
Turn the page [LUDICAEL MEETING]

Silent I


11 Years
06-22-2014, 11:33 AM

The meeting howl had been called and Silent knew she had to answer. The long sleep she had been sharing with Bronze was too sweet to leave, but it had to be done. Her long, slender black legs stretched out first, followed by her middle and her hind legs. They all had a good flexing before she padded two steps out to the entrance. Silent craned her neck to the left so she could see Bronze with both eyes of emerald green. "Come along, darling. We have many wolves to meet this morning."
She waited until Bronze was up and awake before setting off to the mangroves. The mangroves was not a place she had ventured into upon first joining Ludicael, but she knew the trees were majestic and held something special around their branches and roots. As she walked through the first uneven row of mangrove trees, she couldn't help but sigh gently at the sight. She hoped that, if her body let her, she would be able to spend time around their roots and the trickling streams of fresh water before her time was up.
Her form seemed to float through the many trees until arriving at the meeting. Wolves had already joined the one who had called, Dutiron I. A tail wag was given from Silent, as well as a warm smile when she met the eyes of the power couple. They were only a few years younger than her, but she didn't mind. All her life, Silent had been the one to lead. Now, it was time to take the back seat and enjoy the ride. She felt Bronze's warmth next to her before she settled onto her slender haunches. Her eyes caught the form of Ara and Mercury, both of whom were happy with their selected people. Her smile widened and she couldn't help but sigh. Her children were growing up and making their own choices...that was all she wanted.


Saga I


3 Years
06-23-2014, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2014, 08:20 PM by Saga I.)

Though she had not shown it, the plague that had struck so many wolves had terrified her. Already quite withdrawn, preferring to keep to herself most of the time, the sickness had been just another reason to avoid others. It seemed nobody knew if it was a simple, passing illness, or if it was fatal -- and the thought of death was not appealing to the young Saga. She was grateful to hear when a cure had been found for the sickness, and slowly the wolves that were ill began to recover.

It was a perfect time for a meeting, and she quickly rose to meet her grandparents' call. She would follow not far behind her brothers, coming to rest by Requiem's side and nodding to him in silent greeting. Green eyes dance around the wolves that had gathered, noting many with her family's characteristic markings, wondering what exactly awaited them during this meeting.


06-24-2014, 08:14 PM

The boys mind grew excited, for his parents were here and he wanted to much to see them! He had been sticking around Howl alot, trying to understand why his elder brother held so much hatred towards them. But in the end, Legend just couldn't understand. He hadn't felt the neglect and favoritism there used to be before they were born, but his relationship with his parents was good. So he would continue to be loving and close to them, no matter what. What was a family if they fought and hated each other all the time? With a bounce in his step and a surprise in his mouth, Legend would careen his way towards the meeting. He was built for running, the boy one of the faster sprinters in the lands. And from the lake, he would make his way to the Mangrove.

He could scent many, mostly family, and his excitement only grew. He still hadn't been able to find Story yet, but he was hopeful that it would change soon. He would walk into the meeting, rather, galloping in. Upon spotting his parents, he would make a beeline for them with his tail wagging furiously. He would see Symphony, and with her a few new faces. Her children?! Tongue hung out at he looked back at his parents. He would approach, greeting them fondly as a small whine escaped his chest. He licked each ones muzzle in turn, before turning back and scampering towards Symphony and Howl and Anthem. "Symphony! It's nice to see ya' again! Are these your kids? Does that make me an uncle? They're so cute!" He would fawn over them like an ecstatic aunt over a baby. Tail wagging and the item in his mouth forgotten as it dropped to his feet. The ice shard would lie there, sparkling in the sun at his feet.



