
My heart yearns for you



07-05-2014, 10:21 AM
faolan first please, plan on getting the alpha/betas in once enola and faolan can reunite.

It took a lot to convince mama, but Enola was finally able to get Loccian to allow her to come back, to be with Faolan whom she was happiest with after her family. So after her mother led her to the border, and said their goodbyes, the woman would leave with a smile on her face to know her daughter would be in good hands.

Patiently she stood at the Ludicael borders, fur well groomed and a flower placed carefully in front of her ear. Now a yearling, the girl was growing into her feminine curves, young, innocent and beautiful. At least, that's what he mother would always say and her brothers. Legs straight and well placed, tail slowly swinging behind her and a small smile on her face. She was ready, and hopefully the pack leader here would allow her to join despite her disability... She couldn't go without the male again after traveling the path back.

Slowly head raised, jaws parting to allow a sweet and long, smooth howl to spread out and into the lands, being carried by the wind. Lowering her head the girl would sit back on her haunches, tail curling around and laying over her paws, awaiting her knight to appear.



07-06-2014, 11:48 AM

The silvery male had been depressed without Enola. After six months of enduring the loss, he hadn't found any way of completely recovering. As a growing healer, he would try to push himself into his work, but it had been unsuccessful. Simply looking at his herbs made him think of taking samples to Enola when she was a pup. He had wanted her to be exposed to more than what was around her den. The male had wanted her mind to expand beyond Seracia's borders. There were riches the world had made, just waiting to be found, and he had wanted to show her all of it.
On this warm, spring day, Faolan was solemnly looking for herbs around the hot springs. His parents had enjoyed a nice dip before the sun had risen, leaving behind their scents as he appeared. A temporary smile broke out across his jowls as he thought about them and how much they loved each other. Such a love was hard to find. He should know...he had lost his.
Being in this depressed state explained why he was so late on realizing the howl's source. As he nosed around some lavender, his ears pricked to the lone call and he thought someone wanted to join Ludicael. His rank didn't provide him with the power to accept members, so he continued to look around the fresh plant. Reality then kicked him in the butt and his eyes widened when he registered the howl with a familiar face. A familiar, yet lost face...No. It couldn't be...
Faolan didn't waste anymore time as he turned his head and looked up to the direction of the border. Abandoning his lavender, he skirted around the blocking trees and made a beeline for the howl's location. Light green eyes shimmered as he walked through the border's line of trees and saw her standing on the other side. Faolan's heart hammered fast in his chest and he grew short of breath as he tried to wake himself up. This had to be a just had to be!
Silvery paws pressed into the ground as he sniffed the air and realized beyond any sense of doubt that she wasn't a figment of his imagination. His gaze ran over her as he stopped within six feet of her, wanting to selfishly take in her grown frame. And Lord, how she had grown... Ears pricked and he continued to take in the details of how she had delicately brushed her fur, every bit in place. The flower behind her ear was the icing on the cake, he couldn't believe how amazing she looked. Slowly, Faolan stepped forward until there was only a foot or two between them. "You're here..." he said, tones now a deep baritone, evidence of his growth. "After so long, you're here...I cannot believe this..." Bravely, he stretched out his neck and his nose gently bumped tips with hers. "You're real!" he softly gasped, eyes shining in the sunlight. "'re real..."




07-06-2014, 12:10 PM

Patiently she awaited in silence, body twitching in different spots in the anxiousness to be reunited with the boy who had helped her in her early days of blindness. Tail lightly began to thump against the ground, lips twitching, trying to keep that delicate little smile of hers from turning into a large grin. The girl didn't want to look like a goof when he arrived, no, she wanted to be sweet, and warm.

Ears listened carefully to the world around her, taking in every sound. The cool spring breeze rolled around the land, bringing scents from different directions of various plants and animals... but not Faolan. Enola sighed at this, her head dropping a bit. Was here still here? Or did his family move once more to a different land she couldn't follow, needed assistance tot ravel through?

For a moment she considered getting up and attempting to catch up to her mother, go back to her brothers and continue on traveling... but she would suddenly catch something. Nose lifted in the air, taking a few wiffs of the wind, a scent. Faolan.

