
Far From Home



04-22-2013, 11:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of everything she had been expecting, an apology was not there. What had Scipio to apologize for? For her pack being cold blooded and heartless? For her being unable to meet the demands of her pack's leader? For things that were truly outside of his control, and on top of that things he hadn't even known to be true until she had given them voice? "You don't...need to apologize," she cut in quietly, tucking her head a little lower out of embarrassment and shyness at his concern, but he didn't choose to elaborate and instead continued on. Yes, she was very happy with her station inside the Glaciem, more happy than she could ever remember being. And the thought of him possibly joining only filled her with even more happiness. Another friend, another smiling face, to walk past inside the borders. Why should she not be happy at the idea?

But of course, there was still his brother to think about. The smiling expression upon her face dimmed slightly at the mention of the almost forgotten Tucker, the other half to Scipio's small and tattered family. Surely he was out there? Surely Scipio would be able to find him? But out of finding his brother and searching for a pack, the former was immensely more important. Even Mercianne knew that, despite having a brother who could have easily thrown her to the wayside - and had in a sense - if it meant bettering his own station inside their home. But that was changed now. Her family - adopted and yet no less important - was her pack, and it was slowly growing each day with each new face she was introduced to, along with the handful of friends that she had who resided outside the borders which now, she was delighted to note, included Scipio as well. Her tail wagged happily behind her, low and yet excited, as she managed to return his smile, her eyes fixing themselves elsewhere.

They swept back around the dilapidated building and the large pile of hay the golden wolf had stopped before, staring rather curiously at it and wondering how it might do for their sleeping arrangements. Scipio wasted no time in clambering into it, and Merci watched as he found himself a spot and seated himself amid the noisy straws, turning her acknowledge her with a charming smile. She smiled a little herself, lowering her head a little as she obediently stepped into the straw as well - noting its odd prickly condition as she moved - picked a spot, turned once, and then curled tightly upon her side amid the stuff. Lying in it was certainly more comfortable than standing, she was happy to realize, and turning her head toward Scipio she offered a little smile, hoping their sleeping arrangements would do.

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04-25-2013, 05:18 PM
Ears rung back to when the dame said of how he didn't need to apologize. Perhaps he didn't have to but it was just the thought. Scipio was just sorry that he couldn't have been there to help. But of course he was sickly at the time.
Cobalt blue eyes looked at Mercianne as she climbed into the hay and curled herself up but then turned back to give him a smile. The brute mirrored her smile back and his cheeks slightly blushed.

"Oh and um for the apology I know it wasn't really needed or something like that. But I was just sorry that I couldn't have been there when you needed someone. I know how it feels honestly and I would have gladly been your friend back then as well. I know you may think that I couldn't have possibly done anything back then but I'm sorry that it wasn't possible or that I couldn't." he said as his ears shyly went back for once.

Scipio looked back up at Mercianne and this time was bold as he kept his eyes locked on hers.

Would she accept his apology or still deny it? With his eyes averted the brute dug himself a little into the hay and it helped insulate his heat a bit. Scipio then looked back at Merci eagerly awaiting a reply.



04-26-2013, 02:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For all his cool and calm composure that he had been maintaining since they had met, Scipio looked considerably more out of place now. The darkness hid his blush, but there was a touch of something unfamiliar there in his smile, something she thought akin to embarrassment. Was he embarrassed? Why? He had done or said nothing untoward or silly to be embarrassed over, and yet as he spoke he stumbled a little over his words at the beginning. Was that a product of it too? It was, overall, a little amusing, watching him go from collected to inhibited by whatever it was that had struck him, and she found it more difficult to send her smile away.

