
Lovely Bones


07-13-2014, 12:28 AM

"The children miss you, you know..." The young male would say softly, looking up at the starry night sky. He would let out a deep sigh, such sadness in his dark forest green eyes. "No matter how many days pass, my nephew... I can not get you out of my mind... oh god Hajime... I miss you so... and your mother..." The words came out croaked, his chest aching as he turned away from the night sky, padding into his den. He slept alone... he could not bring himself to sleep with the others in their den. But he would see the pups in the morning, speak to them of happier things, and try to bring them some sort of happiness in these dark times.

The pain in his chest would not stop as Allen laid down, curling up for the night. The word of Hajime's death, the images of what might have happened... they haunted his brain. His dreams. It almost made him afraid to sleep... but... at least in his dreams... he could still see his nephew's face. But that was not the way he wanted to remember him. Not the way he wanted to remember Riv either, though she too would invade his dreams as of late. He had failed them. Failed both of them. He was useless as a brother, and uncle, and even a father. Where were his son and daughter? Elsewhere... again. Darkness and hurt prevailed over Allen, even as he drifted into sleep that night. A deep sleep... the very kind that someone special to his heart needed to speak to him.

"Speech", 'Thought'


07-13-2014, 12:38 AM

His time living had been harsh, something unbelievably so. He had thought about death many times before, but never like this honestly. Even so Hajime felt himself becoming comfortable with the fact he was dead. He had been with Rivaxorus again, his mother he adored, Vahva was even here before. This place they called "heaven" and in whatever placed they wished. The terrain here was lush filled with green grass, tall pillars of stone stared towards the sky. And even waterfalls fell to make pools within the moist soil. He would feel the wind in an empty way even if it was real to him. Suddenly his red gaze would rest upon Allen who was resting near the pool. He had come to Somnium because of his prayers hadn't he?
Hajime would trudge forward with fluid motions. Poking his uncle's shoulder. "Allen." he would whisper. Hajime didn't know what was going on in the world of the living, but he had a feeling about the words being said about him or towards him at least. Allen's form was wavered, which meant he was still alive as he heard from rumors of the other ghosts here. A small smile krept on his face, they truly did look peaceful while sleeping.



07-13-2014, 12:49 AM

Somehow, someway, Allen had drifted off into slumber, just as he had the night before. It was not an easy thing, dealing with the knowledge he bore, but he had to bear it. Just as the children had to. The feeling of someone poking him, however, would stir him. Stir him before the dreams could take him, or at least that was what Allen originally thought as his dark forest green eyes opened. It didn't even occur to the calico male that he was somewhere else at first. He was aware of the heartache, blinking open his eyes as he turned his head to look and see who had awakened him.

...and for a long moment Allen would just stare.

Then, slowly, the tears would form, and the male would rise to his paws, feeling a lump rise in his throat. Hajime... The world around him, this place of surreal beauty, was forgotten. The male would swallow hard, trying to force a smile even as the tears fell down his cheeks. It was the first time he had seen Hajime in his dreams since his death when he was not relieving what he imagined was the male's final moments.

"Haji..." The male wasn't sure what else to say yet, what else to say. But there was some sort of relief... seeing him this way. Seeing the male as he truly remembered him.

"Speech", 'Thought'


07-13-2014, 01:06 AM

Hajime would smile, and behind him his tail would wag back and forth. "Allen, you have reached me in your dreams. I guess that's good news as any." he chuckled mildly. He was not depressed over his death, after all Denki had beckoned for him. Even his mother had told him of the things that went on here. Though she, had vanished before he could really say anything else. Part of him figured something happened in the living world in order for that to happen.
"Allen. Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" he needed to know. He was gone, his children were left with Quelt he knew that because of their promise. His red eyes would glimmer with curiosity.



07-13-2014, 02:33 AM

His dreams. So he was indeed still asleep... but this was not just a mere dream. Allen was in awe, for now he stood speaking with an angel, dream state or not. The calico man could see the happiness his nephew had in seeing him, and that eased some of the pain. His tail would lift a bit, and his ears as well. Did this mean it might be possibly to speak again? That thought, that wish, would surely stay in his heart even after he left. The questions Hajime would ask... it certainly hurt him to share the news, but he would not hide anything from his nephew. He never could... or ever would.

"A mix of emotions... anger... sadness... hurt... but we are fighting to keep each other held up. We are helping each other heal. Quelt has been holding us together, watching out for all of us." The calico brute felt tears slide down his face. But these tears... they were tears of happiness at seeing Hajime and being able to speak to him like this, however short their time together might be. These were precious moments.

"I've been hurting, Hajime. Hearing of your death shattered my heart... and for a small time I was in the dark. I could not see or feel anything but the guilt, wondering why I wasn't there to help you... why you were taken form us... blaming myself for both you and your mother's death... feeling that I wasn't enough for you... still feeling that way..." The male would close his eyes for a long moment before speaking again.

"Quelt... he reminds me a lot of Riv... he does. That brute has a pure heart, and I will stand with him in life now. I will remain with them all and watch over your children, as I swore to you." Dark green gaze would open again, falling upon the male before him. "...and through time I will surely heal as well, Hajime. The nights are hard... but... somehow there is that faith back with me again, telling me to keep pressing on... that something is going to work out for us."

"Speech", 'Thought'


08-16-2014, 01:00 PM
Hajimes ears would perk and listen to his uncle. His heart wouldn't ache because he was at peace. Somehow the confidence inside of him for his family still existed, they would forever be royalist of the walker family. Hajime gave a mild sigh but smiled at Allen. "I finally understand who I was after death Allen, I'm fine really and I hope you get well. I only spoke once with mother, I think somehow she found another place for herself" he came to rest his head upon Allen's shoulder.

"That is why I asked Quelt to take care of our family he promised that he'd try and create a kingdom for the kids. To put our blood back where it belongs. Just don't lose.hope uncle." Hajime said with a smirk. His tail sagged back and.forth. no matter what the walker family would survive.


08-29-2014, 12:27 AM

The calico would listen to his nephew, hearing him speak of Riv, that he had spoken with her and she had found somewhere to belong... They were words that Allen could take comfort in. Hajime found peace... And hoped that he would get better as well. Come to terms with things and be able to be well. That road was one that was surely going to be rocky and full of nasty bumps, but he wasn?t alone. Not completely. Dark eyes would close as his nephew let his head rest on his shoulder. The feeling was different than as if Haji had been living, so cool, and more of a memory than the actual feeling of touch. But... It was enough.

Allen would slowly open his eyes again, giving a small nod. ?Hope is all I really have left to cling to right now, Haji. The world and universe is tossing us around... But I have faith in Quelt and what he has told me as well. We?re going to make that kingdom happen, I promise, and our blood will live in this world, not just survive in it. No matter how hard it may be... I?m not going to lose that hope... That dream that we?ve been fighting for. In the names of those of you who are here... And for those who still walk with us, we?re going to set things right within our family.? It was Allen?s promise to his nephew. He could feel more at peace now with Hajime?s passing... And leave him with hope of what was to come for his children.

?Hajime...? The calico would focus the gaze of one orb on his nephew. ?I love you nephew... And I hope that you will stay at peace here. When the time comes I?ll join you someday... And I?ll find you and your mother... Until then I?m going to aid Quelt... Care for the kids best I can.? He was finding his confidence again. It might waver a little from time to time, along with his hope, but it would never truly be gone. ?Save me a good spot in Somnium, will you?? He could actually smile now. He still felt the loss, still felt the sadness... But he could handle it now. He would survive... And someday... He?d truly live.

"Speech", 'Thought'