



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-17-2014, 06:50 PM

His children had just been born not too long ago, the male choosing to live around the vessel that housed his progeny. Amber gaze stared out across the ground, the male standing atop the bow of the ship as he wondered how they would come out once grown. Tail swayed behind him, thoughts of those who had trespassed heavy on his mind. He disliked others coming anywhere near where his blood was housed, and would do what he could to stop them and teach them a lesson. A growl bubbled in his throat at the thoughts of the pair who had already trespassed, he had warned them once. And yet, their scent lingered in the air recently. He knew, for he lived here. He was not stupid, nor was he ignorant. The wind carried many scents, but these mingled with the ones he had scented before and he did not forget faces nor scents easily.

Spring had come, and it had not done anything to melt the snow around their chosen Vessel. Arietta was sleeping soundly within, their whelps suckling from her warmth as they grew into powerful beings. He would raise his empire, and they would be just the beginning. He needed to attain more followers, and would do anything in his power to get them be it willingly...or not.



07-17-2014, 07:12 PM

Ah, dawn. Beautiful. The sun ignited all the world with its radiance as it was born again. Pink and orange hues danced around the sun as if they were praising her arrival. Blues caressed the warm colors with its cool hue making the scene seem all the more ethereal. The snow mirrored the colors of the heavens and the last stars began to die as day took over the world.

A familiar perfume carried in the air. One in which he was tracking. He was no coward and was out for vengeance of some sort. If Misha were not present at their last encounter, it would have been settled then. Ah, he had to have some closure. He would not be laughed at for leaving. No. Not him. He must outshine the dawning sun.

The blood tainted wolf came into view. The fella seemed to have his fair share of issues. Maybe he was bipolar or something. No sensible canine would be angry all the time. He even seemed to be angry all by himself. Maybe he had multiple personalities and he was arguing with the other.

We meet again, friend.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-17-2014, 07:19 PM

He would see upon the horizon, the bastard that had trespassed with his little toy. Amber gaze stared down at the stranger as he approached the ship on which he stood. So he came back eh? He supposed the dog didn't get the message the first time. And although Sin was apparently pissed, he was not above playing dirty. Swiftly, he would turn and make his way down towards the ground, paws kissing the snow as he stalked towards the stranger who called him a friend so casually. He was sure it was meant to be mocking, and Sin would glare with his ever famous venomous gaze. "Didn't get the message the first time, coward? Now that your little girlfriend isn't here, suddenly grew balls instead of running away? This place is off limits. I needn't tell you why." He would growl, hackles rising along his body as he stared down the stranger.

He would not hesitate to rip this beast to shreds. He simply wanted to get his point across, win or lose. Though he would not go down easily should it come to a fight. Sharpened claws scraped into the snow like a cats, tail high upon his back in dominance. He would show this hippie that he was not to be messed with. "I suggest you leave now. After all, you wouldn't want something to happen to your little girlfriend now, would you?"


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


07-17-2014, 09:04 PM

Eyes in which mirrored emerald and onyx gems followed the creature as he made his way before him. The dainty wolf kept his posture as regal - as it was when they first crossed paths. No sense of fear ignited his body. A fight? Yes. that was likely. Him losing? That was a great possibility. He was slender, dainty, and would probably snap under pressure. Though, he would not back down from this male.

Seems you think to highly of yourself, friend, and you seem to have some anger issues. Life is never that serious. Lighten up, sheesh. But if you are looking for a fight. Maybe I can help take you down a notch or two.