06-27-2014, 10:21 AM

beginning to the end

Faolan Aradcor was late for the meeting and he knew it. Rather than be doing something constructive, he had been silently sulking in his own part of the pack. Ever since he had left Seracia, Enola had been lost in the crowd of departing wolves. A sigh escaped his frame as he thought of the young girl who had made his days brighter. His long, silvery tail wrapped itself around his haunches as he considered going to sleep and not looking forward to another day without her.
The howl had broken the silence when he was in the midst of seeing her in his dream. A low growl escaped through clenched teeth as he forced himself up to shake all over. It was better to be late than not show up at all. As he mentally watched the image of Enola disappear, he set off through the nearby woods to find the gathering. Thank the gods above it didn't take too long.
His silvery form appeared near the outer lines, while he looked for the two wolves that were his parents. Silent's black frame immediately stood out and he sauntered towards them before planting his haunches on her other side. Now she was sandwiched between him and Bronze, something she wouldn't mind in the least. His green eyes looked up to the male in charge, pondering what the meeting would be about.

Puppy Talk

we are alive



06-27-2014, 07:11 PM

She would plainly hear her father's howl, however she would not be able to move from her den. Her youngest son, Descant, was laying before her struggling for breath. Tears would run down her eyes as she tried to comfort him in his last moments. She had done everything she could for him, herbs, prayer, anything she could think of. He was almost nine months old, and yet still he was tiny and frail. Song would keep him pulled tightly to her chest, she would hold him as each breath came slower than the last. The young Destruction would struggle weakly one last time before becoming fully limp and passing on to the next world.
For a moment the mother would hold him, silently, as his departure would become fully realized. More tears would fall from Song's cheeks as a wail would slowly build within her throat, it would start as a whine but would build as her emotions fell apart. She would weep and take his form into her jaws, the rest of her family would mourn with her. They would help her lay him to rest, she didn't have to do this alone. She would carry him to the sound of her father's voice, her youngest son's body carried with her tears streaming down her face as she made her way into the group.
Her tail and ears would hang limply as she made her way into the middle of the circling wolves, her eyes not meeting with any others as she placed her son at the feet of her parents. She felt completely numb, and almost absent from her body. There was a fog about her that would surround all that had gathered. He's gone. she would whisper as her body lowered to the earth, draping herself over Descant's remains. Quiet sobs would cause her body to shiver as she cried for her offspring.


Dutiron i


8 Years
06-28-2014, 03:41 PM

This turn out certainly looked far more promising than the last pack meeting. Wolves had arrived swiftly and amongst them Dutiron was glad to see that Symphony had arrived with Gitan and their three children. The sight of the vivid red coloured young girl that entered the meeting would be new to him, mismatched eyes would furrow momentarily though given the recent encounter with Magnus he wouldn't judge harshly, for all he knew she was yet another quiet member he hadn't yet met. He would speak with her at the end though for now simply keep an eye on her in case he was mistaken. She didn't look like she would cause trouble, and hopefully that would remain the case.

Song was running late once more however, he would worry a little less knowing that she had been busy as of late trying hard to look after Descant. He was ill with some other unknown disease, certainly not as widespread as the recent epidemic but it seemed far harder to cure. With that thought however the familiar form of his daughter would appear unusually she had brought the pale, little form of Descant with her. He wasn't sure whether to be pleased or not with that, though one look at his daughter told him no.

Descant was still, this wasn't to be an exciting first meeting now he was well enough to attend. The poor child was gone, cruelly taken from the world after a short but harsh struggle through life. The words weren't needed though as his daughter collapsed before him Dutiron would feel his heart break even more. He would silently nuzzle his daughter and wonder momentarily if now would be the best time for a meeting. They had all gathered though, perhaps it would be best to simply make it quick so he could properly tend to his ailing daughter.

"It seems that we start this meeting on a sad note." His face was sombre now as he looked up to the gathered members. "Can we take a moment of silence for Descant Destruction. A wonderful child despite suffering far more struggle in his short life than I'm sure any of us standing here have endured. Peace awaits him now though he will be dearly missed." His head was bowed for his final words, gaze looking towards his daughter as he reminded her in a twisted way perhaps this was for the best. A miraculous recovery had seemed less and less likely with each day of his life but now he could rest and suffer no more.

