
It's All Going Wrong


06-10-2014, 05:00 PM

He had been gone for far too long, though it wasn?t as if he was gone because he wanted to be. Vahva had died from the sickness. Others had fallen ill with that same sickness. Meili... had died. All around him Valhallan?s seemed to be suffering, whether from the sickness itself or from those who were falling sick and dying around them, the male wasn?t sure what to think or do anymore. He had been working to provide food for as many of the Valhallan?s as he could, working himself harder than he ever had before. Had been. After Meili's death he had left... and would not be returning to Valhalla.

Finally he forced himself to make time away from the pack, to go check on Emily. He was shivering, snow falling across his back as he carried a rabbit in his jaws. He felt horrible for not coming to see her sooner, but the pack had needed him, and getting out of the lands with so many in need was not easy. He would approach the area Emily had made her den, under a fallen log and partially dug into a soft area of the ravine. He would pad to the entrance, setting the rabbit down in the snow before calling in a weak voice.





06-15-2014, 05:11 PM
Emily poked her head out from her make shift den as she saw the rabbit, As she saw Arwel standing there she started wagging her tail. It had been a while since she last saw her old friend and she was happy he had finally come. As she looked at him she started whimpering, he looked so tired and weak. ?Arwel whats wrong?? You look so tired and weak.?

Emily quickly picked up the rabbit he had brought her and laid it down at his paws whimpering more. She could tell he needed it a lot more than she did. Looking up at him she started nuzzling him giving him soft licks. ?Arwel if your not feeling well then you should be resting. Please eat, you look like you could use the energy. Tell me what happened.? Emily began to snarl ?Did someone hurt you????


06-18-2014, 04:29 PM

The male would sit, even as Emily emerged from the den. There was a look of relief on his face when he saw that she did not carry the epidemic, that, thank god, she was well. Weary shoulders would slump forward, and the truth of what was going on was upon him. Even before he could answer she was nuzzling him gently, licking him, trying to comfort him. But comfort would be hard to come by right now. There was a lot going on... And in losing Meili... He had lost a part of his life. If he lost Emily now he didn?t know what he would do.

At her sudden snarl Arwel would jump a bit, finding his voice. Emily had pushed the rabbit back to him, encouraging him to eat, while he seemed to be in a daze. Who could blame the male? He had lost his only surviving kin. He had left his pack behind... And now... What did the future hold? For him? For them? Arwel would give a soft sigh, body pressing into hers gently as he spoke, finding words to explain what had happened, even if it was hard to tell her the truth.

?I... I left Valhalla, Emily.? He wouldn?t go into the details about leaving yet, but there was still something important that she needed to know. Arwel would look to the ground, tears forming in his eyes once more. Meili... She had been taken away far before her time. He was the elder sibling... It should have been him who passed on first. Not her. He would give a sigh before he continued, pressing on.

?Meili is dead... She caught the epidemic that has been spreading through Alacritia. I know not how it spread, but... She had been alone... I... I thought that her mate was still with her... But... She suffered alone. I did not come to her side until it was too late... She... Was able to say her last words to me... But that was it. She?s gone... And I?m partially to blame...? Arwel closed his eyes, giving a whine. ?I?m so thankful that you?re okay...? He would add softly, praying that this wasn?t just a dream.




06-18-2014, 04:43 PM
Emily began to whine as she listened to what Arwel was saying. It couldn?t be true could it? Meili... dead? ?Arwel... I .... I don?t know what to say. I had no idea that there was any kind of disease going around through Alacritia... And Meili... Why would she...? Emily began to whimper again as she nuzzled Arwel more. ?I?m so thankful your safe at least.?

Emily bent down gently to pick up the rabbit bringing it closer to Arwel?s mouth. ?Please eat Arwel, You look absolutely horrible like you haven?t eaten or slept in days. Come inside and rest, there?s plenty of room in here and we can cover the entrance to keep the heat in.?


06-20-2014, 09:40 PM

Emily hadn?t known about the sickness, but that was for the better. It meant that she was safe from it, had not bore witness to the horrors that struck so many lives within Alacritia. She had been safe, would continue being safe. There was simply the issue of getting to their new home. He knew where he wanted to take her to seek acceptance, but Arwel wasn?t ready to leave. Not yet. Not mentally or physically. He too, was grateful he was alive and well. She needed him... And he needed her so much more.

The woman he cared for so much would grab the rabbit at his paws, bringing it closer, trying to encourage him to eat. She wasn?t all that far off on his condition. He had spent the night after Emily?s burial awake, holding a silent vigil to honor her memory. He thought much on the past then, praying that someday he would see her again. It felt like a part of his soul was gone now... But he wouldn?t let it happen again. He needed to protect Emily... With all he had.

He would rise, taking the rabbit and moving inside the makeshift den. The walls had been strengthened with mud, moss... Anything that he could fit in there. It was warm enough, and he would lay within the den, setting the rabbit at his paws. He would stare down at it for a moment before lifting his gaze to Emily, cerulean hues shining with gentleness. ?Emily... Before I eat and sleep... I want to speak to you on some things... Serious things... Will you listen?? He had to tell her of his feelings. If he didn?t now... He might not have another chance.




07-05-2014, 08:58 PM

"I'd Walk To The Ends Of The World To Be With You."

Emily cocked her head to the side as she laid next to him wondering what he could possibly want to talk about. "Of course Arwel. You can tell me anything you want. I?ll listen to anything you have to say.? Emily began to nuzzle him encouragingly. She knew he was going through a lot of pain and wanted to be here for him no matter what.

?Arwel b#449970efore we begin please at least take a bite of the rabbit.? She continued to push the rabbit closer. ?I think it will help you feel better and give you a bit of strength.? She would lean closer to him and give him a small lick on his muzzle.

