


07-19-2014, 08:46 PM

Ooc;; Talon first please, people can hop in once they howl probably

She had been pretty quiet during their trek north. It had been a hard winter and it had begun to show. They had stayed in the plains until a pack had claimed it and they have been forced out, Kangi had attempted to drag Talon further south from there in hopes warmer weather would mean less snow and easier hunting. It had only been partially true. The winter had been a bit of a struggle, her ribs had showed for a bit but once spring had come around everything had settled back into its normal place of hunting and romping and having fun. Throughout it all they had watched the various packs, even through the plague and the challenges. There were a few that were to big, many that were too dark but finally they had settled on a pack. Tortuga. And that was where they were off to today.

She couldn't say she wasn't nervous, her heart was pounding in her chest despite their slowed pace. She remained close to Talon, allowing him to lean on her if needed and matching whatever pace he felt he needed to go. It was a long trip after all... But eventually they would draw near enough to scent the boarders and there she would pause, drawing a deep breath and turning to look at Talon. "Should we have a safe word for just in case their all crazy once we meet them?" She forced a small smile before moving to station herself at his side again. She wanted it to be a joke but her words came out mind of tense. We're they ready for this? Was she ready for this?


Talon I


4 Years
07-19-2014, 10:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2014, 10:30 PM by Talon I.)

They had survived winter together. Initially they had wanted to join a pack before the worst of the season arrived, but they had watched many packs from a far distance, and something had seemed off about so many of the wolves they had witnessed. A smell in the air, a strange aura... some seemed sick, horribly sick, and Talon would never risk Kangi's safety over something so uncertain. Instead they would push through the season, trekking through snow and ice, experiencing hunger and cold at times, though these things were not unfamiliar to either of them.

They'd watched this pack from a distance for awhile. As the snow melted and warmth spread over the lands, they ventured north again, deciding to talk to someone and see if their suspicions were true. The wolves here did not seem bad from a distance -- but how would they ever know until they met them, talked to them?

Talon felt his own heart pounding loudly in his chest, echoing loudly in his ears, a steady thrumming that refused to silence. Instead it grew louder as they approached the borders, and hardly slowed as they came to a halt near the edge of the territory. His weight would lean slightly into hers, using her for support more than usual, as he suddenly felt unstable due to his nervousness. Kangi suggested they come up with a safe word, and he nodded slowly. "Give me a word in your native tongue," he suggested with a gentle lick to her cheek. She did not speak it much anymore, but there had to be some words she remembered. Her English was nearly flawless now, tainted only but a subtle accent, but he knew it was important to her and didn't want her to forget it all. "We can use that as the safe word."



5 Years
07-19-2014, 11:31 PM

Spring had begun to sprung like the small bud of a beautiful flower, the forest of her homes that flower, the Red Forest truly a breath taking sight in the new season. Spring brought all new beginnings and new experiences.. Her thoughts would back track to the night before, the russet woman sharing a night of bliss and love with her Casanova, Winter. Her body would still tingle when ever she would think of the two becoming one, interwinning as one soul, love at the core. New beginnings.. Beginnings.. The small girl would swallow nervously, stopping in her tracks. She couldn't possibly be pregnant.. Could she? He didn't hold back from her at all. No, she couldn't possibly be growing pups in her stomach at the moment. It was a stupid suggestion. She hadn't even been in heat.
A relieved sigh would escape her ebony lips as she would continue to start walking again, senses becoming clearer as she would tilt her small, black nose into the spring air and taking a sniff of her surroundings. Two new aromas filled her nostrils, the scents coming from the borders of The Red Forest. She was quite close, so her slender legs would gracefully carry her to the pack borders, gait keeping steady at a rhythmic paced trot. Two canines would be awaiting the brown woman at the border, one black in color, the other one a dusty tan. Misha's eyes quickly scanned over both of them, sapphire blue orbs only landing on his missing leg for a split second. "Hello, I am Misha, a Cohort of Tortuga. What may I help you two, with?" She would ask in a soft and polite tone, a smile on her ebony lips.