When he finally finished speaking, proclaiming that he wished there had been a way for him to be there to support her when things had been so rough, she had to drag her eyes away, though not before she saw the way his ears fell back against his head in a similar manner to how her own reacted when she was nervous. She continued to smile even as she looked away, quietly wondering to herself how different life might have been to have someone there to verbally stand up for her, to have someone protect her as no one ever had. It was not a happy thought. With certainty, she knew they would have been punished, publicly even, and disgraced for their weakness. She was glad Scipio had not been there, that her friend had chosen to keep their friendship secret even after she got away. It was safer to keep it all secret.

Not wishing to spoil Scipio's valiant proclamation with the truth she knew too well, Mercianne answered him quietly, tucking her head against her side as she nestled further inside the straw. "Thank you, Scipio," she answered with a gentle sigh, unable to see him from where she was lying but listening closely to the sounds he made as he shifted about in the straw. "You're a good friend."

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04-28-2013, 11:22 AM
a smile came across the brute's face as he listened to Mercianne's statement. Was he truly a good friend? Wait...she called him a friend! Scipio hadn't had a friend in a while; he better not blow it.

Scipio yawned as he thought about what was to take place tomorrow. Would he go with Mercianne to her pack Glaciem? Or would he go and check out the other pack Ludicael that he had heard of. But wouldn't it be hard for him to leave Merci...honestly the dame had really grown on him. And she was the only one he could trust at the moment.

Thoughts, proposition, comments, and critiques swirled on in the brute's mind. So much thinking to do, so much planning. What was he to choose, there were more than one options. Yet what tied him to Glaciem? What made him want to join?

" mind is swirling with thoughts. I do not know of where I belong or where I may go. The thing that baffles my mind is that I do not know what would make me go to Glaciem or what binds me there. But for now the only reason I have is because you live there..." he spoke softly as his cobalt eyes closed.

Thoughts would be saved for tomorrow morning; Scipio would have to sleep on it. And sleep on it he shall as all activity in his brain ceased while his body went silent. Sleep, like death but harmless. The golden boy gave into the dreamless death...or was it dreamless after all?



05-01-2013, 10:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her brown eyes had fallen closed, her body beginning to relax as she settled into the hay. Quiet insect noises sounded nearby in the grasses that had overrun the Range and created a lulling background noise to further soothe her mind and make sleep come easier. She was not quite there yet, but she was close, comfortable with Scipio beside her to worry less about the danger of sleeping in an open place and actually rest.

Before she could reach that place of sleep and actually go under, her ears perked and swiveled, listening as Scipio broke the silence with thoughts that seemed to be troubling him. Her eyes opened half lidded as she listened, unmoving but hearing and understanding every word. The only reason he would go to Glaciem would be because of her? While the thought was nice - she had never expected to actually be a reason for someone to do something - it was not exactly what she would have liked to hear. If he wanted to join the Glaciem, she wanted it to be because he thought he would settle nicely there, because he liked the pack as a whole and not just her. If he found himself uncomfortable or not fitting in, there was no way she could make him stay. He would be miserable, and she would feel guilty for it.

Scipio lapsed into silence, and Mercianne thought quietly to herself, taking a moment to herself. Would he join just to make her happy? Would he possibly sacrifice his own happiness merely because she thought so highly of her home. "You should go where you'll be most happy," she answered quietly after a pause, her voice rather muffled by the straw. "You don't have to join my pack just because I like it." Hoping he would take her words to heart and do whatever was best for him, she sighed closed her brown eyes again, hoping that her mind would lull itself toward sleep just as easily as it had a moment ago.

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05-08-2013, 04:04 PM
A small rustle was given as Scipio made himself more comfortable in the hay. Merci seemed to be already asleep but then she spoke a reply. Scipio settled down in the hay and quiet overtook the night once more. The songs of frogs and crickets reached the brutes golden ears which brought delight.

She said he should go where he would be happy....but the thing is he did not know what would make him happy. She was a friend and his only one at that. And then she said that he didn't have to join just because she liked it. In a ways Merci was right but he had his own reasons for wanting to stay. If she liked it perhaps he would. Yet Scipios mind was still baffled and various thoughts became jumbled up in his mind. A final verdict had to be reached.