"Hear Me Talk,"

"Listen To Arwel,"

'Read My Thoughts.'


07-05-2014, 09:00 PM

"I Found Love In Your Heart... Just Waiting For Me All Along."

She would agree to listen, giving him an encouraging nuzzle. They were inside the den now, were at least it would be warmer. But, though he prepared to speak, Emily would move the rabbit closer to him again, speaking about eating. She knew he needed strength, especially since he had been ignoring such a task. He would give a small nod, taking a quick bite, and barely chewing before swallowing, What he wanted to say was so endlessly important, but having Emily worry about him as he was trying to say it wouldn?t help at all.

?It... It has taken some time... But I?ve finally allowed my heart to make a decision for me...? He would begin, though not really sure how to phrase everything. Arwel was doing his best to focus, however, to make this come out without it being overly awkward. ?...and it is part of that decision, along with the words of my sister, and what I have yearned for all along that I?m able to say these sorts of words to you now. I have cared for you deeply since you were but a small pup, wanting the best for you, always wanting the best. But... I was afraid of my own feelings. ...and with you being so young, I feared hurting you... So I did what I thought was best and separated us...

But no longer will we be separated, Emily. I left Valhalla not just because of Meili?s passing but because I finally made myself realize I belong at your side. I belong with you... That I need to stop hiding from my feelings, and be honest with myself. Emily... I...? Arwel would pause, looking into her eyes. ?Emily... I love you with all my heart... And soon I want us to start a new life together, in a new home, where we can carve out our future. I want to be with you until time must separate us for a while, and again into eternity when we are reunited. Emily... Will you be my mate? My love??

"Hear My Voice,"

"Listen To Emily,"

'Read My Thoughts.'



07-05-2014, 09:01 PM

"I'd Walk To The Ends Of The World To Be With You."

Emily smiled as she saw Arwel finally take a bite of the rabbit and settled down to listen to what he had to say. As Arwel spoke Emily laid there there staring at Arwel for a moment. Had he really just told her that he loved her? ?Arwel... I?ve always loved you as well. You?ve always been there for me and taking care of me. Even as a pup I wanted nothing more than to be by your side forever.?

Emily moved closer to Arwel so she could lay against him. ?Arwel of course I want to be your mate. I want to be with you forever, no mater what happens! I love you!? Emily would sit up excitedly and begin to wag her tail as she licked Arwel over and over. Finally she would have someone to spend her life with.

"Hear Me Talk,"

"Listen To Arwel,"

'Read My Thoughts.'


07-05-2014, 09:05 PM

"I Found Love In Your Heart... Just Waiting For Me All Along."

For a moment Emily would remain quiet, watching him with those beautiful green eyes of hers. He hoped that she wouldn?t find his mannerisms, or his wish for her to be his mate would push her further away. By how his sister spoke in her life he was sure that Meili would approve of them being together. His sister had spoken of trusting his heart, and that without Emily he wouldn?t be happy. As long as he had Emily he would be able to make a new life for himself, and, maybe, he would find happiness once more.

How his heart would lift when Emily said that she had always loved him as well. Even as a pup, just as he had, though he had never wanted to hurt her, or admit the truth to either of them. But just knowing she wanted to be with him forever... It gave the aging brute a sense of hope. He would snuggle up to her, gently licking her muzzle before being showered with kisses himself. The brute could feel something of ease slipping upon his body and mind, and Arwel would let out a light laugh before fully easing down.

?...It does my heart good to hear you say that, Emily. More than anything... When spring comes... We?ll leave this ravine and head to our new home. The pack I mentioned before... That is where I am going to take you. There... There we will be able to find ourselves a place.? The brute would begin eating then. When he awoke after a nap he would hunt again, for Emily this time, and bring her whatever meal that he could. There was much to do before spring hit Alacritia, and Arwel wanted Emily to be fully prepared for what was to come.

"Hear My Voice,"

"Listen To Emily,"

'Read My Thoughts.'



07-05-2014, 09:06 PM

"I'd Walk To The Ends Of The World To Be With You."

Emily was so happy she had found a mate and more importantly it was Arwel, the wolf that she had once thought was a dream. ?Arwel, what is this pack like? Can you tell me anything about them?? Emily tail began to wag. She was sure that no matter what, she could handle everything with Arwel by her side.

Emily laid watched Arwel as he left to go hunt. As she watched the wolf that she loved walk away she knew more than anything that she loved this wolf more than anything and she would always protect him from getting hurt again no matter what the cost.

"Hear Me Talk,"

"Listen To Arwel,"

'Read My Thoughts.'


07-05-2014, 09:09 PM

"I Found Love In Your Heart... Just Waiting For Me All Along."

Arwel would lift his head after taking a bite of the rabbit at his paws. Emily seemed excited, and he could only hope that her excitement and happiness would not waver when they reached their new home. The male would chew and swallow, giving a soft smile. ?I don?t know everything... But I know that they are our allies. The pack is called Olympus, lead by wolves who are said to be descended from the gods themselves. I?m not sure how true that is, however there is a woman there, a friend whom I?ve spared with twice... Her name is Natalya, and I am sure that she will give us a home there, Emily. She is kind... And since they were allies of Valhalla their beliefs wouldn?t be so different that it would be hard for us to fit in I?m sure.? He would give a gentle nod of reassurance. ?I am going to finish eating and then lay down for a while... We?ll talk more when I wake, my love.? He would give the she-wolf a gentle lick upon the cheek before settling down with the rabbit, tearing more of the cold flesh from it?s bones.

"Hear My Voice,"

"Listen To Emily,"

'Read My Thoughts.'