
It's Hard To Dance With The Devil On Your Faith



5 Years
07-12-2014, 11:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2014, 11:41 PM by Misha.)

The girl would toss and turn again restlessly from a sleepless night. Her thoughts were at fault for her lack of sleep, tonight the insomnia controlling her. The russet colored woman would roll herself onto her back, exposing her underbelly to the starry night. "It's all my fault that my parents are dead.. Hell, I'd rather them be alive much more than I," She would say with a growl, rolling herself around onto her feet. It was always her fault. All her fault. The woman would pull herself up from the ground and sashay herself towards the landmark of the S.S. Antiox. Her hips would sway with the movement, legs leading her to the sunken ship. There, she would seat herself, small wolf against the huge ship, it fit the scenery for this sleepless night.


07-14-2014, 04:48 AM

Land of eternal winter. Ah, how he was overtaken with pure bliss! Frozen liquid painted the lands before him in white. The moon shone down upon the ivory land with all its radiance - glowing as if it were mocking the sun itself. Perhaps it was the moon's attempt to compete with the vast sun. A dream in which would never become reality. . . A reminder in which broken dreams sometimes left us a reflection of our former self or a faint glow of what we could have been. The moon, though beautiful, could not outshine the luminous that the sun projected with its fiery outer core.

Occasionally a star would flash across the sky in a wondrous fashion. Passing over the dark canvas swiftly as it framed earth's atmosphere with its trailing blaze. Then to only vanish as quickly as it had arrived, so much like Winter himself. He found himself trailing away from the "family" he was brought into. A princess and her broken dreams, a Dusk with an undying devotion to please, and a pup that simply followed his ancestor - being all the more confused with a never-ending fairy tale.

This land of eternal snow was a nice escape to a more real world. A world in which ultimately reminded him that he was alone. Though, that was by choice. For he grew attached to being a loner - a rogue. Winter closed his emerald eyes and took in the soft pattering sound of snow intertwining with the snow in which rested peacefully on the ground. A sound in which mirrored the song of rain, but much more peaceful. Rain's lullaby.

A voice rang out from the distance. A voice in which seemed somber, mournful, yet laced with bitterness. The dainty Winter traveled in the direction automatically. How he should have simply went yonder way! Ah, how he should have left others to deal with such problems.

Winter quietly made his way to her flank, unsure if she heard his approach. His soft voice whispered out to her in a gentlemanly manner. Surely life is not all that bad. Name's Winter. . .




5 Years
07-14-2014, 07:11 AM

She would look up to the stars, the Gods for some forgiveness. She just wanted to know that it was okay. That maybe possibly one day her parents would come back.. But, no. That was impossible. Misha had seen both of them physically gone, she knew it deep down inside that they were never coming back.

She would tilt her crown sideways, perking her ears up at his direction. "Surely life is not all that bad. Name's Winter," Oh how she wanted to scream and yell, cry her heart out to this male because he simply didn't understand. But, she took a deep breath and Misha left it all inside, this stranger seemingly not worthy of her pain.

My name is Misha Elaine Cae," she would say in a soft, melodic chord, her voice sounding completely opposite of what it just was, a mournful tone.

Because this is what she did, conceal her feelings.

And she was so used to it, that it was not a task anymore, but a simple gesture, to dump all of her true feelings and use fake ones.


07-14-2014, 12:57 PM

Snow continued to float throughout the atmosphere. Dancing with each other as if they were intoxicated with pure happiness and love. Swirling around each other in such a way that outshone even the most graceful of dancers. The flurries decorated his coat with its cold embrace, creating a soft blanket upon his back. The white substance mirrored the color of his coat, blending so perfectly - as if they were one being.The wintry weather turned Winter's breath into fog as if it were a magic trick performed by the most skilled magician. Each breath was a cloud of transparent white.

Winter listened patiently, quietly, to what the gal had to say. Though, her problems were not really his concern. In fact, no remorse or concern was felt toward her. Her problems simply was not his to worry with for he had his own demons to slay. Winter simply did not desire to waste his energy slaying hers. But occasional company was welcome.

What brings you out here all alone? Ah, but you probably wonder the same about me. . . I am simply a rogue in search of nothing. In search of simply whatever is thrown my way. I am a wanderer by nature. Simply I have found not a reason to settle in one spot for there is so much of this world to see. One cannot simply discover the world if they are standing still.




