
Hard Luck Love (OLYMPUS)

Katja the First


8 Years
06-20-2014, 11:01 PM

Following her somber meeting with Ebony, and a short sleep, Katja was back on her feet and back to work. With Raisa's disappearance and her own subsequent rise, Ebony's relations with the other packs of Alacratia were in limbo. She would need to assess her standing with the other packs, find out if she could Raisa's previous agreements with each pack, and decide where to go from there. But her first stop was of a more personal nature in addition to business.

Though one of the farthest from Ebony's territory, this pack would absolutely need to be the first she visited, before rumor and gossip reached their ears. Olympus - the home to Raisa's lover. She stared contemplatively over the boundary marker, considering how best to approach them, but there was little point in wasting time planning out a strategy that would simply change with the first volley. She would take the most time with Olympus, but there were other packs and other business she must also attend to.

Lifting her muzzle to the sky she send out a request for the empress Virgil to attend her. They had much to discuss.


Virgil I


4 Years
06-21-2014, 09:35 PM

There is nothing but heaviness in her heart, a pain that demands to be felt. It throbs and pounds, and she often feels like she cannot breathe. Raisa has abandoned her. Her, and their children. She feels an empty hole in the pit of her stomach, bile on the back of her tongue. Alas, the smell of Ebony greets her, and the golden Empress chases it.
She is disappointed by what she finds. Certainly she is pleased that it is Katja of all who stand in control of Virgil?s children?s pack, but she would have hoped Raisa would talk to her. There is no hiding her pain, the emptiness of her features. Her fiery eyes land upon the black woman. ?My children. The children Raisa and I raised together. They ought to be here, with me, with their mother,? she says. She seems so broken; if she is denied them then Virgil will fight for them here and now. Every last one. Until her limbs break and she can breathe no more.
She doesn?t know what else to do, doesn?t know what can possibly fill the void in her heart. She wants to break something, to make something bleed, to make the world understand what it is like to be abandoned not only once, but twice. But first, first she needs to bring her children to her side.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2014, 08:33 AM

It was not wholly unexpected that Virgil would want the children. The woman was visibly upset, but Katja just regarded her calmly.
"Sorry I am, Virgil of Olympus, but that I cannot allow." Her voice was quiet, but firm. She meant what she'd said.
"I did give an oath to Raisa, on the night she did leave. To care for her pack, and to care for the children. Regent of Ebony for the children, I am, and staying with me, they will be."

Katja knew that grief and emotion could make wolves unpredictable - it would not do to let her guard down, however much she could sympathize with her pain. She would not allow the children to be taken from her, and she would fight to protect her right to them. Raising her ears and tail confidently, she made it clear she was not backing down on this.


Virgil I


4 Years
06-22-2014, 11:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2014, 11:44 AM by Virgil I.)
OOC: permission given by Tealah to edit! HAD A BUSTED TABLE CODE SOZ

The rejection comes, and dutifully Virgil knows what she must do. ?If I were their blood sire, you would not reject me. These children have not known a mother and a father, but two mothers. You are denying them their other parent in the wake of being abandoned by their first. Perhaps I have not been around them as much as I would like, but I will not let that continue now. I respect you, Katja, but they are mine, and if Raisa chooses to abandon them, they have no right to be anywhere but with me,? she announces.
She knows Valeriya to be gone, so that leaves four challenges to stake. ?I wish not to be your enemy, but you are denying me my children. My children who call me mother, who I?ve known since their earliest hour. If I respected you any less, I might just kill you and disband your pack instead. But I do respect you, and therefore I am going to challenge for each and every last one of them,? she notes. She is undefeated, confident, not necessarily cocky. ?You may have the first move. This first challenge is for Svetlana,? she says. She chooses randomly; she loves them all equally, after all.
Legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributing across all four limbs, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil for traction, limbs bending, tail lashing out behind her, body lowering and with it her center of gravity, hackles rising, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, and muscles tensed ever so slightly to prepare for any incoming assault. She will fight to her dying breath to bring these children to her side, as she would for her biological children.

0/? (can we do 2 or 3? I have to leave in about a weekish for vacation so (:

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2014, 04:02 PM

As she'd worried, Virgil showed no sign of backing down on her demands either. Katja studied her for a moment, then solemnly bowed her head in acceptance. "Very well, Virgil. If this is as must be, it must be." She raised her head once more, fixing the golden empress with her cool silver gaze. With Val missing, young Svet was heir to the Ebony empire. Losing her would be a blow to the pack even aside from losing one of their pups. "The pups belong with Ebony. Their place is ordained there by the birth and by Raisa's wishes, and there I will keep them."

