
d-d-d-d-drop the bass



3 Years
07-14-2014, 03:16 PM

A dark form trotted along the plains, scraggly clumps of grass raking through her fur as she passed them. Shiny bits in the ground drew her from place to place, and she moved with the relative nonsensical direction of a ping pong ball. She pulled shrapnel and bones out of the dirt, studying them with undivided attention and fascination for a few moments before being promptly distracted by other flashy things littering the ground. She'd been exploring this place since sunup, and now the great big golden orb in the sky was at it's peak. The warmth flooded her body straight to her bones, and the delicious heat was welcome after living almost her entire life in the cold. Born in autumn and raised in winter, spring was an adventure in itself. Everything was green and growing, flowers bloomed and filled the air with a heady perfume. It was lovely, and the girl would probably never get enough of it.

Yanking a shiny, yucky tasting contraption out of the ground with her teeth was not as easy as she had thought it would be. It was buried in the dirt and packed in there. A fierce puppy growl trickled through her gritted teeth as she tugged on it, tri coloured tail sticking straight up into the air in defiance as she tried with all her might to pull whatever it was out of the ground. Finally, the thing pulled free with one last jerk. The patchwork girl tumbled backwards and landed on her rump, staring at the long metal thing on the ground. Covered in dirt, the rifle didn't look like much. An experimental sniff gave way to heavy earth musk and the tang of metal. The lass wasn't about to lick it, she still had the taste of the barrel on her tongue. One rust red paw struck it gently, and she kicked it a little ways away. Nothing happened.
With a huff, the girl gave up on her prize and wandered about looking for something else to dig up. There had to be something interesting here.




07-14-2014, 04:23 PM

Without even needing to seek divine intervention, Rentaro would rather laboredly watch the pup from a distance. He knew not to be his usual self around them for a number of reasons. A pup that age would not survive without parents, which meant they had connections somewhere. Putting himself in danger that was not worth the time. A small smile would grow on his face though, as he approached and lowered his head. Possibly suddenly at the chance of scaring the young black lass. ?Boo? he would say in his lips to see if it startled her. He wasn't here to harm her, so why not have a bit of fun. Pretend to be the nice guy and her friend for once.
?Shouldn't a little adventurer like you be sticking close to home with your parents?? he would ask raising an eyebrow to her. His opaque blue eyes would give no sense of emotion since they were so dark and plain. Though his white tail would flick with curiosity. Perhaps something fun would happen, well feigned fun. He didn't feel fun, everything he did was a simulation from his observation through his entire life. He did not have the ability to feel such things.

?I speak?



3 Years
07-18-2014, 01:31 AM

A voice from behind her called out a quiet boo, an attempt to scare her that did little more than make her look over her shoulder at the wolf. She would take in the large male, and slowly turn to face him. She offered a small smile, and a short wag of her tri toned plume. It wasn't long before he asked where her parents were, and that tipped her off more or less. The last one to ask after her parents had wanted to take her away from them. She narrowed her acidic pools in a slightly skeptical, suspicious gaze. Then her features returned to normal, a slightly mirthful expression worn upon her delicate face.

"Who says I'm far from home?" She retorted, raising a curious brow and holding a deep blue gaze with a pair of toxic orbs that glittered with amusement. Her own banner would flick, her body mirroring his to prove she wasn't as dumb as he probably thought she was. At two seasons old, she wasn't an uncouth child, or at least, she knew enough to wander as she did.

OOC: Oh gods this post is shit I'm sorry




5 Years
07-26-2014, 08:06 AM

Her test weighed heavy on her mind and while she understood the importance of sending a message she still questioned the wisdom of this task. Sewing retaliation was a dangerous game. One that could turn so easily and so the femme had taken to wandering the rogue lands, allowing fate to take her by the paw for once. Rumors of conflict had been drifting along the terras of Alacritis but had yet to fully blossom into the violent chaos of war. It left D?gmar on edge, her fangs craving blood, her body craving battle. To have her mind tuned so fine and no release offered was going to be the death of her.

Violence hung about the femme as she stalked like death itself across the plateau. Her mind clouded and twisting until a painfully familiar scent tickled her nostrils. What was this? where was this from? Curious and filled with reckless desire she followed the scent to come into the prescience of two wolves. Eyes skipped the male and went immediately to the young female. Her heart leapt into her throat, her stomach rolling violently. One of her daughters by the rogue Loki. D?gmar had never bothered to name them before handing them over to their father. Cool composure rippled through her as she locked the feelings down. There was something odd about seeing one of her children grown. This had never really happened before. She either slew them or abandoned them, rarely did they live to haunt her footsteps. But why? why was her mind thinking so casually "she's growing into a beautiful woman..."

Emerald eyes turned to linger on the male. A handsome one?. though a bit too? untouched for her liking. How gorgeous would he be if she snipped one of those eyes right out of his head? No? why was she thinking these thoughts? He looked to be a formidable opponent and open violence was always a risk, and at this point she questioned whether it was necessary. The wraith was patient and calculated. She would monitor the situation first. Nose wrinkled a bit as the scent of the man over came her. Optics narrowed slightly.

D?gmar's maw contorted in a smile, lips drawing over fangs. "My, aren't we a curious pair? Your scent boy? very unusual." She supposed he wasn't really a boy, he looked to be close to her age. "Have you seen any? war torn vagabonds about?"