07-19-2014, 11:42 PM

He was leaning on her but she wouldn't complain or speak about it. Everything she was doing he had to do on one less leg and she was painfully aware of that. So if she could do anything to lessen his pain she would do so without complaint. When he spoke she looked at him a bit shocked then smiled softly as he locked her cheek, giggling at bit at the rasp of it. She could still remember the first time she had met him, he had been with his sister and she had strung together the worst mixture of English and Lakota ever to try and speak to him. She had never really learned proper Lakota, only the broken terms her pup mind knew but she still knew enough that should she meet another who spoke it she might be able to choke out a simple message. "Kaga... It's simple and easy, it means demon." She said easily, smiling to him. Funny how one simple glance from him steadied her heart a bit more, returned it to a more natural rhythm. She felt completely at ease beside him and if not for the hard seasons she would have been perfectly happy staying with just him and her for the rest of their lives. "Ready...?" Her words were almost breathless, there was a nervous excitement there. This was a whole new chapter in their lives together after all.

But whatever excitement she had felt was crushed into the ground as a wolf appeared. Kangi couldn't quite place where the fear came from. Was she afraid of this wolf or was it because she hadn't had time to prepare herself? She felt caught off guard and blindsided by this female's sudden appearance and immediately eyes would snap wide as she approched. She had never fought before in her life, but immediately hackles were lifting slightly and neck would lower and curl into Talon's chest as if in a protective embrace. But then she would speak, spitting out so many forigen words she was left a little dizzy. What was a 'cohort'? Tortuga? The small girl couldn't help but frown. Was this girl like the king Talon had tried to tell her about when she had gone trespassing through Seracia? Though she would not peel herself away from Talon she would simply look up to him, obviously looking for him to take the lead here. What the hell had she gotten them into...


Talon I


4 Years
07-20-2014, 01:02 AM

What might this pack offer him, he wondered? He knew he was not the best asset to any pack; he had not found much purpose in Glaciem, and Kangi hadn't been happy there anyway. He was not a fighter, he never wanted to hurt anyone, unless he absolutely had to, to defend Kangi -- and he certainly was not a skilled hunter, nor could he ever be. Perhaps he could take some kind of role in gathering other sorts of food, or even just taking care of children and being an all-around helper? These worries plagued his mind as they waited. Talon did not want to disappoint Kangi, and he knew they would flourish in a pack where they could ensure food and safety for one another. Being around others might be difficult for them both, but he was certain it was something they could persevere through together.

The safe word would be kaga. If they were unhappy here, or weren't being treated well, they would use that word and flee. He felt a warmth in his chest as she smiled at him, and he gently brushed his nose against her own, feeling slightly reassured. Anxiety would still twist at his stomach, fears of being unwanted and rejected plaguing him like a sickness that he could not shake. "I'm ready," he assured her with another loving nuzzle, turning to gaze over the horizon, ready to let loose a call with her for anyone to come and speak with them.

But a woman appeared before they even had the chance to call. He felt his ears flatten involuntarily against his skull, his heart beginning to hammer loudly in his chest once again. Was this the leader? She didn't seem like one, but she seemed confident nonetheless. He found himself dipping his head in respect, though kept himself from groveling before her. Though he was a submissive creature, he didn't want to seem overly so; he knew weakness was not a good thing, and didn't want to seem frail in front of this stranger. He was reassured by the feeling of Kangi's face against his chest, though could sense her sudden anxiety and her outwardly negative reaction. Perhaps this would all end badly... but he had to try, for her, and her silence told him that he needed to speak. "Hi..." he began warily, his voice small but audible as he gazed at Misha with his silver gaze. "I don't really know what a cohort is, but... my name is Talon, and this is Kangi." The man's voice wavered slightly, but he glanced down at Kangi and pressed himself against her, feeling calmed by her touch. "We kind of... wanted to talk to someone about maybe joining, I guess. Is that something you can help us with?" his lyrics were genuine and sweet, and though his tone was deep, his mannerisms seemed forever childish, as though he had never quite grown up; his eyes shone with a curious sparkle and he found his tail flicking gently at his hocks as he waited.



