


07-20-2014, 09:01 PM
[Image: ae06j7.png]

[Image: ulpqr.jpg]
^ Star's baby (boy)
[Image: 35luoth.png]
^ Cantti's baby (boy) ANTHRAX
[Image: 14v5ue0.png]
^ Saf's baby (girl) BATHORY
[Image: awrd53.png]
^ Azzy's baby (boy)
[Image: free_canine_lineart____psd___png_file___...7rjtzn.png]
^ Away's baby (girl) KALMA

Mom: Dione
Dad: Novaro

So these babies have been designed as per rper's request. If you guys like I can make you your own, just tell me the colour scheme and we can go on JM and make you your own. But these designs have been reserved for those rper's.

If at any point these babies fall inactive Luis and I will reserve the right to take them back. These pups will be super family oriented, discipline will probably happen often to make sure they are moulded into what Dione believes is perfect. They will be taught to worship her and bring her gifts, they will be cannables. They will be mentally abused!!!

Honestly guyz, the shit Di will put these kids through (especially since there are so many of them) will be crazy. Prepare to be kicked off a cliff if she gets a chance. I do believe Nova will be a more primary caregiver but I dunno, Luis and I haven't talked about this.

You can choose your characters main personality, but we would like them to be darker. They don't have to like their family but they have to be loyal. CRAZY IS ALLOWED. Dione is bipolar like crazy, hopping between bubbly and morbid and violent. You can decide how your character handles the abuse as well, they can lash out at others, internalize it, become violent or complete pushovers. Its really up to you.

Names will be morbid. Dione doesn't want these kids so she will give them names that are quite unorthodox. Grave, Dead, Rotten, Decay, Anthrax, Rabid... Name them after fatal diseases, after some crazy shit. Doesn't really matter to me. You can make it fancy and throw in some random languages. Dione knows quite a few languages (or how to swear on them). Coat colours are HALF PRICE, marking colours are FULL PRICE, but odd markings or patterns are FULL PRICE.

We have 6 weeks before these babies can even be conceived. Oct 2nd to be specific.

Personality: 200 words
Appearance: 100 words
RP Sample: however long you end up going to convey how you will rp this kid :)


07-20-2014, 11:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2014, 02:37 PM by Svanerna.)
here <3 i am so bad at rp samples D: i like getting the hang of a charrie before diving into a full on passage. u kno u kno? Well here it is ^.^ dis bitch his mine <3 lol jk, but no mine.

