
Forge me in flames; Spar

Motif I


4 Years
06-28-2014, 11:22 PM

Before today the girl had never entered the battleground, and her paw-steps where hesitant and reluctant as they made their way onto an open expanse. There was a taste in the air of pain and old blood that reminded her of wars told by elders. She perhaps would have found her way here eventually, she had been set on exploring after all. However it wasn't adventure that brought her here, not exactly anyway. Her brother had gone and gotten himself a kingdom and she knew that it would be her job to watch out for him ? nothing changed in the regard, only now the stakes where higher.

The lithe woman had not fought in a long while, she had no need. She had always relied on her agility, her freedom, she ran from the world, her steps in time to music only she could here. Bass had grounded her with his new dreams, the pack life he had settled down to and well she would not stay grounded forever she knew that she would need to change her ways for a little while. She needed practice, needed to remember how to fight, to strengthen her limbs and find it in herself to be battle-worthy. So here she was, standing in the battlegrounds, where she would push her feet out into a stance and throw back her head and howl for an opponent.




06-30-2014, 09:31 PM

Crucifix had informed him that the pack was on the brink of taking the lands that they would need. It thrilled him really. He hadn't been in a pack since he had left his family and it was a feeling of camaraderie that he found was necessary for his own happiness.

Unfortunately joining a pack would mean that he would have every chance to protect and defend what was his, and he hadn't battled in ages. He knew he was rusty and if he wasn't sparring within his pack, he would have to find space to do it elsewhere. The battlefield, a blood soaked field that he had seen many times in passing, would have to suffice.

As he arrived to the place smelling so heavily of iron and warfare, the silver brute would notice an earthen-toned beauty howling for an opponent, and suddenly his steps would turn in her direction. She was already prepared in a battle stance, her legs spread apart and eyes glowing for adventure.

After a quick once over Ahmose would do the same, positioning himself before her with his head lowered, using this opportunity to greet the woman who had summoned a sparring partner. "Hello, would you mind if I..?" He would begin, quieting himself only after realizing that he sounded foolish, asking for permission after she had clearly already given it. Then with a quick nod and an utterance of luck, Ahmose would advance.

**His chin would quickly drop to draw in his chest as his firmly planted paws sped up his approach. Hackles would rise dangerously as he tightened every muscle, scrunching his face up in a snarl. Just before attempted contact with the woman, Ahmose would bend his knees ever so slightly in preparation for his lunge. Parted jaws would aim for her left side just above her shoulder as his left fore leg would aim for her chest in an attempt to push her off balance. His bent hind legs would push him into this attack in the hopes of gaining an advantage, his rear claws dug firmly into the earth for stability.

Ahmose vs Motif for spar
round 1 of ?
Ahmose runs and attempts to launch himself at Motif, aiming his jaws to the left (her left) side of the neck. He raises a paw in an attempt to push her off balance as he moves forward.
defenses: chin tucked low into chest, knees bent, face scrunched, muscles tensed, hackles raised, toes firmly in the ground.
injuries: none
notes: sorry I kinda suck at spars xD good luck sea dear

Motif I


4 Years
07-02-2014, 03:41 PM

A boy lathered in moon-lit tones would grace the field before her. His long legs taking him in stride to the centre of her vision and she found herself for a moment taking in his golden orbs, and the fierce look of determination that caressed his features. She would offer him a slowly spreading grin as she stretched out her muscles in preparation for the time ahead. Her paws would slide outwards easily, naturally as they found a grip against the earth and claws would dig against the earth for an extra touch of traction. Her lushly dark toned ears would fold backwards against her skull to give him less to grip upon as she rolled forth her shoulders to protect her vitals. Her banner would flare out behind her for balance as her chin tucked downwards over her delicate throat. She would flex out her claws again, her back would arch upwards to appear larger and more frightening, bending her knees and feeling the looseness of her joints telling her she was ready. Again her claws would grip the earth and now her hackles would rise behind her even as her brilliant eyes would flash and a single lid would drop once in a seductive wink.

