
Wash away my sins


07-15-2014, 09:58 PM

She would run from Covari. Limbs stretched long, her strides reaching as far as possible. She would flee the place of pain of hurt, rushing towards the one place that she knew so well. She would race across the lands, her lungs screaming for more oxygen. Landscape flew by her, but nothing would stop her. She didn't stop even as the ocean came into view. Her russet bodice would plunge into the frigid waters, she would gasp as the water froze her flesh. Limbs flexed, propelling her across the dark waters. Her movements were frantic, her body screamed with exhaustion until her toes finally touched land again. She would pull her soaking body onto the sand, sides heavy as she gasped for air. She would finally stop, standing on the beach, letting waves wash over her relentlessly. She stood in the water until her scent was completely washed away and she smelled solely of salt water. Tears mixed with water, there was no telling the difference. Shoulders would sag, her limp limply drifting in the waves. So much had happened here. Her brother lived here, along with the rest of her family. But this is also where Taurig had left. There was not a single place on this island where she had completely happy memories. It seemed as though fate was determined to drag her down and break her. But Armada blood filled her veins, it was not in her nature to quit or be broken, it was her duty to break others should they be so deserving. Yet here she was, broken by the men in her life. She stood there until she was freezing cold, her body shaking in an attempt to stay warm. It was then that she would move the water, walking around the entire island for collapsing in the sand with exhaustion. She would fall sleep there, the sand clinging to her pelt, her sleeping form exposed and vulnerable. But no one resided on the island, so when the sun rose, she would rise, heading back into the waters and back home to Covari. Her muscles would sore by the time she made it, and poor Ekko was probably freaking out. She would slip into her den, falling asleep once more.