07-26-2014, 05:43 PM

He wouldn't be surprised if the woman who showed up was the pups whore of a mother. After all, in his mind all women were the same, the weaker ones who wanted to be faithful were stupid, the minds of men were fickle and not to be trusted. Though mismatched paws would come to rest as he made a slight grin now things were getting interesting. As his white tail would make a small twitch as it glided back and forth like a cat stalking prey. Pale blue eyes looking back to the child who had snapped at him before. ?Normally whelps your age stay near their pack or parents until they are at least three seasons old. Pardon me if the customs here are different.? he said, stepping past her as he confronted the woman. Oh was she going to become protective of the child? And she acted as if she did not know the whelp at all.
?I can't say that I have, but I do hope if this child is not yours that you weren't planning on stealing her away.? Rentaro was new to these lands, he couldn't give one crap about any war games that the packs were going through. His behavior of worry for the child would be kept. He had no feelings even if he tried there just wasn't anything there. He glanced over at the pup, would she run away or simply be as a child was. Snappy and a brat. Though his body was far more interested in the woman, and if they would run into each other elsewhere.

?I speak?



3 Years
07-26-2014, 08:51 PM

The man replied with a sense of irritation, and she could see in his deep blue eyes that he didn't really like her. Whatever. She was close to home, but it wasn't this stranger's business anyway. The customs were definitely a bit different here, at least for her, since her dad didn't really care if she wandered now. She was only two seasons old now, well, two and a half, but she wasn't small! She could take care of herself! The dismissive way the male just stepped past her, like she wasn't even worth his time anymore. Fine. A snooty huff blew through her dark nostrils, and she flicked her tail irritably, raising her head and stepping further out of his way.

Then she noticed the dark femme approaching, a lovely woman with thick charcoal fur and markings of ivory and ebony that seemed haphazardly strewn over her body in some places. Her toxic green eyes almost mirrored the girl's own, which made her pause for a moment. This woman was strange, but something about her was eerily familiar, all the way down to her scent. The dark pelted lass turned all the way around now, giving this strange lady her full attention. Acidic pools would narrow, fixing completely on the features of the dame. She was dimly aware of the woman saying something, and those bored, lilting vocals triggered the gears in her mind. Something snapped into place.

A blurry den, thunder rolling overhead, louder than the howls of ghouls in her new ears. The air was hurting her nose, searing her lungs and throat, she wasn't used to it. Mewling was all she could manage, and hunger in her belly started to cramp her tiny form. An impatient voice rumbled behind her, and a thick nose shoved her across the strange new ground, to a circle of comforting warmth. Immediately she shut up, latching onto her mother's teat and instinctively kneading at the fur around her face, warm milk spilling into her waiting mouth. A loud, rhythmic thumping lulled her, a sound like war drums in the distance. She was safe, and soon she was joined by more squirming forms she somewhat recognized from the place where she'd just been expelled. The world couldn't that bad, not with the great furry behemoth and her siblings all around her to protect her, could it?

Reality was what she blinked herself back into, and her eyes remained locked on this woman's features. Was this her mother? She sounded right, smelled right, but maybe she wasn't? Then the woman's words actually worked themselves into her head, gears grinding back into motion within her brain. Dainty features lit up with curiosity, and her mismatched audits perked. "What're war torn vagabonds? Are they like the big furry brown mountains you see in the Buffalo Knolls?" She piped up, her sweet melodies quizzical and genuinely intrigued to know what the big lady was looking for. She stepped closer, making sure to give the rude male a wide berth, because she didn't want to catch his jerkiness.

Then of course the brown man went ahead and accuse the newcomer of wanting to steal the patchwork girl. As if she'd be dumb enough to fall for that, it wouldn't have been the first time. Once, a skinny looking pale wolf had tried to take her away to meet a princess. Then, a ghost (who she'd discovered wasn't actually a ghost at all) and a tiger had saved her from being stolen. So she knew now when someone was trying to convince her to leave her family and things like that, which meant there was no way she'd follow someone off to her death or something. She snorted derisively at the man, rolling her eyes. He clearly knew nothing about pups her age, when they got to wandering. If they lived past two seasons, usually they were pretty well off. She wasn't an idiot, despite what some of her siblings might say, she knew how to take care of herself. If you didn't count swallowing half of the ocean and promptly puking it back up after a fishing expedition gone wrong. But she wasn't going to admit that if she didn't have to.




5 Years
07-28-2014, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 09:45 AM by Dægmar.)

She chuckled a bit as her daughter spoke. "Nay child. They are wanders bearing scars and beaten limbs. Warriors worth fighting who wear their badges torn into flesh." The male seemed suspicious of her prescence. He observed her, taking her in and she stood quietly allowing him to look. The male crossed over to her his stance just tense enough to perk her interest. Well, well, was he acting protective of the brat? Had he made friends with her daughter or was this simply a matter of pride and greed? or even darker purposes?

D?gmar smiled sweetly as she answered in a purr. "My plans aren't really any of your business, little man." Truely she didn't really have any plans. Fate lead her where it would and she followed and this lady of fortune rarely let D?gmar down. Her daughter and an intriguing stranger. Now all they needed was a pinch of violence and this would be one of the better days she had. Although? there would be fight training soon. She wasn't sure if it would be to her advantage to show up a bloody mess. But then? who really was to say?

"Of course, I won't be letting her go with you if you're fool enough to desire such a thing. You see I know her father? a trickster. I find the idea of playing a trick on him rather? mmm delicious." Subtly she made her demand as the decision at last blossomed in her head. She knew taking a brat back to Elysium could be a pain in the ass but all the same it would be worth it just to see Loki squirm for a bit. If he did still care for the whelps. D?gmar's stance widened, hackles raised as she waited for a response. "Want to watch me make a pup disappear?"

I don't know if you guys wanted to continue this after the hacking and with me leaving. I seem to remember Ren offering to go with them so we could say they all left for Elysium however I believe Aly is planning to leave and Elysium dissolve.