
bearing the olive branch


05-09-2013, 10:18 AM
((Mav first please then anyone welcome. I know this thread came at the wrong time but yeah >.> and sorry for the shortness, can only post on my phone right now D:))

He moved slowly, sometimes leading, sometimes following depending on Mavericks pace that seemed to fluctuate while Cynrik's paws churned out a steady rhythm. It was getting chillier the further north they traveled, the wind holding more of a bite then he had grown used to in Seracia's boarders. But none the less it was comforting, reminiscent of home somehow. And though her would never admit it to his companion he was glad to be leaving the range for a while. He hadn't been sleeping well with those structures around. He had been slipping around the boarders, pretending to patrol when he really just wanted to keep as much space as possible between him and those wooden dens. So when Gerhardt had approached him, asking if he wanted to go with Mav to Glaciem for a while to live with the wolves and learn of their ways he had happily accepted. Yes the fact he was able to escape his new home was a relief, he hoped he would be able to catch up on some sleep, but he was also glad to be doing what he had originally been groomed to do. As well Mav wasn't terrible company, Cynrik choosing to remain mostly silent for their trek aside from the occasional question. The young male was stunning with that red coat and it was a wonder Cynrik hadn't hit on him yet... So rather then getting snapped at for vein inappropriate mouth had stayed firmly shut and eyes and remained mostly on the ground.

"Do you know much about this pack? Or this Gargoyle we're supposed to meet?" Cynrik finally asked, the scent of the pack drawing nearer as they carried on at their normal pace. Cynrik's head was up now, ears flipped forward and expression as serious as could be. Time to go into business mode. He had gotten a VERY brief rundown from Gerhardt but he still felt like he should know more. But then again the whole point of his agreement was for them to know more of this pack. Cynrik's pace would slow a bit more, falling behind Mav so the younger male could take the lead in this if he liked. Cynrik knew the whole, don't speak unless spoken too blah blah crap. He would be good and unless Mav asked him to step up then Cynrik planned to slid along in the rear.



05-09-2013, 10:56 AM

Go to Glaciem, they said. It will be fun, they said.

Summer might have dried up the wet, older Seracian land, but it had certainly spared this landscape. Snow already littered the ground in places, a substance that the boy was altogether unfamiliar with. It clung to his paws and froze between his toes, but he tried to ignore it - gritting his teeth when it pained him. The duo moved robotically, shifting forward and back as they felt necessary. Maverick had been sent on this mission, as had Cynrik, and so his mind wandered but his jaws did not. Silence overwhelmed most of their travels, but Maverick didn't mind. The young prince had a lot on his mind lately, and wasn't keen on sharing it with Cynrik, so silence was the best option.

A voice brought him back to reality, and his pace would seek to match Cynrik's own so that he could better speak to his companion. "I'm afraid I don't know much about either. Father didn't have many details to share. He did assure me that they are friendly and honest, so I don't think we need to worry too much." He said the last bit to reassure himself more than Cynrik. They were nearing the pack, close enough to scent the borders. Maverick slowed up just a tad, noting that the man had pulled back respectfully. The Prince finally came to a halt, allowing his russet muzzle to draw skyward and release a beckoning howl. When he was through he turned back to Cynrik, a charming smile upon his face. "Here goes nothing," came the joking lyrics, hinting at the Maverick that lay just under the surface of his poised and statuesque Princely demeanor.


Gargoyle I


05-09-2013, 02:12 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


Gargoyle came charging through a nearby snow back almost before the words had died on the young wolf's lips. The king pulled up fast, planting his paws with perfect balance, sliding only a few inches despite his great momentum. The monstrous male had been on his way to patrol the southern reaches. He'd caught the scent of strangers from a distance, and, not recognizing the Seracian smell at first, came barreling down ready for a fight.

His lip had been curled back and his eyes had glowed as they only did when he was on the verge of bloodshed. But now that light quickly dimmed. They'd howled had they not? A second more and the scent came to him - it was the same that Crusade had been covered in when she'd returned bearing good news from the Seracian borders. These were not enemies... These were not the sort that had killed Asheni.

"Apologies." The low, rough rumble came after his short interval of observation. He might've been raised a warrior all his life, but he was objective enough to realize that some sort of 'sorry' was neccisary after blasting in on someone looking like you wanted to tear them to shreds. "Security has been tightened recently, and we did not know precisely when we would be expecting the party from Seracia." Gargoyle's mind was active as he spoke, looking over these wolves, recalling to mind all that Crusade had spoken off. They had had most detailed conversations on the topics of the two packs and an alliance... back that they had still been entirely of one mind. Before Keki... and before Asheni... But it was not Gargoyle's way to show emotion or thought of any sort whether in eyes or posture or tone of words. And even if he had been so inclined, his soldier's instincts never would've allowed such a display of weakness before strangers.

The male's posture relaxed some. He only ever stood balanced and ready to strike, but his ears perked up in a more peaceful tone and the fur on the back of his neck relaxed. His yellow, lizard-like gaze turned on the younger wolf. The boy was striking in marking, color, and eyes. Not to mention bearing. Even had Gargoyle not recognized his appearance from Crusade's description of the Crown Prince, the Chief would've guessed him to be of postion and lineage. "Prince Maverick, I presume," The Northern Chief rumbled. Even as he dipped is head in a greeting nod, his eye level remained high above either of theirs. If Maverick's manner betrayed him for a Prince, Gargoyle's betrayed him for a King. Perhaps even something more terrible, for had he not once been hailed as a god?

"We're most honored by the presence of yourself and your companion." He paused, giving the other male a chance to introduce himself if he so wished. "I am Gargoyle." he said after a moment, "And I welcome you to Glaciem. Within these borders you are our guests; Explore, hunt, or relax at your own leisure." No word was spoken rules or manners. These were not children on holiday, these were dignitaries on a peaceful mission. They knew what was at stake. And yet despite their grave responsibilities, Gargoyle wished them a pleasant stay. He would've desired it to have come at a more pleasant time, but for all he knew, their coming would be the turn around for his sorrowed subjects.

"I only burden I will ask of you, is a the pleasure of your conversation, for there is much still that I would wish to know of Seracia, and there is much I wish to tell you of Glaciem."



05-09-2013, 02:43 PM

Insomnia recognized that howl. Her life had been a plague of never ending tragedy, or at least, at times, it seemed that way. The loss of her memory, the restoration of family and then feeling that torn away from her. She had a great deal of sorrow but she was learning to let it go, she was slowly getting better, she was slowly evening out her misfortunes, and in a rush of unrestrained giddiness, and despite the fact that the call came from the opposite side of the territory, Insomnia did not think twice as her thin bodice twined, turned, and rocketed towards the sound.

The two toned dame was a great many things, a once mother, a once mate, a dame trained in the most brutal of regiments, she wasn't perfect, she wasn't excessively large, she had been beaten, she had been bested and she had been bruised... she had helped taking down a polar bear, scaling the things back, she was still getting praise for that, but if there was one thing that without a doubt, utterly defined the dame, it was her absolute speed. She could haul some serious ass once she got going, and fly across the snow, she did. a blur of black that wasted no time as it zipped along the blanket of white. Pads pounding into the earth, a bright smile adorning her maw. She had been a part of Glaciem long enough now to know the terrain.

The scent of Gargoyle, Maverick, and a wolf she did not recognize entered her nasal passages and the dame smile only grew, onyx pools gleaming with excitement. Shooting over the small dip in the mountain, the dame would rocket towards the group, skidding to a halt, mere inches from the party. Her tail, a blur of color behind her and without a word, she rose up onto her hind legs, coiled them around Maverick's neck in a make-shift hug and gave him an affectionate kiss from the tip his snout, between his eyes and ending between his ears as she pulled him down into the snow with her. "Maverick!" Her tones were filled with laughter and adoration for the young male within her grasp.

(((OOC: Andyyyyy I know it's a bit God-mody but I simply couldn't resist! If you want me to change it I shall!)))



05-09-2013, 03:52 PM
Cynrik remained quiet, nodding along slowly as Maverik spoke of the little he knew about the pack they were going to live with for a while. But as Cynrik pulled back Maverik took his role with a cool confidence, head up and holding all the authority his rank should. Funny how Mav reminded Cyn so much of his eldest brother... God he missed his family... But Mav's charming smile brought a similar one to the golden males face, the corners of his lips pulling up easily in response. Now it was just a waiting game, wait and see who exactly showed up to greet them. And though Cynrik didn't have any specific image in mind of what the greeting party would look like he definatly hadn't imagined the massive black, slate and tan male that had come thundering at them. He didn't have time to think, the male was no fighter but his older sister had taught him a few thing and kept forward beside Mavrik, hackles raised and lips curled back and ready to meet the charge if needed. But no, the charging male pulled up and slowly expression of bloodlust faded... 'What. The. Fuck.' Was all that went through the golden boys mind as he threw a cautious glance at Maverik, looking for some sort of guidance as to what he should be doing about this. We're they no longer welcome?

An apology from the male came before instruction from Maverik and immediately golden crown dipped apologetically, nose almost brushing the ground with his head tipped so his throat aas exposed as he stepped back to once more allow his companion to speak. He was no fighter, Cynrik had only ever learned to defend himself thanks to his sister but he wouldnt let harm come to Maverik if he had any say in it. For now he would remain silent, ears tipped forward to listen to the male's words about the security. Why was it tightened? No hint of the question appeared in the golden males eyes, a simple understanding nod was given from Cynrik. Introductions followed, apparently Maverik was known no doubt because he was the heir, though maybe they had met? Cynrik did not know but as the male mentioned 'his companion' an easy smile settled into place on the golden boys face. "Cynrik. It's an honor to be here." he said easily, already bursting with questions but trying to stay as quiet as possible so Maverik could take the spotlight. Gargoyle. Was he the alpha here? Cynrik planned to find out soon enough. Hunting, relaxing, exploring... It all sounded fun except for the fact that Chnrik didn't plan to do a whole lot of it. His mind was already working up questions to ask the pack members about any customs, traditions, rules and regulations this pack might have. We're they religious? Warriors? Vegans? Lots of possibilities... Humble dip of the head was given in gratitude for those words, once again remaining silent.

This man would spend time with them and tell them about his pack? Of course Maverik would and Gargoyle would do most of ther conversing, Cynrik had been in the pack quite some time but until recently hasn't been overly involved. But to share a space with them while the spoke was all Cynrik needed. All he wanted. He was here to learn, an open book for them to pour their knowledge into. But his excitement remained contained, this meeting not exactly a place for jumping around and grateful kisses. Or was it? It seemed that almost as soon as that thought had come a slender two tone woman launched herself at Maverik, squealing his name as forelegs wrapped around his neck. Did he know her? Well... She knew his name... 'Should I get her off him?' He wondered, expressions conveying his confusion as if trying to silently as Maverik that question. What did he do? It wasn't an attack but after their initial greeting, even though it had settled fairly quickly, Cynrik was a bit on edge.



05-09-2013, 05:56 PM

It didn't take long for a gargantuan figure to come barreling toward them. Just what kind of hell hole had his father sent them into? The Prince bristled, shifting his center of gravity lower to the earth and simultaneously plastering his lips back to reveal ivory fangs. A low, menacing growl would begin to churn in his gut, but never had a chance to release. The man quickly apologized and the boy settled himself, surprised that he'd reacted so quickly and efficiently. Perhaps he would be a decent fighter one day. He found himself rising to his usual, comfortable height, russet coat smoothing as his muscles relaxed. The man gave a short explanation, and Maverick simply gulped and nodded - finding words were difficult to form after what had just occurred. He would murmur a simple "yes," when his identity was questioned.

He needed to act like the Prince he was supposed to be. He was the leader of this party, at least by rank, and he needed to act like it. A dip of his head was given as the man spoke of how honored Glaciem was with their presence. Slowly, Maverick felt his heart rate returning to a normal - healthy pace. He would be fine, they both would. "It's a pleasure, Gargoyle. I hope you'll forgive my staring, you're quite a sight," He hoped his comment would not be taken the wrong way, for he had meant it with the upmost respect for the Glaciem Chief. Gargoyle was just that, a sight. "A conversation would be wonderful, but please don't let me keep you from anything you need to do. I fully understand the burdens of a leader." Though he would be pleased to sit and talk with Gargoyle for most of their stay, he knew that was not practical nor logical. Still, he would love to take a bit of his time. Eyes flickered to Cynrik before the boy was positively waylaid by a multicolored woman. Insomnia. Lips would spread wide in a smile as the girl wrapped herself around him, proceeding to place a kiss upon his face.

Maverick had never in his life been embraced in such a way, but he wasn't complaining. He felt her weight pulling him down, and before he knew it he was sprawled in a heap in the snow. A chill shook his frame momentarily as he adjusted to the cold, a jubilant laugh cascading from parted jaws. "Insomnia!" With a smirk he pried himself from her grasp, lifting to his full height on all fours once more, casing a rather apologetic look at Gargoyle. Maverick knew not how he would react to such a scene. "This is Cynrik," he would utter to Insomnia, a hint of excitement still in his voice.


Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 07:23 AM

[Image: gargie_windswept1_by_kidrylm_writer-d64r02p.png]


The reactions of the Seracians were good enough. At any rate, Gargoyle had not sparked up a brawl with his entrance. The cream colored fellow who'd been quick to jump in front of the Prince named himself as Cynrik. He couldn't have been any older than four or five, and yet he had something like the manner of an elder to him. Whatever it was, it was probably why he had been chosen for the boy's companion.

And as for Maverick himself. Gargoyle could not help but be amused by his reaction to the Chief's size. Yes he was a monster of a lupine. Even taller than some mountain cats he'd tangled with. But a pack was not lead by brawn alone, and Gargoyle intended to prove this throughout the Seracians' stay. To Maverick's wish not to detain the Chief from burdens, Gargoyle immediately replied, "There are few duties as important as keeping up communication and good intentions between packs." He'd been in enough wars and raids to understand that.

Gargoyle might've said more but it was then that the scent and sounds of one of his packmates came to his conscious attention. He recognized it as Insomnia - she had also been out on patrol for some time, but what surprised him was that the sound of pawsteps didn't slow as she came nearer. Was she making the same mistake he had? Surely she could see and smell that her Chief was here taking care of it. Gargoyle took a step back, his ears perking forward in surprise and alarm as Insomnia sprang in and tackled the Seracian Prince to the ground. "Insomnia-!" The Chief could hardly believe his eyes... but apparently they knew eachother very well. Insomnia had never mentioned this.

"Well I suppose that's one way to break the ice." Gargoyle's drawl was dry and toneless, but he was secretly amused. Seemed he'd been right about these Seracian's bringing about a welcome change in moods.

"Insomnia, you'll have to allow the young prince to breathe if he's to complete the mission he's here for." Now that introductions had been made, Gargoyle turned towards the heart of Glaciem and gestured with a foreleg. "Please enter my home. I'll take you first to the pack cave so that your presence can be announced, but along the way, we may talk." So long as Insomnia would allow it, anyway. "I propose a trading of inquries: You ask me a question - whether regarding Glaciem or myself, and then I answer and move on to ask you a question." If the younger male had no objections, Gargoyle would begin. "For example-" and here suddenly a measure of the strict formality faded from the male's stance and something like a humor tipped his words, "-have you ever gotten to see a polar bear?"



05-10-2013, 09:51 PM

Insomnia's laughter filled the air as she and he young Prince of Seracia tumbled and smashed into the snow. Her fur was soaked by the freezing element but at the moment she couldn't care. No one had told her that Maverick was coming and she could not be held accountable for her excitement, she had known the young male since he barely rose to her chest! They couldn't blame her for being a touch excited! She pulled her legs beneath her and cheerfully rose back to her feet, shaking out her two toned coat animatedly. She did, however, possess the decency to blush and for a moment she was flustered, legs prancing instinctively out of nervous habit. "Oh! I'm sorry Maverick! Gargoyle! I've known him since he was considerably smaller! My excitement got the better of me!"

She would start with a soft apology before she caught her bottom lip between her teeth nuzzling the Prince affectionately one last time whispering a soft 'I have missed you' into his ears before turning her attention to the second Seracian that stood at the borders, respectfully she would dip her head in greeting. "Oh do forgive my enthusiasm Cynrik, I'm old, what can I say! It is an honor to meet you." With a soft chuckle the dame would return to Gargoyle's side, excitement glittering in the depths of her eyes, tail battering back and forth as she allowed the three others to speak.

Gargoyles game was quite intelligent and even if she was not asked such things directly, she was eager to observe, if Gargoyle would allow her, she would leave if he wished her too. A dark blush adorned her cheeks at his choice of question and rather shyly she glanced away. She had climbed a damned polar bear, a feat that Crusade still praised her for. She hoped the Chief would not bring up such a feat, she had only done what had been necessary to save Glaciem at the time. Damn Crusade and her inability to withhold a good war story.



05-13-2013, 05:15 PM

Maverik reacted quickly as well, impressive for the young male and Cynrik made a note to compliment him on it later. Not that they probably would have stood a chance against this beast of a male. Though he was smaller then he remembered his sister being, and far easier on the eyes, he remembered his butt getting handed to him as a kid and didn't doubt this male would have done the same. The most Cynrik could have probably done was hold him off long enough for Maverik to flee but thankfully it didn't come down to that. Instead it ended up with Maverik openly staring at the male who had introduced himself as Gargoyle, obviously impressed by his size. Conversation carried on for bit after that, talk of sitting down and chatting, not wanting to take Gargoyle away from his duties and such. For such a young male Cynrik had to commend Maverik on his mannerisms and speech. He would be a good leader one day.

Of course all those thoughts were thrown out the window as Maverik was literally tackled to the ground by a flying woman. Eyes widened in shock and a bit of horror at it all but soon enough introductions followed. Her name was Insomnia and Maverik soon introduced her to him and Cynrik bowed his head gracefully once more. "No apologizes are needed Insomnia, and please the honor is all mine. It's always a pleasure to meet friends of the prince" he said easily as Maverik picked himself up and apologized quickly to Gargoyle. He gave Insomnia a smile and a quick wink before composure was regained. He liked her already, she knew how to have fun obviously. Cynrik's gaze turned to the massive Cheif and for a moment allowed the smallest of smirks play on his lips before it disappeared once more at the male's comment. They would deal with this, everything was well and they were to follow the Cheif to the caves to be introduced to the rest of the pack.

A trading of knowledge? Cynrik's head cocked curiously, crown rotating almost to its max. Well he had a lot of questions but he could plague other members with them, Maverik and Gargoyle could speak for now. Though Gargoyle's first question was an odd one. Polar bears? He hadn't seen one himself since he was young and had followed his mother to her homelands by accident. If she hadn't discovered him he surly would have died but she had never been able to sneak away from him. He didn't respond though, instead following behind, allowing Maverik to walk with Gargoyle with Cynrik drifting along with his head at Maverik's outside hip. It was more so he knew where he was going then for a rank or respectful purposes. Eyes didn't stay in front of him for long, instead roaming the icy lands that these wolves had made their home.



05-14-2013, 11:53 AM

All thoughts of betrothals, valhalla - and yes, even Epiphron - were slowly fading from his mind. Standing here as a diplomat of the Kingdom before a strange and overwhelmingly massive chief of another land was more than enough to dissolve such trivial matters. The excitement of Insomnia being so near was still lingering in his eyes and face, but he tried his best to retain whatever might be left of his composure. It certainly hadn't been the greeting he'd expected - as he'd very seriously forgotten she even lived here - but he wouldn't change it now even if he could. It had done wonders to quell his nerves, and as Gargoyle so eloquently put - break the ice. "...and a few ribs!" Maverick would tag on to Gargoyle's phrase with an exuberant amount of humor.

Comments were tossed back and forth between Cynrik and Insomnia, but the Prince found himself tuning out ever so slightly. His focus was primarily upon the mountain of a man Gargoyle and whatever he had planned for the Seracian company. The mountain spoke of his intentions, the first being for the party to enter and be escorted to the Glaciem caves. From there they would be announced as guests. Along the way there would be chatting and swapping of questions. It all sounded reasonable enough. A question was given by the mountain and Maverick's ear flickered with interest, brow furrowing. "A polar bear? I can't say I have seen one. Do you have them here?" Did that count as his question? The boy wasn't sure, but it was already out so he'd have to go with it. With a quick glance to Cynrik, Maverick stepped across the borderline and sidled up beside the mountain. He tilted his head toward Insomnia, curious to see if she would remain with them or be dismissed. He hoped she would stay - even for a short while. Somehow her presence did wonders to bring out the side of him that he believed to be the best.