A part of him still wished to simply end the meeting now and try again later, it seemed wrong to simply try and move on from this news and pretend that it didn't happen. He took a glance to his mate, seeking some strength from her through it all. "I shall make the rest of this short as there are other matters than need attending to now, though the main reason for this gathering was originally to discuss your ranks. Novel and Canta I understand previously held Philosopher ranks, though we haven't yet discussed it with you both we would like for you to remain in those positions as Plots of Drama and Mystery respectively. Silent, I understand you wished to contribute as well, you may remain in the role of Classic if you wish and still aid with teaching when you can or perhaps you would also like to take the rank of Mystery as well?" He would pause upon watching the three to allow them to accept or deny the titles.

"Dhiren, you once held the position of first apprentice and we're told you did a rather good job of it. Would you be interested in being the Editor?" He was one of the grandchildren that had quickly accepted Novel and he even despite losing his previous rank. It would be nice though to give him something back once more. "Finally Symphony, providing it is ok with you and your family we would like for you all to join Ludicael and for you to take the second Drama position." This to be honest was the one he was most worried about, not entirely sure how his daughter felt about he and Novel leading the pack and not sure if she did plan on staying and joining Ludicael in the long run. He would remain in silence now and await the responses.



5 Years
06-28-2014, 04:05 PM

The meeting was quickly growing this time, a nice change of pace after the last and all the drama they had been through as of late. With the peaceful feel in the air as stress began to die away Novella had certainly thought that life was getting better once more how mistaken the girl would be as Song finally arrived. Instantly something seemed wrong with her, and as she spotted the still form of Descant it would hit her.

Novella's mind kept on screaming that it simply wasn't possible. She'd never experienced death before though knew about it but how on earth could a poor little child die after never even getting a real chance at life to begin with. As Song collapsed before their parents a part of her was tempted to rush forwards and comfort her though knowing that the entire family probably had the same plan and as her father began to speak she realised that it probably wasn't the best idea.

Still she couldn't believe it was true though, even as her father spoke. She would sit in a devastated silence, unable to even really take in much of the meeting following the dreadful news. New ranks were being assigned to members of her family, she ought to feel pleased for them though her sadness simply wouldn't allow it. There wasn't anything concerning her, no reason for her to speak and she was glad for that, not even sure that she would be able to.



06-28-2014, 04:36 PM

Dhiren's mood had been bright and cheerful, for the pack was coming together faster than he had anticipated. Once his siblings had arrived, he made sure they knew he was happy to see them. The smile never left his face and his eyes never lost their sparkle. The meeting was about to officially begin...until something so sad and horrible took the happiness out of the atmosphere. Anything happy he tried to think of was sucked up in an invisible vacuum, never to be seen again.
Song was the last one to arrive to the meeting, head bowed with her youngest pup in her jaws. She approached her parents, lowered her son and then herself to curl around him. Tears ran down her cheeks, creating silent streaks that gracefully touched the ground beneath her chin. Dhiren, whose life was slowly coming back together, felt his heart break into two even pieces. He had never seen his mother so upset, nor had he ever lost a sibling in his young life. Dhiren wanted nothing more than to approach her and take away all of her pain, her agony, her loss...What he wouldn't give for the woman who had given him life.
His attention then focused on Dutiron, who introduced the silence for all of them to give for Descant. Dhiren closed his eyes, hoping that the gods had successfully taken hold of Descant's spirit and welcomed him into their heaven without any problems. His eyes were still shut when his grandfather broke the silence to give ranks to the deserving members. When his name was mentioned, he raised his head with silver and gold eyes shimmering with tears. Words weren't said at first, but once he swallowed the urge to sob for his family's loss, he answered in a formal manner. "Yes, Grandfather, I will humbly accept this honor." It was all he could say without letting his voice break.
His gaze moved back to Song's shuddering form, and he couldn't take it anymore. He rose from where he sat, slowly approached his mother, and lowered his head to gracefully lick her crown. Dhiren rested his forehead against hers, tears rolling down his cheeks from behind closed eyes. His heart continued to ache as he silently prayed for the gods to take away the pain that Song had endured and was still holding onto. She didn't deserve any of what she had happening to her and the heavens above knew. Silently, he pulled his head back from hers and lowered himself to the ground, melding into her side and resting his head beside her forearm. "I'm sorry, Mama..." he whispered, tones indicating the heartache he was having for her. Tears continued to fall as he pushed himself more into her side, tail wrapping around hers as his body fell into softer, silent sobs that began to rhythmically become in tune with Song's.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn

Mercury I


4 Years
06-29-2014, 01:00 PM

The boy would find that Canta had found his side, she would nudge him encouragingly as she sat next to him. His face would visibly light up at her presence, and as he settled down to pay his attention to the meeting butterflies would swirl within his stomach. The proximity of the girl would excite him and keep his attention, he wasn't sure how well he would be able to pay attention to his alpha. However the events that would unfold next would almost cause him to come to tears.
His adopted sister, Song, would find her way there. At first he wasn't even aware of her presence, but the collective gasp, as well as Song's words would cause his attention to fall upon the white maiden. Someone had died. Her son had perished. Canta's brother.. was gone. Dark ears would fall to his head, immense amounts of sorrow overwhelming him as he watched the mourning begin.
Dutiron would start the meeting, obviously distressed as he tried to continue through the responsibility. He would try to lean into Canta's side, but if she had left him to be with her family he would not begrudge her that. He would be there for comfort if it was needed. For now though, he didn't want to think about duties and ranks. He just wanted to comfort his friend.


Silent I


11 Years
06-29-2014, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2014, 01:41 PM by Silent I.)

Silent's emerald eyes watched everyone else as they continued to gather, taking in the unfamiliar and familiar faces without a fuss. She took note of two of her four children sitting next to some of their "nieces", a title that had been given to them since birth. A small smile appeared on her face as she looked at them with fond eyes. Faolan was still missing, but soon enough, he appeared at her side. She gave him a loving nuzzle, her black fur clashing against his silvery frame. Being surrounded by two men who loved her made her feel more useful in the small time she had left. She hoped that feeling would never go away.
The atmosphere quickly changed as Song made her appearance. Tears and soft sobs were heard from the once proud white she-wolf as she approached her parents at the front of the meeting. In her mouth, a limp pup hung, eyes closed and not breathing. "Oh, dear..." Silent softly said, green eyes immediately turning to mist. "My sweet angel..." Her heart went out to Song, spiritually staying with her as Dutiron began the meeting with a silence for the passing child. Silent closed her eyes and she wished that the pup had found peace after struggling since life had started.
The Author continued to speak, introducing ranks and then specific members of the pack. Her name was mentioned and she blinked back the weak tears that had appeared in her eyes. She met his bi-colored gaze and she softly voiced, "Yes, Dutiron, I wouldn't mind remaining a Classic. These old bones, you know...they can only take so much." Her gaze then moved to Dhiren as he walked towards his mother without being told, curling up next to her, and began crying with her as well. Silent's heart was eased in its pain as she watched Song's first born try to comfort her. 'Such a good boy,' she thought.
Silent wanted nothing more than to curl around Song and squeeze all the pain and agony out of her. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible and Silent's bones and muscles would probably not tolerate such pressure. All she could do for the moment was let a few tears fall down her ebony cheeks and lean into Bronze. Her eyes closed and she tried to find comfort in her mate's tan fur. Losing a child was horrible for any living being, especially one as young as Song. The memory of losing Apollo was something she had tried to bury away for years, but every now and then, it would show up like an unwanted relative at a reunion. The old heartache from then wrapped itself around her like a blanket and she felt fresh tears roll down her cheeks, for both her loss, as well as Song's.