Backing away slightly, the masked viking gravely prepared herself for battle. Head and tail lowered to be level with her spine, muzzle tilted down slightly to cover her throat, her shoulders rolled forward and head pulled back to scrunch the fur and skin and fat of her neck. Her spine arched slightly to bring round her hindquarters for freer movement as her hackles stood on end and her body lowered into a stalking crouch, joints bent and both joints and loose and ready to move at a moment's notice. Her weight was centered as her paws slipped somewhat apart into a slightly widened stance, evenly distributed and lightly held on her toes in the manner of a martial artist. Ears flattened to her skull in anticipation of possible attacks, eyes narrowed with her brow furrowed that the wrinkled skin might provide greater protection to the delicate orbs. The defenses were readied in a heartbeat, in the manner of a warrior experienced with fighting against dishonorable combatants.

She was ready.

A few inches smaller and a good many pounds lighter built than her opponent, a clashing charge would do little good for her. Instead, as she bounded forward in an attempt to close the distance she had drawn between them, she twisted to the side with the intention of avoiding hard contact with the Olympian's body, wanting instead to come along side her so her left shoulder would brush Virgil's own left shoulder before she brought her hindquarters beneath her and, sitting back to put her weight on her hindquarters, she pirouetted to face where her left shoulder had been. Her hindpaws slid into a widened stance to rebalance herself, her weight moving again to her toes as they widened and dug in for better grip.

She pushed forward and up with her hind legs, lengthening herself as she tried to make hard contact with her chest against the side of Virgil's shoulder, both forepaws rising from the ground to attempt to wrap around Virgil's neck. A hug, with her right paw attempting to hook over Virgil's shoulders and around, her left trying to go under her neck and around, both paws with their blunt claws seeking purchase in the fur there to grip. Even as she moved up, she snapped out with her jaws, reaching toward the taller woman's neck as she rose, trying to clasp her teeth around the slender part of Virgil's neck where the skull met the spine, wanting not to kill but merely to squeeze, wanting to leave the Olympian gasping for breath and blood as the flow was cut off.

She wished to end this charade with the first battle, wanting to leave Virgil too weary with this first battle to continue to fight for the other children, though for Raisa's sake she did not wish to break the golden woman, let alone kill her.

Katja vs Virgil for Svetlana

Round 1/2

Defenses: paragraph 2

Attacks: attempting to strike her chest against Virgil's shoulder as she jumps up, attempting to wrap her legs around Virgil's neck and dig her claws in for grip, attempting to close her jaws around Virgil's throat to squeeze and cut off blood and air flow

Injuries: None, first round

OOC: Here's to hoping I didn't screw up the coding. *fingers crossed*

Virgil I


4 Years
06-22-2014, 04:45 PM

Defenses never leave her; legs spread apart equally, weight distributing evenly across all four limbs, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil for traction, limbs bent, tail lashing out behind her, body lowering and with it her center of gravity, hackles raise, shoulders rolled, head lowers to align with her spine, neck scrunches up with fat and skin alike, chin tucks, jaws part, eyes narrowed, ears pin backwards, muscles tense slightly to prepare for movement. Her fiery gaze deduces that Katja, being light of frame, would benefit more from a swift attack instead of a head on one. Alas, the Empress is a seasoned warrior; the scars that line her pelt testify to this. She has seen opponent after opponent, thick and bulky and wiry and swift, she knows how to handle herself.

Unlike Katja, she has no reason to hold back. The more she wounds this woman, the less likely she will be to come after her children once they are back where they belong. Alas, she is observant, watching as Katja moves to Virgil?s own left and reacting. Immediately the woman?s hips pivot to her own left (Katja?s right), four grounded limbs working swiftly in an attempt to bring the two Queens parallel, Virgil hoping her left side would be next to Katja?s right side. This, of course, helps the Empress avoid all the woman?s attacks (OOC: promise next round she will take damage! Just this was the most logical move Virgil would do in this round and it happens to be a full dodge lol), the chest missing along with the paws and the jaws due to the fact that Virgil was no longer in front of the woman and hopefully aligned in the parallel position. The Queen seeks to slam her left hip into Katja?s right hip, the hope being that this will be timed so that Katja will be lifted into the air, her balance already hopefully disrupted by not having the average amount of legs upon the ground, and the pressure of another body slamming into her side hopefully knocking her down.
Jaws snap forwards, the Empress aiming to grip into the back of Katja?s right elbow and crush. She hopes to pull the limb back, and then hopefully upwards, desiring to contort the right limb into an unnatural position and shatter it in multiple places. Speaking of this hopeful upward motion, it is intended to occur as the Empress herself rises, weight shifting onto her hind legs whilst she seeks to rise up. Of course her timing is such that she hopes the ebony woman is already lifted, so that she might be on the way down when Virgil hopes to be on her way up. Regardless of the success of her attempted bite or attempted grip or attempted break, she will seek to go through with her next attack. The Empress?s left front paw extends, hoping to plant itself upon the center of the woman?s back, aiming between the woman?s shoulder blades, hoping to deliver her powerful weight downwards towards what she hopes will be a pin position. All of her attacks aim to knock the woman over; she hopes that her attempted hip slam will upset balance, her attempted leg breaking hoping to prevent Katja from truly holding herself up, and her attempted paw placement seeking to be the breathe that hopes to blow the figurative house of cards down.
Her hind limbs readjust, spreading apart equally and bending to accommodate as the golden woman?s assaults are attempted.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2014, 10:42 PM

