


07-18-2014, 07:15 PM

She would stick close to pack lands as always but old habits would draw her towards the mountain, slinking towards the base and then tipping skull backwards to gaze upwards. She still moved awkwardly, leg unable to reach it's full range of motion. If she swung it too far back or tried to over extend forward pain would still arch though her shoulder. It had been almost a month since the challenge and the maim, though flesh had begun to knit back together it would still be a long healing process. She wasn't yet sure if she was willing to walk all that way up, back to old pack lands and back to her old home. No. Not just yet... Lantern gaze would be tossed back over her shoulder, back to fern gully, back to her home. A slow smile would slip over her inky lips before she would slowly lower herself to her haunches. So much had happened since this place, since Nnoitra and Kaien. Morphine and Desdemona. Was it better now? Vi didn't know... TALK HERE


07-21-2014, 09:58 AM

The fiery boy had found his way to a fiery mountain. Oh how fitting that was as he slowly made his ascent towards the top to see what would be happening in the belly of the beast. His fur had been freshly groom but had soon found its way into a mess as it often did. He cursed his rather long fur as he pushed forth, catching very few scents on the wind. No wonder the prey seemed to stay away from the place. It was a good thing that the man was not there to hunt but instead he was there to fly. It was a lesson that his surrogate father had taught him of, a way for him to strengthen his confidence. He would scale the most dangerous part of the land and then face the danger before turning back. His adoptive father had called it flying.

He would scan the lands in front of him as he occasionally checked behind his back to see if there were any gypsies, tramps, or thieves lurking about. He did not take too kindly to being snuck up on after all. In a while, his paws would begin to ache but there was a sense of hope with it. There was a scent of another wolf on the wind and his will urged him to push forward and see what it was that he seemed to be drawn to. It was there that he saw her for the first time, the queen that he did not know about. She had fierce golden eyes and what appeared to be a rusty red coat. She had a white underbelly and she was just sitting there on her haunches. She was smiling and he began to wonder. Was she looking for someone or something in particular or was she just a happy wolf at the time?

?Hello miss.? He would grant a respectful greeting to the female before him with a small bow of his head. Always so proper with his titles he was.

"Talk." Think.