
Far From Home, Far From Alone


07-20-2014, 02:01 AM

Darkness was no stranger to this male. As he stalked through the night he enjoyed the cool touch of the moon on his alabaster fur, salmon hued skin shimmering beneath the lighter veil. The brute chuckled softly as sleeping prey animals did not stir at his soft paw falls, he was the expert of stealth. He may be albino, making his form stand out against the greenery. Apollo could walk without so much as a sound, finding it easy to soften the blow of his massive, lanky form on the landscape. Animals who relied on sound would not see him coming, and that is just how he liked it. This cursed man was not one of darkness, although his darling Chrysies had shown him the power that the dark held, the grace of the harsher aligned carried. Was he totally changed? Perhaps not.

The beast moved his way through the knoll, the silence a nice companion on this fair night. Yes, he was rather far away from his normal abode, but it didn't bother him much. He didn't spend too much time there, not since he had learned of his brothers death. What else did Olympus hold for him? His parents, yes, but they had more spawn on the way. They would have no use of him once they were born, they would have their paws full with the little one. With his sweet angel off to destroy the world, he felt a little... lost. He didn't have a purpose, and it was driving him into a bit of a depression. The stoney boy just silently stalked forward, his ruby eyes fixed on nothing in particular. What would come of him on this fine eve? Perhaps a little romp, or someone to sink his fangs into as he joined their bodies. Yes, that would be fun. Images of his ebony and gold beauty filled his mind, and he found himself longing for her floral scent. He knew that she was not here, but maybe he could find her face in another...



4 Years
07-20-2014, 02:35 AM
The topaz hued fae could hear the sounds of the night before her. Her caramel and white colored coat standing out amongst the green shrubbery and other plants that surrounded the place they call Buffalo Knoll. Her scent of pine and maple filled her senses as she looked around, ears erect for any danger or any other animals she needed to worry about. Her paw pads gently grazed the grass and crushing the grass that happened to get in the way of her paws, the foliage making a swishing sound.

The dame would lie down against a small pool of water that lay before her. Small fish swam around the pool of H2O as the femme licked her chops. Though the fish seemed small, they would be a nice nighttime snack for her.

She dipped her head into the water and gulped down a few of the fish that happened to have gotten trappes in her canines, but she could also hear someone, or something moving close by as her ears stayed erect and she watched for any signs of danger.


07-20-2014, 03:00 AM

It wasn't long before a female wandered into his view, he easily paused and watched as she came upon a small pool. No emotion crossed his face as he just stood there, watching her. Yes, perhaps she would do. He was not about to wander over and force himself upon her, oh no. He was way more classy than that. Plus, Apollo wasn't certain that it was a lustful night that he wanted, perhaps just a night of casual stalking would do. So his salmon eyes looked on, watching her helpless form just lay there. She had no idea that he was here, did she? He could just stand here and stare at her, and she wouldn't know any better. A lopsided smirk graced his otherwise stony face, a feeling of power racing down his spine. Yes, it made him feel good that he could watch someone and they had no idea. Creepy? Yes, yes he was.

Apollo had enough of just looking on though, there was no fun in that. It held his joy for a little bit, but then he grew rather bored of it. Letting out a soft sigh he picked his way towards the caramel coated one, any signs of the smirk leaving his ebony lips. "My my, something must be awry. A girl left on her own, to what are you trying to atone? Perhaps you seek safe passage from wrong-doers, or maybe to have less viewers?" His lyrical voice broke the silence, the rhyming words sounding sweet and soft spoken. He walked up alongside her flank, his long tail trailing up her spine. "Maybe you are looking in the wrong place, for a wrong-doer you have come face to face. My name is Apollo my dear, one of the Olympus that some may fear. But don't you worry, I am in no hurry." He sneered at her, his head ducking down so that his next words were whispered in her ear. "Let me know your calling, so that I may whisper it when we are lolling."

OOC: Word definitions :

Awry - away from the correct or expected course

Atone - turn away from sin or do penitence

Lolling - lying in a relaxed manner

talk, think



4 Years
07-20-2014, 04:03 AM
Huata heard the rhythmical tone of the brute that had made his presence known to her. She had not even known that he was there. Yes, it was rather creepy, but, she showed no intention of being bothered by the male. She had faced a few males like him before, and though she showed no scarring from fights or other troublesome manners, she would only show that she would not be afraid.

