
Cheshire Country


04-30-2013, 12:25 PM

For once the female had peace from her own raging thoughts, for once she could think clearly anlbout somrleting other than Thane and his happy little life that had come at her expense, for once she just didn't care. She laid in the waves of tall browning grass, watching the clouds as they rolled by over her head. The firey female felt at peace, her raging spirit and boiling blood soothed by the sun's rays as they beat against her dark fur and patchy skin, She took slow even breaths and slowly let her aqua green eyes close, she had never felt so truly relaxed in her life, so completely at ease, so without worry or cares, so free from bored. Her eyes snapped open at the realization. There were no larger predators in Valhalla, no caracles, or eagles, or anything particularily dangerous, and even if there were she wouldn't have to deal with them directly, or at the very least not alone. Valhalla was paradise and paradise she found, was boring


05-02-2013, 08:37 AM

Paws struck the land gently as the brute made his way across the plains of this land. His green eyes scanned the area looking for some prey that he could dine on for just a bit. Tail swaying gently he walked across this land, the sun rays hit his pelt as he scanned the area around him. Soon his eyes landed upon this dame. Who was she, he did not know, but her appearance struck his interest. She was indeed a stunning creature, Unique in every way.

Fenris walked closer to the dame, a smile upon his face as he approached her."Hello there, i am Fenris, and what shall i call thy self" He spoke as he walked a bit closer to the female. She seemed to have a lot on her mind. like something was eating at her, clawing at the inside of her skull. Fenris looked at the dame just for a little longer, he noticed the rings that were on her tail, it complemented her greatly.



05-02-2013, 09:43 AM

A voice broke her thoughts, an unfamiliar wolf, and from his scent, a rouge. Her fur stood on end, he was intruding. She sprang to her feet and raised her tail "Fenris is it?" She growled. "My name is of no concern to you. All you need know is this land is owned by Lord Collision and you are trespassing." She hissed, eyes locked on his green oculars. She was vulnerable now more than ever, her birth season had come and she had begun her heat. No doubt it was what drew the male here, and if it wasn't it was more than likely a reason he'd stay. She dropped her head with a snarl, waiting for the opportunity to lunge for his throat. Her heat made her more aggressive, not that she needed it, she was aggressive enough on her own. She was almost half the wolf's size dusted with thin wispy fur and large rip-able ears, she had no defenses, she had many weak spots, her only hope would be to cry for help and hope someone would come if he overpowered her.



05-07-2013, 06:17 AM

HE stood there listening to the female, he knew that he was trespassing, but this dame seemed lonely and by her response she had been hurt by a male. HE stood a good distance from the dame and waited till she had finished talking. Fenris understood as to why she did not trust him, a rouge male came and he could tell that she was in season. Did that trigger his urge for her, yes, but will he ever do something as bare children with someone he dose not know, or is willing, no. Fenris looked at the dame and spoke in a calm voice,"I am not here to hurt you, nor an i here to try to get pups. I can tell that you don't trust me, and why would you i am a rouge male who you don't know."

Fenris looked at her he hoped that she would ease up a bit, so that they may talk. He could tell that she had been hurt and it would take a while for her to even trust the male that had randomly walked up on her. What will she do the brute had no idea, but if she did decide to drive him off he would go, he would not fight her, and he knew that fighting her would do no good.



05-07-2013, 04:07 PM

Her tail dropped slowly as he spoke, but her ears remained pulled back and her hair still stood on end. "What are you doing here?" she asked sternly, her eyes still cold from her recent heartbreak. She would be lying if she said she didn't find the male somewhat attractive, but he was still a rouge, and she knew she could do better than that. She paced from side to side pensively as she watched him, head low and ears flat against her neck. He claimed he was not a threat, but what reason did she have to believe him? Then again, why would he lie? He seemed nice enough, his expression even hinted that he was somehow aware of her plight. No. She shook her head internally. That was impossible. No one knew what she was going through.

Thane... his words still rang in her mind like a dull hymn. "And how do you know that I am happy? How can you judge or interpret such a thing?" Bastard. She had heard through the grape vine that his wife was due with pups. He had a family. Friends. A life. And what did she have? What had she been given? Nothing. How dare he act as if he had nothing to be happy for when she had nothing? She was so absorbed in her mental ranting that she had completely forgotten about the rouge male.