Katja's entire first attack failed as Virgil spun out of the way, sending her lurching forward as her push met with no resistance. Forearms that were reaching out to wrap around Virgil instead were jerked down in a desperate attempt to catch herself but before they could touch down she was struck in the hip, her balance disrupted. Had her stance not already been widened she would have been sent rolling. As it was the proactive defense only bought her enough time to bow her body to the right in a bid to curl around the blow and absorb part of the impact as her forepaws slammed into the ground. Her hindquarters went down, her left leg trailing beneath her while the inside of her right leg brushed the ground. Already her right hindleg was pushing, lifting herself back up as her left leg dragged itself towards the proper position.

She was now turned with her front nearly perpendicular to her previous position while her hindquarters were nearly the same direction as she'd been before, her whole body lowered by the awkward position so that her head was barely at the level of Virgil's shoulder. Off-balanced and only just getting her feet back under her she would not have been able to dodge as Virgil's teeth sought her leg, but turned as she was the reach would be longer if Virgil chose to continue to attempt that grip, and Katja swiftly sought to employ the best defense - which was to say, offense - by seeking to ensnare Virgil's muzzle within her own jaws (COUNTER) with the intention of turning her attack as well as wanting to grip it with a bruising force as she continued to propel herself back to her feet.

Even as she reacted to the bite with her own counterattack and entirely simultaneously, her left leg was continuing it's journey back to the earth, her stance quite wide so that she could swivel her hips as she lifted herself, bringing herself back into a straight alignment as finally her right paw slid to adjust her stance. Her right hip ached and a muscle across the top of both hips protested from the sudden overuse from her desperate, rapid movement - possibly torn, but definitely strained.

Her defenses automatically adjusted themselves. Her stance having been squared once more, legs slightly wider apart and her weight was evenly distributed despite the pain in her hip, held lightly on her toes with her center of balance lowered by her slightly bent limbs and her toes spread and the nails digging into the dirt. Her tail remained level with her spine for balance, muscles and joints loose and ready to move at a moment's notice rather than tense and slow. Her hackles stood out stiffly, her shoulders rolled forward to bunch the skin and fat of her neck. Her ears pinned against her skull, her eyes narrowed and her brow wrinkled.

Virgil rose and her paw sought Katja's back. Katja braced herself against the weight of the other wolf for a moment before attempting to drive herself forward, trying to strike her right shoulder against the underside of the Olympian's chest, hoping to push Virgil over backward. She was not out of this fight yet, whatever Virgil might have hoped, but she was rapidly losing her desire to keep the woman intact for Raisa.

Katja vs Virgil - for Svetlana

Round 2/2

Defenses: all in second to last paragraph

Attacks: aiming to grip Virgil's muzzle in her teeth (counterattack), trying to shove her right shoulder against the bottom of Virgil's chest in an attempt to shove her over backwards

Injuries: bruising on right hip, strained or torn muscle across the top of her hips, pending damage from counter

OOC: If you need me to I can diagram this tomorrow, it's quarter to midnight right now though so off to bed for me


