



07-10-2014, 04:35 PM

The beautiful creature was but a student. It made her horribly annoyed. The girl had been practicing a lot. She had already won one spar against a man much larger then her. She was confident in her newborn skills. She knew how to react to many attacks. Though, she could tell her opponent had been much less skilled then herself even. She thought every man should have at least some skill. But, obviously, she thought wrong. The lady depended on her family but she did not see much of her brother lately. He had always been so inactive, it bothered her. But, her brother would always be her go to for everything. He was her lover. But, her sister was always there for her. Her darling Artemis. She wanted to get closer to the Queen. To help her through everything. Therefore, as the lady wanted, she slithered along the river with ease. Her two rusty colored paws and two alabaster paws hitting the ground softly. Nephele was a beauty, her bodice adorned with various hues of colors. Yet, she was small and nimble. Most were larger then her but her smallness gave her a speed advantage. Brutes were usually dumb in her mind too. As the girl slithered along her head flicked up and a call was let forth, beckoning for Artemis and anyone else, really, but mainly Artemis.



07-11-2014, 05:06 PM

The feminine summons derived from her only sister baits the phantom queen from her obligatory duties as fledgling tyrant, vigorous physique serpentine as she weaves through the labyrinth of foliage compacted within her domain. Enigmatic is the aura which plagues the deity as she soundlessly glides --- a ghoul that haunts her crypt, on the prowl for her little dove of whom she had not held a private audience with in far too long. Ah, but the wraith knows her presence is not warranted for the simple sake of rekindling familial bonds between two entitled sisters { not yet! }; she can only presume her sibling to harbor a surplus of ambition that desires to be slaked through performing her bidding, as were the requirements for progression beneath her strict rule.

Pride surges through the Elysius tyrant?s veins as her mismatched gaze fixates upon the dainty figure of her sister, countenance reflecting her emotionless guise as she attempts to { silently } approach the dove from behind, hoping not to arouse immediate detection. Chin seeks to trace the contours of her nubile sister?s spinal cord in a display of familial affection as she saunters around to Nephele?s front, the faintest trace of a lopsided grin present upon corrupted facial features. ?You are discontent with your title?? the inquiry cascades like silk from slackened jaws as a singular brow quirks inquisitively upon her forehead, violet and silver gaze stagnant upon her sister?s own duo-toned as if to search for the answer lingering beneath their vibrancy. Her assumption is correct --- she knows --- and the wry smirk fully elongates across velveteen lips in complacency. ?Good,? vocals are a soft croon that seek to suspend her sister?s imminent response, the smirk unfaltering from her visage. ?What is your desired specialty, dove??



07-11-2014, 07:05 PM

The blood of Elysius was haunting. Such elaborate creatures were born from the loins of the elegant babes babes. They were creatures of pure divinity, yet Nephele was straying on a different path. She wanted to become a warrioress. She wanted to help her sister rise to even more power. She would love to be feared within the lands on Ala. An assassin of sorts. To fight for her sisters name. To guard her sister. Nephele did not want to lead a whole pack, but she was gaining skills fast. She had been training with spars. She had won one already, against a man larger then her. But, it was only a single spar. Artemis had real fights under her belt. Multiple challenges. The darling babe had much to learn and she hoped her Tyrant, sister, would help her. She stood there, waiting. The wind was chill, she had no way of knowing if another came unless they made a sound. But, as her sister touched her spine Nephele instantly jumped. Her hackles puffed up and her lips slipped up. But, as she looked back to see her sister, the lady calmed. The pure white fae slithered closer to her front as elegant vocals filled the air. ?You are discontent with your title?? Nephele would sneer for a moment before nodding. Nephele would not stand for "student." The little lady raised a brow as a single word came from his sisters yapper. ?Good.? The Nymph girl smirked slightly, the tips of her frontal teeth flashing. ?What is your desired specialty, dove?? The dove smirked even more as she let forth her own luxurious vocals. "I have been sparring in the battlefields to train myself in the art of fighting. I have already pummled one imbecile to the ground. I wish to be able to do that to all of the heathens I face. I require more taining, but I wish to become a Mercenary, for now. Later, I will raise to a higher rank." Nephele sneered for a moment, "I will not slack like my brother who is no where to be found." The little lady was growing to be her own person, but she would always love her brother like no other.