5 Years
07-14-2014, 02:42 PM

Misha would look at the male when he would speak, saying something about how he wandered these places because the world needed exploring and about yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. Why did she care, and why did it even matter to her? She really couldn't care less about the male ranting to her that it was his practical duty to explore. "Well, that's fun. I'm here for solitude, I guess." Which, half of it was right- she was out here for solitude, but she was also out here for some comfort. Maybe from the stars, or the moon.. Even the simple snow had done her well. But, this male wasn't really being any help. Plus, he seemed careless, maybe even cruel towards one other's feelings. Misha wouldn't be one to waste her time on such a wolf, when solitude was being her perfect company.


07-14-2014, 09:17 PM

The creature before him seemed uninterested in his company. Of course, he was rather uninterested in her company as well. Just so happened the two crossed paths and he, a wanderer, sometimes needed an ear to listen to his meaningless words. Though, that he despised to admit. The company of snow and trees only go so far.

If solitude is what you wish for I will be on my way. I will be close by if you are interested in a conversation.

Winter cheerfully carried himself over to the nearby ship. Life really was not that bad. He gazed at the thing in amazement. Such a wondrous thing it was! Its size was massive; however, as much as he desired to explore the thing, he had not idea how to board it. He let out a sigh and curled up on the terrain as he lied his dainty frame upon the frozen water. He would rest here, beside the vessel. Sleep would come soon and dreams would take over his mind. Should the stranger wish to talk, he would be nearby to listen. Though, he would not pressure her.




5 Years
07-14-2014, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2014, 10:03 PM by Misha.)
I got my red dress on tonight

dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight

She felt guilty for being so rude to the male, the female usually not acting like that, especially to someone whom she didn't know. Even though he didn't seem very fond of her, she would want to retry with the male, for at least a friendship from them both. She would get up and silently make her way to him, gracefully stepping on the snow to as not make her approach noticed. "I'm sorry," she would apologize, "for being so rude to you.." She would sigh softly at herself for her own judgmental, stupidity, sinking down onto her haunches in front of him. He seemed as if he was sleeping, or so she thought he was. The male was unknown to her, he could be easily acting, making Misha a fool of herself. But, that was okay, because she meant all she had said, a thousand pardons and more.

throw my hair up real big, beauty queen stylehigh heels off I'm feeling alive


07-14-2014, 10:51 PM

Darkness had just overcome his mind. A darkness in which most know as sleep; however, it was a temporary death. A temporary relief from all of life's problems. Sleep - death's cousin. . . A soft voice entered his mind and awoke him from his temporary death.

Winter listened without opening an eye. He played the voice through his mind in attempt to decode the feelings hidden beneath. Sorrow perhaps? Sorrow laced with guilt. Opening his gradient emerald eyes drowsily, he stared at the now sitting wolf before him.

Snow had blanketed his frame with its cold embrace. The frozen substance had created a mountain on both sides of his lying body and created a sheet of white across his back. Winter stretched with his forelimbs, flicked his docked tail, and shook his dainty head to remove the substance from his body. Still lying, he replied to the stranger in a soft timbre.

No need to apologize. Was forgiven the moment it was done.

Winter kept his questions masked. Normally he cared not what problems wolves carried with them; however, this one he felt sorry for. . . so he would continue to mind his manners - for now.




5 Years
07-15-2014, 06:31 AM

She would watch the wintery white wolf as he would stretch and yawn a bit before speaking to her. "Good. Thank you.. Now, what may I call you?" She would ask in a curious voice, sapphire orbs checking out the male in detail. Long, slender body- yet he was muscular. A snow white faded coat- as if one of the gods had showered him in snow white pearls and brought him down to earth. And his eyes- well, they were just dazzling. An emerald green of the greenest grass, or perhaps dark green leaves on a warm autumn day. Misgha would smile at him, ebony lips pulling back. She wasn't sure what to think of him, if she were to be his friend, or something else. The thoughts ran through her mind, she looked to the stars and blinked, a twinkle of light in her sapphire blue eyes.


