
Herculean Quests



4 Years
06-19-2014, 10:29 PM

The willowy form of the Olympian princess would find itself at the edge of a sandy expanse. She could not see how big the land was, but she smelled vegetation from afar. Gaia was not normally an explorative girl, quite the opposite really. She lacked the ability to see and thus found new areas uncomfortable. She had mixed feelings for the sand, it was hot and course beneath her feet usually. With the cooler winter weather she would now find it almost pleasant.
She would linger on the boundaries of her family's territory, her paws loathe to leave the protection of the land. However she felt a calling within her, and eagerness to step foot into unknown land. To prove herself. She already knew the gods smiled upon her, she had not fallen ill when the sickness came. They favored her for some reason, and she would have faith they would bring her safely through this trial.
She would convince herself then. Ash covered paws would carry her onward, the sand her guide to the hidden oases in the dessert. This was her quest for now, maybe she would find golden apples. What if there was an immortal lion with skin that could not be broken? The girl didn't know what her quest would put her up against, but she felt unstoppable at that moment.
Easily her nose would guide her to the smell of water, there were palm trees here too. Ashen paws would extend before her, using her limbs as a cane she would sweep the area before her. The princess did not wish to collide with any trees that day. Her attention would be on the water ahead. Could she had found the fountain of youth?


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06-19-2014, 11:27 PM

Gangly youth was never one to wander far from home, preferring the comforts of the familiar and of his family. But since the plague, since seeing his sister unconscious and sick, he had followed Fia everywhere whether she liked it or not. His mother had told him of her kidnapping and the young boy had promised to make sure it never happened again despite his mother laughing off the offer. No. He would protect her. Though today he seemed to be failing at that as she had already escaped his pursuit. Why did she keep leaving? Wasn't their home good enough? These were all questions and insecurities that he harboured, holding them in tight and close to his heart so no one would ever see them. No, he would never ask Fia these questions.. Instead he would continue to follow her about loyally, for as long as he could. Today her trail had brought him to the desert and he had to admit it wasn't a terrible place. Even in the winter his pelt felt warm and the rough sand beneath his paws held some heat. Enough so to keep the snows away at least. It wasn't the hot springs but it wasn't bad either.

Nose would quiver as the boy tipped his skull back and sniffed for a moment, testing the air as his white dipped legs stopped their churning. Where was he? He felt like he had left Fia's trail way too long ago, it had gone from fresh to distant and then completely non existent. Had he taken a wrong turn? A sigh slipped from the boys lips but before he could become too disheartened the breeze changed, shifting so it blew towards him and bringing with it the scent of water. Funny how you don't notice how thirsty you are until it's just out of your reach? Long legs set him off again, this time with renewed vigour as he loped towards the scent, red plume raised above his back like a flag. It was only a short time before the image began to unfold before him, the trees that stretched high above him that were devoid of branches until the top gathered around a glittering pool of water. Wow!

He slowed at he approached, head tipping back so erect ears brushed against his back and he gazed above him at the massive trees that stretched above him. What was this place? Bi coloured eyes blinked rapidly, trying to dispel the sun without blocking hid vision for more then a moment. Everything here was so cool, almost like the weird structures that were in his new home. He stood for a moment staring up before finally skull would level again he would spot her across the pool of water. She moved slowly, an ashen figure that was a stark contrast to her surroundings. But she was pretty? His heart fluttered a bit in his chest as long legs set him off around the pond, plastering on his best 'lets be friends smile' as he approached. "Hey1 Have you seen a girl about my heigh come by here? She's the same color as me but with black legs?" He asked conversationally, head tipping as he studied her and her strange markings. The weirdest part of her were her eyes. What was up with those?!



