
Squirrels Are Friends, Not Food



5 Years
07-21-2014, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2014, 09:42 AM by Misha.)

Sapphire blue grey eyes would watch the small brown creature, the small squirrel digging it's front paws into the grass, probably looking for a few fallen berries from a nereby bush. Misha had been stalking it for a while now, staying behind trees, close to bushes, and crouched to the ground. She wanted to improve her hunting skills- and this was the perfect way. Small, ivory paws would slowly pace towards the animal, the russet woman making sure to keep her slender body close to the ground. One move.. One pounce, and he'll be your's. She would think to herself, running up behind it. "Eyy lassy, are ye gon' an' eat mi? What if I put up a fight with ye, eh?" The voice would break her concentration, the fae stopping in her tracks immediately. "Food isn't supposed to talk!" She would exclaim, looking down at the Arctic Ground Squirrel as he would narrow his amber brown eyes at her. "I em not food, lassy. I em Sven," he would say, with a hard nod. "Well, Sven.. My apologies for thinking you were food," she would say in a mumble, sure he would hear it. "Dun be worried about it, Lassy." He would tell her. "Oh, my name isn't Lassy.. It's Misha. Misha Elaine Cae," She would say proudly, a small smile on her maw as she watched him. "Misha Elai- what? Well Lassy, that's too much of a mouthful so, yer Lassy to me," he would tell the Lassy, the fae giving a small nod. "Fair enough.. Where were you going?" Misha would ask him, curious of his explorations. "Well Lassy, no where actually- I have nothing to do, what about ye?" He would ask in a hopeful tone, amber eyes holding curiosity. "Nowhere either, just looking for lunch," she would say, raising a brow as an awkward expression appeared on her face. "Well, Lassy," he would quickly climb up her leg, placing himself on top of her back as his claws dug into her scruff, holding himself against the wolf. "Ow!! Hey, what are you doing?!" she would ask with an annoyed growl, tilting her crown to the side to get a glimpse of him. "I'm ye new protector, friend, whatever ye want to call mi- I'm sticking to ye like honey," he would say with a smile, grabbing tightly on the girl's scruff. "Onward, milady!" he would say with a small screech, squirrel and wolf making their way down town.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 11:18 AM

It was mid-day, or at least close to it, dawn being closer than dusk. The sun drew high in the heavens and clouds wrapped around it like a quilt. Clouds in which were ranging from white to grey in color. Surely that meant rain or perhaps even thunderstorms as the day grew older. The trail would lead him to a land frozen with thick ice. Tree tops protruded from the frozen liquid. It appeared as if it may have flooded in this land and consumed all life below it, except for the tips of tall trees. If one look at his or her feet, it felt as if he or she was standing on the edge of heaven - peering down upon the life below, though in this case, the life below was frozen in time.

The perfume of his mate was strong here, and this is what brought him back to the northern lands. Rustling in the distance had to mean it was her. It was the only scent of wolf that tainted the air. Winter traveled in the direction in which he heard the scurrying. Ah, and there he would find his love chasing a squirrel which was now. . . on her back?! How strange. It seemed like the little thing was mushing her as if she were a sled dog. Rodents were not capable of such intelligence, were they?

Winter loped over to where his love was and stood there - eyes stuck on the little fuzzball. Uh. . . Misha. There's a squirrel on your scruff. Want me to snatch it off? It's kind of creepy looking.

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5 Years
07-22-2014, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2014, 12:59 PM by Misha.)

The russet woman would glance up, hearing her mate's voice behind her. But, before she could respond, Sven gave a hiss to the male. "Eyy, ye better keep yer paws off mi Lassy, understood?" He would say with a puff of his chest, a low hiss being sent to the male. "An' I em not creepy- I em Sven," he would say with narrowed amber eyes, testing the male.

"Uggh, hi Winter.." She would say in an embarrassed tone as she looked into his emerald green eyes, smiling shyly. "This is my new companion.. Sven," She would say as she cast a sideways glance at him. "I em also the Lassy's protector, understood?" He would eye the male, giving Misha's scruff a scratchy hug. She would roll her sapphire blue eyes, sighing softy in annoyance.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 11:51 AM

This rodent was a bit annoying and Winter would prefer to eat the thing than listen to it ramble about how his name was Sven. The rodent's claim of Misha belonging to him was a little overboard. If it is to stay, the two of them were going to have to have an understanding. Let's get a couple of things straight, Sven. The lady is my mate, understood? Winter's words were mocking the words the rodent spat out at him. Understood? . . .

Winter looked into his love's eyes with wonder painting his face - eyebrows raised and lips curled downwards in disapproval. The rat would go if it were his choice, but if Misha just had to have the thing tag along, he would tolerate as long as he could. Them , the squirrel would become a snack. Misha. . . if you want the thing to stay, I suppose it could for a little while. But it seems to me as if you are his new companion. It's kind of bossy. Winter turned and gave the squirrel a hard look. The two of them probably would not get along. The rat seemed to be rather dominant.

Thoughts of the squirrel exited his mind as he remembered the possibility of Misha becoming pregnant after their encounter. A worried look now overcame his face. Forehead scrunched into wrinkles and eyebrows slightly raised. How. . . How are you feeling, Misha? Winter then glanced at the squirrel again - making a rude gesture by sticking his tongue out at the fella.

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5 Years
07-22-2014, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2014, 01:02 PM by Misha.)

"What's a 'mate'?" He would hiss questioningly at the pale male, climbing down from Misha's back and sliding down her leg. "Look 'ere laddy. I dun care what ye are to her. I'm still sticking to her like honey," he would say with a puff of his chest, staring straight up at the male as he stood up on his hind legs, attempting to look bigger, hissing at Winter.