Virgil I


4 Years
06-25-2014, 12:31 PM
Going off of this lovely diagram made by the wonderful Tea!

Her hips strike their intended target, albeit for whatever reasons the woman does not topple despite the attack being aimed to land as Katja raises up, but Virgil does not let her mind focus upon such things. What happens happens, and she will roll with the punches. Alas, it seems gravity is a swifter foe than Virgil would have imagined. The dark-pelted woman lands, Virgil?s upwards motion and Katja?s movements making Virgil?s attack miss, regardless of a counter. Alas, the golden woman does not intend to make herself vulnerable.
Hind legs bend, and she takes a few shaky steps to her left, seeking to bring herself behind Katja?s right side neck, hopefully facing the back of Katja?s skull instead of being engaged in a perpendicular position. As she rises, Katja?s jaws scrape across the middle bridge of Virgils snout, moderate lacerations welling upon the thin flesh there, but otherwise the Empress is fine from the jaws. Due to her upwards rise, her leftward rotation, and the lack of flesh on the bridge of her snout, the viking?s jaws would not obtain a grip. Her weight, however, manages to plant itself upon the other woman?s back.
Now, in the Empress?s opinion, it ought to be her turn.
Defenses never fade; two grounded limbs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed across them as her hind knees bend deeply to ensure as much balance as possible. Toes spread, claws seek ot bite into the ground for traction. Tail lashes out behind her, hoping to ensure as much balance as possible whilst she is risen. Hackles raise, shoulders roll as much as possible considering her position, head seeks to keep as aligned with her body as it can, neck scrunches every bit it finds itself capable of, chin tucks as much as possible, jaws part, eyes narrow, ears pin back, muscles tense ever so slightly in preparation.
Katja?s forward charge results in only a slight bruise against Virgil?s lower middle chest, due to the golden woman?s rising and her leftward movement, accompanied with a few backwards steps, which seeks to stop in an attempted V-like position (well, it would have a chance at being v-like if Virgil were on the ground with all fours). She seeks to charge forth, left front paw seeking to extend, her left elbow aiming to dig into the woman?s back (hoping to hit the dead center, aiming for the intersection of the middle of Katja?s back both length wise and width wise) Meanwhile her muscular frame moves forwards, right front leg extending similarly elbow seeking to implant itself deep within Katja?s back, aiming just behind Katja?s right shoulder blade. Chest seeks to slam into the woman?s right side, aiming about midway up her bodice and seeking to land a little bit beyond where the shoulder ends. She wishes to drive into the woman, to attempt to dig her elbows into painful points on her spine and push her down.
Jaws lower, hoping to attempt an attack midway between Virgil?s two attacking elbows length-wise, aim for the spine. She seeks to aim her jaws on the spinal area directly above the deepest bow of the chest, head shaking viciously. She hopes to dig her teeth beyond risen hackles and into bone, hoping to crush and destroy. This is for her children, and any who seek to part the golden Empress from her children will learn a terrible lesson about the wrath of the Olympians.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

The Judge


07-04-2014, 12:07 AM

katja v virgil for svetlana


KATJA -----

clarity -- 0 out of 10 ; where is katja in relation to virgil as she attempts to close the distance between them? is she approaching from head on, perpendicularly, etc? (-2) ?...she twisted to the side?? twisted to what side? (-2) ?...she pirouetted to face where her left shoulder had been? pirouetted in what direction? where is katja in relation to virgil now? (-2) it seemed kind of unlikely/awkward that katja would manage to pivot so easily while sitting (-1). which part of katja?s chest intends to impact which shoulder of virgil?s? (-4) what are katja?s intentions with her chest attack against vir?s shoulder? (-2) where exactly are katja?s claws seeking to grip virg? (-2) around which side of virgil?s neck are kat?s jaws extending? (-2)

powerplay -- 3 out of 10 ; this was a lot of movement to make in one post. you have katja approaching virgil, sitting down, pivoting, and rearing back all in the span of seconds -- it is unfair to your opponent to make so much movement without waiting for their response to each movement (-5). ?...she pirouetted to face where her left shoulder had been? her left shoulder has not successfully been placed yet, perhaps virgil could pivot to cut this movement off (-2).

defenses -- 8 out of 10 ; head lowered, tail out, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised, limbs bent, weight evenly distributed, widened stance, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, toes splayed. subtracted two points for failure to redistribute her balance as she rears back (one for each ungrounded limb).

attack -- 4 out of 10 ; attempting to hit her chest against virgil?s shoulder (+1, subtracted points for clarity issues). attempting to wrap her forelimbs around virgil?s neck, claws seeking purchase (+1, not a very hindering attack as claws are dull and likely would do little damage). attempting to bite into the back of virgil?s neck where the skull meets the spine (+2, subtracted point for clarity issue).

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one katja total -- 25 out of 50

VIRGIL -----

clarity -- 10 out 10 ; nothing of note.

powerplay -- 8 out of 10 ; ?she hopes to pull the limb back, and then hopefully upwards, desiring to contort the right limb into an unnatural position?? minor conditional, the success of this attack depends on the success of virgil?s bite to katja?s right elbow (-2).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; limbs spread evenly apart, weight distributed, toes splayed, nails gripping, limbs bent, tail out, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. shifting balance as she rears back, no points deducted.

attack -- 6 out of 10 ; attempting to slam her left hip against katja?s right (+1, it seemed unlikely to me that virgil would be able to forcefully slam her hip against kat?s without throwing her own balance). attempting to break katja?s right forelimb with a bite to the elbow (+3, point subtracted for pp issue, point added for attempted maim). attempting to bring her weight down upon katja?s back, just between the shoulder blades (+2).

