
Take My Hand, Let's Run From Here


07-06-2014, 09:33 PM

He would search for her. Following her scent without stopping until he found her safe. Sephiroth had watched the battle, leaving as soon as a victor was decided. Erani had lost, though she fought with the entirety of her heart and soul...still, the bitch who won had not gone away without heavy damage, old Erani giving her share of fighting passion. It was strange for Sephiroth to see her fight, for she was old and he had never seen the elder fight so brutally before. He had silently urged her on but in the end, it was not enough. He hadn't stayed around to see who took the crown, for finding Angel was far more important. He knew of the panic attacks that would ravage her, and even though he was no longer a Beta, he wanted to ensure her safety and comfort her in a time of need. Nose pressed to the ground as he followed her trail, luckily he was a skilled tracker. The scars given to him by Jinxx during the epidemic was healed, though his muzzle was scarred from the sudden mad attack. He raised his visage, aquamarine eyes seeking out the small familiar form of the cross marked femme. The new spring shoots crunched lightly under his feet as he made his way towards the lake that seemed to fill with new water from the rains that would soon come. He followed along the banks, gazing across it as he spotted something familiar to his weary mind. Instantly, he would pick his feet up and carry on at a quicker pace, large form moving swiftly. It took him only a few minutes to reach the other side, where he would slow his approach. "Angel? There you are! I've been looking for you, are you alright?" Never had he felt so worried, so afraid for another. But she seemed so frail, so tender...he couldn't help but want to make sure she was okay.



07-06-2014, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 09:54 PM by Madieke.)

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

As soon as the fighting began her body shook, her nerves tensed and her eyes dilated. Her breath become short and shallow as she watch fur fly and blood being spilled. The growls and snarl were all she could hear even as she fled away from the scene. She ran blindly like she always did, her paws swiftly carrying her away from the source of her panic. Tail tucked tightly under hear, ears plastered to her skull. She could hardly breath, each inhale a gasp only to be choked on before wheezing out. She had no idea where she was going, just that she was fleeing.

Her body had crashed beside the lake, body seized in panic attacks, vulnerable to the world. Curled in on herself she struggled to fight back the images in her mind. Images she never understood or why they came to her every time. All she knew was that she could hear the screams, smell blood, fear hung in the air around her. And there for a moment the flash of a cross. She muttered and shook her head, tears pouring down her face. It went on and on till her body became to exhausted and she passed out..

A voice far in the distance called to her and for a moment for was confused. Who was that? Was it real and did she dare to open her eyes to see? Slowly lashed fluttered open, squinting against the glare of the sun. Lifting her head she turned to see Sephiroth and is was like someone had just wrapped her up, warm and safe. The tension in her body left, "Seph...Seph!" She called back in a hoarse voice and tried to scramble to her paws. Staggering slightly she rushed to him and without thinking buried her face in his chest.

but that's alright, because I like the way it hurts


07-17-2014, 10:39 PM

He had found her, in the distance she was but a crumpled heap upon the ground. But it was as soon as he called for her, she would rise and within moments she was buried into his fur. He would halt, chest heaving as Angel buried herself within his fur. He would lower his head, bringing his muzzle to rest upon the back of her neck as he comforted the young girl. He had heard about her panic attacks, had even witnessed it as she fled from the battlefield. Remembered Jinxx mentioning his sisters distraught mentality. Perhaps it was because of their past, just like Sephiroth. He suffered post traumatic stress disorder, though he had managed to maintain control throughout the years. Still, there had not been anything too bad to set it off.

He gently brushed the top of her head with gentle licks, anything to try and calm the girl. She seemed relieved to see him, as if she had been waiting for him to appear. He was no Angel, he was no savior. He did what he could for the sake of others, and in her time of need he would be there as well. "Do not worry Angel. I am here now." He would coo to her, his words softer then was normal for him. He simply wanted to ease her worried heart, perhaps protect her if she allowed him.



07-20-2014, 01:35 PM

She stayed there, buried in his chest as he comforted her. Her breathing slowed to normal, her heartbeat evened out, no longer needing to burst out of her chest. Well not till he spoke. His words were soothing, soft, but her heart seemed to jump out and want to cling to them. And the thing was she could without getting hurt, she trusted him, believed he wouldn't hurt her. He was like her silent knight, always there but not wanting the spotlight. If she asked he'd probably be there every time she fell. She pulled back slowly, looking up at him for a moment in silence.

He seemed to be the only thing that was consent in her life. Her family was around, somewhere but Sephorith seemed to be there every time she looked over her shoulder. He was a silent but reassuring presence. "Seph...will you always be there?" She asked softly. Ice blue eyes had him fixed with a gaze of tender care, adoration, admiration, and love. This was far different then from loving Skoll. She didn't feel like she had to rely on Sephiroth for everything, and he didn't play words to twist her mind either.