back into its normal position, staying seated to see if anyone answered him.


06-27-2014, 09:28 AM

It was quite a groggy morning for the lady. She was stretched out in her small den in Ludicael, head rested on the soft dirt as she attempted to sleep for a few more minutes. Birds squawked and flapped noisily outside her den as the earth came to life. It was annoying. Rays of sun were leaking through the little roots that provided privacy for the babe. But suddenly, as the light touched her eyelids, the woman gaped, throwing her head up and slamming it up against the top of the den. She released a brief whimper and sunk to the ground, while pressing her fluffy torso up against the back of the den. Then she shifted her body away from the light, shielding her eyes with her forearms and huffing softly. All the woman wanted was a few more minutes to sleep. But damn it. Rest didn't seem to be in her favor.

Soon, after a few minutes of tossing and turning, the woman got up, squeezing her way out of her den and widening her legs slowly. Almost as if she was about to battle something. But no, she was stretching, craning her neck to the side and letting out a few tired yawns. The Lovers Mangrove was quite nice in the morning. Everything came to life, even when snow littered the ground. The sun made the snow look nice for once, too-- as it shimmered to the rays of light. She hoped that spring would come soon though. This snow could get tiring. Suddenly, a howl erupted in her ears, vibrating her senses and making her paws tingle. A claiming a howl. Though she wasn't interested in joining- maybe she could meet this alpha. Maybe even befriend him?

Wren smiled and slowly turned in the direction of the echoes of the song, huffing and jumping to a sprint. Her paws gradually began to numb up through the snow as she manuvered around trees and avoided rocks and such. But soon she arrived at this new territory. Even though it was the man's territory now, she crossed the freshly marked border and looked to seek him out. And there he was. Those half-circles again! And to think this man would be someone else! Wren let out a disappointed sigh and slowly approached him from his left, body lowered and head dipped slightly with respect. Then she looked back up at him and smiled, sitting and folding her tail over her paws. It's nice to see a new king- and a good looking one. The babe chucked to herself softly and adressed herself. I'm Wren Sartaddi, a loyal chapter of Ludicael. It's nice to meet you.



7 Years

06-27-2014, 05:28 PM

The silence spread through the lands, and Bass found it to be very calming. The lands around him seemed to hold its breath in waiting, the soft humming of water seeming to be the only noise that echoed in his pale ears. The sound of falling paws made his head slowly turn towards the one who approached, a soft smile on his maw. He tested the air with a slightly open mouth, taking in her scent that wafted towards him. Ah, Ludicael. He knew that scent well, it was the neighboring pack that was led by his grandparents. But why had she come here? Was she interested in the pack, or had his grandparents sent someone to check out the call? Neither way, he remained seated and awaited the dame to approach him. She did seem to hold herself in a respectful way, and for that he was grateful. He inclined his own cranium in a greeting, polity waiting until she spoke first.

A deep baritone laugh slipped passed his maw at her words. "Well Wren Sartaddi, its nice to have my first visitor be not to bad looking either." Always the teaser, he was. It wasn't exactly flirting for him, it was more teasing. How she would see it though, was not up to him. He was a little daft when it came to flirting, and to the fact that his jokes could very well be viewed as flirting. "Its a pleasure as well Wren, but I am curious. Did my grandparents send you to spy on me?" His eyes were twinkling with humor, but it was an honest question. He was very curious to see if his grandparents even knew about his new reign. Noticing that he had yet to state his own name, his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth. "Forgive me, I am Bass Destruction." He knew that she would very well know his last name, considering that much of his family lived within Ludicael.