07-17-2014, 02:57 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the soft chuckle that trickles from ravenous jaws is a soprano so enchanting as her youthful half-sibling jerks away --- lividly --- at her unsuspecting caress, and the phantom can only offer her dove an amused simper upon her visage as their mismatched gazes intertwine. perhaps the elysius deity could teach her darling sister of the importance of COMPOSURE; for now, however, she remains attentive to nephele?s speech, prided by the fact that her kin hopes to perfect her battle prowess --- and the queen shall willingly oblige to such a request. at nephele?s pretentious claims, the phantom smirks --- evidently satisfied with her sibling?s budding diligence; yes, she is clearly an elysius. once the babe?s speech concludes, the tyrant wallows in silence, internally musing over her options while avid pupils devour the entirety of nephele?s physique ----- methodically.

?if you crave your title --? the wraith begins, vocals enigmatically whimsical as she breaches her ultimate verdict, ?-- then you must bleed for it.? it is a suggestion that is indisputable, her words firm. if nephele sought to hone her skills, then the only means necessary was through bloodshed itself --- and artemis would dutifully provide it for her. with a mischievous gleam to her mismatched violet and silver gaze, the phantom backpedals until a mere five feet of vacancy lingers between them, robust body elegantly pivoting to face the dove head-on. pallid skull descends over her breast while her tail lashes the air in alignment with the remainder of her serpentine spine, ears sewing against the contours of her cranium while her mismatched gaze narrows accordingly. chin dutifully tucks against the curvature of her neck as her shoulders roll, neck scrunches, and hackles bristle to encumber the sides and back of her neck in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat, abdomen tensing and toes splaying. sinewy appendages space themselves equidistant apart and bend slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, weight shifting evenly between each limb while her dulled nails grapple the earth beneath her paws. gluttonous jaws fall slack and her blackened lips unfurl to reveal the yellowed bone of murderous incisors, her challenge clear as she baits her sister with a guttural snarl of vehement intent. she will not dilute her attacks { even to preserve the physical beauty of her sister }, and she hopes that the dove will do the same and prove as to why she is branded by such a powerful surname that bestows her own head.







07-19-2014, 11:04 PM

Sure, the devious girl loved being handed jewels and fruits upon a golden platter, but she would not expect such from her sister. Artemis and she were alike in ways. They were both ambitious. Yet, Nephele was a little more dainty and her rage was easily set a flame. The girl was easily riled up, but in those moments the babe was horribly ready for a fight. She knew it was the time to face the maleficent Artemis. The girl came from a long line of infamous warriors and tyrants and she would not dwindle away like others. Nephele would become something of her own and it was very obvious. As Nephele finished her own lovely vocals, Artemis began to emit her own words. ?if you crave your title --? Her sister would pause a moment before more words were heard. ?-- then you must bleed for it.? The smaller fae easily cracked a lovely smirk as her sister got ready for battle. Nephele did the same.

The beautiful lady would indeed gather her defenses quickly. Each of her four, small, paws were spread out evenly to maintain balance. Ebony claws were dug into the ground for stability and grip when needed. An ash dipped tail would align with a small spine to increase balance as well. The tail was vital for balance, though it was easily attacked from behind. It could be easily tucked. She allowed each of her hocks and knees to bend to help with mobility, it would also help if she needed to embrace for impact. To also help her embrace for impact, the girl would allow her core to tighten. Her breathing was also steady, focusing on long and silent breaths. Yet, she allowed her delicate ears to pin back against her tiny skull to erase chance of damage to the tender flesh. Her lips curled up to show off beautiful white fangs for possible intimidation. But, it would also bunch up the skin along her cheeks to protect the the tender bit of flesh. Purple and cyan eyes were squinted to protect them from claws and teeth, yet she doubted her sister would attempt maim. Nephele allowed her head to tuck into her neck, protecting her throat. Last but not least, hackles were puffed up into rolls of thick flesh. This would protect the vital bits along her neck, shoulders, and throat. The girl was officially set.