He was not worried for Misha's safety. His words were more than likely empty threats. Typical of those with mental diseases - as he assumed this one had. If it came to a fight, he would be ready. Besides, he needed the practice anyway. He would savor every second of attacking the brute who destroyed his moment with his friend. Though, if it ended peacefully - that would be acceptable. He just refused to leave without standing up for himself.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-19-2014, 08:54 PM

Lip would curl in disgust, the devil stepping forward as his hackles rose. Teeth bared, amber glare stone cold as he exuded dominance. This stranger was starting to tick him off, and he had the nerve to come back after he had been warned. He did not believe him it seemed, about his threats towards his girlfriend. Sin was a high ranked member in his pack, his sister the alpha of this fools girlfriends pack...something most certainly would be done. This hippie claimed to know him, his issues. He had no idea who he was messing with. "You, rogue are dealing with someone you do not want to mess with. As an Overseer or Glaciem, I will show you your folly. You've crossed paths with the wrong wolf today." He hissed. Indeed, he would pummel this wolf and tear him apart.

Almost within seconds, hackles would raise, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, abdomen tensed, lips pulled back to bare his fangs, face contorting into that of a fearsome beast. Head tilted down to protect his jugulars, chin tilted downwards, toes splaying and dagger like claws digging into the ground to aid him in traction. His tail aligned with his spine then, his legs bending slightly as he then pushed himself forward. Sin would attempt a charge at the male, attempting to come at him abruptly and head on. His left shoulder jutted forth, the blood stained brute wanting to try and slam his shoulder into the center of Winter's chest at the base of his throat. An attempt to drive the wind out of his body and knock him backwards. Simultaneously, jaws would snap open and like heat seeking missiles, he'd attempt to drive them towards the left side of Winter's face. Sin wanted to strive to attain a hold upon the male's visage, preferably his cheek or jaws. Should he succeed, he wanted to clamp down and draw as much blood as possible, to deal as much damage as he could. While he did this, his weight would drive forward in an attempt to upset the white male's balance. Meanwhile, Sin's legs spread evenly as he maintained his weight as best as he could. He played no games, and he would show this "friend" exactly that.

Sin VS Winter

-For Force Claim-

Round: 1/3?

Defense: hackles would raise, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, abdomen tensed, lips pulled back to bare his fangs, face contorting into that of a fearsome beast. Head tilted down to protect his jugulars, chin tilted downwards, toes splaying and dagger like claws digging into the ground to aid him in traction. His tail aligned with his spine then, his legs bending slightly as he then pushed himself forward. legs spread evenly as he maintained his weight as best as he could.

Attacks: last paragraph.

Injuries: N/A First round

OOC: Sin is challenging as the way his character is. Let me know if you want more then 3 rounds or if 3 is fine.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


07-19-2014, 10:00 PM

Winter focused on every move the brute made before him. Worrying not about his words. His safety was of more importance than the words that fell from the wolf's mouth. Winter cleared all intruding thoughts from his mind, focusing only on this battle before him.

Winter was agile and swift. He would use this to his advantage. Focusing only on keeping himself from injury and conserving his energy to only strike out when he felt was most likely to land a blow. Winter also tilted his head to protect his throat in which was the most vulnerable spot on any wolf. A spot in which should be protected most; for a blow there could lead to death. Winter distributed his weight evenly, and directed his docked tail parallel to the ground, so that his balance was of excellence When the wolf charged in his direction, he tensed his muscles, closed his jaw, and met the brute head-on. The action would weaken the force of the blow because the distance between the two were shortened. All the while Winter growled like a maniac at his opponent for it increases the flow of adrenaline giving him even more power with his blows. Winter simply wished to make the brute's charge as bearable as possible all the while trying to inflict injury. Ending with a quick loss of breath and a slight jar to the chest in which would eventually leave some bruising and hoping to return the same injuries to his opponent - bruising and breath loss.

The next attack would land upon Winter's face leaving a gash on the left side of his face. A gash in which was approximately three inches in length and exposed some adipose tissue beneath. Winter snapped viciously at his opponent's maw and nose - aiming for softer areas. If the blow were to land, he hoped it would cause enough damage to hinder attacks from that side of his jaw. For it would, hopefully, help him predict the next movements of the wolf. All the while he made his attack, he was sure to pay attention to his balance and keep his weight even. He was careful to keep his body in motion at all time for it would make him an even more difficult target. For the more one moves, the more difficult it is to land an attack.

