
fake plastic trees


08-23-2014, 02:26 PM

Olympus had treated Cador well - he was growing steadily, beginning to fill in the lanky and skinny build that he had boasted for so long. Muscles were beginning to become more obvious on his frame, especially his legs. He had taken to exploring a little outside of where his family was currently staying, though he rarely wandered far from them. They were too dear to his heart for him to stand leaving them for long. Though Vaishya and his mother seemed to be doing all right in the (temporary) absence of his father, he still didn't want to take the chance.

The brown youngster had wandered further than he had intended, but he found himself enjoying these new lands. He was currently in no rush to go home - and in fact, Cador was laying out on top of a rock, basking in the sunlight. The rock was warm and the sun was warm and all in all, it felt quite lovely. Perhaps he could justify staying here a little while longer. The sun was high in the sky and he didn't need to hurry home. He had informed his mother that he was going exploring, at any rate, and she had to know that he would be all right. He was an Adravendi after all.


Cerise I


08-23-2014, 03:15 PM

She had finally breeched the borders of her home and out onto the other side. For so long she had sat there and stared out into the lands beyond but never dared to step out into them. She had sat by and watched life change and go by from her favorite little hidden spot. Her bi colored eyes soaking in everything that had happened out there. She hadn't ever left home before, she didn't want to worry mother while Daddy had gone missing. It had been just her brothers and her at her Mother's side till Daddy came back. But with that, she felt it was ok she go explore now. Gitan would keep Symphony busy, meaning she could sneak away unnoticed. She had gone to her favorite spot and then bounded the few feet to the border of Ludi and out into the world.

She had not wasted time to run off, tail streaming out behind her, ears erect and jaws parted in a smile. Her slender legs carried her swiftly over the land. She bounded, jumped, skipped and kicked out playfully, she felt so free. The world was so big and she so small, she really was small in size. But she was not intimidated no she was enthralled! Her path led her to a place with a lot of large rocks, causing her to slow down. She brushed her sides against the sun warmed rocks, humming softly from their warmth seeping into her. She would only come to a halt as her eyes spotted someone laid out on one of the rocks ahead. She pressed herself to the rock next to her, as if to try and spy on him without being seen. But it was hopeless. She might have the earthy toned colors in her fur, but it did not blend in with this landscape.



08-28-2014, 03:24 PM

He might have been oblivious to his company had she not been humming rather happily - Cador stirred when the noise reached his ears, amethyst eyes blinking slowly open. For a moment, he didn't move, breathing a soft sigh. He had not come out here seeking company, but it didn't seem right to ignore another wolf. And he had been missing the company of others, in all honesty. Olympus had been pleasant enough, but many of its members kept to himself, and Cador had largely avoided those that weren't of his family. Vaishya and his mother had comprised the vast majority of his interactions lately, and as much as he adored them, they simply served to remind him of the absence of his father and his sister.

Impulsively, the Adravendi would rise, brown tail twitching as he cast his gaze towards the other. "Hello!" He called out an easy greeting, gaze flicking over her strange position, pressed against one of the rocks. Was she afraid? He would not harm her. And in an effort to make that clear, the youngster leaped down from the rock, landing with soft thud against the earth. From there he would remain still, body loose and relaxed as he eyed the other. He was sure that she wouldn't be able to hurt him, even if she did try.

The other didn't seem very dangerous, however, and Cador wasn't too worried about her. "My name's Cador Adravendi. What's yours?" It was impossible to mistake the pride in his voice when he spoke his name - but what didn't he have to be proud of? Adravendis had shaped this land. And he would contribute to it, when his time came.

Cerise I


09-07-2014, 07:23 PM

It seemed it was pointless to try and hide around a rock she couldn't blend into to. As soon as she had paused he stirred, getting up an easily finding her. She blinked her bi-colored eyes up at him as she watched him. She watched him jump off the rock and stand there in the most relaxed way any wolf could muster when meeting someone new. She eyed him for a moment, sizing him up. Mother had told her not to take others so lightly, that others could be deceiving. She could probably outrun him, she was slender and small but that was about it. Mentally she cursed herself for not knowing even the basics of defense. That would have to be corrected as soon as possible. For now she would just have to use her natural charm to keep her out of trouble.

She stepped forwards, tail wagging easily at her hocks, ears forward in a friendly manner. At once she noticed his eyes such a shade she had never seen before. Would it be odd if she liked him already simply because she liked the color of his eyes? She also realized he was a few months younger than her. The knowledge of that made her more confident as she sat down. "Hello, I'm Cerise Destruction." She replied softly, using the last name from the larger side f her family. Everyone knew of the Destructions, how could they not with so many of them.



09-08-2014, 08:33 AM

Cador was quiet as the other spoke, mulling over her name internally as she introduced herself. Cerise Destruction? An interesting name, though it didn't have quite the same ring to it as Adravendi. He did like the sound of it though - in an odd way, it seemed to be fitting. It was a fairly deep thought for the youngster, but he was slowly coming to form a new understanding of the world around him, one filtered by the abandonment of the wolf that he had adored so.

Ears twitching, Cador distracted himself from that train of thought by focusing his gaze on the other once more. His purple gaze met her golden and blue one and Cador flicked his tail in greeting. "Nice to meet ya!" Cador spoke happily, nodding his head towards the other. "Do you live around here?" Head tilting slightly to the side, Cador followed the other's actions and sunk down onto his haunches, tail wrapping easily around his paws. Still his muscles remained relaxed and untensed in an attempt to show the other wolf that he meant no harm. She still seemed a little bit nervous, and Cador wanted to make her feel more comfortable. He was a protector by nature, and this meant that he simply didn't enjoy seeing others nervous or scared.
