



6 Years
07-09-2014, 03:56 PM

The night was young, but the sun had already gone down. The spotted male was still in a frantic search for the rest of his family, but his low demeanor wouldn't seem so intense. He would step foot in the Tall Grass Plains for nothing more but a place of rest, he had grown pretty tired and needed to take a break from his restless search.

Spring had brought the sky a new clearing, but in the southern territories it wasn't so unusual. Caeto was used to all kinds of weather, being on his own for quite some time. And although the stars were beyond beautiful tonight, he would pay no mind to them. His low stature treading the plains for a tree to lay under that night.

His thoughts would stretch back to his parents, how could he even sleep at night? He would wonder, but those words didn't hold a memory of Maverick, Epiphron, nor did they hold any of his siblings. It was only the memory of Zaria that would plague his mind.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-09-2014, 04:28 PM

Night had fallen and Pandora could not be happier. The diva was tired of being cooped up in the fines of Covari (even though she loved being near her family and one wolf in particular) and needed a break from seeing the same faces almost everyday. Once the sun was gone and stars had broken out across the sky, Pandora took her chance. Golden-dipped front paws caressed the ground outside of her den as she stretched and shook out her fur. The dark made her cobalt coat blend in, but her gold patterns weren't hard to miss. After a brief yawn and last assessment of her perfectly groomed pelt, she set off.
Before she knew it, the spring air welcomed her to the Tall Grass Plains. She had never been there before, but the excitement tingling in the air made her want to leap and frolic through the numerous blades that swayed in the wind. However, the tingling her own body was making tossed all kinds of puppy-like antics out of the window and instead, she decided to pleasure herself in another way. Legs lowered so her underbelly was touched by the blades she walked through. Soft groans escaped her lips and she took her time walking without worrying about others being around. Her appetite was more grown than her siblings', but she didn't voice her observations to them. Instead, she kept it all to herself and enjoyed the personal time she was taking.
A new scent came to her as she was reaching her own breaking point. Aggravation settled in and her concentration was tossed to the wind as well. Her eyes closed as she analyzed the cologne of the unidentified male. Something about it tugged at one of her many memories...and then she realized what she was connecting. Standing straight on all four legs, foreplay forgotten, she pawed her way through the grass and came upon a form that looked oh-so-familiar. Same spots, same colored fur...but the body had cologne instead of perfume. There was no sweetness to his smell, but rather the scent of testosterone in the air. To her, he hadn't laid down with a woman yet, and that was indeed good for her.
All of these thoughts she pressed to the back of her mind and she started the fa?ade that would get her in his good graces. "Well, well,'s about time we met don't know how much I missed..." Her Romanian tones faded, turquoise eyes widening in surprise. "Oh..." She took a few steps closer to him, maintaining proper distance from his personal bubble. "Forgive me," she softly said, eyes then half-closing and revealing her gold-tipped lids. "I thought you were someone looked so much like her..." She made to turn away, hoping that he would have the sense to stop her.

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6 Years
07-09-2014, 04:45 PM

The light sounds of groans had been heard in the distance, the male's ears flicking behind him. I must be hearing things. A voice would speak into his head. He closed his eyes, the moan long gone, he only thought it could have been the ghost of Zaria coming back for him.

But then he would jolt, the sound of a young girl tapping words at him. He swung around, catching her identical eyes and tilting his head to what she thought to be a reunion. But she must have been mistaken him for Isolde.

He would look down a second to think, if she had met his sister maybe she could give him a clue as to where she might be. But he noticed her dark figure turn, and the swirls of gold flicker from the moonlight.