10 Years
06-29-2014, 04:50 PM

Patiently she would wait for the rest of her family and pack to arrive. Her mood had been rather upbeat recently, even with the disappearance of her father she'd been able to smile with Ara. Novel's form would remain seated, mostly waiting for her grandfather to start. However, the arrival of her mother would both startle and destroy her. Descant. Descant was still and lifeless within her mother's grasp. A whine of displeasure would leave her as she lay her body down to the earth, struck by grief.
She would hold in sobs as Dutiron called for a moment of silence, her eyes moving from Dutiron to her mother. As he continued the meeting would be held, obviously with reluctance. She thought it almost proper that he would get to attend at least one meeting within the pack. Ranks would be handed out, and she would accept the role solemnly. "That sounds fine, Grandfather." Tears would slip from her eyes as the lyrics fell from her lips. She wouldn't wait for the other replies as she tiptoed to Dhiren's side. She nuzzle into his fur, clinging to him.
She didn't know what to think. Even her own mother could not keep him there with them on earth. What had happened that the gods might have taken him from their possession?

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Novel i


8 Years
06-29-2014, 07:14 PM

She would smile welcomingly to each as they arrived, the news she had told to her mate was slowly sinking in. She knew it as truth now, there would be no refuting she was carrying one last litter. As they would filter in her gaze would finally find itself on the form of her pale daughter. The tiny form within her jaws, alarming her instantly.
She was frozen there, watching the girl bring the child before them. She would stare in horror, and couldn't help but move to her side. She'd suffered many things, but she hadn't lost a child. She would push her form against her daughter's side, finding that she would need Dutiron to be the strong one again. She would hold onto her daughter tightly, a welcomed embrace in her most challenging of times.




6 Years
06-30-2014, 07:35 AM

The meeting seemed to start off well as the members of Ludicael - mostly Destructions, actually - began to gather, but then everything went horribly wrong. Song moved into their midst, moved up to Uncle Dutiron and placed at his feet the body of a young wolf. Satu stared uncomprehendingly for a moment, confused and more than a little disconcerted, even frightened. Who was this child? Why was he dead? What was going on?

Satu had never actually met any of Song's younger children; keeping to herself as much as she had all these months she hadn't even known one of them was ill and doing badly. Until Dutiron spoke up to take control of the situation, asking for silence for Descant Destruction, Satu had no idea what was going on, and it looked very bad - and then his words made it even worse. She had a cousin she hadn't even known, who had died, and all she could feel was numb and confused. Satu crouched miserably next to Novella, ears flattened to the sides. The rest of Dutiron's words passed in something of a dull buzzing; none of it had anything to do with her anyway, which was the way meetings always went.



10 Years
06-30-2014, 01:01 PM

A smile rested on her placid features for a long moment. Not soon after she settled down near her parents, she turned to nudge Novel gently. She didn't fully understand how deeply she cared for the girl, and while her feelings confused her, to rationalize it seemed unimportant. She watched as her mother arrived with her father at her side, both moving slowly but surely toward the gathering. She saw how content they both looked, despite their age and their gradually deteriorating health, and she found her smile growing as she nodded to her mother in silent greeting.

Her thoughts were peaceful, and she was surprised at Song's sudden arrival. She carried a smile child in her mouth -- Ara nearly gasped as she watched his limp body fall to the earth. She felt herself tense as she grew aware of what had happened. Song's child had not made it.

Dutiron i quickly spoke, asking for a moment of silence for the child, and Ara bowed her head silently. Ranks were offered quickly, and one to Novel. She felt pride swell in her chest for her friend's achievements, and she involuntarily leaned into her slightly. She herself had asked for a rank once, in Seracia, but no heed had been given to the girl's inquiry. After all, she'd been but a child, but she knew better than to ask again. She would remain quiet as she watched Novel humbly accept the position, but she also saw the sadness evident in her gaze for her brother's death. Soon she saw tears slipped from her gaze, and felt her move from her side to find comfort in Dhiren's presence.

