
Dark Thoughts Lead To Darker Places


06-15-2014, 05:48 AM

"Courage follows those who never give up"

The boy was cured, his sickness dissipating with each passing day. However, his body would remain in a weakened state. He was still recovering, so in the meantime he would meander about the lands of Valhalla, wondering if he'd run into someone familiar, or perhaps a new face he had yet to meet. So far, the wolves of Valhalla had all been quite nice. And he wondered if all the wolves in Valhalla were like that, or if they contained dark motives within their hearts. The male walked across the druids moor, the fog thin and disappearing as the winds silver kiss cleared the air of its hold. The black and white cross marked male walked silently, head low. He didn't look entirely like himself just yet, nor did he completely feel normal. But he hoped to soon, his mind was just tired from the ravaging disease that threatened to take him. He still saw, from time to time, the demonic creature that had stalked within his den that day. The creature that had caused him to snap at Sephiroth, scarring his muzzle. Jinxx felt bad about it afterwards, when he was sane enough to know what had happened...for he was never aggressive, but his true colors seemed to show that day. He was weak of heart and mind, that much had shown. He had portrayed a side of him that none had ever seen, thus drawing blood from his Beta. The male heaved a sigh, wondering then, if there truly was a much darker side to him. And if so, would he end up like Lunatik?

The male would violently shake his head, "I'll never be like that bastard! And I'll fight against him, and those like him!" He hissed under his breath, for he held hatred within his heart for his eldest brother. The desire for revenge was heavy in his mind, revenge for his Mother. For those claimed in the massacre led by the demon he was ashamed to call his brother. Though the beast had been exiled and stripped of his namesake, it did not stop him from claiming himself as the Ruler of the Clan. But Jinxx would never see him in such a way; and neither would his family...or so he hoped. The male would sit where he stopped, eyes getting heavy as he struggled with the weariness that threatened to envelop him, the darker thoughts lingering and clawing at his mind. Why were they always in his head? Why could he not neutralize them and simply think of happier times? Or think about the future even? 'Because you're all alone, little pet.' Head would whip about, ears flattening against the voice that had intervened into his thoughts. Nobody was nearby...who the hell had said that?

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark



10 Years
06-15-2014, 01:23 PM

The cure for the disease had been given to all the packs in the land, including Valhalla. Once all those who were infected ate the magical combination of herbs, pandemonium ceased among the pack's members. Happiness had seeped through the different members of Valhalla and Odette had been touched a little from the positive vibes. A small smile was on her face and some of the sparkle she had lost was now starting to shimmer. Bit by bit, the young warrior was coming back.
Now that everyone was no longer sick, Odette decided it was safe to leave her den. The scent of disease was stale and almost gone, making the air fresh and cold. She shook her thick, winter coat out and began to walk across the occupied lands of Valhalla. Her paws were restless and so was her soul. Ever since Baldur had come to say goodbye, she needed to find something productive to do so she would feel better. By leaving her den, it was a good start.
She left the Plains and ventured onto the Moor. Fog engulfed her and the solitude was immediately welcomed. She may have been by herself in her den, but being alone in the fog seemed...satisfying. It was something she didn't want to explain and she didn't consider doing it, either. As she walked deeper into the gray atmosphere, she silently relished the squelching of the moist ground beneath her. Winter had made all the ground hard, except for the ones that held onto the moisture in the air. If she had to get away from a thrumming crowd, this is where she would go.
Apparently, someone else was thinking along that same line. Odette caught onto a scent that she hadn't smelled in what felt like forever, and her heart rate increased. Red and blue eyes attempted to look deeper into the fog, but it was hard to get past the haziness that loomed in front of her. Her steps slowed as she made sure to not collide with the person she smelled. Her cautiousness paid off when she broke free from the fog and saw a looming, hunched over figure a few feet away.
Odette was surprised. She had never seen Jinxx Black look the way he did then. She quickly recovered from her awe and gently cleared her throat. When she was a couple of feet away from him, still facing his back, she softly voiced, "Jinxx? Is that you?" She didn't want to startle the man, but then again, she wasn't sure if he was an illusion.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


07-06-2014, 08:05 PM

The thoughts that clung and ravaged him would nearly rent his head asunder, but it was then that a voice so clearly familiar, would save him. Almost immediately, the dark voice would filter away to be replaced by one more friendly, one that he recognized, one that he was not afraid of. He turned almost slowly, as if she were no more then a mirage waiting to disappear the moment he turned around, and yet she was there. Red and blue orbs, mismatched against her many hued pelt stared at him just as he stared at her. Was she truly there? Was she real? Or was she a figment of his imagination that seemed to be decaying over time? He decided to turn and face her, though only lifting himself slightly as he turned an about face. "Odette, nice to see you again!" He would exclaim as he reached forth to close the distance in a friendly nuzzle, and although he was never so bold no brash, he hadn't thought about it until after the fact. Thus causing him to feel slightly embarrassed at the sudden affection. "'ve you been? What are you up to?"