There is no denying the perfection of such a beautiful creature of horrors. The non-existent Gods blessed the faithless being before you without a single doubt. As eyes would flow down his beastly body you would feast upon a base fur color of obsidian. That of the rock made from molten lava itself. Upon his back would be four moderate slips of neon blue. Light and firm. Such colors would contrast with perfection. They would be thickest upon his broad spine and thin out upon the middle bits of his sides. They would only spread out from the top of his shoulders to almost the middle of his back. As his head would end, right at the beginning of the chest, alabaster would invade his under bits all the way down his belly to the tip of his tail. His front two legs were matched with white paws, the back of his paws being spread with the white more so then the front of his legs. On the top bits of his front legs, just above each knee would be a little stripe of the same neon blue upon his back. Though, his hind legs were more plain. They would begin with ebony at the thigh ending with alabaster socks starting above each hock. Upon the upper bits of his thick tail would be a bit of white that filled only the middle bits, the rest being ebony until you flipped it over to see all white. Upon his face Anthrax would posses beautiful blood red eyes that seem to flash with the ever most dark emotions you could ever think of with only a glance. The boy would stand at 35 inches and weighing at 150 lbs. His form would be at a larger height but he would remain stocky, it obviously being muscle rather then fat. You could often see the behemoth slinking around like a snake. He would not come off as dominant nor would he wish to draw attention to himself, but when you get the beast riled up you would instantly notice the common dominant gestures. He would be one of shadows rather then outward dominance instantly.
At a young age the creature would be subjected to horrors. Constant bi polar abuse from his mother. One moment licks of love the next shameless abuse. He would not dwell in his past nor would he ever feel bad for himself. For he was enraged. Due to his mother's abuse he would grow up to be a daemon. Anthrax would grow into a misogynistic being. Complete resentment of woman. Anything with the female organs would be hated instantly by him. Their voices, their looks, and their attitudes. He would see nothing but waste. The only femmes he would ever be able to handle would be his mother and his sisters. Though, that would not make him anything but heterosexual. Anthrax would find a deep love for the pleasure a woman could give him. Therefore when he sees a female the first thing he sees {other then waste} would be sex. The only woman he would honestly divulge in would be one of divinity and perfection. Then he would bless them with his royal seed, as if it were a gift. Or try to at least. Though, he and his mother would be involved in an odd relationship. At a young age he would often submit to her horrors but as he grew the boy would retaliate. Attempting to snap back, calling her horrible names, anything really. But, he would never leave his family for he has a feeling of debt to them. Dione brought him into the world therefore he would forever owe her the debt of life. Due to his mothers teachings he would be a die hard cannibal. Anthrax would aim to devour as much flesh from females he could. If just a bite. It brings him pleasure, to taste the blood of another. He would grow up to believe it was the only way of life. Yet, that would obviously not be his only way of life. The boy would learn the way of poison. He would train himself to learn the art of silently killing, assassin of sorts. Yet, he would also know how to slaughter paw to paw, per usual. He would never fear scars of death for he believes life in Alactrica is hell anyways. Anthrax would find complete joy in battle even if just a spar. He would love the feeling of his own flesh being sliced for it would make him feel only that more alive. He would never be calm, he would constantly be a pit of fire. No one could ever see him as normal for the scarring of his childhood would haunt him with each step. Yet, if a female would prove herself to him with the art of battle, sex, and feasting he could possibly take her as a mate, not saying he would remain faithful. Though, some of the more alluring traits of the boy would be the way he moves and acts. Each word would be dramatic and each set of vocals theatrical. Pauses, heavy breathing, and snapping of teeth would be evident. He is obviously completely full of himself and he would not care one bit. Anthrax is a being of horrors, commence at your own risk.
Alabaster paws of the daemon would slam upon the earth with complete rage. Crimson eyes were constantly full of rage but in those moments he would be full of any horribly emotion you could even think of. His eyes were locked onto the whore that crossed his path so rudely. He was furious. Her disgusting stench filling his nose as she rushed past him to catch her little prey. She even had issues catching it like the imbecile she was. But, when she saw him and just ran away with her gluttonous meal, he took it as a slap in the face. The large man bubbled with anger, how dare such a foul creature defy him of even the common courtesy of a nod. Though as he caught up to her she turned around to face him, obviously fed up with the simple chasing. Anthrax rolled her broad shoulders, his head held high and his tail completely erect in dominance. The venomous horror listened to her putrid words, "Why do you follow me, sir?" The mangy boy snorted as his words flooded from his inky jaws. "You are disgusting." The man paused for a moment, his bodice turning beginning to pace. He would look at the ground as he spoke, only looking at her when he finished with a snarl. "How dare you act so arrogant in the presence of someone who could tear you a part within a blink of an eye?" He paused, snarling once more. "I do not take kindly to such behavior, wench." He stopped, looking at her, the boy spat on the ground. The girl looked completely shocked, appalled. Her voice cracked with a loss of words. The boy would take a single step to her. "Drop the meal, creature of gluttony." She would do so, obviously frightened. The boy would snort before speaking again, "Run now, I shall seek you later, whore. You will pay for this." Anthrax could easily track her, for now he would lean down, pick up the meal and saunter back into the shadows.




6 Years
07-20-2014, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2014, 08:58 PM by Caeto.)


We can talk about the name if necessary, I was thinking "Necrosis", I can settle for Demise or Tetanus (Others can use these names if they wish)




I always forget the discounts, I'm good as price goes.

Necrosis - death, the stage of dying, the act of killing


(this will be written like my other profiles, take a look if you want)

As a pup, Necrosis wants nothing more but to go out and have fun. He can be loud and rambunctious and often wants to wrestle with his other siblings. But he is easily put into place and corrected when told. He is easily influenced by his mother, it only takes a few scoldings to get it through his head. He becomes unsure on what he is allowed to do, and refrains from leaving mother's side at all costs.

As an adult, Necrosis acts as a slave to his mother. He will do absolutely anything she demands, but sees no fault in doing so. He follows her just about anywhere unless told to leave. He addresses her as master (Or we can talk about what he should call her) and never considers her as his mother unless told to. He neither holds a friendly, nor evil attitude. He acts more as a puppet with no emotion whatso-ever.


Necrosis Lydia-Red (Neh-cro-sis Lid-ee-ah Red)

Necrosis is a small wolf, with a thin, flexible frame. He stands at 28 inches and weighs 81 pounds. He holds an average build that fits well with his slim body.