Obviously, Artemis was giving her the straight away to start the battle. She was excited to get her claws dirty. Nephele would take a single moment to judge the possibilities before her. Artemis was quite larger then Nephele, by default. Yet, the darling babe was not intimidated by size. She was merely intimidated by experience. The smaller girl would dig her small paws into the earth before she would attempt to run head on at her darling sister. The golden marked babe aimed for the upper bit of her chest to slam into the center bits of Artemis's chest. Such would induce bruising for Nephele if it purchased as she wished. But, such an attack would be aimed to cause bruising to her sisters chest on impact or even push her back slightly. Though, as she would attempt to slam into her, she would try to launch forward and up to allow her luxurious jaws to perhaps sink into the right bits of her sisters lower neck area. Her head would aim to tilt left as her upper jaws would seek to dive into the right side of her snowy neck, but lower jaws aimed to sink into the more center of Art's neck area. Nephele would aim for such a bite to lock on rather then snap at release. But, it all depended on what Artemis did in the mean time.


for TASK

one two three

DEFENSES: Each of her four, small, paws were spread out evenly to maintain balance. Ebony claws were dug into the ground for stability and grip when needed. An ash dipped tail would align with a small spine to increase balance as well. The tail was vital for balance, though it was easily attacked from behind. It could be easily tucked. She allowed each of her hocks and knees to bend to help with mobility, it would also help if she needed to embrace for impact. To also help her embrace for impact, the girl would allow her core to tighten. Her breathing was also steady, focusing on long and silent breaths. Yet, she allowed her delicate ears to pin back against her tiny skull to erase chance of damage to the tender flesh. Her lips curled up to show off beautiful white fangs for possible intimidation. But, it would also bunch up the skin along her cheeks to protect the the tender bit of flesh. Purple and cyan eyes were squinted to protect them from claws and teeth, yet she doubted her sister would attempt maim. Nephele allowed her head to tuck into her neck, protecting her throat. Last but not least, hackles were puffed up into rolls of thick flesh. This would protect the vital bits along her neck, shoulders, and throat.

ATTACKS: Attempting to run at Artemis head on and slam her upper chest into Art's middle bits of chest. Attempted to launched up and forward to bite at the right side of Artemis's neck.

INJURIES: first round bitches



07-21-2014, 09:13 PM
skype for questions yo! <3

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? avid pupils are unwavering from her sister?s own diminutive physique, methodically focused upon the dove?s central chest cavity in hopes of pinpointing muscle contractions that serve as tell-tale signs of movement -- and the initiation of battle. although her opponent is of her own blood { created and developed within the same poisoned womb, albeit during separate litters }, she is an adversary nonetheless, and competition that the carnage queen must assert supremacy over. as nephele settles into a defensive stance, the phantom deity seizes the opportunity to mimic it with her own: skull lowering over her breast and tail descending to align with the remainder of her spinal column, shoulders rolling forward in their sockets to push excess layers of fur and fat around the sides of her neck while her head draws back some to further scrunch the flesh haloing her jugular veins. hackles bristle along the length of her spine and her abdomen tenses to tighten her core, ears sewing against the contours of her crown as her mismatched gaze narrows to thinned slits. limbs space themselves equidistant apart from one another, each bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity as her weight shifts evenly between all four appendages, toes flexing and spreading while her nails bite lightly into the soil beneath her to retain traction. chin tucks against the curvature of her neck and her jaws fall slack, gluttonous incisors flashing menacingly in challenge as her blackened lips peel back to expose the favored artillery of W A R. the guttural snarl that escapes her larynx successfully baits nephele into her proximities, the prospect of bloodshed prominent within the air.

the moment that nephele begins her charge to encroach upon the five feet that separates them [ as mentioned in my previous post ], the tyrant?s hips seek to pivot out and to her own right, intending to position herself at a forty-five degree angle from the front of nephele?s left shoulder. with her movements, the upper portion of nephele?s chest scarcely manages to graze off of their intended target -- a light bruise blossoming upon the exact center portion of the phantom?s chest cavity, the force of nephele?s assault only minimal due to the vast difference in their weights. her sister?s ravenous jaws successfully latch onto the lower portion of her right-sided neck -- just above her right shoulder -- incisors carving moderate puncture wounds of about an inch in depth into the thick flesh located there. the adrenaline that surges through the tyrant?s interior, however, dilutes the pain of her injuries; though the metallic fragrance of blood { even if it is her own } is enticing to the battle-starved paladin, and she craves to inflict physical agony upon her darling sibling in return.