06-27-2014, 06:12 PM

This land that he picked- well, it was beautiful. It was cold though, and the air was icy. She admired how the cliffs seemed to rise so tall, and yet they were shorter than thought. And how a seemingly freezing cold pool lye at the bottom of these cliffs. It would almost seem as some place to have fun. Someone could jump off one of those cliffs and land into the water in the summer or spring and be just fine. She certainly would love to do that. But suddenly the man spoke and grabbed her attention immediately. But before he started she took in his looks for a moment. Instead of having just the half-circles beneath his eyes, he had a neat diamond planted upon his muzzle. It was a russet orange color- she liked it. Then those pretty liquidy yellow eyes. She had to admit, he was pretty attractive. Wren wondered how he'd react if she continued to act flirty towards him...
The king laughed softly at her lovely comment and replied. His words were more than satisfying to the babe. "Well Wren Sartaddi, its nice to have my first visitor be not to bad looking either." She pushed her ears forward and took a mental note to herself. He was okay with flirting- or teasing. She found them both pretty fun. Wren, again, chuckled softly and let her eyes light up with interest. She pushed her paws up against eachother and slowly rested her chin on her fluffy chest as he continued. "Its a pleasure as well Wren, but I am curious. Did my grandparents send you to spy on me?" Spy? Things got serious. The woman immediately shook her head and regained focus. She widened her forepaws and huffed fleetingly, then spoke quickly. Oh, no. I was curious to see who the new king was, and I was hoping to meet him and maybe befriend him.
The tricolor woman slouched a bit and inhaled again. He addressed himself as Bass Destruction, and she nearly frowned. Destruction. Hah, nope, doesn't sound familiar at all. And it's alright. But- now I'm a little curious. Did your mother and father name you Bass because of your attractive voice? Or because you can sing? She, herself, admired the name Bass. It was unique. But she wanted to see if he would play along with her flirting. If not- she might as well take it to another level. "Speech"



7 Years

06-28-2014, 06:36 PM

Bass's smile faltered when she seemed to be startled by his accusation. He didn't mean to come off like that, he was just trying to tease her. Concern shone bright in his liquid gold eyes, his head slightly lowering as he tried to comfort her. It had only been a joke! Poor girl, being blindsided like that. "I was only kidding, Wren. I had no means to accuse you of anything. Just a simple banter." He said with an uneasy laugh, his paws shuffling awkwardly as he attempted to regain his composure. He wasn't too good with strange interactions, and this dame seemed to be throwing him off slightly. It could be the mix of all these new things in his life, or he could just be stunned by her flirting.

The damsel seemed to deflate and he stretched over, touching his nose to her shoulder in some sort of comforting move. Bass was slightly awkward, and he was not helping himself at this point. He didn't like to see her like this before, it was more fun when they were teasing each other. He was quite the care-free brute, usually. He was working on growing more serious, although out of all his siblings he was probably the most goofy, it was simply part of who he was. Plus, being one so young and having so much responsibility was hard, and a lot to ask of him. He had placed it on himself however, and had no one to blame but himself. The soft words of the stranger brought his thoughts out from within his own mind, a sheepish smile spreading his black lips. "All my littermates and I hold names of musical value. My sisters names are Harmony, Motif, and Rhythm. My brother's name is Chord, and I am Bass." He stated, chuckling in his deep baritone. "I guess you can say that we are all children of music, and I must thank you for the compliment. I do rather like to sing."

Bass had no idea that he was flirting back, although maybe at some subconscious level. For him it was not unlike the same back and forth that him and Motif seemed to constantly have. He winked at the dame, his pale appendage thumping upon the landscape. "Your name seems very fitting of you as well, wren's are very beautiful birds. Although I must admit, you are a bit bigger than a small fledgling." He teased, his golden eyes sparking with mischief. He was having a lot of fun, but he had no idea what he was opening himself up to. He was pretty behind when it came to the art of flirting, or the art of the opposite sex for that matter.