5 Years
07-20-2014, 01:32 AM

She would look at both of them as he spoke, the way she would nuzzle her face into the male's chest, and how he would reassure her. The act made Misha smile, sapphire blue orbs continuing to watch the male as he would speak. "A cohort is one- well, those who keep the pack in line- the core of this pack," she would correct herself and exclaim to them, the both of them. "It is a pleasure to meet you both, Kangi and Talon," she would say in a soft melodic chord, listening to the male as he would mention joining. "Ahh, I'm sure you both will do fine in Tortuga, you seem like a good pair," she would say politely at them both. Misha would then tilt her crown back and send a melodic call through Tortugan lands, calling for either Qanik or Roman, whichever would come first.


07-20-2014, 01:57 AM

Tortuga was growing steadily now, and she let out a sigh of satisfaction as she heard, yet another howl from the border. She stood from beneath the tree she was resting under, nosing Greek to his paws as she went- ignoring his glare. "Come." She beckoned softly, and for once the fossa didn't argue with her. She sauntered towards the call, Greek moving between her legs as she went, as she approached the border. She could already scent Misha there, and the Queen smiled a bit. Head held, high, she would approach the wolves. She moved with an air of elegance, befitting her title as she approached them, and halted just on her side of the borer. "Misha." She greeted warmly, before her violet eyes landed on the strangers.

"Who are you?" Greek spoke, cutting her off before she could get her own words out. Roman rolled her eyes, lifting her paw and using it to nudge him quiet. "Please ignore my friend, he must have fallen asleep in thistle." She said with a chuckle, giving Greek a warning look. "I am Roman Armada, one of Tortuga's Queen's. What may I do for you two?" She asked, her tone warm, and her jaws betraying a slight smile. She sank back on her haunches, her movement an invitation to those present to relax as well, she didn't see any need to remain tense.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


07-20-2014, 03:09 AM

She didn't know the worries that plagued his mind, wouldn't have even understood them if he had voiced them to her. She had never been part of a pack, had never really known what it was like to pull her weight to keep the cogs of the machine churning. She knew how to take care of herself and how to take care of Talon. She was a hunter, and a bit of a herbalist when it came down to it but she was no where here as skilled as many others. But the idea of hunting for others seems off somehow. She hunted for Talon because she loved him, because she didn't want to see him go without anything but the idea of hunting for pack members and sharing her food with them... Though in theory they would share their food with her too right? Talon had explained a bit of packs to her off and on, briefly in Seracia and then in Glaciem but she had never really understood any of it. All of it going so far over her head she couldn't even begin to comprehend. But he was ready and so was she, nodding briefly in agreement. He could howl, he could speak.

Talon would take the lead, seeming to sense her displeasure and nervousness off the bat but she was fully aware of his nerves now too. With her head pressed to his chest she could both feel and hear the hammering of his heart. He began to speak, greeting the woman and speaking their desires. He would lean into her and she would take the weight with no complaint. But still she would remain silent, the quite observer of the group as the woman who had greeted them also spoke and then howled presumably for her 'king'? Though the woman who arrived was far from a man. Did a king have to be a man? Kangi was momentarily distracted by the woman's strange red mark but then a male voice would interrupt and immediately her eyes would fly wide. What was that? The creature that accompanied this new woman was a frighting one for sure, one Kangi had not yet seen in her travels.

A mixture of curiosity and fear washed over her and she forced herself to straighten a bit, standing fully at Talon's side. "What are you?" All the other wolves seemed to fade away into the background as she focused on this strange little critter that had demanded to know who they were. Vaguely, somewhere in the back of her mind, she recognized that the woman had introduced herself and had called herself a Queen. Did that mean she ruled beside the King? She would dare to tear her gaze away from the creature again and looked to Talon. "I think... We came here to learn more about your pack... If you know... You wouldn't mind, uh, sharing." Her words were soft, sweet and oh so naive. She coughed softly, stumbling over her words a bit. Maybe she should just let Talon speak? He had been doing a much better job at it. She would glance cautiously up at him, making sure that she had chosen her words well and to see if he had anything to add.




5 Years
07-20-2014, 09:52 AM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2014, 10:03 AM by Misha.)
I got my red dress on tonight

dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight

She would look up as her ivory Queen would appear, with something trailing along beside her- though she weren't to question it, not even really mind it, paying more attention at the matter at hands with the two possibly joining. "Roman," Misha would say with a dip of her crown in respect.