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round, realistic full dodge used.

round one virgil total -- 44 out of 50


KATJA -----

clarity -- 0 out of 10 ; which side of her hips were struck? what damage was done from it? (-3) from what point is katja perpendicular to virgil? you say from the ?previous position? but you need to actually specify (-1). in which direction does katja turn to counter virg? (-1) from what angle and where upon virgil?s muzzle does katja hope to grasp? is she seeking to meet virgil?s bite with a grip to her top jaw, grasp the entirety of both jaws? (-2) where upon katja?s back is virgil?s weight applied? (-2) what side of the chest does katja attempt to strike with her right shoulder? the chest is a pretty broad area (-1).

powerplay -- 5 out of 10 ; it seemed unfair to me that virgil?s attempt to knock katja over with the hip-bump did not succeed since she timed it when katja was on two limbs and therefore less likely to retain balance, especially while bumping into katja from the side (-3). ?she was now turned with her front nearly perpendicular to her previous position?? this should be an intention of position (-2).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; squared stance, weight distributed, limbs bent, toes splayed, nails gripping, tail out, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, ears pinned, eyes narrowed.

attack -- 4 out of 10 ; attempted counter to virgil?s muzzle (+2, point deducted for clarity issue), attempt to strike the underside of virgil?s chest with her right shoulder (+2, point deducted for clarity issue).

injuries -- 7 out of 10 ; pending damage from virgil?s bite, strained muscle in hip (-1), unspecified damage to right hip as a result of virgil?s hip-slam (-2, you stated injury in your ooc notes, but not the actual post where it counts).

round two katja total -- 26 out of 50

VIRGIL -----

clarity -- 5 out of 10 ; it seemed awkward and unlikely that virgil would be able to move so much on her hind limbs so quickly, as katja had positioned herself perpendicularly to virgil?s shoulder and virgil would need to move backward and to her left in a short amount of time to get to her desired position (-3). which part of virgil?s chest seeks to slam into katja?s right side? the chest is a pretty broad area (-2).

powerplay -- 8 out of 10 ; virgil?s skull shaking motion depends upon her bite landing, which is why i look to it as a minor conditional (-2).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; limbs evenly spread, weight distributed, limbs bent, toes splayed, nails gripping, tail out, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, skull lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack -- 8 out of 10 ; attempting to push her elbows into katja?s back (+2). attempting to throw her chest into katja?s right side (+2, point deducted for clarity issue). attempting to bite into katja?s spine, hoping to break the bones (+4, point added for maim attempt).

injuries -- 7 out of 10 ; moderate lacerations to bridge of snout (-2), light bruise on lower middle chest (-1).

round two virgil total -- 38 out of 50


katja -- 51 out of 100

virgil -- 82 out of 100


virgil! katja must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. as this was an ownership challenge, svetlana now belongs to olympus and her status as an olympus member may not be contested for another two ooc weeks.


katja -- light bruising to right hip, strained hip muscle (will take three ooc days to heal), pending damage from virgil's last round

virgil -- moderate lacerations to bridge of snout (will take five ooc days to heal), light bruising to chest (will take two ooc days to heal).


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

i suck so hard at this part of the judging, but i guess all i have to say is be as detailed as you can possibly be! include angles, identify which side of your opponent you are attacking, elaborate on positioning -- whatever works. there was very minor powerplay in this fight so that's cool. defenses were cool too. cool. great. fab. good job. good night.

judging by [ aly ]

Virgil I


4 Years
07-05-2014, 03:11 PM

Just like that, victory is hers. Away she pulls, the match having a clear victor, her title of undefeated reigning supreme. The blood on her snout runs, but otherwise she feels successful. Her previous attacks were attempted to the best she could, having not pulled them at all, so their resulting damage completely depends upon what Katja had done in the meantime.
She pulls back, seeking to position herself directly in front of the Ebony monarch. ?This next one is for Kassander,? she says. There is no hesitation, only a sense of duty which a mother feels towards her children. Defenses settle; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributing across all four limbs, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil, limbs bending, tail lashing out behind her, body lowering and with it her center of gravity, hackles raising, shoulders rolling, head lowering to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back, muscles tensing ever so slightly.
Like before she expects Katja to take the first move, but if not she does not mind taking the first move herself.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

Katja the First


8 Years
07-09-2014, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 10:04 AM by Katja the First.)

Beneath the Olympian's digging elbows Katja had dropped, intending to roll free and continue on, but teeth met flesh in her back and skin tore as she did so. Had she not been in the process of twisting as she dropped those teeth may have hit spine, could have cracked a vertebrae or worse. No sound passed her jaws as she rolled over on the wound, caking debris on the wound and coming to her feet again panting.

The Olympian immediately declared the battle for Kassander, and Katja's silver eyes narrowed. Just like that, Svetlana was gone. Ebony's heir, the sweet chubby little girl, would belong to Olympus because Katja had failed her oath. She couldn't do it again, no. She and Kassander may have never seen eye to eye but the healer boy was Raisa's and would remain where he belonged.

"For Kassander," she agreed, her defenses slowly settling into place despite wounds, despite bruises and strained muscles. Her stance widened slightly, squared as she lowered herself nearly into a crouch, her weight held evenly and lightly. Her head and tail moved level with her spine, her shoulders rolling forward as her head pulled back to bunch the skin. Her chin tilted down slightly to protect her throat. Ears pinned back to her skull, and her eyes narrowed as a snarl wrinkled the skin on her forehead to provide added protection to them. Her hackles rose, confusing the lines of her body.