06-29-2014, 12:36 PM

Concern seemed to fill the expression of the boy, and Wren felt a bit confused. She was never mad or confused, she just got easily stirred when someone said 'Destruction.' She hoped that wasn't why he felt a bit worried for her. Wren, sending a weak smile his way, slowly sat up and pushed her ears forward, tail patting at the ground softly. "I was only kidding, Wren. I had no means to accuse you of anything. Just a simple banter." He had leaned over to give her a reassuring tap of the nose, and her smile grew even wider. She nearly laughed, but held her humor to herself. He was quite the gentlemen- to be so easily concerned over such a thing. She liked him a lot more than she should of, and thought of him as a perfect king. Young, but perfect. Wren tipped her small head to the side as he continued on and answered her little flirt-twisted question.
"All my littermates and I hold names of musical value. My sisters names are Harmony, Motif, and Rhythm. My brother's name is Chord, and I am Bass. I guess you can say that we are all children of music, and I must thank you for the compliment. I do rather like to sing." A man that liked to sing, mmm? She loved to sing as well...but mostly she found it interesting that whoever his parents were named him and his siblings things that related to music. It was pretty unique. Wren's minty eyes lit up with interest as she registered his words once more, than replied in a completely focused tone. That- that is pretty unique, I have to admit. I also like that you are fond of singing...maybe you could sing for me sometime? A soft chuckle emitted softly from her maw as she said this- but she wasn't kidding. One day she wanted this young king to sing for her.
The man had continued by also complimenting on her name- which she hasn't really thought about much. She never imagined it as pretty, or delicate, or any of that. All she knew was that her mother gave her that name. But either way- Wren felt the heat rise to her face once he finished. She let out another mute chuckle at his friendly joke at the end, and she replied quickly. Heh, thanks though. But anyways, I wanted to ask you something, but you might be too busy for it-... The woman's voice gradually softened into a nervous whisper, her eyes drifting to the ground. Then, back to the man as she finished. Would you want to meet me at the Glowshroom Cavern sometime? Or somewhere else...if you want? She did hope he'd be up for it. But he did seem pretty busy...she wouldn't complain if he said no. "Speech"



7 Years

06-30-2014, 04:08 PM

Her smile seemed to grow when he bumped her shoulder, causing his ivory tail to bump against the landscape. Good, he didn't like to see her upset. She was a kind female, and didn't do anything to deserve to be upset. Bass needed to watch what he was saying, at times the words just flowed through his maw. Her body seemed to quiver with something that she was hiding, but Bass would not stick his nose further into her own self. If she wanted to share, she wouldn't have tried to suppress it, and Bass was nothing if not a gentleman. He would respect that, and give her her own space to think, and to be. He couldn't help but watch her pale face as he spoke, her brilliant eyes shimmering against that blank canvas. He had to admit that she was quite a good looking fae, but his inability to act upon it was almost comical.

The brute offered a sheepish smile when he told her that him and his littermates were unique. He agreed, the Destruction's seemed to have a very unique way of naming their pups. It seemed that they were all named in certain ways, all falling under the same category. His siblings were the musical category, and it quite fit them. He asked to sing for her sometime and a slight blush rose to his pale cheeks, he had never had someone ask that before. "Maybe we can do a duet sometime." He offered, his head tilting to one side as he waited for her answer. It would be quite interesting, he had a feeling that their voices would match quite well. His a deep baritone bass, and hers a sweet soprano. The mix would be very interesting indeed.

The next question that Wren asked him had his head further tilting to one side. Have time for what? He was a new alpha, there was a lot of things for him to do. He was interested though, he wanted to know what she had in mind. When she did ask though, he fell silent for a moment. Meet her in the caves? "Are we not meeting right now?" He teased softly, an uneasy smile upon his maw. He had never been that way, it was quite the far walk from his pack lands. "What about at the Hot Springs? Abaven and Ludicael's borders meet there." He was unsure what they were meeting about, but it was always nice to have friends in other packs.



06-30-2014, 05:56 PM

A sheepish smile was sent to the woman after she had complimented Bass's name and his siblings names. She watched cheerfully as he patted the ground with his tail, and quickly smiled in return to him. Truly, she could talk to this man for hours and hours. He was so interesting and fun, as well as being great company for her. The man was also very good looking- and more than that, quite the cute king. She wished she would have waited until this new pack was created so she could of joined alongside him. It would of been so nice to feel like she was under his command- and to have her king a good friend of hers.
"Maybe we can do a duet sometime." The words of the young royal sent excited shivers running up her long spine. She shifted around in place and happily thought of their voices colliding, becoming a harmonized song. Just thinking of it made her smile. Maybe the pair could do it while they were at their meeting place? And maybe discuss things blood wise? Ooh, how she was excited. But first she wanted to finish this meeting with him. To 'bring him in closer.' Another hum of the man's soft voice sounded almost confused- but instead, she thought of it as teasing. Flirting.
Eyelids would slowly roll halfway shut, and a soft giggle would bubble at her throat as he joked and teased. Or to what Wren thought, flirted. The woman mentioned going to the glowshroom cavern with him, and he had kindly offered to instead go to the Hot Springs. "What about at the Hot Springs? Abaven and Ludicael's borders meet there." It almost sounded like a better idea. They could relax in those pools of warmth together. Giggling softly to herself, she refocused herself back on Bass and opened her maw to a light lyrical song. Oh, yeah, that sounds better. But for now-...
Wren slowly stood up onto all fours and slowly made her way to Bass, beginning to circle him. As she did this, she brushed her tail across his back, curling it half-way around his neck like a cat. She stopped as his side and laughed softly. Now the boy should know she was flirting- wasn't it pretty obvious...? Wren lifted her head and smirked, but then spoke again in a rather playful voice, ...what made you want to become a king? Her ears flattened back against her skull, and the babe continued to rest her tail around his neck like a scarf. Flirting, yes, but nothing too serious. "Speech"