The boys lush tones would stretch out across the void between them and again her muzzle would stretch out into a grin as she read the soft uncertainty in his tones. ?Oh, my dear it would be but an honour? her voice was rich with easy humour. No more words would have their chance for utterance since her stranger seemed that the time was right. He would lunge towards her, covering the gap between them in bounds of his long legs. His teeth would part and as she leaned her weight forward to take the hit his weight would find her. She would loosen herself subtly; buoyant knees moved back that slightest fraction to lessen the impact against her even as her claws dug deeper into the earth to stabilize her. She would allow the attack that went for her rolled shoulders, letting the thick fur and muscles in her left shoulder there take it as he moved his paw off the ground to push against her. She had been waiting for the slightest hint of lesser balance in him and this would be that moment. With his head close to her to get at her shoulder she would aim to move her own jaws to latch on to the left side of his cheek, a softer place to bite into then a shoulder. Should the aim hit she would also move her left paw forward, aiming to dig her claws into the hollow webs of his right paw, should her claws find their mark they would dig into the soft webs and aim to hold his paw down to throw off his balance, had her teeth found their mark in his cheek she would push all of her weight down with her teeth and to his left side where his raised paw would lessen his stability. She would roll her shoulders back to lessen surface where his left paw had aimed to push against her.

Defences: Legs spread for balance, claws dug for traction, tail spread out for balance, ears folded back and tucked safely to her skull, Shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked down to protect throat, legs bent for balance, hackles raised, back arched for size,

Attacks: Teeth aiming for his left check. Her Left paw moved forward to aim for the soft webs of his right paw, also to hold down to throw off his balance as she pushes her weight to his left where his paw is raised and his stability is less.

Injuries: The bite to her left, rolled shoulders




07-02-2014, 06:46 PM

Did she just wink at him? Momentary confusion was thrown quickly out of the way as the spar began. His attack to her shoulder seemed to have landed somewhat perfectly, yet the girl would use his attacks against him and try to push him off balance by latching onto his cheek and throwing her weight against him.

With her teeth clamped hard against his face he would huff, releasing her shoulder and snapping at the left side(his left and her left) of her muzzle in an attempt to pull her off of his face. If successful, his skin would tear out of her mouth and his jaws would clamp around the top of her muzzle. A deep growl would escape from between his parted jaws as he did so, pulling any loose skin tight against his skull.

His left hind leg would quickly shift outward and plant firmly to offset the weight of the smaller wolf. His left paw would drop again to the ground, missing his opportunity to throw the girl off balance and working now only to remain balanced against the weight being thrown against his side.

As he maneuvered his body to try and gain an advantage, Ahmose tail would stay steadily aligned with his curving spine, following it's movements like a snake in the sand. His ears would remain plastered to his skull and his eyes would squint, showing only golden slits.

Ahmose vs Motif for spar

round 2 of 3

ahmose attempts to bite the top of her muzzle

defenses- attempt to pull her teeth from his skin, face scrunched and growling, left hind leg shifting to support added weight, left fore paw dropping to the ground for support, tail aligned with spine, ears back against skull, eyes squinted.

injuries- bite to left cheek, laceration to left cheek if successful in defenses


Motif I


4 Years
07-03-2014, 02:33 PM

Her teeth would graze against the skin of his left cheek and break the surface, she would taste his flesh and blood and her eyes would fall to slits to protect them from any retaliation he might offer. The weight she pushed upon him and downwards would not give as drastic effect as she might hope for, but at least his teeth would release her shoulder. He tried to move his muzzle to hers but she would release him and move her head under the attack. With his added height it would be easier to try duck beneath his muzzle, moving from his left cheek and towards his right as his muzzle swung over her head to where her muzzle had been. Her ears would fold to her skull, her shoulders would roll forward and her neck would scrunch to cover as much of her own neck and vitals as they could, and she would snap her head upwards then, the swings of their heads taking only a second before she would attempt to lunge for the right side of his under throat.

The left paw she had moved onto his right would land and her claws would dig tight into the webs between his paws where she would attempt to draw blood. Her back legs would splay out further, evenly distributing her weight. Her toes outstretched and once more dig into the earth to ensure her balance as she continued to hold his paw and her tail would flare out behind her. Her hackles remained raised, the raised skin an extra protection to her spine.