Her previous strategy had not worked - she had sustained far too much damage compared to her larger opponent. She would need to fight clever. This time when she bounded forward, attempting to close the distance, she made no move to tangle with the Olympian. She was trying to come in at approximately a forty-five degree angle to the Olympian's left shoulder.

She attempted to aim herself with the intention of striking the side of Virgil's left shoulder - closer to the bottom since Virgil was four inches taller - with the front blade of her own left shoulder, wanting to hit hard enough to not only bruise the shoulder but to bounce off and change her momentum into a completely different angle in a retreat.

As she did so, she aimed her jaws for the soft left side of Virgil's abdomen, behind and somewhat below the ribcage, wishing to land a slashing blow through the fur and skin and muscle there. However Raisa would have felt about it, Katja was done playing at this charade.

Katja vs Virgil for Kassander

Round 1/2

Defenses: Third paragraph

Attacks: attempted shoulder strike (front of left shoulder aimed for side/bottom of left shoulder), attempted slashing bite (aimed toward side of abdomen behind/slightly below)

OOC: delayed a bit due to Muse being gone but now we should both be good to go! Edited to fix coding - permission obtained from Muse.

Virgil I


4 Years
07-12-2014, 10:41 AM

She waits with ambition in her eyes; four grounded limbs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributing across them, toes spread, claws biting into the soil, limbs bent, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, body lowered and with it her center of gravity, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, muscles tensed ever so slightly to prepare for any sudden movement she might need.

Katja seeks to come in at an angle, and Virgil seeks to straighten them out. Hips pivot to her own right, Katja?s shoulder hitting Virgil?s lower left sided chest instead of her shoulder. The bruising there worsens moderately, her breath momentarily knocked out of her. However, her own left shoulder seeks to collide with Katja?s left sided chest, desiring to deliver a similar punishment to the dark woman.The golden empress, with her pivot, seeks to collide her jaws with Katja?s left side jaw, head turning to her own left as she seeks to bite into the place where jaw meets throat, aiming to dislocate the Ebony woman?s mandible (COUNTER, DAMAGE FROM KATJA?S JAW ATTACK PENDING).
Virgil?s right front paw lifts, seeking to reach for Katja?s lower left front leg, hoping to wrap behind the woman?s wrist and pull towards the golden Empress, wishing to compromise the woman?s balance. Weight readjusts upon Virgil?s three grounded limbs, the limbs spreading apart a little bit more to adjust for the absence of the fourth member of their gang.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

Katja the First


8 Years
07-15-2014, 10:38 AM

The Olympian wolf pivoted as Katja moved, and her shoulder struck chest instead of shoulder, then moved to strike Katja's own chest with her own shoulder. At such close quarters, with Katja's momentum already arrested by her own strike, the attack brought little more than a grunt and mild bruising.

A fraction of a second to readjust her balance, to distribute her weight evenly on all four limbs, to slide her paws back into a squared, slightly widened stance with her joints bent slightly, muscles loose and fluid and ready to move in an instant. Her back rounds to bring her hindquarters further beneath her for faster, free movement. Her other defenses were already in place, with her tail leveled to her spine, her shoulders rolled forward and her head pulled back to scrunch the fur and fat there. Her silver-ticked hackles were raised to confuse her outline, her ears pinned to her skull and her eyes narrowed, the flesh and fur around them wrinkled to provide extra protection to them. Her toes spread apart on the blood-stained ground beneath her, flexing into the dirt for more grip.

And then Virgil struck.

Katja dropped further into a crouch, nearly onto her belly to duck beneath the snapping jaws reaching for the side of her throat. Instead of dislocating her jaw the bite struck the bundled fur and fat of her scrunched-up scruff, ripping deep furrows along the side and top of her scruff. A stinging in her left ear heralded a brand new notch taken from the tip as well.

Virgil's right paw seeks to hook around Katja's left leg, and in return Katja lifts that paw and adjusts her weight to come back down hard in an attempt to stomp down on the reaching paw (COUNTER) in the hopes of broken toes or sprained wrist.

She reverses her movement immediately after ducking, coiled legs acting as springs as she straightens them. Her jaws seek as she straightens, aiming to come beneath Virgil's own jaws in an attempt to clamp the Olympian's throat in a vice grip - upper jaw on the right side of Virgil's throat, lower jaw on the left - with no intention of releasing if she obtains it. Her weight is adjusted to her hindquarters, her tail flicking back and forth like a rudder for balance as she lifts herself up. Her forelegs came up as she did, her left leg on Virgil's right, her right leg on Virgil's left as she attempted to curl them around Virgil's neck, hoping for a grip to balance herself against as the shorter woman's jaws reach upward.

Katja vs Virgil for Kassander

Round 2/2

(OOC: No time for stats! I didn't realize it was the third day already. Sorry!)

