
At the brink of reality


07-05-2014, 10:18 PM

Disappointment after disappointment. She had spent what felt like ages looking for some of her pack mates and when she had finally decided to give up and settle in to a new pack it was challenged for a taken. She had begun to wonder if she would ever have a real home again, but hse knew that she much rise out of the ashes and trudge on. There was no other option. It was what she had always done and now would be no different. That's what brought her to these pack borders today.

She remembered the red woman that had appeared at the meeting, her coloring standing out in her mind. She had seen browns, blacks, whites, all combinations of those, and even a few dull russets, but nothing as close to the vivid colors of her dear pack and family. That was until she saw the red woman. With her curiosity peaked she had asked around, quickly finding out that the woman ruled over this pack. Of course she had asked about the pack as well, but when she had heard that this woman had challenged another alpha and won the warrior in her was immediately impressed. She stood at the Covari border and let out a call for any leader of this pack, wondering if this could finally be a place for her to flourish.



07-05-2014, 11:23 PM

She wasn't much for boarder patrolling these days but today she had lifted herself from her den, left paw curled up at the ankle to keep her shoulder from doing as little work as possible. She didn't even know if she wanted to rove the boarder but something about walking in general helped. Maybe she should go pee on something, mark the boarder Crucifix had sullied with his scent... Desiree was working to get it back to a more feminine aroma but it was a long and tiresome job with so many lands to mark. So she would hobble her way slowly towards the boarders. The range smelt strongly of Desiree already, it was fern gully that still held Crucifix's scent. But to help her own ease of mind she would move towards the boarder to squat, quite awkwardly actually on three legs, and mark a section of the first territory she had claimed.

A howl would catch her attention and slowly she would stand, tail flicking easily behind her as she listened to the echoes curiously. Who was calling now? She would step forward and scratch at the earth quickly with right hind paw, almost topping herself over in the process but luckily she remained on her paws. She would nod triumphantly at her work before turning to hobble towards the source. She moved slowly so it was a few minutes before the vibrantly hued woman came into sight. Where did she know this woman from? "Welcome to Covari friend... I feel like we have met...?" She had to ask, words easy as she cam to a halt before the woman and seated herself, reclining back onto her haunches. She didn't feel stable enough on three legs to stand for any amount of time yet...

Talk like this


07-08-2014, 10:02 AM

A couple of minutes passed and Libra settled back on her haunches, dark tail curling around her while she continued to wait. Her ears flicked and she was beginning to wonder if she had come to join a pack in vain when she heard the sound of uneven paw steps coming toward her. Her ears perked up and she rose to her paws, her fiery gaze easily spotting the red woman as she hobbled toward her. Libra's head tipped slightly to the side with curiosity and mild concern when she saw the woman moving on three paws.

Libra quickly caught herself and turned her head up right once more so she could dip her head respectfully. She also settled back on her haunches, following the red woman's actions. The woman's words brought a smile to her muzzle. It was good to know she had been noticed at that chaotic meeting. "Not directly, but we were both at Sibelle's meeting. I am Libra," she replied, her tone surprisingly smooth and gentle for a muscled warrioress. "I've been looking for a pack ever since Sibelle lost the challenge and I was wondering if I might join yours? I'm quite talented in fighting, but of course I can hunt as well. I've dabbled in healing before as well thanks so one of my good friends from my homeland. You could say I'm a jack of all trades."



07-08-2014, 11:24 AM

It was hard to miss the concern, it flashed in everyone's eyes when they saw her. She saw it reflected in the eyes of her children, saw it in the eyes of her mate. At first it had enraged her but slowly she was coming to learn to just let it roll off her shoulder because really... What could she do? Fight them? No. So instead she would simply smile pleasently at this woman, head tipping in greeting in response to the woman's own head tip. The yellow and black girl would also recline back onto her haunches, already seeing at ease here thankfull enough. She spoke and Vi listened, smile growing as Libra, so she called herself, told her where they had seen eachother. "That was an... Interesting meeting. I almost regret going there. I went to support a friend and to pick up another one and it seems that was a bad idea. Live and let learn I suppose. Either way, it's a pleasure Libra, I'm Viridiana Sovari, the queen here..." She said with an easy tip of her skull.

She continued to speak, voicing that she was looking for a new pack and a smile would slither across her features as she chuckled. A yellow wolf, seemed Vi was almost starting a collection! She outlined her skills and Vi's brows would raise, multi talented as well? What a catch... "I would have allowed you in upon your pelt color alone. My wife is purple so you could say I like the fun colors. But you also come with quite the skill set. What rank would you desire? I feel as though maybe lead warrior might suit you? But name what you would like and we can make it happen. We encourage out pack members to work for their ranks and challenging is also acceptable. We are starting off handing out ranks though, no one seems overly ambitious..." She frowned a bit. Would this woman be interested in training wolves? Would she be the one to light the fire in their packs bellies? Or would she prefer to be a grunt?


07-09-2014, 08:11 PM

Her ears perked with interest when Viridana talked about collecting vibrantly colored wolves, the thought bringing a small smile to her muzzle. Finally, somewhere she might feel less abnormal. Somewhere that might feel more like home. She didn't have a chance to comment on this though as the queen went on to ask about her desired place in the pack. It amused her a bit that no one had been ambitious enough to go for even lead warrior. Oh well, that made it all the easier for her to get what she wanted. Although, it would mean some hard work in her future to organize the ranks should she ever need to as lead warrior. Libra smiled, nodding as she replied. "Lead warrior would suit me just fine. I held a similar position in the pack I was a part of in my homeland and I would be happy to hold that position here for you." Her dark tail flicked behind her as she pondered all of this. It was the first time in her life that she had not had to fight for a position, but who knew? Perhaps when others found out about this she would have to. A small smirk crossed her muzzle at the thought. Either way, she was ready to get started on her new life here.