The smile returned to the girl's lips, ears eagerly awaiting to hear his footsteps in the grass or on the warm stone around her. And quickly they approached, a couple yards away she could hear a large form approaching, hoping it would be the grown boy she had missed while away. Closer, closer.

Then his voice, it almost melted her heart. It was deeper than the last time they were together, but it didn't change how she felt, only made the butterflies in her stomach flutter harder. He was so lose now, she swore she could almost feel his breath on her face. He couldn't believe she was back after so long... "Me either..." Her own voice was sweet yet warm and soft, almost sounding as if she would cry right there and then.

A gentle touch to her nose, the girl breathed in, eyes threatening to tear up. He'd confirm she was real, still unable to fully believe it. And so the girl would do something brave, not really a thing she would normally do to others, Faolan being the special case. She carefully picked herself up off the ground, taking a daring step forward. Nose trailed along the boys muzzle and across his cheek, shoulders touching his as she buried her face into his neck.

"I'm back... to be with you."



07-06-2014, 10:10 PM

beginning to the end

Her general reaction to his approach was one thing; her physical reaction was definitely another. At first, he was taken aback by how forward she was. Enola had always been the kind that didn't express emotions as openly as say, his parents. The surprise was evident on his face, but he knew that she could not see it. With how he tensed up at her touch, he knew that she was aware of his shock.
Quickly, Faolan responded to her and he leaned against her before burying his face into her fur. His doubt was washed away and he was drawn into her reality. She was real, here to see him...and to be with him. Faolan closed his eyes as he stepped forward and made the embrace complete. No more awkward stepping or spaces between them, just flat out physical contact. He breathed in her scent and flattened his ears as he rubbed his head against her neck, resting it into her shoulder blades. "You don't know how many times I have imagined this moment since you have left..." He whispered, tones soft despite their natural deepness.
His heart began to beat even faster as he thought of the future changing. The silver male wouldn't be alone...he would have her by his side. Faolan couldn't help but smile as he kept his head rested against her frame. Silver tail slowly started to wag as he whispered, "I love you, Enola..." He silently hoped that he didn't startle her with words he had been holding since they were young.

Puppy Talk

we are alive



07-06-2014, 10:46 PM

Despite how forward she had been , Enola was still a bit shy, embarrassed by doing such a thing upon first reuniting with the boy. She couldn't help it though, with all the help he had given her while in Seracia, she had to show him how much she had missed his company while away. Something about him had drawn her towards him since she could first walk, kindness, the way he was patient with her disability? She couldn't quite place a finger on it. He gave her butterflies, and it only intensified when they were apart. Was she feeling the symptoms of love? Just a yearling, she wouldn't understand it just yet, just know she wanted to be around Faolan, and not as a guide.

His embrace, warm, so... right. Mother did the right thing in allowing her to return, even if she disliked having to leave a child behind. Enola took in his scent, rubbing her face gently into his neck with a smile, body pressing into his as if he would disappear any moment. This all just some sick dream. His voice, what he said, it was like he was in her own head, sharing the same feeling about each other. Any nights she had spent, awake while the others slept, yearning for the boy to be beside her.

And the three words were spoken, he loved her. The girl went still for a moment in shock, not quite expecting such a thing from him, but wouldn't go against it. The girl would simply pull away slightly, enough to allow her to bring her head beneath his muzzle. ?Is that what this is Faolan?? She'd ask in an innocent tone, nudging his chin as she backed up, milky grey eyes staring at the boy. ?These butterflies... are love?? Her head dipped, a paw lifting off the ground to touch her chest with a shy smile.



07-08-2014, 02:43 PM

Her movements were so smooth and perfectly timed, as if life itself had decided they were meant to happen. A soft shudder ran down Faolan's spine, making his silver fur stand on end. He couldn't help but get goosebumps from Enola's touch. She was the most...perfect living specimen he had ever come across and he was still caught offguard that she had been chosen for him.
He couldn't help but softly chuckle as she asked him if the butterflies meant love. His smile was warm, gentle, and meant only for her eyes. Even if she was blind, so much was meant for her eyes and he knew that she could sense them regardless. "I think so," he replied, deep tones no longer gruff and scared. "No, I am certain they are love, because I have been having flutters even before Seracia fell apart...You were the only thing that was solid in my life, like my family." His tail wagged behind him and he nuzzled the paw that rested on his chest. "Now that you're back, I pray to the gods above that you don't leave...You don't know how much you mean to me."