A small giggle would escape her ebony lips as she would watch the small creature question the black wolf- but she would do the same- asking the small brown creature what it was. Misha seated herself next to Roman, watching her as she spoke. He must have fallen asleep in thistle. Well wasn't that a displeasing thought, to fall asleep in thistles..? Misha would then turn her crown to the small brown creature, poking her nose with it. "Roman, what is it?" She would whisper to her Queen in curiosity, watching the small thing closely.

{OOC; Sorry!! I didn't realize I skipped Talon.}

throw my hair up real big, beauty queen stylehigh heels off I'm feeling alive

Talon I


4 Years
07-20-2014, 10:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2014, 10:06 PM by Talon I.)

For some reason, Talon had expected a negative reaction. Perhaps he was accustomed to feeling pity from others, or disgust -- but he certainly had not expected her to be so kind. The woman that had introduced herself as Misha smiled at them, almost looking upon the two of them fondly, and he found himself relaxing slightly. "Thank you," he said humbly, dipping his head to the ground in genuine gratitude.

The response was quick. A woman with a creamy pelt appeared, with vibrant markings adorning her face; she was beautiful, and he found himself staring in awe at her. It had been so long since he had communicated with wolves other than Kangi, and he was at a loss for words. The one she called her friend scared her, and his silence continued for a moment after she spoke. He felt nervous and light-headed again, and he found his limbs quivering slightly. "I'm Talon," he told her his name with a gentle, albeit wary, smile. "And this is Kangi, my..." What was she to him? He figured 'mate' was the right word, but it seemed so foreign to him -- she was his best friend, the woman that he loved. She was his everything, and some part of him desperately wanted them to understood that. They were individuals, but even more than that, they were a couple. Their love defined him, whether he would admit it out loud or not, and whether or not he had ever wanted to be defined by another being. "My partner." He figured that word worked as well as any other.

Kangi's attention was focused on the creature that accompanied the Queen here. He didn't like the word Queen; it made him feel uncomfortable, despite how warm her tone was, and despite her relaxed posture. Though she spoke, she seemed unsure, and he was unused to this timid part of her. He wouldn't blame her, as he felt the same. He felt a new-found strength as he thought of his mother, who had been abandoned by their father; weren't men supposed to take care of the women they loved? He would never abandon Kangi, and he needed to be strong for her, if nothing else. "We have been alone for a long time," he admitted sheepishly. Neither of them were remarkable -- both seemed small and frail, though they were not quite sickly. The winter had not been an easy one for them. "We were interested in maybe joining your pack. If you think we would be okay here. And if you would want us."


07-20-2014, 10:24 PM

With Greek bristling at her side, she curiously gazed at the two other wolves. They seemed like they'd been through a lot, one was missing a hind leg. They also seemed stable together, which spoke volumes to Roman as she stared. The darker female spoke first talking to Greek. Roman watched the interaction with a small smile on her jaws as the fossa fluffed up- trying to appear larger then his mere fifteen inches. "What am I? I am a Fossa." He said, raising up on his hindlegs. He tilted his head, looking at the wolves. "You is a wolf, you is. An odd looking pair of wolfs, but wolfs none the less." He said, though his tone now lacked aggression and was full of curiosity. It was then that Roman would take in the pair's request to know more of their pack. They were introduced as Kangi and Talon, and Roman nodded politely- logging their names in her mind.

She didn't want to waste their time, so she got to the point. "Tortuga is a pack of neutrality. We tend to stay out of the pointless drama of other packs, unless one of our allies call upon us- or unless we are threatened. We're small, but growing steadily and it's my intention to keep the wolves here close-knit- like a family." She explained, her voice soft. "I'm the only Fossa." Greek interrupted, and Roman chuckled and interrupted him, before he could go on a long tirade about fossa pride. "Most of our wolves specialize in either hunting, fighting, or healing, though there are a few that don't have a specialty. Regardless they are respected for their loyalty, and the things they do to help us." Roman wouldn't turn away a wolf, just because they didn't specialize- she knew all to well the usefulness of helpers, and wolves that were free of duties to do anything. "Did that answer your questions?" She asked politely, her body relaxed, as she waited to see if they wanted to know more.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak