
I wanna see you bleed



2 Years
07-10-2014, 02:18 PM

Once again the youth would come towards the battlefields; where she had once reigned victorious in her first fight- but there was no denying that she needed to train, and train she will. She would pull her huge mass towards the centre and pull back her crown to call for an opponent. The last time she had fought was when wolves Trespassed in Arcanum, but she could hardly call that any sort of training, especially when she had aid by her side. Meinx would wait patiently' Defenses up and her eyes scattering across the landscape in search of her own opponent. She wanted to see her father again, to do him proud, To feel as though she had done good enough for him; if that was even possible, would he ever be willing to train her?. She found it hard to keep in good contact with her father, they always seem so far away and she wanted to see him regularly, but a girl cant always get what she wanted.

OOC: Sorry for short post=[

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



07-15-2014, 01:17 PM

Nephele had taken charge in her life. She had goals. The woman would not be a dead beat like her brother was becoming. Just because she bore the name of Elysius did not mean she had a free pass into rankings. The babe would work hard for she did not want to be Queen anymore. the lady wanted to be a battlemaster. Despite her smaller size, the girl wanted to learn how to destroy her opponents no matter what size they were. She had recovered from her past wounds and she was on the hunt for another spar. The little Nymph had many plans churning within her noggin. As a call was heard, the Elysium babe slithered to the battlefields with a light smirk upon her ash lips. As she neared her opponent a scent filled her narrow nose. It was familiar as hell. Nephele eyed the russet babe, recognizing her from the brawl upon the borders of Arc, which was now her sisters pack. The Elysius fae raised a brow as she sauntered closer. "I recognize you from the meaningless brawl upon your fallen packs borders. Shall we fight now? One on one rather then two on one?" The lady was rather ambitious with those fighting words. Would it be a spar or a fight of dominance. "I shall give you the first move." The lady stared her opponent right in the eye, waiting.




2 Years
07-15-2014, 02:25 PM

the youth wouldnt be kept waiting long, almost instantly another would show. But to her surprise it was someone she had met before; infact meinx and a few older Arcanum members helped take down her siblings. A smirk would tug her lips, watching carefully as the placid babe would approach. " Ah, perhaps if you didn't trespass your brother wouldn't have been so easy to take down by two wolves." Perhaps if they waited to be escorted in everything would have gone more smoothly. She would fight back a sneer, amused by the situation; though would Nephele become the victor? Meinx would shrug, before attempting to make eye contact with the little woman. " Ah well, i cant change the past, now can i?" Meinx would only let moments past before planning to set into action.

Quickly Meinx would set up her defenses- Eyes slit, ears pinned, Legs spread for balance, Hackles raised, tail tucked, muscles tenses, teeth bared, claws dug into ground for more security, legs bent slightly for quicker movement, Brows furrowed, toes spread out slightly. Quickly meinx would aim to close the distance between them head on, though hopefully as meinx nears closer She'll move slightly to the left at the last moment, Bending her legs slightly; hoping to barge her right shoulder forcefully into the right side of Nephs face, aiming near the centre/ her cheek to hopefully hurt her jaw and stun her in the process. Meinx would quickly open her jaws, hoping to grab onto Nephs scruff right at the start/ top where it'll be more thin and delicate. If meinx grabbed the scruff successfully, she'd yank her head upwards to hopefully lift Neph of the floor to make it harder for her to attack. If successful Meinx would attempt to shake her head violently to tear and hopefully hurt her neck with all the shaking.

Meinx Vs Nephele for DOMINANCE round 1 of 2

Defenses: Listed in first few sentences

Attacks: Meinx would aim to close the distance and at the last moment move slightly to the left to hopefully barge her right shoulder forcefully into Nephs right side of her face/ cheek. While doing so meinx attempts to grab right at the start of Nephs scruff to lift her of the ground to make it harder for her to attack, if successful with grabbing scruff meinx will shake her head violently to hurt neph more.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