07-09-2014, 05:58 PM

Ears folded back against her skull, not out of fear or worry, but in happiness. Even without her eyesight, the girl swore she could feel the boys emotions, emanating from his body and to her heart. And when it came to the mention of the butterflies, it only intensified. Faolan believed that they were love because he had felt them for a long time now, even before Seracia fell apart. When he said she was the only solid thing in his life similar to his family, her heart seemed to race. Was that how he felt the whole time, even when he was helping try to learn their home?

A nuzzle was given to her paw and she would bring it back to the earth, but not to avoid his touch. Now that she was back, he hoped she wouldn't leave again... that Enola didn't understand how much she meant to him. It may have been true, she had an idea that she had meant something to the boy because of how he behaved towards and around her, but didn't truly understand the emotions linked to it. Even know, she only knew a fraction of it.

"The only way I can leave you now, is if somebody plucked me off this earth." Sweet tones spoke, a light chuckle escaping her lips. It would quickly fade however, head rising and nose sniffing at the air before refocusing on the face she knew was there but couldn't see. "Or if this pack doesn't allow me in..." Her voice grew softer as she realized that this was claimed land by a pack she didn't know.

Was this Ludicael, the pack mother said Faolan's family was moving to before they had left? Were they friendly or not so nice? Would they allow Enola to join because Faolan was there, or would they kick her out because she was blind and not as useful as other wolves? All the question popping into the girl's head would cause her to take a step back, unsure what this obstacle would do for the two.



07-09-2014, 08:27 PM

beginning to the end

Faolan's ears perked at her words and he couldn't help but want to pull her into an embrace. Instead, his smile only widened and he wanted to sweep the ground beneath him with his thick, silvery tail. He listened to her words and a happy sigh left through his lips. "Then I will do my best to keep the gods above from picking you up and taking you away," he promised. Nothing would happen as long as he was around.
She then spoke of doubt regarding Ludicael accepting her and she seemed to pull back in regards to that doubt. Faolan watched her with light green eyes and a warm smile still played on his lips. "Ludicael wouldn't turn away someone as pure-hearted as you, my sweet Enola. If they do, I won't know what to do with myself!" He reached out with a paw to touch her own as he reassured her. "They will adore you...not as much as I do, but they will do their best." He smiled at her and then moved to sit next to her. "Are you ready?" After she gave him the nod, Faolan tossed back his head and howled.

Puppy Talk

we are alive



07-09-2014, 08:42 PM

The Editor had been out with Guinevere, enjoying the gentle breezes that came with the spring day. His life was becoming brighter each morning, for his crush and potential sweetheart was there every time he woke up. As he spent time with her, the call of a familiar wolf hit the air. Dhiren left Guin's side and headed for the borders, hoping to find Faolan in pristine health.
When he arrived, Dhiren's silver and gold eyes noticed the female beside the silver male. A smile broke across his face and he greeted both with a warm tone. "Greetings, Faolan. You called?" Slowly his eyes moved to Enola again and he dipped his maw to her. "Hello, my name is Dhiren. I am the Editor -- or understudy to the Alphas, if you will -- of Ludicael. Have you come to join Ludicael today?" He looked at Faolan, wondering if that was why the man had called.




07-09-2014, 10:23 PM

It was comforting to hear Faolan say that, trying his best to keep the gods from picking her up and taking her away. Working to keep her here where she wanted to spend her time, the only other place would have been with her family.

When it came to the pack, she would wear worry on her face as she listened to Faolan. He told her that Ludicael wouldn't turn away anyone as pure-hearted as her. Enola blushed hard at this, a small smile spreading across her lips when his paw touched her own. He told her that they would adore her, not as much as him of course but they would do their best. Second by second she was feeling a bit better, having hope that the pack would allow her to join despite her disability.

Listening she could hear him move around, and then feel his body's warmth beside her. He'd ask if she was ready, and with a gulp she would nod her head before sitting back with the boy. Sitting in silence, waiting while he called.