A soft, hardly audible sigh left her own lips, sadness pulling at her heart for the loss of the child she had not known. Silently she would find her way to Faolan's side, knowing that he felt pain at the disappearance of Enola, though he had not vocalized it to her yet. Gently she nuzzled him, seeking comfort as well as offering some to him.

Requiem I


2 Years
07-03-2014, 09:44 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Dutiron came and sat beside him, and Requiem cast his brother an assessing, sidelong glance. His poor brother. He still looked a little out of it, as if he was not quite back up to par yet, but the fact he had found it in him to make it to the meeting was testament enough to his improvement. Teal and green eyes full of encouragement, Requiem smiled Dutiron's way, hoping the whole meeting thing would not give him any set backs. At his other side Saga appeared, seating herself next to him and offering a polite little nod of her head in a manner of greeting. His warm smile grew a fraction brighter, his tail giving a few soft beats against the ground behind him. It had been much too long since he had had his family around him like this, since it had been safe to gather and interact. Maybe this was another prayer - one he had not even thought to ask yet - being answered.

Spirits high, he sat between his siblings and waited patiently, watching the faces of family and his family's friends alike enter and take their places to hear what needed to be said. Each pale pelt made him think it was his mother arriving at last - she always seemed so reluctant to leave Descant alone for very long - but after a few false alarms he finally saw her. No sooner than he did, however, his smile quickly faded. Song did not carry herself with the authority of a once-Oracle, nor did she even look happy. Brows furrowing, the arrowed markings upon his brow deepening the look of his expression, Requiem craned his neck to watch her wade through the gathering, making for his grandparents, and noticed the swinging bundle hanging from her jaws. It was limp, like a rabbit, but he knew that coat, those spindly, weak legs. The quiet, empty face.

Jaw slackening, the brown boy could not quite process what he was seeing. It was Descant, surely, he knew his brother well enough to recognize him. But this was not him. There was no life here, no glimmer in the eyes. It was like he had...died. His mother's quiet phrase let him know what had happened, and the absence of sound in her silent sobbing somehow seemed to echo the emptiness Requiem could feel settling within his chest. It was cold, numbing in a sense, as if his body had shut down while his mind raced frantically to piece it all together. Descant - his brother, his littermate - was gone. He would never get to see him waiting in the den anymore, would never listen as stories of the day were told to him, would never see the sad smile that was so full of love, so full of hope, that his mother only ever offered to her weak son.

Everything was suddenly blurry, and his bottom lip wobbled something fierce. His throat burned with a painful lump that seemed near impossible to swallow around. His ears were folded, sadness weighing them down, and through the blur he glanced left and right at his sister and brother. How much more precious they were now for still being here. He was torn, between staying here, between his siblings, to comfort them and be comforted in return, and going to see Descant. Who knew if he would ever get to see him again after this day, after whatever happened to his body now that he no longer gave it life? Afraid of losing his chance, a little desperate to be proven wrong about his brother's death, Requiem rocked forward to his feet and padded toward his mother and his brother. Elder siblings pressed beside the white woman, his grandmother holding her just as Song would them if something made them cry, but, tail tucked and ears low, he skirted around them and wheedled his way nearer his brother.

He was so still. Even sick as he was, Requiem could never remember him being so still. Nothing twitched, his sides refused to rise, and his face was empty of any of his brother's expressions. He really was gone. It was good the remainder of the meeting had nothing to do with him - he no longer paid attention anyway. His bright eyes blurred again and this time spilled when he blinked them, and feeling the lump in his throat burn hotter than before he turned his face into his dead brother's shoulder to cry, drawing in his scent, so heavily covered by his mother's too, and quietly mourned for his loss.