Sin vs Winter


Round 1/3


>Tilting head to protect his throat.

>Meeting Sin head-on, tensing muscles, closing jaw, in order to absorb impact.

>Distributing weight evenly to center the point of gravity while using his docked tail for extra balance.

>Keeping his body in motion to be a harder target all the while paying attention to his weight distribution.


>Meeting Sin head-on in hopes to cause bruising and breath loss.

>Growling like a maniac to increase adrenaline for more powerful landing blows.

>Attack at Sin's maw and nose in hopes it would land injuries that may hinder Sin from attacking with that side so, hopefully, his next attacks would be more predictable.


>Bruising of chest

>Quick loss of breath

>A gash in which was approximately three inches in length and exposed some adipose tissue beneath.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-19-2014, 11:19 PM

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He would collide with the brute, his left shoulder clashing against the brutes chest and causing his opponent to lose breath, it seemed. He knew it would cause bruising, and in turn Sin would receive mild bruising upon his left shoulder and he would feel the dullness of it spread, though the adrenaline pumping through him blocking out any and all pain. His teeth would succeed in finding purchase upon his adversaries face, (though not entirely sure where exactly), he would feel the ripping of flesh and the taste of blood upon his tongue. He hissed between his teeth, vicious snarling erupting from his maw as he released his grip.

The beasts defenses would remain intact; Amber gaze remained narrowed to protect his sight, ivory and red stained audits remained pinned to his head, muzzle wrinkled and jaws opened to protect his face, his tail aligned with his spine, abdomen tensed, claws digging into the ground to keep his traction, his toes splayed for balance as he strove to keep close to the male. His scruff would remain bunched, his head pulling back to allow him to do so. Thus, narrowed eyes would spy Winter's attempted bite at his muzzle. The brutes(Winter) teeth would splice across his nose just as Sin tucked his chin, a snarl deep within the pits of his throat as his nose would bleed. He would attain a mild gash; approximately two inches long as it bled across the bridge of his muzzle. This would only fuel him, and so he would strive then to follow his opponent's movements, attempting to remain close and to try and keep him from gaining any distance. He would keep his balance, legs widening and legs bending to aid him in his momentum. His left foreleg would surge forward; Sin attempting to hook his paw around Winter's right forepaw in an attempt to trip/unbalance him. Simultaneously, Sin's gaping jaws would surge forward, attempting to bite and then tear into Winter's [left] foreleg should he be successful in grasping it.

Sin VS Winter--Round 2/3




5 Years
07-20-2014, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2014, 12:21 AM by Misha.)

She had scented Winter around here, and the other male who had threatened Misha and Winter in the S.S. Antiox. And now she would find herself here again- yet she would keep herself hidden and unnoticed as the sound of fighting wolves filled the air. It seemes like an arena in here, and Misha was just about to become a contestant. She would never leave the man she loved to fend for himself as long as she could do something about it.
Her defenses would kick in, beginning with her core/abdomen tensing. It was a new defense her body had learned from her recent spars, it being a useful one. Her ears would pin against her skull, sapphire blue orbs narrowing as more of her defenses rolled in. Her maw would move into a snarl, ebony lips pulling back to expose ivory fangs. Her tail would stick out and align with her spine, the fae dropping down into a crouch, slowly making her way towards the white male painted in blood red. She would stalk behind the male, taking the element of surprise. In a few, quick strides, Misha would be behind him, and she would raise herself onto her hindlegs, a snarl escaping her mouth as her jaws clamped on his scruff, if she would succeed, she would grab on and thrashing her head around, hoping to at least taste the blood of the man who hurt her love. She would keep her defenses in check, core/abdomen muscles staying tense, eyes narrowed as her tail thrashed around behind her, copying the movements of her spine to keep her in balance. She would distribute her weight evenly between her hind legs, her front forelegs attempting to grab his neck, claws scraping against his fur, to get a good grip
Ears stayed pinned against her skull as Misha would keep her gaze on the male's white fur, hoping to stain it even more with blood. Her hackles would raise and her scruff would bunch up along her neck and shoulders, allowing her movement to be more swift from her side, neck swiftly moving around as she thrashed her head around, Misha's jaws still clamping down hard onto the male's scruff.