07-15-2014, 09:29 AM

Her delicate voice sung out to him in a way that reflected an offering of peace and friendship. He would accept for he had not a reason to decline. Winter lifted the front half of his frame from the frozen earth, now in a sitting position in front of the stranger.

Just Winter will do. S'the only name I ever went by. Though, feel free to call me what you wish. I am pretty open to suggestions. . .Winter took a breath and smiled at his response. He said it jokingly, of course. In hopes to make the lady laugh. She seemed like she needed it. What would you prefer for me to call you m'lady?

Winter turned his head slightly to the side in curiosity of what was intruding her thoughts. He slowly lifted his head to the heavens - following her sapphire gaze to the stars. Ah, she seemed intoxicated with brilliance they emitted. We are like them you know. Forever lost in a mass of nothing while simply trying to outshine the other. Burning with all our radiance trying to mean something to somebody. To try to grab attention to be noticed. Whether it is in love or simply by making our existence known through hard work. We simply grow brighter as we age and we shine our brightest, exploding, the moment we pass for we would have completed life's journey. They mourn for a bit and through time we are all eventually forgotten. Becoming a black hole - a mystery in which none can actually figure out. A mystery in which our descendants wish to unveil.

Winter was unsure if he was making sense to her. He was voicing the thoughts that rattled throughout his mind. It was nice to have another to talk to for a change, perhaps that is what he talked so much. He had so many thoughts that had gathered throughout his adventures. But what good were they if he had only the trees to share them with? Ah, perhaps an ally - a friend, would be enjoyable.




5 Years
07-15-2014, 04:59 PM

Misha would open her maw and let out a soft, melodic laugh, her giggle ringing out in the quiet, midnight snow filled air. "Winter will do, it certainly fits you," she would add a smile, referring to his snow white coat that easily blended himself with the wintery landscape. The russet brown woman would look at him when he would speak, perking her ears up curiously. "We are like them you know. Forever lost in a mass of nothing while simply trying to outshine the other. Burning with all our radiance trying to mean something to somebody. To try to grab attention to be noticed. Whether it is in love or simply by making our existence known through hard work. We simply grow brighter as we age and we shine our brightest, exploding, the moment we pass for we would have completed life's journey. They mourn for a bit and through time we are all eventually forgotten. Becoming a black hole - a mystery in which none can actually figure out. A mystery in which our descendants wish to unveil." She understood all of it, mostly because she felt exactly how he had explained in his words. Finally, something she could relate to... She felt the need to be accepted, wanted, even noticed by someone for a change. It was a hard task in life, trying to make yourself liked and growing out of your invisible shell that nobody knew the limits of. She felt like a ghost to almost everyone, even her own pack at times. But, this male seemed different. He seemed to understand her, made her feel noticed in this world full of wandering nobodies. "I totally agree, but there are some wolves who know how that feels, and they try and make other wolves feel wanted and known as they have a part in the play of life. Wolves like you and I," she would end her sentence with a smile, blue grey sapphire eyes sparkling as she looked at him.


07-16-2014, 03:23 AM

The flurries had stopped as time ticked on. Time in which was simply our unforgiving enemy - killing us slowly. A beautiful blanket of snow lie still on the frozen earth. The moon reflecting its brilliant light on the mirror-like white terrain. Earth's breath, wind, made the temperature seem all the more cold.

Winter thought about her words. Ah, she had him mistaken it seemed. For he did not actually care of others, only himself. Making others feel wanted was simply not his responsibility. If only she knew. He was a nomad in which was only concerned with his own issues. He did not feel as if he were a vampire slayer set out on a mission to slay the demons of others'. Though, why did he decide to talk to this lone female? That, he did not know. Perhaps he was lonely or maybe bored. Maybe it was the fact he pitied the pretty lady and wanted to see radiance ignite her face. Radiance in which made the sun seem dull when it shone it's brightest.

Winter's eyes turned to meet her gaze. Emerald and sapphire jewels in which, combined together, would make kings and queens envious. He took a breath, taking in her perfume. It was nice, though seemed tainted with the scent of a pack. Yes like you and I. . . His words trailed off to a whisper as his sentence came to a close. Feelings of guilt knotted inside of his stomach. He did not like speaking lies to this one, for he got this feeling she had been lied and deceived enough for many lifetimes. Changing the subject, still meeting her gaze, he spoke once more to her. So, are you part of a pack?




