
La La La, Lizette's World!



07-20-2014, 01:31 AM
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Fish fish fish! Fish were everywhere! Salamander could be seen running back and forth between the small streams stretching from the larger rivers, running and jumping, pouncing and sliding. When he would fall and bust his shit, the boy would stand back up and continue on, the excitement coursing through his body blocking out the pain. A strange boy he was.

"Hey, come back fishy! I wanna catch yoooooooou!" He barked happily, tail wagging like mad so hard his butt was even moving with the swings. Large paw smacked the water's surface, missing the target horribly, then again, fishing wasn't his thing and he was only trying to catch one to play with. HE charged at a particular fish, jaws wide and tongue lolling out the side, steps clumsy. So careless he was, Sal would trip over a rock, his body suddenly being thrown into the shallow water with a yelp.

Just as quickly he slammed face first into the water, the boy was already sitting back up, paws on his snout and whimpering. "Ow ow ow, my nose." He grumbled a few incoherent words under his breath, glaring at the fish that swam right past him as if mocking the male. 'What're you looking at stupid fish!" He barked, pulling his paws away and smacking the water furiously as if he was a pup throwing a tantrum.



07-20-2014, 02:15 AM

The girl wasn't too fond of staying still, so on and on she roamed, her brother haunting her thoughts. Did he truly think that it was her fault that their parents were dead? That was no fair, it wasn't! Maybe he didn't feel that way, but regardless that is what Haruka thought. She seethed as she stalked forward, her small body hugging the ground, hoping to remain unseen. It wasn't hard with her small, fox coloured body. That and she was rather good at hiding, she loved slinking in the shadows and being all stealthy. For whatever reason it made her feel important, like she could actually do something that may make her brother proud of her one day. But her dear Legend was tucked away in Tortuga, the pack scent stale on her petite form.

She made her way to the stream, thirst gnawing at her belly. What she happened upon there was something that shocked her, a grown ass wolf acting like a child. Her brown eyes rolled at the sight, remaining unseen to this ebony and gray stranger. What was he doing anyways? That was no way to catch a fish. Haruka may not be an expert fisher, but at least she wasn't stupid about it, nor did she act like a pup when she did not catch her prey. Shame, maybe, but not throwing a tantrum in the water. "You're going to catch a cold, sitting there like that." She scoffed, removing herself from the shadows in which she hid. Staying a good distance away, her tail swung too and fro as she cocked her head at the body, studying him with narrowed eyes. "And you fish like a fool." She added, eyes narrowing further. She wasn't usually one to speak to strangers, she was not good at placing her trust in others. Haruka wasn't about to approach this foolish grown-pup-wolf-man thing, she was going to keep her distance and see where this led. She was a bit lonely, but that didn't mean she was about to put her small frame into any sort of danger.

Walk "Talk" Think



07-20-2014, 12:32 PM
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A voice! Sal quickly whipped around, facing a stranger who had approached from the shadows. Ears swung forward to catch her voice, saying something about catching a cold if he sat there any longer. The boy just stared at her oddly patched pelt, head tilting to the side, not really taking in what she told him. But then she told him he fished like a fool. His head lifted and for a moment he had a blank expression, but it quickly scrunched up with brows furrowed and stuck his tongue out here with a soft bleh sound.

Sal picked himself up, giving a quick shake from head to tail before turning back on the woman. "Good for you, I didn't ask!" He held his head high and proud, speaking over his shoulder with tail up. He didn't really care for her opinion on his fishing, for he wasn't trying to catch a meal, just a friend to bring with on his wandering adventures.

The boy would wander downstream, not too much, just a few feet to a little pile of stones poking above the water's surface. "Show me the right way then, oh great fisher!" He would quickly whirl around, splashing, then lift a foreleg out of the water and swing it upwards to send water at the stranger. His limb woudl go back down before spreading all four out evenly, tail wagging up in the air and a playful grin upon his face.



07-21-2014, 12:46 AM

She watched with cautious eyes as the male picked himself up, shaking the water off of his fur. Letting out a huff she dodged the droplets that threatened to dampen her front paws. This brute was strange indeed, he seemed to have the mind of a pup. There was no way that he was little though, because he was quite large. Then again, Haruka was pretty tiny so most wolves looked massive to her. She then looked on as he seemed to walk away, but she would not chase him if he left, its not like she was in the mood to talk with this purple eyed stranger anyways. But as fate would have it, he was just pouting.

Haruka opened her mouth to answer him when he splashed water her way. Letting out a yelp she jumped backwards, multi-coloured ears pressing flat against her skull. "I won't teach you until you stop acting like a child! Splashing water at a lady is hardly a kind thing to do." She scoffed, straightening out her small form as she stalked up to the larger male. Glaring up at him, she very much felt like a mother scolding their pup. She didn't care too much though, she would not stand to be treated like this. "Now! Can you sit still and behave while I teach you how to fish?" She asked, rather skeptical of him. But Haruka was not one to turn down a challenge.



07-21-2014, 01:10 AM
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Salamander snickered at the female's yelp, doing two small hops where he stood, amused by the woman's reaction to the water he splashed at her. Was she going to play?! He got his hopes up, eagerly taking a step towards her but would quickly do a small hop back only a foot. Unfortunately the lady did not seem pleased by his antics, saying she wouldn't teach him till he stopped acting like a child. A child? A child! The boy frowned, tail falling and hanging still between his back legs. She added that splashing water at a lady wasn't a nice thing to do... But, he thought people liked to play. Was this lady just weird? Yeah, she had to be!

So he would just stand there now, seeming to calm down, no longer hold a grin on his face and tail not wagging. Silent. Purple gaze watched her shake the water off and fix herself, then make her way over near the boy with a glare. He would just stick his tongue out again, not as much as the first, but just the tip, brows slightly coming together with the action. His ears perked up when she spoke again, expecting her to say something about him being annoying, but instead she asked if he could sit still and behave while she taught him how to fish. She was gonna teach him?!

Salamander would instantly smile, nodding his head furiously. ?Yes yes! I can sit still and behave!? He chimed with a grin. He would move though, taking a few steps back and away from the spot where he thought the lady was going to show him. She would need some room right? And if he was over here then maybe the fish would go by her! So he would plop himself down, tail lightly thumping against the ground, purple gaze focused on her and ready to learn!