4 Years
06-20-2014, 10:49 AM

Her form would continue on, her odd gait providing safety from the trees that surrounded her. She'd found an oasis in the dessert, what surprises would it hold for her? Questions would be answered as her nose caught the slight whiff of another, the wind would alert her to his presence. A slight nervousness would blossom in her chest as her confidence was rocked. She thought she had been ready to take on a lion, but as she heard his approach she wasn't even sure she could take on this boy. A silent prayer would be offered to the gods, asking them to give her strength. Wondering if he was the quest they had given her.
He seemed quite unabashed, his footsteps sounding eager and light as an easygoing voice would reach her alerted ears. "Hey! Have you seen a girl about my heigh come by here? She's the same color as me but with black legs?" Audits would fall back upon her head at the question, blank gaze staring in his general direction. She would offer him a nervous smile, his words holding a friendly tone. She was almost regretful that she could not help him. "Hi." She would start, her voice timid now, "I'm sorry I can't help you, I can't see anyone." She felt ashamed of her disability, but still she would have faith in the gods and their decisions. There was a reason she had been denied sight. "I can smell though, and your scent is the only one I've found out here." She hoped the answer was satisfactory, that was really all she had. There was no one else in this part of the desert.

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06-20-2014, 02:31 PM

She was pretty even if her eyes were weird. Unlike his family she had some cool yet delicate designs that adorned her face to highlight her features. Though he was usually not a fan of monochromatic coat colours, having been raised by a red mom and a purple mom, he quite liked it on her. Weird... Maybe there were pretty plain wolves... Unlike Hestia... He almost snickered at that thought. When he was younger he had tried to stick up for the black sheep as much as possible but since her attempted attack on an allied pack member he had held no love or respect for his older sister. She could suck it.

The girl seems a bit nervous, frightened even and quite hesitant at his approach but he really paid it no mind, preferring to hop along until he was stationed before her, tail arched over his back in what he thought was a happy position, not dominant. But as she spoke his plume stopped waiving and he was left confused, brow furrowed as he looked at her. She couldn't see anyone? Solo's ears folded back, neck stretching forward slowly towards her even as she continued to talk about smells. Why couldn't she see? Too hung up on the statement he would continue to lean forward until they were almost nose to nose and he was peering directly at her eyes.

Did it have something to do with her eyes? "Your telling me you can't see me right now?" His voice was skeptical as his head tipped one way and the the other as if the different angles might help him solve this puzzle better. "Why not?" He asked, butt plopping to the ground quite suddenly as if waiting for the girl to tell him some intricate story about how aliens or something stupid took her sight. Though his aunt was blind he had never put two and two together with the eyes. Actually... The poor boy hadn't even realized Zara was blind, had always just been unnerved by her staring at him with her creepy eyes. At least this girls eyes didn't look creepy!



4 Years
06-20-2014, 09:58 PM

Her ashen tail would hang limply between her legs, the princess unaware of how she should hold herself around others. Her nervousness would not stop the boy, who seemed not to know about her personal space. Even though she couldn't see him she knew he was drawing closer. The sound of his breathing would shift from father from her face, to closer as she would offer him her knowledge. He would get so close as to almost touch her nose, she could feel his breath on her. "Your telling me you can't see me right now?" his voice would come to her, seemingly distracted from his earlier quest. "No. But I know you're there. I can feel your breath on my nose." Her confidence would slowly increase with him. He certainly seemed to be no more than a pup himself. "Why not?" The question was innocent of course, but she would still feel a bit of hurt within her.
She had to trust in the gods and their decisions. They had chosen to refrain giving her sight, and so she would take it like a gift. She would hear his haunches fall to the earth, her own form would stay standing there wondering about her answer for him. She knew not the why, only that she had never gained the ability to see. "I was born with white eyes. That's just how I was made, I guess." It was all she'd ever realized, though deeper she knew the gods were behind it. However she was not ready to discuss her personal belief with this boy quite yet. She didn't know that she would be disappointing him from a wondrous tale.

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06-29-2014, 06:53 PM

He had never really been taught the concept of personal space, but then again his contact with wolves outside of his family was minimal at best. He prefered to stick close to Fiamette ever since her kidnapping and before that strictly sticking close to his moms. So he didn't really comprehend that he might be making this girl uncomfortable by sticking his face right up in hers. Her answer brought forth more questions then answers to the youth's curiosity. So her other senses worked? She could feel things and apparently smell and hear as well. He doubted she had lost her sense of taste so why couldn't she see? Had the goddess decided not to grant her sight in her creation?