He was sure she had similar questions for him. He had been sick recently, and although recovering he was feeling a bit better in her presence already. She was always so charismatic, always so adventurous and eager to know about the world. While he was once the same way as a younger male, he now held the insecurities of the world. Afraid of many mysterious and yet curious all the same. But Odette? She never seemed to be afraid, and he felt that around her. He wondered if she was even afraid of anything, or if perhaps he was the only one. Even so, he did not want to put her in a sad state. Although he was curious to learn her story, for she seemed to hold wisdom beyond her years within her eyes. He could see right through her always shining mismatched orbs, the ones that seemed to draw him to her everytime. One of his favorite features if he had to choose, although even that decision in itself was a hard one to make.




10 Years
07-09-2014, 05:09 PM

She carefully watched the Black adult as he moved to look back at her. Cloudy gaze turned to clear skies as he realized she was standing there. Before she knew it, he had come up and nuzzled her. Surprise was evident in her features, but a smile crept up on her face and she couldn't help but return his advances. A pink tongue slipped from between tan kissers and left a kiss upon his white cheek, all the while unafraid of his reaction. There was something about him, something she didn't want to see disappear...maybe that was why she was so drawn to the man.
He spoke her name and asked how she was doing. Red and blue eyes twinkled as she met his gaze and answered. "I have been all right, considering how I could be worse." She spoke the truth, for her life was not all peaches and cream, but rather watermelon and salt. The bittersweet taste of the recent events of her life found itself in her mouth when Jinxx asked what she had been up to, and she answered with the flavor stinging the words. "Dealing with emotions of the past and present...First, the plague swept through Ala and hit some of Valhalla's important members. I was missed, but I didn't want to risk my health, so I stayed in my den for the whole season...It was quite boring."
A roll of her shoulders was given. "Baldur left...another wolf I considered close, but he had a mission to go on, and I didn't feel the need to stop him." She bit her lower lip, a nervous reaction to when things became tough to talk about. "Mother disappeared as well...she hasn't been home in over a month and I am worried...but I know that she can take care of herself..." Odette couldn't help but sigh at the events that had plagued her heavy heart. "Then there was you to worry about...Twig told me you became sick and didn't know if you would survive or not...but I am glad you did." Her eyes slowly blinked and she showed a light flush across her cheeks. "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you..."



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


07-17-2014, 09:36 PM

He would feel her gentle kiss upon his creme features when he nuzzled her. His tail wagged slightly, a blush creeping up faster then he could say his own name. Soon, his face would be flashing red, not even the black strip across his face could hide the rising crimson tide that flushed his face. The creme male would duck his head down slightly, ears lying back just slightly in slight embarrassment. Why had she kissed his cheek? Was there something there? He was quite oblivious, and soon his head and tongue would begin to draw blanks. His namesake suddenly taking place.

He would glance at her bi-colored orbs then, heart hammering as she explained to him what she had been going through as of late. He couldn't help but to nod as she spoke of the plague, the emotions of the past and present. He could not forget the day he had been sick, for it was also the day something had escaped from an unknown realm and was now following him. Although, it seemed to be pushed back today. Hardly bothering him at the moment while Odette was nearby. When he had gone to visit his brother, his had weighed heavily on his body. But the elation of happiness seemed to drive it from him. For the moment, anyway. "When I got sick, I thought I was never going to pull out...none of my family went to visit me. How's that for lonely? The only ones that cared enough were Erani and a few of the healers, and Sephiroth." He chuckled weakly then. "Who I attacked during my fever..." He would continue to listen as she spoke again, this time about one named Baldur. He didn't quite know who he was, but he could tell he had probably been a good friend of Odette's. Then, it came to Chrysanthe. Someone whom Jinxx had met only briefly, the former Alphess before Erani who he had witnessed upon his arrival in Alacritis; fighting for pack.

Lastly, he would be mentioned. Odette had worried about him? He wasn't sure how to feel. Glad, perhaps? Happy? Sad? Shocked? That someone other then his family had actually cared about him while he was sick? He understood that she didn't see him during that time. He remembered her telling him she holed up in her den so she wouldn't get sick, and to tell the truth he would have hated himself if she had gotten sick because of him. Not to mention, he wouldn't have wanted her to see him in the state he had been in. Or hurt her while the aggression had raged within his body. Before he knew it, he would take a step forward to press his muzzle against her own, gently licking her left cheek as he whispered to her. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll be here as long as you need me to. That I can promise." He pulled back then, just slightly as oceanic blue eyes met her dual toned ones. A small smile pulling at his lips. "Honestly, I am glad you are safe. Were I the one to get you sick, I'm pretty sure I'd hate myself."