5 Years
07-16-2014, 04:04 AM

She would look at the male when he would trail off, curious of what he had to say. She wouldn't say anything about it nor push him to say it, because forcing someone was against their own will. But, that's how many conversations ended in life, people trailed off and didn't say what they needed to. But, that is also how many conversations were started, as she would notice the male question her about a pack- a completely new subject. She would smile somewhat proudly to her answer, speaking softly. "I am," she would simply answer, but her words held a sense of pride.

Of course she hadn't seen the world, but she had experienced a lot of it. Most of the bad parts, and now she had to experience all of the good parts. She had enough pain to last her a lifetime, with her parent's dying and her mate betraying her. She still didn't know the reason's for his actions towards Misha. All she had done was love and care for him, then he had ripped her heart right out like he simply didn't give a shit. Misha was a play toy to him, something that didn't matter to him more than trash. She still missed the feeling of being loved and knowing you loved someone back for who they were, but she never did think the thought aloud, for some wolves might look at her as pathetic- maybe even desperate. Misha would shake the troubling thoughts and smile at the male in front of her. At least she could trust him.


07-16-2014, 11:10 AM

Winter thought about her answer to his question regarding her belonging to a pack. Ah, he could be flirting with danger if she was of importance to this pack; however, for some reason, that did not quite scare the dainty wolf from her. Normally he would have left right then - he would have abandoned the russet wolf. For he simply did not wish for a pack to set a bounty on his existence.

To be a friend, Winter was unsure how it would work with her being tied to a pack and him being a rogue. Perhaps it could work without issues and then perhaps it may result in his death. Was she worth the effort? The trouble? Only time could answer those questions.

For a moment Winter closed his eyes and allowed his memories to shatter his brain. He allowed his mind to take him back to his past - remembering his days of heartbreaking. The pups he helped create and then abandon. Fear of being captured was probably what held him back from friends and romance. Fear of actually loving because those you love can hurt you more than anyone else. If all were your enemies, mental pain would be almost nonexistent. Winter did not wish for one to have such power over himself.

Opening his eyes and taking in a deep breath, then releasing - he continued the conversation of a pack. Joining her pack life simply could not happen. At least not now. Do you enjoy your pack life? I assume you have plenty of friends there.




5 Years
07-16-2014, 11:49 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2014, 08:23 PM by Misha.)

{OOC: What are you planning for these two, friendship, a relationship, maybe even love, perhaps?}
She did enjoy pack life, for there was the great feeling of acceptance and how you were needed with something to keep a band of wolves together. A chain reaction. But, many times- she felt as she were wasting away her pack life, as she could mean something much more in a different pack, or a higher ranking.
She had no trouble being a loner, for she made it on her own just fine. Sometimes she had made it better on herself than some days in the pack. But, in a family like Tortuga, she knew that they would protect her, because when she was a loner she was vulnerable, not a fighter either- so that was how she ended up getting hurt by her old mate. In Tortuga, she had that sense of protection, and with the pups coming later on in the pack, Misha knew that she would have to stay and care for them- because that is what she had promised Qanik. And, it was her duty of course- everyone's duty to care for pups. Especially offspring of the Queen.
"Yes, pack life is decent.." She would pause at his second set of words. "I assume you have plenty of friends there." Misha would huff a sigh, looking at her paws. Sure, she was a friend in them, even risking her life for the pack- but Misha wasn't sure of how they felt towards her. She wasn't sure if they would risk their life for her as she would for them. She would look up at the male, opening her maw. "I'm not sure, I suppose I am.." She would trail off, honesty in her words. "What about you, casanova, I bet you have ladies just trailing behind you," she would say with a flirtatious purr, giggling softly as she looked at him, sapphire blue orbs reflecting the stars.


07-16-2014, 08:44 PM

ooc; i'm not really sure, to be honest. winter develops himself as i play him. what did you have in mind?

Winter did not understand the reason to belong to a pack. Because one, truly, ends up belonging to the pack - a slave to those ranked above him or her. Being demanded to do tasks in which would risk one's life. No, he would prefer to not risk his life for those who would not waste time mourning his death. Giving his life to a government was not on his bucket list.