7 Years

07-02-2014, 09:18 PM

He could see that by his proposal she was growing excited. It was an interesting thought, often him and his sisters would sing together. They were the musical litter after all. It would be fun to try it with another, to see if his voice matched with anyone else other than his dear sisters. He could almost imagine their two voices colliding into one. What beautiful music that two of them could make if they only tried.

Her soft spoken words were hardly heard, the brute watched her very closely as she stood and walked over to him. His head turned to follow her, his golden eyes carefully trained on her. A soft shiver ran through his body, a strange feeling indeed for the brute. His body was reacting before his mind caught up with it, a single paw lifting up to rest on top of her own as she settled beside him. Her tail draped over his neck, and his body wanted to turn around and lock his jaws into the soft appendage. It was starling him, how his body was moving for him before he could make heads or tails of the situation. As quickly as his paw rested on her own, he removed it and cleared his throat. A warm glow shone under his ivory cheeks as his head spun, this whole situation was strange to him. He just thought that they were joking and teasing, but he realized now that she had more of an interest in him than 'just friends' and was rather unsure of how to handle it all. It was easier for him when they were teasing each other.

His golden gaze rested on her minty ones, trying to compel the strange feelings that welled within him. She asked what made him want to be king and he focused on her words, rolling it around in his mind to try and distract his bodies initial reaction. "I've always wanted to help others, to teach them and to help allow them grow. I want to be able to set up a safe environment for wolves to grow and to be able to not only provide for a pack of my own, but to supply other packs as well." He shrugged his pale shoulders, licking his chest to try and hide his embarrassment and confusion of this whole situation.


07-02-2014, 09:45 PM

Everything seemed to go so fast. He rested his paw onto hers- and she didn't know if this was bad or good. But she watched his expression...and it seemed completely humiliated and confused. Goodness, why had she done this? He looked soft uncomfortable with her tail draped around his neck. And to think he'd enjoy attention. But either was her fault for being awkward. She needed to quickly collect herself and to apologize. Immediately. The man removed his paw from hers and cleared his throat fleetingly. Oh, how stupid Wren felt. How ignorant and dumb.
"I've always wanted to help others, to teach them and to help allow them grow. I want to be able to set up a safe environment for wolves to grow and to be able to not only provide for a pack of my own, but to supply other packs as well." She could barely take in the words. Quickly the girl removed her tail from his neck, dropping her rear to the ground and shuffling to the side to give him space. Plenty.
Guilt filtered her soul, and she immediately bit down on her lip. How was she going to explain that sly move? "Oh, sorry, I just felt nasty." Wren winced and crossed her paws quickly, staring down at them hard. But before he thought she wasn't listening to his awkward answer to her question, she managed to play a humiliated smile before speaking. Oh- oh, that's nice. Her voice was but a murmur, eyes narrowing. Just perfect shit. Now Bass would feel uncomfortable around her...
Wren slowly lifted her head and glanced over at the azat, eyes still showing so much guilt and humiliation. Again, the babe crossed her paws, stirring dust that rose neatly to her face. A few apologetic, yet embarrassing words were spoken softly. I'm sorry-...that was screwed up. I'm just so confused. Uhrm. If the girl could of facepalmed, she would of. This was truly the most awkward moment of her life. And it was so silent in the area, too. What if someone was watching? Like Motif, or Harmony? Wren rolled her shoulders and glanced back down at the ground awkwardly, ears lying flat against her skull.