
My lonely logic finds [spar]



7 Years
Extra large
07-08-2014, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2014, 04:16 PM by Quelt.)

The battlefield, he had been here twice before. Although he had never really finished or had a good fight when he arrived. This time was different, he came here to train. He was going to need it after all, with all his future plans. Along with the boiling rage within his ribcage after the death of one of his friends who fell off of a cliff. Now, he was also in charge of helping taking care of his children, though Abaven was a wonderful pack he was certain the whelps would be fine. The large brute stood up and his bi colored orbs looked for someone who would be a suitable match.
It wasn't like he was mean, but fighting ran in his blood. As it did with many wolves which he was sure a civil spar wouldn't be a problem. Of course he'd be venting his anger a little, but what was the harm in that? His black tail curled as he took in a deep breath and then let it out to relax. Ears forward, he waited for someone to come to him.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


07-09-2014, 09:48 PM

The Queen had a thirst for training. If she was going to rule she would need to gain much more strength. The lady was seven and an experienced fighter. But, there were better. The woman was not Thor. She did not seek out fights with an unrelenting force. Nor would she ever. Yet, the girl would train her ebony ass off. Svanerna was the Kaiser of Valhalla and she would never ever let the go unless she popped out a heir to replace her seat upon the iron throne. The Viking was a tough bitch it was true. Yet, when she heard a call the lady perked up. Alabaster paws fell upon the earth, she shot forth to the lovely blood stained fields of battle. Though, as she arrived her eyes wavered along the cobalt and ebony pelt of a man. He was no doubt the source of the call. The lady eyed him up and down for a few moments. "Ich w?nsche Ihnen viel Gl?ck, Junge." It was just a message of good luck.

The lady got ready for her first attack. She would start first this time. The lady rolled back and locked her slightly broad shoulders as her spine aligned with them. The viking lowered her entire body at the slightest by bending her knees a little bit. This would increase mobility. Though, to increase stability Svanerna dug her claws and paws into the earth. Each paw and toe was evenly spread as well. The day was sunny, therefore her eyes were narrowed and squinted. Though, her ears were flat to her ebony skull to insure no harm came to the easy targets. The Finnvi babe tucked in her head to protect her throat, but it may increase injury to her muzzle. But, such was already scarred. Her throat was much more vital. Svan's inky lips were curled up to show her alabaster fangs and to protect her scarred cheeks with rolls of skin. Speaking of rolls of skin, her hackles were puffed up to protect her neck, shoulders, and throat as well. If one were to bite such, it would merely cause pain, nothing major at all. Last but not least her core was tightened to embrace for impact and steady her breathing. Svanerna Finnvi was set.

The Viking flexed as she stood there for a moment. He was much taller then her. But, that was normal for males. It would never intimidate her. The lady had stealth, quickness, and she was a smaller target. Though, she took the chance to try something new. The beast dug her paws into the earth and she tried to launch herself forward, aiming to dig her paws into the ground with each stride. Mangy jaws would snap forth, in attempt to wrap themselves around the upper bits of his left foreleg. Right in the front bits of the upper leg. She looked for a moderate bite to hold onto the flesh. Though, obviously, if she gained speed in her attempt to shoot at him, the girl hoped she would ram into the lower front bits of his chest with her left shoulder. If such were to happen, the woman would suffer from bruising upon her left shoulder. The woman was determined even if her back would be available for him.

Svanerna v Quelt

for spar

one two three

Defenses third para, sorry im lazy

Attacks Attempt to run at him. Tried to bite at his upper left foreleg and ram her left shoulder into the lower bits of his chest.

Injuries n/a



7 Years
Extra large
07-10-2014, 03:15 PM

She would use her smaller size against him, he knew that as the beast tucked his head lower in the instances that she came to attack. His hackles raising, and toes splaying into the terrain to keep him in place prepared for impact as he spread his legs for balance. Quelt's ears pulled back against his head and his eyes narrowed eyeing the target and her movements as she approached his left side and leg. Tail curling to level with his spine and abdomen tightening he bent his knee's slightly as her jaws made contact with the upper part of his black left leg. Teeth would make their way a half inch deep into his skin and his upper chest since he had lowered his body had been bruised from her shoulder. His scruff pulled forward to protect his vitals.
Rolling his shoulders forward, the beast would hope to keep them in close quarters. His body weight pulled forward into her, purposely trying to press into her. His jaws would open and twist to the right aiming for just behind her scruff near the shoulder, to tear into muscle and flesh. Pressing his back paws into the dirt behind him, his muscles tightened as Quelt made the attempt to push her on her right side from their position.

Svanerna v Quelt

For spar

Attack: Attempting to bite into her left shoulder just below the scruff. And run her down with his size and weight.

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, Toes splayed and knee's are bent. Tail is level with spine and scruff is pulled forward to protect vitals.

Injuries: Half inch deep would on left upper leg, and bruising on upper chest.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


07-12-2014, 05:56 PM

The woman flew towards him in a flurry, her left shoulder ramming into his upper bits of chest, perhaps leaving a bruise. Though, such impact would cause for bruising on her upper left shoulder as well, but such pain would only be temporary. Svanerna also managed for her jaws to wrap around the upper bits of his left leg. Her teeth going in a mere half inch. It was good enough for the fae, but he would retaliate with ease. Due to her being low, he easily connected the bits of flesh at the end of her flesh, down her back. His jaws slid into flesh, at her left shoulder. His teeth diving in about a half inch as well. Such would bring her pain but it was obviously not a vital wound. Blood trickled down her ebony fur as well. But, she would also feel him attempting to push her. He pressed his hind paws into the ground and pushed against her. The girl would dig her paws into the ground as well, fighting against the pushing. But, he would make her take a half step back in result.

The fae took a small moment to correct her defenses, as well. Svanerna rolled her shoulders forward and puffed up her hackles, despite the fact that his jaws were connected to her back. Metallic eyes were narrowed to protect the beautiful jewels. Ebony ears were flat to her skull, to deny Quelt much room to attack her audits. The Viking Queen spread each paw out evenly. Her toes were spread out as well. CLaws were dug into the earth for stability but help if she went mobile. The Finnvi ladies tails was aligned with her spine which was aligned with her skull. The babe's knees were bent as well, for more mobility. Inky lips were curled up to show off her alabasters and bunch of the skin of her cheeks to protect the tender flesh. The lady was set and ready. She would deny the boy before her of any chance to pummel her to the ground.

The Viking Queen was currently lowered then the boy before her. The lady had her jaws on the upper bit of his left leg. Yet, the girl would let her jaws escape their purchase. He was hovered over her. The lady would let her knees bend even more, allowing her weight to flood to her hind legs. Suddenly, she would attempt to lurched her body up, her the top bits of her head aiming to slam into the bottom bits of his throat. Such would aim to cut off his air or even perhaps cause bruising. Svanerna would also attempt to raise her right paw up to swipe it at her enemies left leg. She would aim to have to bring the knee towards her in order to make him stumble slightly. The lady was determined. But, as soon as she would raise her paw, the girl would attempt to place it back on the ground, digging it back into the earth to rebalance herself.

Svanerna v Quelt

for spar

one two three

Defenses second para.

Attacks last para -sorry this was very rushed

Injuries bite to the bits at the end of her scruff on her back, towards the left side. bruised left shoulder.

The Judge


07-28-2014, 12:54 PM
Default to Svanerna

Due to Quelt not posting in the allotted time, Svanerna is the winner.

Quelt must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.