the phantom?s own skull tilts down and to her own right, gaping jaws hopefully aimed towards the upper portion of nephele?s right-sided neck where she will attempt to clamp down with decadent incisors -- upper jaw intending to strike towards the back of nephele?s right-sided neck while her lower jaw intends to latch onto the actual side portion of the neck, hoping to receive a commanding grip upon the dove?s upper right-sided neck. simultaneously, the phantom will attempt to push forward and into the outside portion of nephele?s left shoulder with the center portion of her lower chest, intending to use the force of her brutish weight and hopeful forty-five degree angle on her adversary in hopes of knocking the girl off-balance and onto her right side. right forepaw leaves the safety of the earth as her balance shifts between her three grounded limbs, attempting to hook around the outside of nephele?s left front ankle so that she might pull the left forelimb back towards herself in hopes of upsetting nephele?s balance. all the while, defenses remain secured -- unwilling to falter even if she is only participating in a mere dominance fight.







07-21-2014, 10:55 PM

Nephele was allowed a running at Artemis. But as the smaller girl shot the pure white girl's way, the angle was changed. Artemis let her hips pivot out to her own right at a forty-five degree angle from the front of the golden marked babe's left shoulder. Due to such movements the nymph's own movements were cu tin half for her upper chest hit the target, right smack in the middle of the pure white chest of her sister, but due to size differences her sister would be left with only light bruising. But, Nephele had light bruising of her own, which would only come with such a brutish attack. Though, her confidence was boosted by the sudden purchase of her second attack. Her smaller jaws successfully latched onto the right side of her sisters neck. Her weight being forced to her back legs due to the extended position of her upper body. But, luckily, her front paws did not really need to lift from the ground, in fact they needed to remain planted even if they were not very sturdy. Her teeth would sink a good inch into her sisters puffy neck, just above her right shoulders, but such a simple wound would not be any where near fatal or anything of the sorts. Blood would spill into the small girls mouth, letting the metallic liquid slowly slip down her throat which was widened due to her jaws beind spread horribly wide to gain such a grip.

The babe would take only a single moment to go through her defenses, making sure each and every possible line of defense was set and steady. Her haunches were slightly bent to give her leverage and balance while her upper body was being extended slightly to reach Art's neck. An ash dipped tail was sticking straight off of her rear, aligned with her spine for balance. Small ears were slipped back to be flat against her snowy skull, which would deny Artemis much of a chance to attack such gentle flesh. Eyelids were narrowed and squinted to protect her precious gems from teeth or claw. Nephele made sure her breathing was completely steady for she would not want to get to excited and begin to wear herself out by denying her brain of the proper oxygen. Though, her chest/core was also tightened to brace herself for possible impact as well. Each paw was firmly planted upon the earth to ensure balance. But also to help, her ebony claws were dug into the ground, gripping the earth. Each toe on each paw was spread out evenly as well. Ash colored lips were curled up to exposed her white fangs. But, such would also bunch up tough flesh under each eye to protect her cheeks. Last but not least, the delicious being's hackles were raised to protect her neck from any sort of attack whether it be claws or teeth. Such flesh would puff up into rolls to protect neck, throat, spine, and shoulders. Nephele was set and ready to continue the battle between sisters.

Artemis would not leave Nephele empty handed. For her sister struck with the same venom as Nephele did only moments before. Her sister tilted her own head to the right, allowing her fangs to snap forth at the smaller fae's right sided neck. Her own blood's fangs would quickly meet her tender flesh, entering her with ease. They slipped in at nearly an inch, which would allow blood to spew from her neck. Art's upper jaws would clamp down on the back bits of her right sided neck and her lower jaws slipping into the more side bits of her neck. Such a wound would hurt and possibly scarring would be evident, but it was no reason for the little lady to throw the towel in. As her sister would grip her body, pushing would be forced onto her. Artemis allowed the lower bits of her chest to push into Nephele's own left shoulder, the outside bits to be exact. The small fae would dig her paws into the earth in attempt to push back, which would be the obviouse defensive manouver, but she would be easily pushed back. The girl would have to take a few half steps back. But, as her sister raised her forepaw and wrapped it around the outside of Neph's left front ankle and pulled it, the girl stumbled.