Necrosis is a base color of black, but has an unusual teal colored blanket. His entire head is black and ends between his two front legs covering his entire chest. From the back of his skull to the tip of his tail fades from a dull blue to a dry green, the color gently blending in the middle; this shows the color traits from both his parents. All four of his legs are black, and from his legs comes an unusual pattern that appears to be holding his teal color onto his body like a harness. Both of his eyes are a shining red that glow off his black face.

Necrosis always holds the gaze of an empty vessel. He has absolutely no emotion. His ears stay tilted backward and his posture isn't over-powering or submissive.

user posted image

RP Sample:

Where was she? What was he to do now? Who would be there to control him?

The dark male rose his nose to the air trying to scent his master. She had told him to stay back, but he couldn't just leave her. He craved her demand, he thirsted for her abuse. But he knew better than to come running back to her after she commanded him to leave. He would stay close to her aroma, it made him feel safe, feel needed. If she would call him back he would be there instantly, hopefully she would be pleased with his quick response.

He couldn't remember the days where he called her mother. Was she even considered a mother? He couldn't tell the difference, he knew of nothing else. All he needed to know was that no place was safer than by her side. He wouldn't have to ever worry about pain other than from her. Mother always knew best, right? So what did he have to worry about?

(This RP sample seriously sucked. I might back out depending on how I feel about his character.)


07-21-2014, 10:44 AM
I'll Be Your Number One With A Bullet

A Loaded God Complex

NAME: Malaria

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil


APPEARANCE: (The black and purple pup with orange eyes)


Cock It And Pull It[Malaria]


07-21-2014, 02:47 PM
user posted image





PERSONALITY: Born to a skeptical sage of twilight, the girl was once happy go lucky. Once. Then came the mental abuse, the haunting aura of a different aspect of love. She was no longer called a girl, but a creature to her mothers eyes. A disgrace. A burden. By any chance they got, the girl would be tumbled to the ground by her Brothers and sister, just to please their Mother. Not that that stopped the burden, named after the rotting stench of a corpse, she would keep her name in high hopes. It was a magnificent name really, other then the actual meaning. Kalma beholds her mother as an arch angel, the one that birthed her with no problems, the one everyone should look up to (or down to, in this case.). Dione is the one she strides to be when she grows upon the adolescent age, and beyond that too. No matter how many stumbles and falls the girl must go through, she will always have that piece of originality upon her.

Suffering from the manic-depressive illness more or so called the Bipolar disordier, the daughter has her times where she goes into the phrase of happy go lucky, jumping in flowers and dancing to her own song, to the vise versa; the deprived of the demonic selfish self that her mother raised her to be, A cannibal; a monster. One that most fear, the linage that breaks through the surface of selfless and into the lineage of selfish. The danger to the land. She is one to be feared; not loved.
While she is a beholder of her mothers disorder, she also holds her Fathers compassion; and it shows when she wishes it to. Kalma is a rebel, excuse her for not listening to perches of speech if it isn't necessary, though, when it is and one of her Brothers goes off, she is most likely to put them in their place. To scold them. She's a daddy's girl for the most part, though that never interfered with her undeniable love to her mother and siblings.

APPEARANCE: Possibly being the most colored demised as well as with markings, she finds herself being in pride for her coloration and patterns. A mixture of her parents; with the sea tide hue upon her fur, it is almost the most beautiful. Though that's not the thing that makes the girl unordinary upon her siblings. Circular like markings (rather small, yet visible to the nude eye)appear where the tip of her eye begins and down the side of her mouth with the first tinted hue of blue. Upon the obsidian coloration that is pulled from her own mother's pelt, it goes rather beautifully to her own. Around her eye is a spectacular marking; one that would make you awe, with the same hue of her first coloration, a circular yet narrow shape forms around it, while fading out into thin lines as it reaches the end of her face.
Now scoring down her chest where the obsidian lays a large anemic white patch lays only to fade out once more into the obsidian most known. Pallid lines score down upon her neck, and while it's unusual, it's beautiful all the same. The lines continue around her neck almost in a circular demise, leaving no space between them. The lines only fade once again into the scene at the end of her spine, some completely visible while others weren't so much, and soon enough they fade out again. At the end of her tail, as well as her legs, the white tiger like stripes come in once again before stopping completely. To finish it off, ruby hued pools come into show, to take the stage. Almost a neon red, though it also reminds you of the essence that runs through her veins. With the height of 35", don't let her pretty looks fool you; because that's where your story comes to an end.