07-15-2014, 03:29 PM

Nephele and Meinx looked each other in the eye. They were squared off with such intensity. In answering to Neph's elegant vocals, Mienx began to speak. " Ah, perhaps if you didn't trespass your brother wouldn't have been so easy to take down by two wolves." The Nymph snorted and her eyes rolled with annoyance. The babe indeed loved her darling brother but it was a horror to see his puny ass fall with such ease. "My brother is not here now is he? I am much different then Cerberus, you will see." The daemon let her shoulders roll before more words entered her audits. " Ah well, i cant change the past, now can i?" The tri-toned bitch giggled softly, "Everything happens for a reason, little red. " The woman would give her all. The fight would not be a spar any longer. It was a match of dominance. Meinx was rather larger, a whole foot. But, Nephele had quickness and determination. The vixen was a beast when she was fighting, it was obvious.

Nephele took a single moment to get her defenses in line. An ash dipped tail was aligned with her spine to allow her a mobility and balance. Beautiful purple and cyan orbs were slits to protect them. Ears were flat to her snowy skull to disable Meinx's chances of an audit maim. The babe had her spine aligned with her skull as well. The vixen allowed each knee to bend for mobility as well. But for stability and balance, each paw was dug into the ground. Her ebony claws were poked into the earth like little spikes as well, to grip the dirt. Her lips were curled up to show alabaster fangs for intimidation. But, it also allowed for the skin to bunch up at each cheek to protect the tender flesh from any sort of bites or wounds. The womans hackles were puffed up into thick rolls to protect her shoulders, neck, and the bits around it from vital bites. Last bit not least, her core was tightened to help her breathing and to embrace her form for any sort of impact. The tyrant was ready for battle.

Suddenly, the Adravendi whore would come stampeding her way like a horrible buffoon. The babe was ready for impact as the russet creature came at Nephele's right side. A shoulder would be forced into her beautiful cheek where the skin was bunched up. Yet, such a defense would not protect her much at all. The vixen was sent stammering back by such an impact, yet due to her paws being dug into the earth she was able to recuperate mildly quickly. Pain rang through her head, bruising was very evident already within her right cheek, just below her eye. The russet babe would also lean in to try to get a grip with her jaws on Neph's scruff. The babe growled softly as larger jaws met with alabaster skin, letting Meinx's teeth sink a half an inch into the flesh. It was more near the right side of her back, but centered still where her scruff was just beginning to be puffed up. Though, the attack was not met shortly. The Adravendi decided to yank Neph up, bringing her up slightly, ripping the flesh even more. Crimson blood spilled all over the vain girl's back, but she did not think twice of it in those moments. Nephele felt shaking as well, increasing the ripping. But, such did not make her bodice leave the ground, for she was smaller, but not that small. Such ripping would cause Nephele some serious pain but due tot he location no wound was very vital, the most that could happen in those moments was blood loss damage and scarring, but the nymph was not very concerned at all.

Nephele Elysius was determined. The girl would not be pummeled tot he ground by some simple minded femme. The beauty was covered in blood with a behemoth at her right side. This meant the nymph had access to the lower right bits of the russet babe in return. Due to Meinx being above her, the lady would have reason to attempt to snap her teeth at the girl's lower right side of throat. Her upper jaws would aim to connect with the bit below the crimson/brown girls jaw and her lower jaws aimed to purchase flesh wounds more near the center of Meinx's throat. She would try to keep a hold there, but it would all depend on how the russet whore reacted to such an attack. As she would do so, the smaller girl would raise her right paw to try and quickly swipe at the Adravendi's right knee. Such an attempt would include her trying to grip the back of the leg with her paw and bring it towards her to knock her opponent off balance. But, as soon as she would raise her paw, the girl would try to swipe then bring it back down to the ground, but Meinx had room to intercept every movement she made. The girl was a sneaky and subtle one, rather the brute force.




DEFENSES: An ash dipped tail was aligned with her spine to allow her a mobility and balance. Beautiful purple and cyan orbs were slits to protect them. Ears were flat to her snowy skull to disable Meinx's chances of an audit maim. The babe had her spine aligned with her skull as well. The vixen allowed each knee to bend for mobility as well. But for stability and balance, each paw was dug into the ground. Her ebony claws were poked into the earth like little spikes as well, to grip the dirt. Her lips were curled up to show alabaster fangs for intimidation. But, it also allowed for the skin to bunch up at each cheek to protect the tender flesh from any sort of bites or wounds. The womans hackles were puffed up into thick rolls to protect her shoulders, neck, and the bits around it from vital bites. Last bit not least, her core was tightened to help her breathing and to embrace her form for any sort of impact.