"Wait!" He would step toward her in an effort to stop her, his voice was soothing but held a course outline. "You have spoken with Isolde?" He hoped he could get some information from her, but that's not all he wanted. He had grown pretty lonely, but only for company. He still was not over his dead girlfriend, but he wanted to speak with someone other than himself. Who knew, he might never find his parents, and he might have been alone forever.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-09-2014, 04:54 PM

Pandora's thoughts had sunk into the air around them, for the boy rose and attempted to stop her with words. His actions made a secret smile appear on Pandora's face, but it quickly faded as she turned to look back at him. Golden-backed ears perked in his direction as he asked about her speaking with Isolde. Softly, she blinked and took two bold steps in his direction. By doing so, her turned frame was now straight and in front of him.
Her tail lazily swept behind her as she answered his question. "Why yes, yes I have," she said, deciding to let him in on what she knew. "I didn't know who she was until I came across you...You two look so much alike, after all..." A soft smile then appeared on her face, brightening her dark features that were lit by the moon above them. "I bet you two are alike in other ways as well," she added, knowing that its cryptic meaning would be lost in translation. Ah well, one could hope he would try to figure it out.
She then looked him over, taking in the details that she had missed the first time. Since he was standing, she was able to see the other side of his Appaloosa rear end, breathtaking spots that stood out against his white fur. A gentle sigh escaped through black lips as she offhandedly remarked, "So beautiful...and unique as well." Her gaze moved back to his own blue opts and she maintained their eye contact. "She is a lovely girl, by the whom is not afraid of anything."




6 Years
07-09-2014, 05:32 PM

Ocean orbs searched about the stars, thinking of his sister. When would they meet again; will they meet again? But not a moment more did his ear catch the girls tone. She wanted a playmate, and he was more than happy to play.

Regardless of her young age, the male not being too far off and not even matured, he knew what to make of it. And though Zaria still had a plate on his brain, he would hope she would want him to move on. And what was the worst she could do, haunt him? Send him to hell?

But maybe the voice in his head was just wanting some affection. The signs of a growing boy being strung up inside.

He would pull his chin into his chest as the girl stood with pride and beauty, "Only the most beautiful of Maverick's children." If only he knew of his father's betrayal. "One could expect as much from and Adravendi-Mathias." But he sure wasn't speaking of Isolde, he wondered how much she had grown.

His optics would open, keeping his eyes on her own. "What such things has she shown her bravery?" Eyelids would flick upward at her, "I'm sure I could top it."

Walk "Talk" Think


07-09-2014, 06:10 PM

She couldn't help but watch how he reacted. Rather than beg and plead for information regarding his sister, he remained withdrawn about asking many questions. Instead, she saw how he spoke of his bloodline, proud of it and how his parents had bestowed his siblings with lovely pelts. She snorted lightly and watched him with an incredulous gaze. "You and your siblings are not alone," she stated. "My brothers and sisters -- of Artenie and Armada blood -- we all can hold our own in royal blood and regal looks." Her cobalt chest puffed up in pride before she did a tight circle and showed off her golden markings. "I am sure you agree?" She watched him with vibrant turquoise eyes as she waited for his reaction.
As he continued to speak of being sure he could tromp his sister's brave acts, Pandora thought back to the magical night she had shared with Isolde. Female company, one whose time and persona were worth it, was hard to come by outside of Pandora's family. She hadn't met many girls who could keep up with her and she was sure those existing wouldn't dare try. Isolde, however, was different. She hadn't tried to master Pandora's presence, but had become enthralled with her. The cobalt babe had eaten it up and was hoping that the Appaloosa prince would do the same. "She slipped through the trickiest of tight spots in the briar thicket. She followed someone whose worth was more than anyone else's she had ever met...and she knows how to keep a cool head, even when she is excited." Pandora watched the boy with interest before licking her black lips with her salmon pink tongue. "She also knows how to be tender and speak volumes without saying a word."




6 Years
07-09-2014, 06:55 PM

She would show off her own markings, the only thing highly noticeable by the moon. She had something to show off, as did he. Royal bloodlines. And though his royalty was thrown from him due to his father, Adravendi was more than something be proud of. "Be glad those are marks of a victor." His body wouldn't move much in his speach, "Silver shows first to lose." His brow flicked before correcting his posture just slightly, not over powering her but it was his nature to stay low and slump around. "But Gold..."

He would voice to her as if she were a prize. Her words speaking of his sister just as he had questioned. "Heh," an almost silent single chuckle taking his breath, "I'm Caeto." Only the smallest curl would rip at the corner of his lips, "Could I ask of a wonderful woman's name?"