She remained standing despite the fact that he seated himself and he would have thought that she was studying him if not for the fact that he know knew that she was blind. Again she would answer his questions and again he was left confused. She had been made that way. Did that mean her moms had decided that she should be blind? "Did your moms decide you shouldn't have your sight?" He had to ask, head tipping curiously as he continued to study the strange girl with her curious eyes. "Where are you from?" He asked the second question only moments after the first, not really considering that she would have to answer both.



4 Years
07-03-2014, 08:30 PM

She would wish then that she could actually see hi, unlike her family she didn't feel comfortable reaching out and touching the boy before her. Such actions would help her connect with the other being, like she did with her litter mates. She could have almost visualized them by how much they touched. It was becoming more difficult now though, each time she was close they seemed to grow bigger and bigger. While she remained at her shorter stature.
She could tell that Solo was listening, but that didn't mean he understood her simple words. His confusion however would be easily voiced as she finished her words, "Did your moms decide you shouldn't have your sight?" Her mother would have never chosen blindness for her, she knew that. "No, they didn't decide to take my sight. The gods just withheld that gift from me." Her voice would grow a bit more timid as she talked of her disability, but with Nat's training she would begin to learn it wasn't such a terrible one. "Where are you from?" that question was much easier to answer, "Olympus, my mother is the empress." She would state simply, "Where are you from?"

Walk "Talk" Think
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07-05-2014, 09:32 PM

He was unaware of her trouble and toils, had she asked to touch him he would have willingly allowed her to. But she didn't speak her concerns, did not request to touch him so he was left quite unaware of her insecurities and left smiling casually. Looking back at this later on in life he would feel like a complete asshole and hate himself for it but for now the boy was left oblivious and happy. Tail would wave casually behind him, sweeping at the sandy ground as he leaned back, completely at ease with all this. He was curious and she was a curious creature, he wanted to get to know her better and so far she seemed willing to share about her disabilities. Even told him that it wasn't her moms who had chosen for her to not have her sight... So... Who had chosen? He was still curious but now he was starting to just feel stupid because none of his questions were landing home and yeah... It sucked...

She told him that she was from Olympus and that her mom was an empress and Solo's head would tip curiously again as he studied her. Did that make her a princess? Kinda like how he was the prince in his pack? "I'm from Covari, my moms are the queens there..." He would pause for a moment before hopping to his paws and prancing a bit on the spot as a brilliant idea hit him. "Wait so does that mean your a princess? Can I be your prince?!?!" He exclaimed. hopping up then landing with paws splayed before her, tail arched above him and waving happily. If he was her prince then he could help her right? Maybe he could be her eyes! Yeah self high five!



4 Years
07-05-2014, 10:32 PM

She wouldn't realize his slight frustration in her words, she could only answer as best she knew how, and she didn't exactly remember when she was being made she didn't know exactly who had decided to keep her sight from her. He would suffice with her most recent lame explanation, his words coming quickly after her own words. "I'm from Covari, my moms are the queens there..." he would pause for only a moment, excitement evident as she heard him shuffle to his feet, "Wait so does that mean your a princess? Can I be your prince?!?!" He would land before her, causing the olympus girl to step back a pace.
She wasn't quite sure what to think of what he said, first off she was jealous that both of his moms lived in the same pack. They'd only lived with Raisa for a short amount of time, they had lived in Olympus for moons now. While she was caught up in those thoughts she had barely registered what he had said about being her Prince. "My.. Prince?" The idea had never occured to her that someday she would find a prince, but what was a betrothed then? "I would like that a lot." She could feel a smile appear on her features, her front limbs lowering to the earth as her body would show off a more playful pose. "Wait.. I don't even know your name." her voice would become matter-of-factly, "I'm Princess Gaia Olympus." She would say proudly, playing off his comment.