07-05-2014, 05:18 PM

So much was going on as soon as she and Feli got there. First Anthem would approach, his soft woof calling her attention. She smiled warmly, tail wagging."Oh my sweet brother. I've missed seeing your smile." She greeted him with a nuzzle in return. She looked down at her son as he spoke up. "This is Anthem, your Uncle." She explained. A pressure on her other side had her turn to look into Gitan's eyes. She whined softly and licked his cheek happily. Sorrel wiggled his way under her with his twin while Cerise took comfort under her father. One could easily tell the boys were Momma's Boys while Cerise was a Daddy's Girl. Legend, her younger brother joined the group and Symphony was starting to feel like this was more of a family reunion than a meeting. She grinned at her younger brother, almost wanting to tackle him and ruffle his fur but kept still. Eyes lite up with mirth at his reaction, "Yes you are Legend. This is Sorrel, Felicien, and Cerise. Kids this is your Uncle Legend, and this is your Uncle Anthem." She introduced her brothers to the pups. Head held high with pride for her wonderful kids. She couldn't have asked for more sweet and loving pups as these three.

The meeting was soon to begin, she could feel like as it seemed most had all gathered here. But the sight of her sister with a pup in her jaws stilled her heart. She knew all at once what had happened but her brain and heart tried to deny what she was seeing. She could only stare blankly at the still form of her youngest nephew and her sister stricken with grief. Tail curled around her paws, holding the boys closer to her body. Eyes closed as a moment of silence was asked for. She prayed he was happier now, that nature had left him go peacefully, that the gods she believed in took him in with open hearts. She eyes would remain closed till her father spoke to her.

Head lifted up slowly as she looked from her father to Gitan and then down at her pups. They needed a home, to socialize and grow, a place to be safe and know the strength of family. She would look back up at Dutiron silent for a moment as emotion swirled inside her. She was still unsure of her mother but she was older now. Novel would have to also respect her wishes and distance too. "Yes...I accept but only if my mate is given a rank as well." Her family would not be left out of this.

image by Luisiana


07-06-2014, 01:40 PM

F?li would look at Anthem as his mother explained. So this was his uncle...? And yet another brute would approach, apparently another uncle. Little tail would begin to wag excitedly as he looked between the two males. ?Nice to meet you both~? So... This was more family for him to hang out with, right? Now that they had met F?licien was hoping he?d see more of both of them, and that his mother and father would decide to officially stay here in Ludicael. He liked it here... Everything was nice and peaceful. He was happy, so very happy. Ears would twitch as he looked to his brother, giving his twin a playful nudge before looking around again.

Everything seemed to be fine... Until his aunt Song arrived, carrying one of her children. The boy had yet to experience death, and seeing one of his cousin?s so still scared him. He pressed into his mother, against Sorrel, as he fought back the frightened whine that was in his throat. Seeing a family member... Dead... He would hardly move as the meeting continued on, though his bi-colored gaze would shift up to his mother. Stay in Ludicael... And it seemed like they were going to accept! The small male would look back to Sorrel, then to his grandfather, hoping he would agree to the terms.

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-14-2014, 03:38 AM

The ranks would be accepted and declined, all the while various members of the family, Song's other children really, would make their way over to the distraught woman comforting her and themselves. A part of him certainly longed to join them and be rid of this meeting and as each gave their responses he would finally speak once more, first directly to Symphony and Gitan. "In that case I shall speak with Gitan at a later date." He seemed a decent enough man, his daughter was clearly fond of him. The problem was that Dutiron still knew little about him, what his skills were and now wasn't really the time to discuss such matters. He didn't wish to push Gitan on the spot and most importantly his family needed him to be the father and grandfather he was, not his position of Author. "This meeting is now over, those of you that wish to stay for Descant please do. Please can any questions wait until later." The final was of course a request that they allow him to spend some time with his family. He may not have known the child well at all though the loss still pained him and the sadness of his family hurt as well.