Due to such a stumble, the small femme would have to remove her grip from her sisters neck. Her jaws freeing her sisters right bit bits of neck. The nymph would slip forward, but she would catch herself. Artemis had a grip on her own right bits of neck, such sudden movements would perhaps induce ripping of flesh. Causing more blood to slip from her body, also the pain would cause throbbing at the source, but she would go on, of course. Nephele allowed all four paws to meet the ground once more. The Elysius fae would then quickly attempt to pushed her body forward. Due to the forty-five degree angle, the fae would be left with only Artemis's right bits again. The desperate temptress would attempt for her jaws to again try and meet flesh. Her sister's right upper bits of shoulder. Her head would aim to angle to the right again. Her teeth seeking to sink in right at the tip of her sisters shoulder. Her upper jaws seeking the tippy top and her lower jaws seeking the bits between her sisters right shoulder and chest. Due to the angles, such an attack would be the only one currently up her sleeve, but all the while the little meinx would be attempting to push her sister slightly, digging her paws into the earth.


for TASK

one two three

DEFENSES: second para

ATTACKS: attempting to push artemis at the angle they are in, just in return of her sisters pushing. attempting to bite at art's right shoulder.

INJURIES: im lazy atm



07-24-2014, 03:33 PM
skype for q's ~

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? and there is no greater pleasure than that of battle; the metallic aroma of BLOOD a tyrant?s aphrodisiac and stimulant as her incisors indulge in the taste of her sibling?s flesh, carving moderate puncture wounds into nephele?s upper right-sided neck { as targeted }. her lower chest cavity successfully impacts the dove?s left shoulder; however, such an action does little to shake her sister?s balance as the girl pushes back into the lower portion of artemis? center chest, reinstating equilibrium among the two elysius warmongers. as her right forelimb hooks around nephele?s left front ankle, the girl finally stumbles, forcing the elysium tyrant to relinquish her grip upon her sibling?s neck as her right forepaw implants itself upon the earth?s surface once more, restoring her balance upon four grounded limbs as opposed to three.

while her balance is reestablished, the phantom queen takes it upon herself to ensure the remainder of her defenses are left in tact: abdomen tensing to tighten her core as her ears sew against the contours of her crown, mismatched gaze narrowed to violent slits, and hackles raised along the length of her spine. skull is lowered defensively over her breast and her tail lashes straight outward from her hips in perfect alignment with the remainder of her spinal cord, shoulders rolling forward and neck scrunching to encumber the front and sides of her neck in a protective layer of excess flesh and fat. limbs spread equidistant apart and bend slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, weight distributing evenly among all four grounded appendages as her toes spread and nails grapple the earth to ensure traction. jaws fall slack and blackened lips peel back to unsheathe tinged incisors, mandible tucking tightly against the curvature of her neck.

as her sister regains her balance and yet again pushes forward, artemis is left with another light bruise upon the rightmost portion of her lower chest { as the phantom is still positioned at a forty-five degree angle from her sister?s left shoulder }, damage minimal again due to the close proximity between she and the dove. through narrowed eyes, the tyrant observes as her sibling?s ravenous jaws lunge towards her right shoulder, and she moves in an attempt to counter the attack. her own targeted right shoulder blade drops in an attempt to align itself with nephele?s splayed jaws, intending to shunt forward with brute force against the front of the dove?s lower jaw in hopes of impeding nephele?s bite and hoping, also, to cause moderate bruising along the jaw. simultaneously, her own gluttonous jaws yet again attempt to angle themselves down and towards her own right in hopes of aligning themselves with nephele?s right-sided face -- upper jaw intending to latch just above nephele?s right brow while her lower jaw seeks to hook into the right-most portion of nephele?s right cheek, hoping to carve moderate lacerations into her sister?s otherwise U N T O U C H E D flesh.