ATTACKS: Nephele attempted a bite at Meinx's right bit of neck. Her upper jaw aiming to sink in right below her jaw and her lower jaw attempting to sink in more near the center of her throat. She also attempted to raise her right paw to swipe at the back of Meinx's knee. She tried to bring it towards her, to knock the russet girl off balance, but she would attempt to put it back on the ground right after such movements.

INJURIES: Half inch deep bite wound to the bginning of her scruff on her back, but worsened by yanking and ripping. Bad bruising to her right cheek right below her eye.

NOTES: <3 pm me for help/questions




2 Years
07-16-2014, 11:57 AM

NOTE: Meinx is nine inches taller than nephele:)

The spar would quickly be turned into one of dominance, and the youth had no reason to back out. Meinx's right shoulder hit successfully upon Neph's right cheek in the centre, which would hopefully cause some bruising and damage. Meinx had also been successful in obtaining the smaller womans scruff nearest the top, Though as meinx tried to yank it up it would seem meinx wasn't quite able to make Neph budge. Meinx would attempt to keep hold of the scruff for a little while longer, aiming to shake her crown violently and pull up in a final attempt to hurt her opponent. Quickly Meinx would lift her front right paw up, attempting to scratch it multiple times towards Nephs face, aiming to get her claws across the bridge of her nose and aiming to slash it towards Nephs right eye to irritate. As meinx had lifted her paw up she would quickly balance her weight out on all three paws, clenching claws into ground for a more stable grip, lips curled back, eyes slit, ears pinned, tail tucked, muscles tensed, knees bent very slightly, teeth bared, spine aligned, her toes would spread out slightly.

Nephele would quickly launch her own attacks, aiming to grab Meinx's neck. Due to there nine inch size difference Neph's upper jaw would land firmly just above Meinx's right shoulder blade [around an inch above], nephs lower jaw planting in the top centre of meinx's chest/bottom of neck. Meinx wouldn't think about the pain, focusing on trying to finish the fight as the victor. Neph would swipe her front right paw for Meinx's, though as meinx had lifted her paw up Neph would instead hit meinx's elbow, making Meinx slightly of balance. Quickly Meinx would plant all four paws to the ground to readjust balance, but meinx would quickly attempt to stomp her right front paw on Nepheles right front paw to attempt to brake some bones in the toes where there delicate. or at the very least bruise them. Meinx would tense her abdomen, her hackles raising. Meinx would quickly attempt one more attack to stun her opponent; the youth would let go of nephs scruff if she was successful with keeping her grip upon it. Meinx would turn her head slightly to the right; Hoping to quickly snap her teeth down on Neph's right ear at the very top to hurt and hopefully shock.

Meinx Vs Nephele For dominance Round 2 of 2

Defenses: Weight spread out, toes splayed, claws clenched for better grip, tail tucked, eyes slit, muscles tensed, teeth bared, ears pinned, lips tucked, abdomen tensed, hackles raised, knees bent slightly, spine aligned.

Attacks: Meinx would shake her head violantly once again and yank her head up in a final attempt to hurt neph. Her right paw would quickly go up- aiming to scrape on nephs face nearest the muzzle slashing towards right eye. Meinx would quickly adjust her balance, and then aim to slam her right paw down on neph's to hopefully brake the toe bones. As a final attempt meinx would let go of nephs scruff [ if she was successful with keeping the grip] and aim to bite down at the top of Nephs ear to puncture.