Motif VS Ahmose for Spar

Round 2 of 3

Defences: Eyes narrowed, ears to skull, shoulders rolled, legs spread, toes spread, claws dug into soil, tail outstretched, hackles raised, neck scrunched, weight evenly distributed

Attack defences: head lowered to duck under his moving muzzle

Attacks: [/b]Jaws lunging for underside of his right throat, left paw onto of his right paw, claws digging into his webs

Injuries: Earlier bite to her left, rolled shoulders

Ooc: As the attack on the webs of his feet was not acknowledges, as by the judging rules it lands :)




07-03-2014, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2014, 11:41 PM by Ahmose.)

A howl of pain threatened to escape the man's throat as the woman pressed her claws deep into Ahmose right paw. Instead, he transformed the emotion into a snarl and whipped his head to his right, following as she dodged his attack to her muzzle and aimed for his neck. The bunched skin would make it difficult for her to grip as he moved in to attack her again. So instead of a full bite, Ahmose would only feel the tips of her teeth graze the skin on his neck.

Instinctively his brain would register the pain in his paw and attempt to pull the paw out from under her own, lighter paw. He would give it a sharp tug, prepared for the pain that possible tearing that the jerking movement may cause.

His jaws would again part, aiming for the soft sensitive spot of flesh just behind her right ear. If his paw was set free, as he lunged he would rear only a few inches off the ground to give him the momentum he would need to try and bowl her off of her feet. As he attempted to rise, both of his forelegs would part so that if his attempt to throw his weight on her landed, he could wrap his paws around her shoulders and attempt to pin her to the ground.

As his front paws would attempt to leave the ground, his ears would remain flattened against his skull, tail waving out magnificently in line with his spine, his chin tucked close to shield the important parts of his neck, hackles raised threateningly. His hind legs would remain splayed out bent slightly at the knees, claws firmly pressed into the ground. His golden orbs would be slit as he snarled, bunching the skin on his face tight to avoid any more grabbing.

Ahmose vs Motif for spar
round 3 of 3

Ahmose rears back a few inches to try and throw his weight against the girl, hoping to land a bite to the pressure point behind her right ear in the process. If successful, Ahmose will try and wrap his front legs around her shoulders in a pin.

Defenses: Head whips to the right to protect the right side of his neck from a bite. Ahmose tries to rip his right paw out from under motifs left paw while he rears back. He keeps his chin tucked, ears back, eyes slit, face scrunched, tail aligned with his spine, legs apart, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, hackles raised, knees bent.

Injuries:laceration to left cheek, possible ripped toe webbing on right paw, grazed skin on right side of neck.

Motif I


4 Years
07-04-2014, 08:53 PM

She would hear his cry but she would not falter, nor loosen her grip upon his right paw. For the moment their feet would remain like this as she concentrated on finding a hold on the underside of his right throat, her lesser height making it an easier place to aim for. The folds of his skin would deny her a more painful strike and instead her fangs would graze against its skin.

She would feel the pulling of his right paw beneath her own and would tighten her joints down to lock upon them. He would pull harder and his webs would rip as he pulled free and her paw would slide forward with his sudden freedom. With the force of her weight pushing forward she would slip and her head would bob downwards even as the brute went for her ear but missed, instead his fangs skimmed across her forehead. The brown dame would wince as she felt his teeth break her skin, and the feel of fresh, warm blood would trickle down the side of her face even as she continued her move forward. She regained her balance a second later but continued her downward movement. She would attempt to wrap her jaw about the rising right leg. Her aim would be to come at it on the right outside and bring her head around to grab the underside of his knee.