05-08-2013, 01:06 PM

The female seemed to relax just a bit when Fenris told her that he was not there to hurt her. She still kept a bit of a defense up, she did not trust him that much yet. Fenris listened to her speak, a simple question yes, and one that he shall answer."I wandered into this land just passing through. I really mean no one harm" He said in a calm gentle voice. Fenris's tail swayed gently as he stood there looking at this dame. She still had her eyes on him, and that was quite alright in his mind.

Next she spoke Saying, well asking as to how he knew she was happy, and what not. His head cocked a bit in confusion. He did not remember saying anything of the such. Fenris was a bout to reply when the dame seemed to be off in a different dimension. He walked a bit closer to her head a slight bit low show he was not going to hurt her. He looked at her his green eyes soft and kind. " I can tell that something is bothering you. Like you have been hurt by someone you cared for." He paused "Go a head snap at me or what ever you want, but i know for a fact that dwelling in the past will only make you sadder"



05-08-2013, 01:40 PM

He was just passing through, an easily excused reason to wander through Valhalla, but with Valhalla now in danger of invasion from Tortuga she couldn't risk letting him pass through without being followed. Still, he didn't smell of Tortuga, or any pack for that matter, as would be expected of a rouge, but it was a chance she just wasn't willing to take.

Her internal rant was broken by the male who seemed to be able to read her mind. How could a rouge have possibly known what she went through when almost no one in Valhalla knew? Her eyes narrowed as he spoke, suspicious of the stranger, until he said something that caught her off guard "i know for a fact that dwelling in the past will only make you sadder". She hadn't expected something so profoundly helpful, and yet there it was. She needed to let go of Thane and move on. Forget about him entirely and make her own path. It would hurt, but not as much as dwelling on losing him. "I suppose you are right." she said quietly.



05-09-2013, 10:48 AM

Fenris stood there and looked at the female. His green eyes just gazed at her, and he could not help but think as to who could have possibly have hurt her so much. The twitch of his ears indicated he picked up her speaking saying nothing but "I suppose you are right." Fenris was glad that she decided to give up on the past and look foreword to the future. His tail swayed gently as he just watched the female.

"If you don't mind mis, i have not learned as to what to call you by."He said in a kind calm voice. He did not want to make her upset, or give her any reason to hate him. He just wanted to get to know this creature who he found wallowing in the past events of her life. The wind begun to pick up slightly as Fenris waited for the dame to respond to his statement.



05-09-2013, 01:07 PM

"Micha Qureshi." She answered, eyes downcast and ashamed at her own weakness, she let the past keep her from her future, she let Thane continue to ruin her life, she allowed the bastard to become a hindrance in her life and that was unacceptable. But how could anyone blame her? Thane had been the first person to ever speak kindly to her, to ever tell her she was even slightly attractive. She was nothing but a flea bitten mangy mongrel and yet he saw something in her, something that no one else would ever see again. And that hurt. Realizing that she had lost the only person who had ever been kind to her or found her somehow beautiful was very painful. And yet it needed to happen. She needed to continue on and forget him, and forget ever being loved by anyone but herself. It was just easier that way. It was somehow less painful. Somehow being alone forever was better than being hurt again.



05-09-2013, 01:17 PM

Fenris smiled at the dame who had spoken her name.Micha Qureshi, what a lovely name. Beautiful as the one who holds such a name." He said with a smile upon his maw. He hoped that she took his complement as he did mean all by what he had spoken. Fenris looked at her and took a seat upon his haunches. His ears were up and alert ready to listen to what she had said. His tail swayed gently as he sat there waiting for something.

"Micha, if you don't mind me asking, but who hurt you so badly." Fenris looked at her, he knew that she might not want to talk about it. YOu don't have to tell me if you don't want to. If that is the case would you care for sharing a hunt with me mis.",/i> He said as he stood up. Fenris waited for her to say something, he hoped that they could become friends some day.