RP SAMPLE: It was almost too magnificent to be true; the world upon your feet, the peaceful surroundings and the silence that could test your sanity. Life was fresh upon the lands, the sun bathing upon her lush figure; the blue going quite naturally with the wildlife around the woman. A large figure rested upon these parts, rather lazily at that. Fog nestled, moving slowly across, still stone never moving, and interest depleting quickly. Swift body risking the dangers of where she laid, which happened to be a tall crumbling stone, raised. Calm life now risking where she stepped, her weight testing where she stood, and at the moment where there was barely never time left, the woman's haunches crouched down, lithe body pressed to the stone ground before lifting off. Time froze, the sanity depleting and fear raising as a rather large thump gave off under her weight. And at that exact moment, the stones crumbled and gave off to the left only leaving a mask of dust. A grumble of displeasure the only persona of conversing leaving her lips as she watched with a amused gaze. Taking her eyes off of the mess, and with a turn of a gaze, the waterfall that contrasted the only noise was only just ahead. And the quenching taste of deprivation of the source was bringing her life to the minimum level. Marsh lands were diverse here; though it was possibly the only place she enjoyed most. Most citizens didn't enjoy the silence that was brought here, and while she was social to others, that didn't necessarily mean she liked the company at times. Her attention and thoughts were interrupted by the fog that was heavily put here from the attention and force of the waterfall. With the deprivation of the sight, it was almost better being blind at this point. A skeptical look crossed her features and while it was precisely agitating her to the least of her patience. Her thoughts were scorched through once again as she felt the cold essence on her appendages. Finally. Leaning her skull down, the wave of refreshment lasted upon her figure, the quenching thirst now completely diminished from her needs. And for once, she was completely content.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-21-2014, 05:50 PM

[Image: A11MSLQ.png]


Name: Solanine (the poison found in nightshade plants )

Alignment: Chaotic Evil


A wraith of ambition, Solanine has laid out every mote and particle of his time here on this earth since the moment his lids first cracked to offer him sight. An utter control freak--nearly to the point of coming across as a psychopath--he will stop at nothing to fulfill this warped image of grandeur that is his future. While seeming to be a noble, affable creature when all is well, the moment that things deviate from what he wants to happen, he will utterly snap, going to any and all lengths to correct the path. This will make him highly, highly manipulative, and there is a very real possibility of him creating multiple underlying personalities that serve their own roles in achieving his goals. He will condemn those he knows or has the trust of without thought should the shining star of his grandeur-filled plan drop a little closer into his reach by doing so. From a young age, he will constantly be quite the escape artist, finding ways to sneak off into the night and be exactly where he shouldn't be--and for the most part, not getting caught for it. His first objective will be freedom so he can begin crafting his own life outside of the grasp of those in power.

Solanine's respect will be difficult to earn and it will be very likely that he will never utterly revere someone--the brute has endless issues with authority, and despises anyone except for himself being in control, though he will grudgingly put up with it if need be, but never permanently. Loyalties, to him, are like morals--for hypocrites and the weak. He believes that he is the definition of royalty and that anyone that doesn't fall into his utopian vision doesn't belong anywhere near him. In defeat, he will be a horribly sore loser, and will likely be known to pursue someone until they submit or until they no longer interfere with his perfect mirage. An acute opportunist, he will lunge at windows of advancement opened to him, using tools of deception and force to further himself. Women will be treated like any other part of his plan--disposable where needed and critical to it when desired.


A dark, handsome beast splashed with color, Solanine's sturdy bones--ivory structures encased in lean but powerful sinew--support a thick, midnight pelt. During the slated chiseling of his creation, it seems as if the wraith was dipped deliberately into the essence of moonlight itself, as swathes of alabaster adorn his toes and the back of his front forelegs, setting his hind limbs mostly awash in pale fur and smudging the underside and top of his tail with similar luminosity. Like ribs, four stalactites of brilliant cerulean arc from his back, matched in hue by a single niche on the front of each leg, just above the knee joint. Underlined by this striking palette of oceanic tones are his bright, fiery eyes, deeply contrasting with the surrounding fur.

A bit taller than his twin, Anthrax, he will rise to stand at thirty-seven inches*, but will weigh about fifteen pounds less, adopting an average form that balances power and stamina.

* height will be purchased

RP Sample: wipwipwipwip

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-22-2014, 12:33 PM
Name: Bathory
Alignment: chaotic evil
Personality: 200 words
Appearance: 100 words
RP Sample:



2 Years
09-03-2014, 01:50 PM
These pretties will be happening in a seasons time! I am more then willing to help lend out some gems and make some art for themxD
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.