Following this action her backside would sway to her left side with her tail outstretched behind her as a balancing ruder, so she was no longer head on with her opponent and his left raised leg would touch down on the most outer part of her right shoulder. Her shoulders where rolled forward and her hackles raised, also the second her butt had settled her knees would bend, muscles would tense, her weight would be evenly spread and her toes would spread and dig into the ground. Her ears remained pinned to her head and her eyes narrowed

Motiv Vs Ahmost for Spar

Round 3 of 3

Defenses: knees bent, weight spread, toes spread, and dug into ground, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, tail out, muscles tense

Attack Defenses: Slipping(if that can be called a defense) to avoid the strike to behind her right ear which would instead become a skim across her skull drawing blood. Moving her weight to the left so only part of his raised paw finds grip on her right shoulder

Attacks:Tightening grip on his right paw, ripping webs as he pulls free. Attempt to wrap her jaw about the underside of his right forepaw knee by coming at it from his outer right

Injuries: Earlier bite to her left, rolled shoulder. Cut on forehead from his teeth


The Judge


07-06-2014, 06:21 PM

Ahmose v Motif for Spar

Round 1

0 for clarity- -3 did not specify which side or angle he approached motif at. -2 did not specify which angle he wanted to bite at -4 lack of clarity on where he was aiming to bite (eg, lower jaws attempted to land here, upper jaws attempted to land there) -2 did not specify which part of her chest he attempted to kick

8 for powerplaying. -2 kicking the chest isn?t a very realistic attack to go along with the bite

5 for defenses.+1 for every one seen. Hackles raised, muscles tight, face scrunched, jaws parted, knees bent, claws dug in -3 for not readjusting balance for lifted paw

3 for attack. +2 bite to shoulder +1 kick

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Ahmose Total: 27/50


0 for clarity- -4 not clarifying the damage done to her from Ahmose?s attacks (bite or kick) -2 not clarifying if his paw hit or not -2 not clarifying how she moved to attack (did she arch her neck, reposition herself at all)-2 to dig her claws into his paws would be extremely difficult even in a non fight situation

5 for powerplaying. -3 state all attacks you intend to do, not ?if attack a land then she will launch attack b?-2 you cannot assume that he released her shoulder enough for her to be able to roll them

5 for defenses. +1 for every one seen. Legs spread, claws, tail out, ears pinned, shoulder rolled, chin tucked, legs bent, hackles raised -3 for not readjusting balance for lifted paw

6 for attack. +3 bite to face +3 paw slam

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Motif Total: 36/50

Round 2


7 for clarity- -3 not clarifying the damage done from the face attack

6 for powerplaying. -4 not responding to the attack to his paw -2 no weight was being thrown against his side

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen. Face scrunched, balance repositioned, tail aligned, ears back, eyes narrowed

3 for attack. +3 bite to the face

5 for injuries. -3 ripped face -2 stomped paw

Round two Ahmose Total: 26/50


3 for clarity- -3 Ahm stated the damage done to his cheek already, it was not a graze -2 where did she aim to bite on Ahm?s neck? -2 how were her jaws angled and where did they intend to land? (upper jaw along his jugular? Other way around?)

3 for powerplaying. -2 ?move her head under the attack? must attempt to do this -3 ?his muzzle swung over her head to where her muzzle had been? you cannot assume that he allowed her to move this far -2 ?she would snap her head upwards then? you must attempt to do this

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, legs spread, toes spread, claws dug, tail out, hackles raised, neck scrunched

4 for attack. +3 bite to neck +1 attack to vitals

10 for injuries. None taken

Round two Motif Total: 28/50

Round 3


3 for clarity- -4 attempting a lot of movement with lunging and wrapping paws around her neck then attempting to throw her down and pin her -3 how is lifting himself off the ground going to give him the momentum to bowl her over?

7 for powerplaying. -3 did not state how he dodged attack to the throat or how he moved so she only got the tips of her teeth in

9 for defenses.+1 for each seen. Chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, face scrunched, tail out, toes splayed and claws in the earth, hackles raised, hind legs parted, knees bent

5 for attack. +3 bite behind the ear +2 lunge forward

3 for injuries. -5 bite to the side of throat -2 bruising to paw

Round two Ahmose Total: 27/50


4 for clarity- -2 wolves do not have knees on their front legs, there is the elbow, ?shin?, then the ankle and knuckles of the paw -2 I don?t quite understand how she repositioned herself to get to the underside of his leg -2 why did her backside sway to her left?