Virgil I


4 Years
07-17-2014, 07:25 PM

Her jaws do not meet with their intended success; they meet scruff, although a bite is a bite. Due to Katja?s head lowering instead of pursuing the attack, Virgil does not take damage from the woman?s initial assault with her jaws. Immediately her hips pivot to her own right once more, desiring to pull herself and Katja into a t-shaped position, with her right shoulder hoping to be on the outside of the ebony woman?s left front side, just behind the ending of Katja?s left arm to be specific. Katja?s left paw lands hard upon Virgil?s reaching right paw, despite the golden woman?s efforts, paw cracking a bone or two there due to the sudden weight. She winces in pain; the paw is painful, but it is still pinned down, and still able to bare weight (although too much use is likely to damage it further).
Alas, it would seem Virgil?s quick movement had saved her from the smaller woman?s wrath, the woman lifting up right after Virgil had moved out of her way. Virgil seeks to take advantage of this; right shoulder seeks to slam into the upper outside left leg of Katja, wishing to push the woman off balance as she seeks to rise off the ground. Weight redistributes to her hind legs, to take the burden off her injured right foot, which moves backwards, whilst her left rises up and seeks to slam down upon Katja?s left foot. The goal? To attempt bring her tumbling down, and perhaps to seek to break the leg, whilst Virgil?s shoulder attempts to push the woman one direction and attempts to push Katja?s paw the other. Alas, in all of this Virgil?s jaws do not neglect. The seek to bite into the bottom of Katja?s left side neck, near the base, hoping to bite firmly enough to bypass layers of muscle and rolled flesh. Her goal? To tear into the tendons and veins of the neck and permanently mar them.
Katja?s jaws miss Virgil entirely due to Virgil?s quick movements, the dark woman?s paws also missing for the same reason, which put the goddess out of Katja?s attempted range. Defenses maintain themselves nonetheless; hind legs taking most of her weight and balancing some upon her pained right limb to adjust for her attacking left paw, three limbs spread equally, limbs bent, weight lowered into her rear to account for the mentioned lack of balance, tail lashing out behind her in an attempt to seek assistance as well, body lowered and with it her center of gravity, hackles raised, shoulders rolled as best she could manage, head trying to keep as aligned with her neck as possible, neck scrunched, chin as tucked as she could manage, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back, muscles lightly tensed in preparation. Her toes spread (well, all except her injured right toes), claws biting lightly into the soil for traction.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

The Judge


07-24-2014, 09:37 PM

katja v virgil for kassander


KATJA -----

clarity -- 8 out of 10 ; ?...but to bounce off and change her momentum into a completely different angle?? what angle would that be? (-2)

powerplay -- 5 out of 10 ; the fact that katja changed her angle twice -- first while approaching virgil and second while ?bouncing off? of her -- seems to me like a bit too much movement (-3). the success of katja being able to even reach virgil?s abdomen with her jaws depends upon her success of bouncing off of virgil?s shoulder (-2).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; squared stance, limbs bent, weight evenly distributed, skull lowered, tail out, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, teeth exposed, hackles raised.

attack -- 6 out of 10 ; attempting to strike virgil?s left shoulder with her own left shoulder, positioned at a forty-five degree angle (+3). attempted bite to virgil?s left-sided abdomen (+3).

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one katja total --- 39 out of 50

VIRGIL -----

clarity -- 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

powerplay -- 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; limbs spread equidistant apart, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, nails gripping, limbs bent, tail out, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws set agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack -- 10 out of 10 ; attempting to shunt her left shoulder into katja?s left-sided chest (+3). attempting to dislocate katja?s left-sided mandible (+4, one point added for maim attempt). attempting to hook and pull back on katja?s left forelimb (+3).

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round, moderate bruising to lower left-sided chest.

round one virgil total --- 50 out of 50 *throws confetti*


KATJA -----

clarity -- 2 out of 10 ; where upon katja?s chest does virgil?s shoulder hit? (-2) which side of katja?s scruff does virgil grasp? (-2) katja has two left legs -- did she use her front of back? (-1) ?her forelegs came up as she did, her left leg on virgil?s right, her right leg on virgil?s left?? her right and left what? (-3)

powerplay -- 7 out of 10 ; ?her forelegs came up as she did, her left leg on virgil?s right, her right leg on virgil?s left?? you cannot assume her forelimbs managed to land anywhere upon virgil (-3).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; weight evenly distributed, squared stance, limbs bent, tail out, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, toes splayed.

attack -- 5 out of 10 ; attempting to crush virgil?s right forepaw (+2, point subtracted for clarity issue). attempted bite to virgil?s upper neck (+3).

injuries -- 5 out of 10 ; mild bruising to left-sided chest (-1), deep lacerations to scruff (-3), minor bite to left ear (-1).

round two katja total --- 29 out of 50

VIRGIL -----

clarity -- 7 out of 10 ; ?...right shoulder seeks to slam into the upper outside left leg?? which left leg? there are two (-1). which of katja?s left paws is targeted by which left paw of virgil?s? again, there are two left paws (-2).