It didn't take for a figure to appear in the distance, the distance between it and them closing quickly. A male stepped up, greeting Faolan then Enola then introducing himself. Milky grey eyes blindly looked in the directions he assumed the male was standing, ears perked up and listening to his voice. The wolf's name was Dhiren, the pack's Editor, understudy to the alphas and asked if she had come to join Ludicael.

Shyly Enola would clear her throat and lift her head high yet being respectful about it, tail brushed against Faolan's. "Greetings Dhiren, I am Enola... I used to be in Seracia with Faolan before he came to Ludicael..." She'd turn her head towards the boy, paws gently kneading the ground before turning back to Dhiren. "I was hoping to join your pack, to be with him..." Her voice seemed to grow soft, wanting to tell him she was blind but at the same time didn't want to for fear that he would turn her away.




07-16-2014, 08:58 PM

Dhiren received warm responses from both Faolan and the unnamed female. He listened with rapt attention as Enola introduced herself, explained her situation, and then stated she wanted to live with Faolan. While she spoke, Dhiren watched her with bright silver and gold eyes. He noticed that her eyes were a milky color, indicating the blindness she had been blessed with at birth. Being blind was something he was not going to point out, for it would be rude of the man to do so.
White and black ears perked as he waited for her speech to fade from her lips. Nervousness was evident in her voice and he softly cleared his throat before speaking. "I don't see any problem with you joining, Enola. Ludicael is a pack of harmony and peace, a place that wolves would not hesitate to join..." He gave a soft smile as he continued. "Our pack is a scholarly one, where we value education and increasing the knowledge and confidence of our members. From how you have returned to be with Faolan, I am sure that the two of you will make a big contribution to Ludicael. Upon joining, you will be a Chapter, the rank that gives you access to learning every subject we have available..."
It was then that he looked at Faolan and gently nodded before speaking for a final time. "Welcome to Ludicael, Enola. Take your time getting used to your surroundings and when you feel comfortable enough to learn, don't hesitate to call for our teachers. Don't worry -- Faolan will fill you in on who they are when the time is right." Turning to the side, he waited for the two wolves to rise and walk across the pack's boundaries before heading off to search for Guinevere.

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn


07-16-2014, 09:12 PM

Faolan watched Dhiren and noticed how relaxed he was as Enola spoke of her reasoning for being at the borders. He couldn't help but turn his gaze upon the little woman as she talked, enthralled by her mere presence. As her tail brushed against his, he couldn't help but gently tap it back. Silently, he waited for Dhiren's reply.
The Editor didn't take long to explain the general description of Ludicael. A harmonic pack with the desire to further educate wolves so they could expand their minds in different areas. Dhiren told Enola what her rank would be and then welcomed her into the pack. Faolan's smile widened as he realized Enola was officially one of the members, something he had thought of for so long. He was also given permission to guide her around the pack's lands. That wouldn't be hard at all.
Slowly, he rose from the ground and waited for Enola to do the same. Once she was on her sturdy little paws, he walked by her side as they stepped across the boundary lines. "Welcome to Ludicael, my sweet Enola," he quietly voiced, tones deep from its rich baritone. His silver tail swept towards hers and lightly touched it as they continued to walk further into the place they could officially call her home.




07-16-2014, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2014, 10:33 PM by Enola.)

The male didn't see a problem in her joining, and it would bring a smile to her delicate features. From the way he described it, this Ludicael pack seemed to be a good place for her, especially the learning and increasing confidence in their members, something her mother always told her she needed to have. And when he said they would be a big contribution, it make her beam in delight. She would start HER life here, make her mother and siblings proud. And what was even better about it, Faolan would be here by her side.

Upon accepting her into the pack, Dhiren would give her the rank of Chapter, giving her access to learn every subject the pack had to offer. She dipped her head to this, tail swinging lightly behind her. A last welcoming, and informing her to get used to the territory, and when she felt comfortable enough to learn she shouldn't hesitate in contacting a teacher, who Faolan can inform her about.

Ears twitching at sound of footsteps, turning the male's form and moving away from the two, assuming he was finished and leaving. And beside her she could hear Faolan shifting as well, and so she would pull herself up, ears listening and paws feeling the earth beneath her, her new home. She would step across the marked border with her Knight, closing her eyes with a gentle smile. "To a new life." Sweet tones spoke, ready to take on this new land and the adventures to come.