07-25-2014, 03:02 PM
ooc sorry this was rushed... skype for questions

Nephele felt her own shove at Art's chest connect, but due to the size difference it was relatively light. Causing bruising on her own left shoulder from the bone to bone action. They remained at a forty degree angle with Artemis pointed at her left shoulder. Though, her next attack was soon a regret. As Nephele dove in and tried to connect her wide jaws to her sisters right shoulder, her darling sister slipped down before shunting her right shoulder forward. Slamming her bony bit of body into the golden marked babes jaw. Bone would hit the front of Neph's lower jaw causing her to whip her head back quickly. Such pain was horribly sudden, nearly knocking the breath from her. The bite was blocked and her jaws felt as if it was going to lock in place so she took a moment to insure it was still in tact. After taking a moment she then regretted such as well. Artemis dove in, snapping her jaws at Nephele's right side of face. Upper jaws connected with the bits of skin just above her right brow, lower jaws purchasing at the right most bits of Nephele's perfect cheek. Teeth on her upper jaw would sink in barely a half inch but the teeth of her lower jaw would sink in deeper, nearly a half inch in. Blood would slither its way from her body and run down her snowy fur. The pain was intense but not as bad as the bruising upon Neph's lower jaw.

The lady took a few moments to insure her defenses were still firm. Each knee was bent to lower her light bodice to the ground to allow advances in stability and mobility. Toes were splayed to help her grip the earth with her rough paws. Claws were dug into the earth for some more gripping. Each leg was evenly placed on the earth to help her balance as well. An ash dipped tail was aligned with her bony spine for balance and mobility. The babe's gold and ash marked head was aligned with her spine. Cyan and purple eyes remained narrowed, disabling them as much of a target for teeth or claw. Snow white lips curled up to show her ivory fangs for intimidation factors. This would also increase protection under each of her eyes, due to the skin being bunched up now on her cheeks. Due to the fact that her jaws had not met flesh, her head attempted to tilt slightly blocking her throat. Her hackles were puffed up to protect the areas beneath her scruff. They would puff up into rolls of thick skin. Ears were flat to her skull. Last but not least, her core was tightened and breathing steady.

Despite the fact that Artemis had ruined Nephele's first bite assault, the fae would still try to wrap her jaws around something. Right after her sister went in for a bite, the smaller fae would attempt to snap her jaws at the right side of Artemis's face. She would attempt to lean her cranium to the right and aim for her jaws to basically attack any bits of flesh she could. Mainly stretching for her sister's cheek, right under her right eye. Her front teeth would be the ones at work, trying to at least make a mark on the flesh. Though, she was not done. Her left paw would raise and aim to quickly and harshly swipe at Art's right leg. She would try to push it towards Nephele, mimicking her sisters own move. She hoped such an attack would result in her sister tripping forward or something, but would not fret if she did not.


for TASK

one twothree



07-28-2014, 03:04 AM
uuugh i feel like this is particularly terrible but w/e lol. this was fun ^_^

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the phantom feels her sister?s jaws shudder from impact as the jutted point of her right shoulder successfully strikes nephele?s mandible, forcing the dove to abandon her initial attack to leave artemis unscathed from ravenous incisors. likewise, the elysius deity is victorious in her savage endeavor of clamping down upon nephele?s right-sided face -- upper jaw carving half-inch deep puncture wounds just above the dove?s right brow whilst her lower jaw latches onto the outer portion of nephele?s right cheek, sinking deeper into the tender flesh than the former. nephele, however, is quick to retaliate, and the tyrant unleashes a strangled snarl as her sister?s teeth penetrate the thin flesh upon her own right cheek -- nephele?s upper jaw carving moderate puncture wounds of about a third of an inch in depth just beneath her right eye while the outer portion of her right cheek receives half-inch deep puncture wounds from nephele?s lower jaw. narrow strands of RED weep from her newest facial wounds, though even as they fester with blood, the phantom queen finds herself wholly undeterred from battle.