Yes the brute was going to sleep on it but somewhere in his mind he already had a proposition. The rumors of another pack Ludicael had reached his ears and did curiosity pique his mind.

Scipio should probably go there and check it out before he settled for one given option so far. Agh! so much thinking! why was this so hard...or was he making it hard? Don't think...just sleep. With a small sigh the brute closed his cobalt blue eyes with a decision. In the morn would he go and check it out...but how far away was Ludicael again? Perhaps Mercianne knew....maybe. Yes he would ask her in the morning. For now the male let sleep overtake his mind and let all of the thoughts cease.



05-11-2013, 05:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It took a little while longer than she expected for sleep to come take her, but as she heard Scipio settle into the hay beside her it at last began to claim her in slumber. The timid little wolf slept well, untroubled by dreams or rogue thoughts that should slip below her into her consciousness and hardly rustled at all during the night. By morning, she was refreshed and ready for the trek back to her pack's territory, and grateful to note that both she and her newest friend had spent a restful night out in loner territory as she had hoped.

Slowly she started to come to, stretching upon the hay and rustling it gently with her movements. Dark brown eyes blinked open and with a few tries her surroundings began to come into focus. The hay, the field, the forest. Scipio. Mercianne turned her head to look at him, wondering if he slept or merely rested in wait for her to rise. The golden wolf appeared relaxed, though she knew he had been plagued by thoughts before they fell asleep. Did he still suffer from indecision on what he wished to do with himself? She had already given her opinion, encouraging him to choose the best option to suit him, but even she had no idea where his thoughts had eventually taken him, if they had taken him anywhere at all.

Not wanting to disturb him if he should still be sleeping, she lifted her head with a quiet yawn and remained curled up upon the hay, willing to wait for him to rise before considering what to do next.

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05-19-2013, 09:55 AM
Sunshine on his eyelids awoke the golden boy. He lay there for a moment with his eyes closed as he collected himself before he sat up. Scipio had had a nice sleep; it was actually one of the most comfortable nights he had ever had in a while. With a small yawn a a groan the brute stretched as he lay in the hay. Suddenly Scipio remembered he spent the night with another wolf. The males eyes shot open revealing those beautiful cobalt eyes of his. He swiftly sat up as he let out a yelp of surprise as he tumbled backwards into the hay. With a groan the wolf sat up once more and blinked his eyes to focus properly. When the blurriness went away he groggily set his gaze on Mercianne.

" I in heaven? Are you an angel?" he asked wondering if this was all a dream or not.

This was quite unusual; he wasn't really used to having company. But this dame really did look like an angel to him. Suddenly he shook his head as he remembered.

"Oh...sorry, I'm just not that used to having company. I do apologize, at first I really thought you were an angel!" she said with a small chuckle.

Of course sadly Scipio would have to say goodbye to this angel. The male knew he didn't want to leave Merci but didn't want to end up like that other brute he had heard rumors about who had recently died along the way. Sure this was the first friend he had made but he'd heard other wolves as well.

"Good did you sleep Merci?" he politely asked as he looked up at the sky.

The Sun's rays made his golden pelt seem to glint in the light as it reflected off his fur. The handsome brute then cleaned some hay out of his fur as he tried to busy himself while waiting for a reply.



05-20-2013, 01:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It didn't take too long for her companion to stir, and turning her head to watch him quietly shake sleep from his system Mercianne was very surprised to see that he woke instead with a start. His dazzling blue eyes alighted on her as he turned her way, wide and almost awe struck. For a moment, she feared what it might have meant, what sort of ailment had suddenly overcome him so quickly during the night to make him act this way, when he addressed her, his dreamily stated words drawing about embarrassment from the creamy white she-wolf Heaven? Angel? she mused wonderingly, her ears tucking back and her head tucking shyly. He had called her an angel. Roundabout as it was, it was honestly the nicest compliment she had ever received, and even through her embarrassment she smiled slightly, the edges of her lips curving upward gently.