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07-09-2014, 09:36 AM

Solo had never been an overly curious fellow, even when he had met that boy in Ludicael who had wanted to know why the hot springs were hot he had lost interested fairly quickly. But here he wanted to know exactly why. Why did she deserve to be blind? Who had chosen that she couldn't see? She seemed so nice and pretty, why did she deserve this? In his mind she didn't deserve it and he vowed right then and there that he would make this better for her, as her prince (if he accepted) he would be her eyes and help her out in any way she needed. If she didn't accept... Well... Did princes stalk their princesses? Was that okay? "My... Prince?" She asked and for a moment he would frown. Was she not as stoked about this as he was? Would he had to resort to stalking so soon? But after a short pause she would reply and say that she would like that.

The teen would let off a excited yip, hopping in place before he paused and tried to figure out what princes did. For the first time he saw her smile, a bit of the nervousness melt away and that when he knew what he had to do. He would be the one to make her smile. She introduced herself and he would grin. Of course, she didn't even know his name!! "I am Prince Solo Sovari," he would introduce, curling one paw in and bowing quite lavishly like his mother had taught him. Though about half way through he would realize that this was a wasted gesture on her but none the less he would carry it through then spring back to his paws, leaning back into a play bow and attempting to reach forward with one paw and either paw at the air before her or gently boop her nose. "So what do princes do for their princess's? Other then make them smile. That's going to be my job, you have a really pretty smile..." He was grinning now, tail waving rapidly behind him and making a light wooshing sound through the air.




4 Years
07-09-2014, 04:16 PM

Gaia was not so much curious as she was thirsty for knowledge. She sought lessons from her aunt and other family members as often as she could, but her blindness, she had just accepted it. The stage of when she had questioned it was long gone, she couldn't change it and had reluctantly accepted her fate. Though knowing she had a friend like Solo that wanted to be her prince, maybe she wasn't so disabled after all. He would yip excitedly as she accepted his offer, her playful pose making way for his own name, "I am Prince Solo Sovari," He would accept her playful invitation, using his paw to touch her nose. "So what do princes do for their princess's? Other then make them smile. That's going to be my job, you have a really pretty smile..." she would hear his tail wagging happily and she could feel her tail starting to do the same. He'd called her pretty.
She didn't know beauty in a visual sense but she knew she liked certain sounds, and certain places had a pretty atmosphere that made her feel good. Solo had commented on her smile though, her lips would turn up more as her haunches fell to the ground. "I don't know what princes normally do. My brother usually keeps me safe though, and checks up on me." Hephaestus seemed like a good prince to go off of. "What else do you think princes do?" She was kind of at a loss, her siblings were always so careful with her, "Do you think they take their princesses on adventures?" She was never one to go exploring too far, but maybe with a prince she could have a real adventure.


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07-19-2014, 07:14 PM

She couldn't see. Did that mean she would never know how beautiful she was? Nevermind that, how beautiful he was? He knew he was arm candy, everyone always gawked and stared at his pelt but she didn't do that. It was kinda weird. Part of him wanted to tell her that he was pretty and that she should be honoured to have him as her prince but really. What would that do? She was already happy... Did that mean she actually liked him for his personality rather then his coat? He had never thought that he had had much of a personality but here she was, play bowing before him and her own tail matching his excited rhythm. It seemed his comment on her smile caught her a bit off guard as she again smiled and dropped into a seated position. She seemed thoughtful, thinking about what her version of a prince might do. When she spoke she would talk about her brother... Was that what siblings did? His siblings were dicks... He vowed then and there not to let her meet them.

What did he think? Head tipped curiously, debating this and pondering. Adventures? "I can take care of you. Does that mean I have to move to your pack? Cuz I can do that. Mine is getting kinda big..." He would pause for a second considering this, did he want to move? The last few conversations he had had with Fia and Vivek drifted back and he decided then and there that he did in fact want to leave. "I can take you on adventures! We can go exploring and hunting... Maybe fight some foxes or bears!! Whatever you want to do!" Of course as a boy he listed all the things he would be interested in doing. Hopefully she didn't want to do something silly like go pick flowers or something. Yick...