His eyes would tear at him for sleep, but he would refuse. The girl before him was obviously from Covari, and judging from her age she would be wandering home before she had been noticed missing. Even though it was late and dark, her parents would probably sense her presence left the den, and she should have been cautious to that extent.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-09-2014, 07:11 PM

Pandora's head rose in confidence, pride brimming all across her cobalt form. Slender frame continued to move in the moonlight, of whose beams were shining in all the right crevices. When she was halfway lit by the moon, halfway darkened by the night, she looked down and watched Caeto with interest. "I'm happy to see that you know splendor and royalty where its due, dear stranger," she chided, tones still carrying her Romanian accent. Her tail lightly swept behind her as she listened to him reveal his name. Caeto... She would have to remember that.
The boy then asked of her name and she couldn't help but reply in her usual manner. With a flourish, she curtsied and fluttered her lashes unabashedly. "Pandora Selene Artenie...the name of a future goddess." She humorously snorted and rose to her front paws again. "With your last name, you are Caeto Adravendi-Mathias...Not a bad combination at all." She couldn't help but grin as she let his name roll off her tongue. "I rather enjoy its taste...quite sweet, like others I have known, but it has its own flavor..."




6 Years
07-09-2014, 07:45 PM

"That would state the truth." His head tilting to the left, still downward but looking up at her shinning orbs. "And it's pleasant to hear it come off your vocals." His voice would pause, his grin becoming just a tiny bit more noticeable. "Pandora Selene."

He would turn away from her, stopping with his cheek toward her, the grin that may have shown had vanished. "Truly the name of a Goddess." He wouldn't walk away just yet, but his movement would mention to her that she was invited. He was on the prowl for a tree that stalked the plains, and he would lay to rest under it.

The girl had taken the thoughts of his mother, family, and of Zaria. She had let a grin take hold of his face, something that was rarely seen of him anyway. She had proven to take off that stress that held him down. But was she the one? Of course not. He couldn't dare think of any fae in the means of betrothal. Or commitment. But tonight he would have fun, so that he could carry on the next day.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-17-2014, 05:08 PM

Caeto unintentionally sweet-talked the babe, showing that he could have a sense of humor. Pandora gave a wry smile as she watched him rise from the ground. His pelt was indeed magnificent, but it didn't match Isolde's at all. The girl was feminine, divine, a piece of art that was meant for only royalty. Pandora planned on reuniting with her lost flower in the future...She needed some female company.
For tonight, however, she would stick with the boy. Her dainty paws caressed the ground beneath them as she stepped forward to follow him. Shoulder brushed against his hind flank, salmon pink tongue moving across her black lips. "A goddess that you will feel oh-so-lucky to personally know, Caeto," she dangerously whispered, eyes flashing with the desire of future power. She didn't know what her future held, but she had an idea of what she wanted to be there.
They continued to walk towards the tree Caeto was so interested in. Pandora didn't know why it was so important, but she figured she would find out in time. Patience really was a virtue, and if it had grown on trees, she would try to pull every last one off the branches. She had her mother's temper, which was not a good thing, but sometimes it did come in handy. She just hoped that it wouldn't show its ugly ass tonight.

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6 Years
07-18-2014, 02:17 PM

The fae had touched her golden shoulder to his hip, his tail swinging and tapping at her hind quarters as a response. The two trailed farther into the plains, the male leading to a tree he spotted not too far off. And soon they would make it.

His rump set to the grass beside the trunk of the tree, his sapphire orbs eyeing the girl before looking up to the stars. It was a beautiful, clear night and all the stars showed their twinkling secrets. But something had stirred in the male, and so he would question.

"Tell me, how could a young beauty like you wander away from home this late at night?" His eyes coming down softly to her again, "Surely there must be someone watching over you." He was not suggesting that she was too young to be out, she was his age after all. But it was more of a statement that someone must have had their eyes on her golden figure. She was quite beautiful, and he was sure someone of her pack was interested.

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