powerplay -- 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; weight evenly distributed among grounded limbs, limbs spread evenly apart, limbs bent, tail out, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, skull lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed, nails gripping.

attack -- 7 out of 10 ; right shoulder seeking to slam against katja?s left leg (+2, subtracted point for clarity issue). left paw seeking to crush katja?s left paw (+2, point subtracted for clarity issues, point added for maim attempt). jaws aiming to bite into the base of katja?s left-sided neck (+3).

injuries -- 7 out of 10 ; broken toes in right forepaw (-3).

round two virgil total --- 41 out of 50


katja -- 68 out of 100

virgil -- 91 out of 100


virgil! katja must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. as this was an ownership challenge, kassander now belongs to olympus and his status as an olympus member may not be contested for another two ooc weeks.


katja -- mild bruising to chest, deep lacerations to left-sided scruff (will scar and heal completely in five ooc days), permanently docked left ear (will not affect hearing).

virgil -- moderate bruising to chest, broken toes in right forepaw (will take an ooc week to heal and make hinder movement).


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

much better this time around! really don't know what else to say other than what i put in the notes so lol.

judging by [ aly ]

Katja the First


8 Years
07-27-2014, 09:58 PM

Once more her attack failed almost completely, though she triumphed as something broke beneath her foot as the Olympian withdrew. Her mind fogged with fatigue and bloodloss, Katja was confused to suddenly find Virgil at her side as she rose up, jaws clamping shut on nothing. She wobbled even as she came up, tried to change her direction but a solid strike to her shoulder sent her rolling. She was aware of teeth scraping her lower neck but as it took mostly fur and some skin it was the least of her worries.

She forced herself to her feet, backing away a moment to catch her breath and regain her focus. The dark walls receded from her vision, and the pain of her wounds came back as the numbness and dizziness was slowly pushed aside and she straightened herself with difficulty. "Enough," was her guttural snarl. Blood slicked her dark coat down, accentuating a body already thinner than her opponent. Gold-speckled eyes narrowed as she prepared herself once more, refusing to give in to her body's weakness. Fierce determination showed in every line of her battered body. "We will finish this now or not at all. One fight, Virgil Olympus. I will play your games no longer. Make your move."

Katja vs Virgil for Sindri and Sigmarr
Round 0 of 2

Virgil I


4 Years
07-30-2014, 01:53 PM

Victory. It tastes sweet upon her tongue once more, another child brought to their rightful guardian. Katja seems fed up, however, Virgil resetting herself, attempting to place herself directly in front of the Viking Queen. Her right front foot aches deeply, but she pushes the thought aside for now. One more victory, and then her wounds can be tended to. One more victory and then she can feel all her pains. You are the blood of the gods, show this woman what that means.
This time, it is she who will take the first move.
Three uninjured legs (her left front and two hind legs) spread equally and balance her weight fairly. Weight distributes across these three legs fairly, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil. Legs bend, tail lashing out behind her, weight lowering and with it her center of gravity, hackles raising, shoulder rolling, head lowering to align with her spine, neck scrunching, chin tucking, jaws parting, eyes narrowing, ears pinning backwards, muscles tensing ever so slightly.
She attempts to rush straight ahead, mentally wondering if Katja will evade her (as seems to be the nature of the fight, and given Virgil?s injured foot and Katja?s smaller size it seems likely) once more. Nonetheless, she will try to catch the woman head on, hoping that after three fights in a row the Viking Queen will be tiring. Virgil feels the burn of exhaustion in her bones, and perhaps it slows her a bit, but it does not slow her as running on three limbs does.
Her left shoulder seeks to slam with Katja?s right side chest, desiring perhaps to hid hard enough to attempt to dislocate Katja?s right shoulder. Virgil?s right paw lifts, her weight making certain to be fully balanced upon her three balanced limbs (having not been balanced upon her front right paw at all in the first place, but she checks her balance is adjusted nonetheless), her paw seeking to hook from the outside around Katja?s lower left front limb, wishing to hook around the woman?s left front ankle and pull it towards the Empress.
She hopes to pull Katja towards her for a very obvious reason, her jaws moving simultaneously with her paw. Her top left incisor seeks to bite into Katja?s left eye, her top right incisor seeking to bite to Katja?s left of the woman?s left eye. Her bottom incisors wish to crush beneath the left eye, hopefully into the left eye socket, the Empress desiring to crush down in an attempt to ruin both left eye and left eye socket. Her head dips down. The intent? To bring blinding pain to the Viking woman, and trip her up as well, wishing that her downward yanking would have an attempt to thrust the ebony woman to the ground where Virgil hopes she may stand a chance at pinning her.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

The Judge


09-25-2014, 11:49 AM
Default to Virgil!

Due to Katja not posting in the allotted time, Virgil is the winner and is successful in getting Sigmarr and Sindri

Katja must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.