Winter watched her, trying to decode her actions. She would look down at her paws after speaking. Ah, decent - that was an overstatement. Being a slave is never decent. He simply nodded when she spoke other words of her pack life. He sensed discussing her pack was not of much interest.

An eyebrow was raised in interest with her next words. A flirtatious tone cooed out to him. The giggle that trailed was nice. Good to see her relaxing. Ladies trailing after him? Perhaps. He did not take time to notice if they were. Though, to spare her feelings he decided that his past love life - leaving his last mate and pups without an ounce of remorse - was not suitable to discuss at the moment. Ah, how he disliked discussing romance.

So, instead, he approached the subject jokingly in attempt to continue the good mood. How can they notice me when I blend in so well with the snow? I mean - I'm practically a magician. Now you see me - He stood tall, towering as high as his legs would allow him. Now you don't! He fell quickly to the white terrain. Allowing his belly and held melt upon the ground while stretching out his forelimbs and carefully tucking his hind legs beneath his frame.




5 Years
07-16-2014, 11:18 PM

{OOC; Wasn't sure, just go with the flow, but they do seem to be hitting it off :)}

She would watch him as he would process her words about pack life, his face not showing much emotion, which she assumed meant he didn't like the subject. Luckily he would seem to be doing both of them a favor when he would change the subject, joking around about he was a magician, making himself as tall as a mountain and then "disappearing" into the snow, his white form poofing into the air, all of the male gone except for his emerald green eyes. "Oh my gosh- you're so extraordinary!!" She would say with a small gasp, her voice sounding like that of a small child's seeing something as simple as a river for the first time. She would laugh softly, playing along. "Can you show me your magic tricks, casanova?" She would ask curiously, a small smile on her maw as she watched him.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-16-2014, 11:28 PM

He would return to the place where his children lied. Where his trophy resided in safety. Within his jaws, a dead hare lied within. He was to take Arietta a meal so she could continue to support their growing children. He was proud of of her, for bearing such healthy children. And he could not wait to see them grow and become strong. He wondered, if they would come out like him or like their mother...either way, he would train them to be great warriors. It was then as he neared the vessel, scents would cross his path. He would stop, venomous amber gaze seeking out the direction of the pair, hackles rising as he would carry on. Trespassers would not be permitted here, not while his mate and children were vulnerable. He dropped his catch near the path he usually took, and continued forth to where he would locate the trespassing pair. One smelled of Tortuga, the other a rogue. He would have no problem chasing them away, and if the Tortugan were to cause trouble then he would ensure that his sister Roman would hear about her misconduct. He would see them nearing, and his paws worked silently as he came upon them. A growl rumbling in his throat. "I will show you a magic trick if you do not leave these lands..." He would warn them then and there, teeth baring as his muscles grew stiff.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


07-17-2014, 10:19 AM

Ah, he loved how the lady played along with his game. Yes, life was meant to be enjoyed. Life was not meant to be a punishment. . . a prison like most lived it. This was all a game and the earth was our playing board. Watching the moves one other decide to make and carefully choosing our next move according to theirs, all the while savoring every moment of it.

With a devilish, yet flirtatious grin he responded to her question.I have many tricks I could show you, Princess. He winked slyly following his sentence.

A masculine voice interrupted their conversation - a voice in which was laced with anger. Winter raised his feminine-appearing frame from the terrain, now facing the newcomer. The new male's stance mirrored his voice; he stood as if he were ready to attack. Winter held a regal posture, head held high and relaxed as if the newcomer's presence did not worry him in the least. Winter had no desire to fight, but he was not going to allow one to make a coward of him. We will be on our way then, stranger. Winter nudged Misha to encourage her to leave the wintry scene with him.

-exits S.S. Antiox-




5 Years
07-17-2014, 10:52 AM

Misha would giggle at the male's flirtatious words and smile, ebony lips also letting a smile out. She enjoyed this time with him alone, away from pack stresses, away from pack life that brought drama. This calm scenery reminded her of Misha's rogue days, the thought a pleasing one. Suddenly a voice boomed behind them, interrupting the pair's fun. Misha was not one to try and cause trouble, so when Winter would nudge her to get up, she would gladfully follow the casanova away from the white male painted in blood red. She knew that they could have their preferred solitude somewhere else, the casanova and the princess.

{OOC; ~Exit Misha~}