Finally realizing where he was, and who he was with, the golden wolf righted himself and Merci allowed her dark brown eyes to settle over him again, trying not to fidget nervously and blush as he once again likened her to an angel. He was wrong in her eyes - she was just about as normal as any other wolf - but it was nice to know he thought so well of her. "I slept really good," she answered, surprising herself to find that the words were true. For having spent the night in hay, it had turned out better than anticipated, especially considering the pair of them had been out in the open and not secluded within the safe border of a pack's territory. Which brought her thoughts around to the question that had haunted poor Scipio before sleep, but not wishing to pry for the decision that he may or may not have made during sleep, she attempted to continue their light conversation. "Did you?"

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05-27-2013, 09:34 AM
Golden ears perked up as she said that she had slept well. Then Merci asked him the same question.

"Honestly I did! It's one of the most comfortable nights I've actually had in a while. I think it's the hay and the company" he said with a friendly smile.

The brute focused his cobalt blue gaze on the dame as he kind of took in her appearance. Now that they were in the morning light they could see each other better than last night in the dark and sunset. He tried not to stare but Scipio just thought she looked! His tail began to wag but he had caught it and stopped.

"Wow..." he said in awe as he looked at her.

With a small smile he looked away and turned his gaze up to the sky. It was a beautiful sunny day and rather nice. The brute then turned to his own sun-soaked golden pelt and groomed it some more. Scipio knew he had to make a decision even thought he had. But the brute just wanted to relish this time for a few more moments.

The male then ceased his grooming and looked back at Mercianne thinking he probably embarrassed her again. But that was alright though right? He meant everything and hoped she would assume that. If he could see her better in the morning sun-light couldn't she? Interesting.

But without another word he just looked around and waited for her to speak next. Or if she didn't then he would speak. Ah, he was confusing himself again. Don't think, just do. If all of these thoughts would just go away he could have some peace of mind for once. But that was only in his sleep right? Perhaps only when it wansn't plagued with nightmares.



05-28-2013, 11:21 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The timid wolf's face brightened as Scipio proclaimed to have had a very nice sleep, happy to note that he had spent the night soundly there beside her just as she had beside him. It was strange, indeed, to feel comfortable like this outside of her pack's territory. She had always felt so sure that the safest place for her could only be there, where there were friend and protector alike to watch over her and keep her company. But it seemed she had underestimated the wanderers who traveled the lands unclaimed, wrote them off too quickly as being deviant and worrisome. Scipio had proven there were gentlemen among those strangers, perhaps even ladies too, and she promised herself to be more mindful of this the next time she came across an unfamiliar face. Which would be easy enough to do...if she could also manage to get over her timidity.

A single word, a quiet phrase, slipped from the wolf's smiling muzzle as he looked at her, his deep blue eyes only resting on her a moment more before finally drifting away. What had he meant by that? He hadn't made it sound as if there was anything wrong with her - if he had she wouldn't have expected his smile - but the true meaning was lost to her, her naive mind unable to process it and decipher it properly. Merci returned the unexpected, puzzling word with a sheepish smile, her ears turning slightly as she ducked her chin toward her chest and glanced away. How was she to respond when she didn't know what he meant?

Choosing instead to ignore it, Merci changed the subject. "Thank you. For letting me stay here with you," she said quietly, drawing her dark brown gaze back to meet his, "I know that walk back to the Glaciem would have taken a while. I wouldn't have gotten as much sleep as I did." A short pause punctuated her speech as she let her eyes drift away, the mention of home reminding her of her duty to her pack and her responsibility to be there. She didn't consider herself much help most of the time, but she would have been incredibly disappointed in herself if she managed to miss something important. "I should probably head back soon," Mercianne added haltingly. She hated to leave Scipio so soon, especially since they just woke up, but she felt it important to remind him that her time was not completely her own.

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