as the tyrant feels tugging upon the ankle of her right forelimb, she only performs the most logical counteraction to avoid tripping: she lifts the right forelimb that had been attacked -- her weight shifting evenly among her grounded limbs as to retain balance. in hopes of catching nephele?s left forepaw before the dove retracts it, the phantom attempts to slam her elevated right forepaw heavily down upon nephele?s own left forepaw, intending to fracture or break her toes with the hopeful exertion of her attempted stomp. simultaneously, the tyrant relinquishes her hold upon the right side of nephele?s face, bite attempting to shift upwards towards nephele?s pinned right ear as she hopes to tear through the upper portion of the ear, skull tilting even further to her own right as she attempts to grasp the triangular flesh betwixt covetous jaws.

throughout her attempted assault, the tyrant ensures that her defenses are secured to the best of her ability: her skull held level with her spinal column while her tail lashes out behind her hips in similar alignment, shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched to safeguard her jugular veins in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat. hackles prickle along the length of her spine and her abdomen tenses to tighten her core, ears stitching against the contours of her crown whilst her mismatched gaze narrows to thin slits. limbs space themselves equidistant apart and bend slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, weight evenly distributed among her grounded limbs as her toes splay and her nails grapple the soil for traction. bloodied jaws remain slackened, decadent incisors unsheathed from blackened lips while her countenance contorts in a vehement snarl.





The Judge


08-17-2014, 01:16 PM
So sorry for the wait!

Artemis v Nephele for Task

Round 1

8 for clarity- -2 where on the lower neck is she aiming? in the center? near the jawline? near the base of the neck? i see the lower jaw is going? centerish is the upper jaw as well? I don't want to assume how far she twisted her head to the side.

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. +2 for bite (-1 for clarity)

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 40/50


10 for clarity- clear post

10 for powerplaying. none noticed

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

8 for attack.+3 for bite +2 for push into shoulder +3 for attempted trip

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 48/50

Round 2


4 for clarity--2 which shoulder is she aiming for? -2 what is she attempting to push into Artemis? -2 where on Artemis is she trying to push?

10 for powerplaying. none really seen

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

3 for attack.+2 jaw attack (point deducted for clarity) +1 push attack (points deducted for clarity)

6 for injury-1 bruising to chest -2 bite to neck -1 bruising to shoulder

Round two Total: 33


7 for clarity--2 how does she move to get at Neph's face? You say she moved down but her jaws are currently on Neph's neck and Neph is attempting to lunge forward. Did she rear back? step back? seems she'd have to move forward with the shoulder attack so I'm a bit confused on their positioning. -1 there was no mention of Art releasing her grip before going to another jaw attack. A minor thing, irritating I'm sure. xD

10 for powerplaying.none seen

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

5 for attack.+3 for shoulder counter +2 bite (-1 for clarity)

9 for injuries.-1 bruising to chest

Round two Total: 41

Round 3

4 for clarity- -2 "attack any bits of flesh she could" you need to be specific even this close -2 which left paw is she attacking with? -2 where on Art's leg is she tring to sweep?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. +2 bite (-1 for clarity) +1 paw sweep (-2 for multiple clarity issues)

6 for injuries. -1 bruise to shoulder -1 bruise to lower jaw -2 bite to face

Round Three Total: 33


8 for clarity--2 how's she moving her paw to catch Nepheles? Is she wrapping it around behind the paw, is the act of stomping on it the attempt to catch it? sorry! I just wasn't sure what sort of movement was occuring.

10 for powerplaying.none seen

10 for defenses.+1 each seen

4 for attack.+2 paw wrap/slam (-1 clarity) +2 bite for right ear (-1 the ear is pinned, making this a particularly tricky target)

8 for injuries.-2 bite to face

Round Three Total: 40

Nephele: 106/150

Artemis: 129/150

And the winner is...

Artemis! Nephele must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Not even sure it's worth it since I took so stinking long. I do apologize!


I hate doing these xD Pretty much everything I wanted to say is up in the Rounds. Thank you for your patience though! I apologize for the wait I started judging this about the same time that really horrible weekend happen so I've been so scattered. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to skype me, I'm sure there might be a few blips. Good job both of you!

- By [Lunarcat7]