
Think Gr�Blood


07-02-2014, 09:11 PM

Again, the obsidian mass found himself within the boundaries of a field of war. Blood stained the wet soil. All about him, the wintry landscape was molting into fresh greenery. A time of rebirth. Perhaps not to the male. It only should mark the beginning of a warring world between the good and the evil. To Hell, blood would be shed. Powerful stilts rippled with muscle as they beat the land, leaving small prints in the moist terra firma. Topaz gems shimmered as they scanned the world, seeking any life amongst the greenery, but he did not know what wolf lied in the darkness of the undergrowth. A scent clung to his nose, as he would hear the rustling of bushes, rather in the wind or not, his deep voice of smoke rang onto the wind, "Come out. There shall be no time for banter. You may have the first move."

Immediately, he began to embrace his defenses, to endure whatever his foe would have planned. They could be larger, or could be smaller. Faster or slower. Every tactic he had learnt in his battle against the ebony bitch, would be well-impressed into his mind by now. Even if your enemy is larger or smaller, do not underestimate them or yourself. His defenses were quickly but skillfully laid out, spreading his powerful stilts wide and driving his digits into the moist soil, raising his banner for balance. All along his spine, dark hackles rose. His core would tighten, as he lowered his skull to align with the rest of his body. Each topaz gem narrowed to a barely readable slit, to shield him from both dust and claw damage. Hidden in his thick fur, became his veldt auditories. His fangs began to bare themselves, his lips peeling and contorting into a fierce snarl of intimidation. Whatever his enemy had in store. He was ready.



Quote:2nd paragraph
Quote:None, fight hasn't begun yet.
Quote:None, fight has yet to begin.


07-02-2014, 09:39 PM

The specimen that came from the union of Maija and Taurig Artenie graced the scene of the battlefield before the fight even began. Low growls and snarls from the black-furred monster with lava-like eyes were the only sounds that came from the sight. She sauntered along the shadows, watching him with intense turquoise blue eyes, ready to see the bloodshed that would take place. Pink tongue moistened dark lips, thirst for the knowledge of fighting and bringing someone down evident in her eyes. Golden-dipped paws touched the ground and gently cradled it before rising again with each step she took.
Her gold markings began to shimmer with each move she made, hips gently swaying to an unheard rhythm. She maintained the tempo until she stopped near the sidelines. Her frame remained the darkness, golden-backed ears perked forward as her intense stare remained on the large male. A small smirk appeared on her face, brightening her features as she softly reclined to her haunches. Slowly, her gaze moved down his frame, taking in the details that would have been ignored by others. The hunger she had craved upon first meeting the male in Covari rose to her stomach and a soft grumble left her sweet lips. She unabashedly blinked, continuing to watch him until his opponent would arrive.



07-03-2014, 12:01 AM
The feeling would arch and burn though her as paws would press for the first time on these blood stained grounds. Such a beautiful place, it called to her, tickled her senses as she stood for a long moment with one paw dipped across the boarders. She could feel the call of the earth, its need for blood and who was she to deny it's call? So she would allow dainty paws to pull her forward, to drag her most willingly towards the centre in search for her next victim. Would this land accept her payments? Would she be able to fuck her advisory before tearing out their throats? Or did this land expect some sportsmanship and flair? It was not normally her way of playing but at the same time? She would do what the land commanded, she was walking on its soil after all. If she as to give it a sacrifice she would do it right.

Precious babe would slither towards the first form she spotted, the idiot facing some bush and calling out another it seemed. A beautiful blue black wolf with golden markings would slip forward but she didn't seem interested in a battle as the male did. Would he accept her as a challenger? Would she be worthy enough? For a moment she would stand in silence a distance off, making sure that their scents were blowing towards her as to not alert them to her presence as she assessed the scene. If she wanted a friendly spat she didn't want it to be two on one even though every finer of her being told her to help this pretty little thing that boasted a pelt of gold. After a moment it seemed the woman was simply here to observe and Dione would roll her petite shoulders forward.

She would advance slowly at first, gaze casting towards the woman and tossing her a languid wink of a red eye before she would increase speed, attempting to close the distance between herself and the male as quickly yet quietly as possible. When she got to a position she deemed suitable the tiny demon would leap forward, haunches unfurling behind her as she launched herself at the male. Jaws would gape, immediately going for the upper haunch of his right hind leg. She looked to sink her teeth into his flesh, upper jaws hoping to land on the meat of his thigh while lower jaws would hope to grab onto his ass. Should she land her hit she would shake her head violently, attempting to do as much damage as physically possible.

Right foreleg would attempt to snake forward and loop itself around his right hind knee, hoping to bend the limb and force him off balance. Maybe he would drop enough that she could reach his back. Fuck he was big? Immediately her defences would set, ready for retaliation. Hind legs would splay out wider then normal to compensate for her tripod stance, joints loosening to absorb any shock that might hit her. Though her head was tipped up for her attack her shoulders would roll forward and chin would tuck as best she could to protect her neck. Eyes narrowed, nose pulling back in a snarl to pull loose flesh around her delicate orbs. Massive ears folded back into the mass of neon green fur atop her skull, back arching and stomach tucking to gather her core strength. Finally her bushy tail would lash out behind her to act as a rudder though it was ready to snap between hind legs if needed. Damn. She had missed this?


"Talk here."

The Judge


07-06-2014, 01:00 PM
Default to DIONE

Due to Hades not posting in the allotted time, Dione is the winner.

Hades must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.