05-12-2013, 04:44 PM

She was caught off guard by the complement, her ears pulling back as a small snarl crossed her lips. Who did he think she was? Some faint of heart dam that would be so easily wooed a second time by someone just because they offered her sweet nothings? She huffed, her fur prickling again "Do not think me so easily taken rouge." She hissed. "It will take more than complements to win my favor". She was struck then, as he asked her who had hurt her. How could she tell a stranger such a thing? Tell him something so personal? "No one you know. I'm sure." She responded, quickly falling onto her rear and averting her gaze as she was once again haunted by memories of Thane. The fool asked if she would join him in a hunt. Was he stupid? Could he not see how small she was? How weak she must have been against the giants in the valley. "I am no hunter, rouge." She spat, bitter at having to admit her own weakness to a stranger who seemed blind to her obvious shortcomings.


05-12-2013, 06:00 PM

Fenris stood there and saw that her whole attitude had changed, she went back to aggressive. He stood there and listened to the female hiss at him. Fenris did not take this personal, he knew that he was out of place. Yes he kinda was hitting on her, but something about her intrigued his interest.Fenris waited till she finished her sentence before he spoke."I am sorry if i offended you ma'am. As for taking you as easily taken, i did not think such thoughts.Size and appearance can be something but all be deceiving to the eye." He spoke.

He paused for a bit before speaking once more."I don't doubt that it would take more than a compliment to win your favor, you may be small but surly not a pushover, and that is a trait to hold on to." Fenris stooped as she spoke again this time responding to his question as to who had hurt her, she did not give out any name, and he understood that. It was not his place to do such things as to know things about her personal matters. Then here came the response that made him see that she is not that confident in what strength that she already possesses.

Fenris looked at Micha he thought for a moment before starting to speak."No hunter, don't be so daft. Yes size and strength has plenty to do when it comes to taking down prey. But that is only part of the equation Micha, The other part is to learn a strategy, and how to enhance the strength that you already have. The key to taking down a prey that is much larger and stronger than you is to know where their vital points are." Fenris paused for a moment they spoke once more "Once you learn how to use your size and strength to your advantage, you will be surprised as to what can be accomplished."



05-12-2013, 11:05 PM

He complemented her again, this time a much lighter note than before, thank the stars. She supposed she could let it slide. She dropped onto her stomach and licked at her paws, trying to rid herself of the burning she felt in her toes. "If you were half as smart as you looked you would have known better than to make such frivolous comments." She muttered, attempting to keep the venom from her voice.

Deceiving as her size and appearance was the male didn't seem to understand that she physically lacked the skills a hunter needed. In her life she had hunted birds and reptiles and not much else aside from amphibians. She doubted she could take the horns of a stag any better than she could take the bite of a nonvenomous snake or the frightened wings of a bird. And yet the rouge insisted that she partake in a hunt with him. Strategy did little against rushing hooves or goring antlers, much less for a wolf so lacking in defenses. " I have no strategy, and my only strengths outside of my fangs are my speed." She said simply. "I have nothing to protect me from a counter attack nor anything to keep me out of harms way." She spoke softly, her voice cloaked with the bitter pill she had swallowed from once again having to admit her weakness to a stranger. "I am a warrior. Nothing more, nothing less. Hunting anything but wolves is not my forte." She stood and turned to leave. She'd had her fill for the day. Her fill of being weak and helpless. She had decided to move on from Thane. Wasn't that enough? Wasn't it enough to put the past behind her? Why did she need to focus on why she would always be weak?



05-16-2013, 10:16 AM

This dame had no confidence in herself.Fenris sat down and listened to the dame speak, he did not say anything until she finished speaking. He was intreaged with this female, and frankly he liked her. She was different and has an independent mind. She had finished talking and it now was Fenris's turn to speak."frivolous comments you say. Well If you see my comments as such then be it. I shall not make any more like that." He said as he stood up and looked over the dame. Micha surely had a way with words and what not, Fenris could see that she had no confidence in with herself.

He stood there and thought as how to reply to her next statement."you say that their is nothing to protect you from keeping out of harms way. That is preposterous, you mentioned speed right. So use that for not only attack but defense also. Like i said all you need to do is learn to use your strengths to your advantage." He spoke as he thought as to what could have happened to her to make her think so little of herself.

The last part she mentioned hunting is not her forte, but that dose not mean she is utterly bad at it.His ears swiveled as he listened to her talk, she was something else and he wanted to help her anyway he can. "Fighting is great to be strong in, but no one is utterly bad at hunting. Like i said it takes to know your own strengths and weaknesses just as the appoints. Think as it like a fight, both hunting and fighting are basically the same. He spoke