6 for powerplaying. -4 did not dodge or respond to his attack of wrapping his paws around her and trying to shove her down

9 for defenses. +1 for each seen. Knees bent, weight spread, toes spread and dug into the ground, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, tail out, muscles tense

3 for attack. +3 bite to back of foreleg

7 for injuries. -3 cut to the forehead -3 bruising from landed neck grab and attempted throw

Round two Motif Total: 29/50


Ahmose: 80/150

Motif: 93/150

And the winner is...

Motif! Ahmose must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Ahmose - Sever bite to left cheek, will scar if not treated, will take 1 OOC week to heal, bruising to right paw with minor scrapes to webbing, Moderate lacerations to right side of neck will take 2 OOC weeks to heal , bruising will take a few IC days

Motif - Moderate lacerations to left front shoulder will take 1 OOC week to heal, moderate bruising on mid chest from kick, moderate cuts to forehead will scar if not treated, will take 1 OOC week to heal, bruising around neck/shoulder area from leg grab, bruising will take a few IC days


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Mell Clarity and powerplaying were two big ones for you, make sure you respond to every attack and when you attack be as specific as possible. Detail which way your jaws are angled, where you want top and bottom jaws to lands, where on the shoulder you want it to land etc. Also counter attacks don?t count as defenses so you were docked there, but other then that it was a good spar, you did a good job of taking realistic damage!! Message me if you have any questons!

For Sea We chatted on skype already about a bit of this, clarity was also an issue for you, be careful about not responding to attacks! As well even when you are moving the slightest bit you must attempt to do it all, give your opponent time to stop you if they like because it is very possible that they will. I sent you a full list of defenses already so other then that not much to say! Also feel free to message me with questions!!

- By [Dione]


07-07-2014, 02:22 AM

His attack would not land as he assumed, and he would instead only graze the top of her skull with his jaws. As the front of his body returned to the ground, though, the girl would quickly make a move for his right foreleg and find purchase there in his already damaged paw.

A growl would tear from his throat and the man would retreat from her, taking enough steps back to be able to shake himself from her and dip his head in defeat. She had won the spar with her speed and agility, and he obviously had some more rust to shake off!

A smile would grow on his lips and he would return to face her, chest till heaving and heart still pounding with adrenaline. "That was pretty amazing fighting there. I am impressed." And he was. He hadn't expected such a challenging fight from her upon first glance. She was a little spitfire.

Golden eyes would glimmer with the light of battle and the thrill it still seemed to bring him, even through the pain his injuries were causing him. Perhaps after they healed, they could spar again sometime. "My name is Ahmose. Ahmose Tepemkau. It was really an honor sparring with you." He noted with a dip of his head and an outstretched paw of friendship. She was a lovely little thing. Gorgeous colors. But a deadly weapon all her own. He wondered what pack she was from, or if she was a rogue like himself.


Motif I


4 Years
07-10-2014, 01:13 AM

She would first blink in surprise as the man pulled free before realising that the spar was over. She would let out a soft and gentle laugh as she shook out her body from head to toe and threw back her head. Man! That head been a good work out, and the man before her a good opponent. But he was pulling away and calling it a day and she breathed soft and free since the battle had started, surprised to feel exhilarate and tired and good.

She was running on the hormones of a work out when she look at Ahmose next. He would speak then, and her words would only bring him more honour and from her it would grant him her respect. He had no qualms with calling her victor and bowing to defeat with a grin and a compliment. She would find herself smiling again, the urge to laugh once more rolling in her throat. She felt giddy and wondered how much blood she might have lost, although she could barely feel her numerous pains. ?That was, boy, that was a good workout? she said, bounding towards him where she would rub her head against his shoulder and she would now laugh again. ?Thanks, every bit of experience under my belt is needed if i'm to be all that my brother needs me to be? she would admit, her tone carefree despite the seriousness of her words. ?We should go for a walk, I for one need to cool off, and there's no saying what you need under that hunk of heat? she would grin wickedly towards him now, already moving away from him, her body turned and moving forward but her head would cast back to offer up that wicked grin.