Other: Pm me for any confusion canti! fun and quick fight<3

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



07-18-2014, 01:52 PM

The little girl was confident in her skills. But, before she could go in for another attack, Meinx aimed to shake her head once again, to rip the flesh of her upper scruff more. Blood would spill into the russet girls mouth and all over her alabaster fur. It was a blood bath in those moments, but the russet girl was not done. Before Neph could dive in to bite at Meinx's throat a right forepaw would raise and swipe at Neph's muzzle towards her eye. Neph would quint in those moments and attempt to lurch her head back, but she would not dodge the assault. Three shallow scratches slid up her muzzle from her nose to her lower right eye. It would cause her to obviously flinch, but the girl would dive in to bite at Mein'zs throat and such attack would purchase. Nephele's upper jaw would land just above Meinx's right shoulder blade and her lower jaw would land at the top/center of the darker colored girls chest area. Nephele was happy with the purchase and would seek to keep her jaws planted upon the girl's frontal bits despite the stinging in her scratched muzzle. As Neph attempted to swipe her paw at Meinx's front leg, but she would hit the elbow. She noticed a slight stumble but as her right paw hit the ground once more, Meinx raised her own paw to come crashing down on neph's front right paw. Such force would cause breakage in at least on of her toes. She flinched and winced in pain. The girl would decrease the weight she put on front right paw due to pain, but that did not mean she was done. But, as Neph would focus on her possibly broken paw Meinx would remove her own grip on Neph's scruff and move her teeth to the girls white right ear. Teeth would punture through the light skin, causing Nephele to growl, but she knew only scarring or possible flesh damage would be done, no sort of hearing loss.

The Vixen took a single moment to increase her wavering defenses. In those moments she made sure each hock or knee was bent just slightly to increase leverage and mobility. Her ash dipped tail was aligned with her tiny spin to increase balance. Each toe of her three active paws were spread to increase balance as well. Though, her claws were dug into the earth as well to help with balance. The temptress had her left ear slightly flat to her skull despite the fact that Meinx had a hold on her other one. Nephel made sure her core was tightened in case she had to embrace for more impact and she made sure her breathing was steady. The woman had had her lips curled up to puff up the skin under her eyes in case Meinx went to bite the flesh beneath her eyes. It would also show off her fangs to pursue intimidation as well. Each leg was spread evenly, but her frontal right paw was light and slightly off the ground because of injuries to her toes. Her eyes remained squinted just in case Meinx got the itch for a maim and tried to go for her beautiful purple and blue orbs. Last but not least, her hackles were puffed up into thick rolls, despite the ripped flesh at the beginning of her scruff. It would protect the vitals around her neck. She was set, as always.

They were face to face. Meinx had a grip on Nephele's right ear and she had a grip on the Adravendi's neck and upper chest area. Neph had one paw out of the count, which was not fun. But, suddenly, Nephele would let go of the girl before her, letting the blood slide down her throat. The knight would let her head lurch back slightly. Suddenly, she would tilt her head up and she would launch up and forward. The little girl would aim to have her head slam up into the larger fae's under bits like her chin and maybe even her throat. Yet, such movements may increase ripping of the smaller girl's ear to increase. Nephele would also attempt to raise her damaged paw along with her left paw to hopefully wrap around the back of Meinx's neck or the upper bits of her back. This would mean all of her weight would shift to Neph's hind legs. She would then try to bit the upper right bits of the Adrravendi's neck. A moderate bite, nothing to crazy. But, the movement with her damaged paw would cause her discomfort. Yet she was determined.




DEFENSES: second para

ATTACKS: last para

INJURIES: Half inch deep bite wound to the beginning of her scruff on her back, but worsened by yanking and ripping. Bad bruising to her right cheek right below her eye. Three shallow scratches from her nose to her right eye. Bad btie wounds to her right ear.

NOTES: sorry for the wait <3 i was super jummbly with this one D: oh well its the last post.


The Judge


08-21-2014, 11:02 PM


Round 1

10 for clarity- All clear

6 for powerplaying. A major conditional with Meinx's head attack, too much is assumed on her grabbing a hold of Nephele's scruff. -3 Too much movement, walking up, side stepping, shoulder thrust, bite, lift, and then shake. -2

10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, legs spread, hackles raised, tail tucked, muscles tensed, teeth bared, claws dug into ground, legs bent, toes spread.