Her spine tingled slight when the brute had ran his tail up her spine, a slight shiver would go upon her form as it shook slightly from the shock. He would seem to be rhyming as he spoke his words, but though she was not one to rhyme, she would only speak in an elegant fashion as best she could, knowing fully well that if she did so, she might be in even more trouble than when the brute had come to her.

"Salutations, Apollo, my name is Huata, and your stealth is impeccable nonetheless." The caramel colored dame gave a smile in greeting. She wasn't scared of the male now, but, if he were to do something that she would find bad or scary, then she would be. But, for the meantime, she would only socialize with the male. He appeared to be an albino. She had never seen an albino before, but she was amazed by his color and placed her crown upon her forepaws, topaz pools meeting crimson as her ears were erect so she could concentrate on only the male and his words.


07-20-2014, 11:51 PM

The candy-coloured female shivered, causing that grin to once more make itself known on his muzzle. The power he had over her already was exciting him, which could be a very bad thing indeed. Maybe he should ditch this girl and go and find his darling Chryseis. This one held no interest to him so far, until she spoke. So Huata, was it? She buffered his ego, making a small chuckle leave that stony maw of his. "I like to hide you see, I like to follow others even if they do not agree. I am the master of stealth, it is how I have gathered all my wealth." His voice was still whispered in her ear, his tall form looming over here as she lay below him. Yes, that was a look that he indeed liked.

There seemed to be something about the darkness of night that brought out the worst - or best - of Apollo. It all depended on who was looking at it. He seemed to be surprised that she did not fear him, but was oddly pleased. That meant that he could have a little more fun with her, toy with her a little more. Pulling himself away from her form he slipped into the small pool, his pale fur sticking to his skin. The water was not high for him, it only came up to the very base of his tail. Salmon hued eyes gazed back at the strange female, a humorless chuckle leaving his maw as the small fish stirred around his legs. "So what brought you here on this night? Did you come to walk while the moon was bright? Or did you come here for some plight?" He asked in his rhythmic tones.



4 Years
07-21-2014, 12:04 AM
Huata gave a smile of her own. The way he spoke in his rhythmic tone had intrigued her. Her topaz orbs shimmered in the small amount of moonlight that had peaked out to reveal itself from the clouds that loomed ahead. His albino pelt looked even more stunning to her, even though he seemed to have some kind of a more darker outlook on things, and liked to hide as he said.

"I am more of a traveler, nothing more than that. I was shunned from my pack from my evil pack alpha, and now I am here in Alacritia," she spoke as she could see he still had been rhyming, and she couldn't help but give a slight smile at that.

"So, may I ask what brings you here this fine night, Apollo?" She would ask, eyes staying focused on him as she asked the question.


07-21-2014, 12:28 AM

Her smile was sweet, innocent even. It made the albino beast want to show her the darker side of life, to show her that even the gods had a dark story. Yet they may have guided him here for a reason, perhaps Huata held something that he needed? Standing in the pool and looking her over, he doubted it. But still, he stayed here, lingering by this caramel female. She would say that she was shunned by an evil alpha which brought forth another chuckle from the brooding beast. Perhaps she was not as innocent as he originally thought. "Why did you not challenge than? It would be better than a ban, to have her blood on your hand." He said, blinking his ruby eyes at her. A test, his words were. It was all to see how truly dark this one was.

She tossed back the same question at him, although it was to be expected. "Me? Are you interested in what you see? Or perhaps you are looking for some glee. You will not find that in me, I am not one who will flee. I come here as quiet as a banshee, to see what this world will hold for thee." He said, flashing his teeth at the dame. Apollo stepped out of the pool, standing ahead of the dame so that they were face to face. He lowered his head, his next words coming out in a soft whisper. "Perhaps what you seek is indeed a little fun, little girl who has a shun. I have come here for the interests of my hun, or perhaps I am here for the run."



4 Years
07-21-2014, 01:07 AM
Huata would hear his words about how she should have challenged the alpha that had banned her. She would know that he was a more darker male, and that maybe she should be careful around Apollo for the time being. Her topaz eyes showed a hint of kindness yet seriousness.

"The alpha may have banned me, but I will not hurt unless I must. I do not fight unless there is a good reason, and me being banned was expected due to me talking back about the alpha's leadership. Apollo, I know your kind, but what you may need is someone who can hear what you have to say this time." She knew she was choosing the wrong kind of words, but, better to tell the truth and see where it leads, rather than telling a lie.

"I have not been in many fights due to my good nature, but, I was considered tough, though I do not wish to fight," Huata would speak as she looked to the moon, topaz eyes shimmering slightly.