Round 2/3

Misha vs. Sin for Winter's freedom


07-20-2014, 04:13 AM

{{ooc; totally made an oopsie and edited this post to correct spelling and grammar. Please forgive me, it's my first fight on here. Just re-read the challenging rules and came across the rule stating after round one, posts are not to be edited. I'm such a derp sometimes, lol.}}

Winter was careful to use his environment in his favor, carefully trying to position himself so that his back was to the sun and the sun faced the brute before him. Hopefully the sun would be of help to him and impair his vision if he should succeed in positioning their bodies in such a direction as their dance continued. The sun would, possibly, reflect off the snow like a mirror.

Winter kept his center of gravity by distributing his weight evenly and keeping his tail parallel to the ground. Another intense surge of adrenaline passed through his body giving him even more power when he felt his fangs sink into the creature's flesh. The metallic taste of blood painted his maw with its poison. He then knew his attack was successful. Winter was sure to pace himself accordingly to reserve his energy. Along with keeping his balance, Winter tensed his abdomen and was sure to keep his head tilted to protect his throat.

Winter was agile and swift and so he managed to move his right foreleg away from the brute's attempt to offset his balance; however, the creature managed to sink his fangs into his left forelimb. It felt as if the bite was midway of his left limb, though he could have been mistaken. Pain was not his current focus. This wound to his leg was much smaller than the blow to his face (the face is much for fleshy), leaving only a few holes from the opponent's fangs and some bruising. During the attack Winter attempted to use his hind limb to kick snow, dust, and debris into his opponent's face, if he succeeded he hoped it would temporarily impair the blood tainted wolf's vision. While he kicked up the terrain, he was sure to carefully keep his balance and dug his claws into the terrain for good measure.

Winter also struck out at the opponent's cranium while it was lowered to grasp his left leg. He aimed to make a mark either at the eyes or ears in hopes to land a blow would impair the creature temporarily. Should his mark land on the ears he hoped it would offset the opponent's balance because it would possibly cause his ear's to ring which may result in temporary balance loss. Should he land a blow close to or on the eyes he hoped the eyes would tear up enough to blur the brute's vision. All the while, he prayed he would leave a mark - hopefully leaving a gash that would mirror the one on his own face.

Winter was sure to pay extra attention to the protection of his throat while his opponent's head was lowered. He dug his claws deeper into the terrain and kept his stomach muscles tense. Ears were pinned against his cranium and his jaws still tilted and now open for added protection of the throat. His tail was still parallel to the ground and he kept his center of gravity as perfect as his moves allowed. All the while remembering to growl fiercely - taking advantage of the flow of adrenaline because it continued to increase his power as more of the drug flowed through his brain.
Round 2/3


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark

The Judge


07-22-2014, 11:34 PM
Default to SIN

Due to WINTER editing her post without proper authorization, SIN is the winner, and Winter now belongs to Sin.

WINTER must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.


07-23-2014, 02:53 AM

He gave the fight all he had, but Winter simply could not win against the blood tainted male. After many minutes of struggle and battle, he simply could not safely battle the male further. Pure exhaustion overcame his body. He backed away from the brute and dipped his head in submission. Winter would belong to him, for now. Though, his freedom he would challenge for when he was prepared. Too much was on the line - his Misha and his unborn puppies. Though, right at this moment, he knew his life he could not afford to lose and Misha would go free. He took a last glance at his love, fighting tears from falling from his face. He should never show weakness to his enemy. Misha, I'm sorry. . . I love you. He whispered those last words to her. Leaving her side would be unbearable, but he would stay strong for her and his unborn babes.

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