
the queen's hound


07-08-2014, 08:10 PM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

Her home, so recently discovered, had been claimed by another. Her mother had passed along her crown without a word to her children and that crown had been held for what felt like moments before another had challenged for it. Senka was not one to make rash decisions, but she no longer felt any desire to live without a pack. She had not sought out her brother before making this decision - the idea that he might desire a voice in it had not even occurred to the girl. She had set off almost as soon as Artemis Elysius reclaimed her original throne, rechristening the pack and making it into something entirely new. At first, Senka had considered Covari, the pack that Sibelle had originally hailed from and presumably returned to, but what was the point in that? Senka had little faith in Sibelle's strength now, and the yearling wanted something new.

Which was how Senka had ended up in Ebony. It hadn't been an easy choice though it had been quicker than most of the choices that Senka made. Time had passed, but at least it hadn't been a season - one had to give Senka credit for that. The cautious thing had never been one to make spur of the moment decisions, and she had thought this one through as much as possible before settling on this pack. As she drew close to the border, Senka couldn't deny that she felt slightly nervous. It wasn't much, but it was there. This was her fist time really joining a pack. She didn't have room to mess this up.

Settling back on her haunches, Senka tilted her head back to let out a low howl. Whoever came to the border would discover the gray wolfess sitting as casually as any other. Her impassive features remained as still as ever as Senka got comfortable, wrapping her tail easily around her paws.

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]

Katja the First


8 Years
07-08-2014, 08:46 PM

The questioning howl at her borders brought the viking to immediate attention, and she uncurled from her perch atop the wall of her den-ruins, leaping down and loping in the direction of the border. A young voice, no longer a child but not quite an adult, and seeking.. what?

Coming to a stop the viking regent studied the younger female silently for a moment before speaking up. The girl's face was expressionless as Katja's own, her form showing a comfortable nonchalance.. not a brash arrogance as many of her age, but just... impassive. Now there was Katja's kind of person.

"Katja Finnvi be I, regent of the empire Ebony. What be your name, and what you seek?" Blunt, straight-forward as she always was, Katja wasted little time with formalities.



07-09-2014, 07:09 PM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

The other had a strange way of speaking, but Senka took it all in impassively, simply pricking her ears towards this Katja. She appreciated the simplistic way that this wolfess spoke - it meant that Senka would not be wading through little nuances to ensure that she made a proper first impression. She would be more like herself in the moments that followed than Senka was in many situations, a rarity in and of itself. The little chameleon could feel herself settling into what the other seemed to expect.

An introduction, at least, seemed to be in order. "My name is Senka," No family name here, though her facial markings gave her heritage away to any who knew her mother. "And I wish to learn more of your Ebony." Senka stated, tone empty of inflection. Like Katja, she went straight to the point, imitating the other's conversation style with ease. It was in her nature to follow, to shadow what the other seemed to desire, and at least in the case it would be easy enough. No flirtations, no nuances to dance around that could make or break Senka's disguise. Just solid statements - this at least was easy. Senka was pretty sure she'd like it here.

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]

Katja the First


8 Years
07-20-2014, 08:54 AM

The girl came straight to the point - well, more to the point than most. She didn't outright say she was interested in joining, but perhaps that just made her a little more devious than Katja, or perhaps she was simply undecided. Either way Katja said nothing of it, choosing instead to reply to the obvious, stated intentions. She wished to know more of Ebony? Very well. "The Ebony empire is a neutral pack. We do not seek out wars and troubles but we train for and are ready for such. We protect our own unto the last breath, a home and refuge for those who need it, but those who refuse to contribute to the survival of the pack will be put outside of it. All are expected to put forth an effort. Betrayal and trespassing alike are treated harshly." She made no mention of the Xanilovs or of Raisa - such a young wolf would likely neither know nor care who Raisa had been, or that Katja was holding the pack in trust for her children... she likely only cared about the pack itself. She had never explained Ebony to another however, and she wasn't entirely certain she'd covered everything. She contemplated it a moment for settling for a question. "Was there something in particular you want to know?"



07-24-2014, 07:23 AM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

The description of Ebony seemed pleasant enough to Senka. This was a pack where the chameleon of a wolfess could fit in just fine. And the fact that the stranger who had met her at the border was easily to the point simply made Senka's opinion of the pack as a whole rise a little. There was something to be said for an easy conversation such as this, one that was not chock full of subtle nuances, and it was a nice change of pace from some of the wolves in the area. In fact, Katja rather reminded Senka of the wolf who had kept an eye on her and trained her during her months separated from her mother, in an odd way. Maybe it was their no-nonsense demeanors.

Carefully, Senka committed what Katja had said to memory, knowing that this would certainly be important later on. "I think you covered it all." Senka's cool tone held a slight approving note to it - she rather liked what she had heard of Ebony. It seemed like it could be a good place to live for at least a while, though Senka wasn't sure if she would stay should her mother and her mother's mate return any time soon. "How would I go about joining Ebony?" Again, straight to the point, with Senka following Katja's conversation style as well as she could.

The question had obviously been on her mind since she had appeared at the borders, but it was more relevant now that she had heard what she wanted to hear and still found Ebony to be a pleasant option for a pack.

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]