3 for attack. Shoulder thrust to face +2, bite +1 for too much movement and conditionals

10 for injuries.First round

Round one MEINX Total: 39/50


8 for clarity- Said that she was lifted up slightly, and then said she did not leave the ground -1?...bringing her up slightly...? ?such did not make her bodice leave the ground ? Her bite was too wide and too high for a wolf 9 inches taller than her -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

8 for defences. tail aligned with spine, narrowed eyes, ears flat, head aligned with spine, legs bent, claws dug in earth, lips snarling, hackles raised. Paws dug into ground doesn't count, should have been legs spread/balance weighed on each leg -1, core tightened doesn't count, muscles tightened would have worked -1

3 for attack. bite to the neck, too wide for a wolf 9 inches shorter +1, trying to knock Meinx's leg from under her +2

10 for injuries. major bruise on left cheek, moderate lacerations on scruff, first round though

Round one NEPHELE Total: 39/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- all clear

4 for powerplaying. ?Quickly Meinx would plant all four paws to the ground to readjust balance,? Have to attempt this -1 ?Meinx would turn her head slightly to the right; ? Have to attempt this -1 Wayy too much movement. Head shake, pull up, scratching, paw slam, and then another bite. You need to give your partner time to react to the first movement of that limb before moving it to another attack. -4

9 for defences. balance made up for tripod stance, claws dug in earth, lips pulled back, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muscles tenses, legs bent, toes spread, hackles raised. Spine aligned not specific enough, tail aligning or head aligning with spine would have been better -1

6 for attack.
head shake and pull +1, scratching to face +2, paw slam, attempt to break toes +2, bite to ear +1, you would have gotten more points if there wasn't so much movement
8 for injuries. moderate bite to the shoulder (assessed by judge) -2

Round two MEINX Total: 37/50


8 for clarity- Some parts of the post were a bit jumbled and jumpy. Also a bit of confusion who you were talking about because of the use of ?knight? ?girl? and things like that. Try to use names more -2

8 for powerplaying.?The knight would let her head lurch back slightly? Has to be attempted -1 ?Suddenly, she would tilt her head up and she would launch up and forward.? Has to be attempted -1

7 for defences. legs bent, tail aligned with spine, toes spread, claws dug into earth, ears folded, lips curled, legs spread, eyes narrowed, hackles raised. Tripod stance not adjusted for in balance, as well as most defences relying on paws and one on ear that are currently injured -2

3 for attack. head butt +2 moderate bite to neck +1

0 for injuries.Major bite to scruff, -3 major bruising under right eye, -3 Minor lacerations from nose to right eye -1, major bite to right ear -3

Round two NEPHELE Total: 26/50


MEINX: 76/100

NEPHELE: 65/100

And the winner is...

Meinx! Nephele must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Not even gonna bother since this took so long. So sorry for the wait!


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Luis
Your posts were pretty clear for the most part, just lost a few points on powerplaying due to not attempting some movements. All movement has to be attempted! And watch your movement too, there was a lot of movement in those posts. Good attacks, but just way too many of them. Watch your conditionals too, like ?if I bite here I will do this and this? because it depends too much on that single move.

For Canti
Mostly the same here, posts were mostly clear, just try to use more names instead of fancy titles as it can cause a bit of confusion. Also a lot of powerplay problems here, every move has to be attempted, you can't move without trying to attempt it, because your opponent could try to stop the movement.

- By [Evelyn]



2 Years
08-29-2014, 01:06 PM

OOC: Great fight canti! I hope you dont mind the slight pp.

As quickly as the fight began it would soon end. They both tried to tear and wound eachother. both still had much to learn, though after all the attacks where made it was clear that meinx had proven her dominance against the Elysius princess. Power surged through her, and it was a shame that the dark pearl decided not to maim. Meinx had damaged her more, and with that thought alone she was satisfied. She would release the wench from her grasp, her tail held high above her forming a loop almost like a huskies. Meinx would fight the urge to smile, her cold gaze bore into the little woman- the Adravendi's point made extremely clear. She felt no need to spit out insults, for it would get her no where, but at last she would turn, leaving the battlefield with more battle experience. Where she would go from this point on was a mystery even to herself.

- Meinx exits-

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.