OOC, yes, Maverick is referring to Gargoyle as 'the mountain' :p


Gargoyle I


05-15-2013, 05:39 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


Insomnia was kind enough to keep her love from smothering the young Prince, and the party, now throughly at ease, was ready to move. Gargoyle strode with steady, lengthy step, but rather than ahead, his gaze was down and to his side where now walked Maverick. When the youth spoke, the Northern Chief grunted in recognition of the boy's loss in not yet seeing the majesty of such a creature. Of course he had not - Gargoyle had spent the first seasons of his life in northern snowy lands, always searching for a glimspe of such a creature and yet he had never seen one. ...It had been while on one of his searches for one that... that the ambush had occured.

It seemed his memory was forever tainted. He could not look back now. Only forward.

"I've little doubt we'll see them eventually, but so far only Grizzleys and Snow Leopards have been sighted. Glaciem pack members have dealt with the white beasts in the past though," The Chief's voice and head lowered, quite obviously implying some sort of secret, "-before you go, you must make certain to ask Miss Insomnia about her experiences with such." His manner was not what most would call 'humorous', but for him, it most certainly was. He was a wolf who had fought and killed and warred 'light-hearted' was not a word to describe his character.... and yet, ever since the birth of his pups a change had come over him. His connection with the wolves around him was stronger. - A fact which made Asheni's death all the more painful, and yet at the same time, gave him a better chance at recovering from such pain.

This rare show of softness - was one that was kept only for his mate and for pups, but it seemed that Maverick was just young enough to inspire some sort of unconscious comeradery in the breast of the beast. Or 'the mountain' as he had, unknowingly, been dubbed.

"For now, though," he continued, "It is your turn to question me. Make it as deep or light a question as you please, for though we are all strong wolves at a good pace, my lands are vast-" he looked ahead, his yellow gaze falling over ivory hills - dusted with ever green and rimmed with grey mountains beyond. "-and we have a good way to travel before we reach the cave."



05-18-2013, 03:04 AM

Insomnia waited until the party had risen, introductions were over, common courtesy's extended and quite quickly the two of higher rank would fall into step. Insomnia fell back allinging herself with Gargoyle's back left flank, clearly offering him the lead position and creating enough between them for such to be polite. Insomnia would fall to silence, head swinging absently back and forth at a considerably slower pace than she usually like to display. Despite her boundless energy she could show decorum and grace when she needed too. Silence, or so it seemed, was meant to fall upon the two wolves here, more or less, for decorative purposes.

Of course Maverick, the brat, hadn't told her he was coming, hadn't given her the time to even attempt to get over her excitement, he had what was coming to him and somehow she doubted he minded too much. If her short, brief, interaction with Insomnia was any indication... she wasn't the most affectionate of women. Maverick's past wasn't pretty but that of course, only made Insomnia want to smoother the poor boy in affection. Restraint Insomnia. Restraint. She swore the phrase was slowly, but surely, becoming her internal mantra.

Her ears twitched at her name and she had the decency to blush as a sly look flickered through obsidian orbs. Oh yes... the story every future king wants to hear... "Have I told you I've scaled a polar bear... No?... Oh well I may have lost enough blood to damn near die but I created an opening for Crusade to take it down. She almost snorted at the thought but kept her mouth shut, this wasn't a conversation for her. She would tell Maverick later if he truly wished to know.



05-29-2013, 03:06 PM
(cause I totally didn't forget this thread at all.....)

Maverick tried to imagine what a polar bear must look like. He assumed it would be the color of these wintery lands, which meant either white or perhaps shades of grey mixed with white. He envisioned them with long, great claws and equally massive fangs. He imagined them standing several feet tall and hulking over the wolves that called this place their home. Granted.. they might not look that large compared to the mountain of a wolf leading him further into Glaciem. Gargoyle would go on to say that Insomnia had experiences with these bears. "I'll be sure to ask," came the both serious and interested lyrics. Insomnia certainly had some tales to tell.

It was his turn to ask the questions. Maverick found himself drawing a blank, but he knew that his job here was to find out as much as he could about life in Glaciem. "What inspired the founding of Glaciem?" It was a loaded question, but would lead to some good information that Maverick could bring back to Seracia. He felt better about being here already. The boy continued to pace moderately beside the mountain, curious as to what his answer might be.