"Sven, back off!" She would say, pulling him back with her paw towards her. "Nuu milady, let me at him!" He would say with a fiesty screech, pumping his small fists into the air. "Sven, that's enough." She would say with a warning growl, snapping her jaws at him. "Alright milady, but if something happens, I swear." He would say with a soft growl, climbing back up her leg and taking a seat on her back, claws digging into her scruff. Winter would ask how she was feeling, suddenly feeling sick at that moment. Her head would spin and her stomach would knot. "Excuse me for a minute.." She would say in a weak tone, closing her eyes. "Milady.. Are you alright?" Sven would question her, whispering softly in the fae's ear.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 01:36 PM

Alright, so this squirrel was kind of cute after all and brave at that - boasting up to a wolf that could devour him in one snap. Soft laughter rumbled in the male's throat. Ah, this little guy would be of entertainment. Winter decided to play along with the fella. Oh my! I didn't realize you were so big. Nobody would ever mess with the lady with such a strong squirrel to protect her. He striven to maintain a serious timbre as he addressed the rodent.

Winter smiled when Misha would order the fella to back off and then pull him back to her. It seemed his mate had taken to the fella. Oh, phew. . . thanks Misha, darling. I was scared for my life. I mean, look at him! Winter poked Sven in the chest, gently, with his paw. He's hard as a rock!

Only seconds passed when Misha seemed to grow weak - excusing herself for whatever was ailing her. Winter nuzzled his mate gently on her left cheek when she closed her eyes. Misha. . . what's wrong? He was worried and unsure what to do. Maybe you should lie down for just a moment.

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5 Years
07-22-2014, 02:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2014, 02:41 PM by Misha.)

Misha would slightly perk up her ears up when Winter would play along with Sven, the squirrel huffing in approvement. "That's right laddy, ye better be afraid of mi," Sven would say with a hard nod.

"I.. I don't feel so good," The words would slip out of her mouth before the fae would collapse onto the snowy ground, the squirrel quickly loosening his grip on her scruff and hopping off of Misha. She was unconscious.

"Uggh, eyy Winter.. What.. Uhm. Do we do about Lassy?" He would suddenly cower between the pale male's legs as he watched the unconscious russet woman, his expression full of worry for his Lassy.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 04:52 PM

Misha would speak words of her feeling ill and then soon following, she would pass out. Worry and fear passed through his body as if it were an electric current. It was cold and the ground was frozen. Warmth. She needed to be somewhere warm. To make matters even more dire, the clouds had grown darker and thunder had begun rumbling in the distance. He needed to find them shelter. If the frozen terrain was not enough, the soon to come freezing rain would be. To search for shelter would mean leaving Misha, but that he could not do. He had to try to carry her with him.

Winter placed his teeth around Misha's scruff and with a quick toss, he lifted her body off of the ground and caught her upon his shoulders. Winter slid the rest of his frame underneath hers so she was now upon his back - her weight balanced evenly. C'mon Squirrel. . . We have to find shelter, fast. Keep up. Ah, he would have devoured the little nuisance if Misha did not like him so much. For her, he would protect the rat as well.

Winter traveled west, sun now beamed into his eyes as the day grew older. West seemed most likely to have caves, it was rocky in that direction - his travels came to an end about fifteen minutes after it began. It was not a cave that he had found, but it would simply have to do, for he was exhausted. A large, smooth rock offered protection from the frozen ground and a bushy, evergreen tree protruded from the ice beside it - it was larger than its frozen family below, tip reaching, thankfully, seven feet above the ice. It would have to do because it was the only shelter he had crossed paths with. Traveling further would risk their lives.

His claws clicked against the rock as he climbed on top of it, still carrying Misha upon his back. Winter eased the lady down upon the rock carefully, being sure that her body did not touch the frozen ground. The rock was not much warmer, but it sure beat the freezing ice. The now hidden sun had warmed it to a bearable temperature. Hidden sun - dark clouds now covered it's face. Winter curled his body closely to hers (and Sven), sharing his warmth and there he would stay, beside her, until she awakened from her trance.

Winter looked to the rodent. Surely the creature could be useful and fetch some water. Squirrel, why don't you go fetch her some water. Look for leaves or maybe some sort of rock you could use to carry water in. Maybe even some branches that have broken off of these tree tops could serve as a container. Go, hurry. . . She will probably be thirsty when she wakes up. Misha probably needed food as well - she was hungry looking for food when he found her, but he refused to leave her side to hunt. Her blood pressure probably took a dive and made her faint. . . Yes, that had to be it. Right?

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5 Years
07-22-2014, 05:05 PM

"Nuu, I em not leaving her side." He would say in protest, hugging the girl's neck while in her slumber. "Ye know- she was doing just dandy until ye showed up," Sven would tell Winter with a hiss, turning the situation on him and blaming the male for it. "Yer her mate- ye should know what to do!!" He would say with another hiss, baring his tiny teeth at him.

Suddenly there would be the stirring of movement, Misha attempting to sit up. "Please.. Don't fight," she would say in a weak tone, closing her eyes, trying to catch her breath. "MILADY, YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Sven would say with a happy shriek, hugging her tail affectionately.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 06:56 PM

The rodent grew all the more annoying with each passing second. A growl ripped through Winter's throat as the creature refused to do as he asked. He was ready to devour the rat; however, a voice, Misha's voice, interrupted the argument. A plead for them to cease their disagreeing. Winter would, of course, he would do anything she asked of him - which was unlike Winter. Perhaps love can do many crazy thing's to a wolf.

Winter kissed Misha's forehead. Worry and fear ran through the dainty wolf as if it were electricity. He nudged his princess and sung out to her. How are you feeling? Is there anything I can do for you? We need to try to get to a safer place before this storm hits. Winter's eyes would then dart up to the sky. Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightning illuminated the dark clouds in electric blue hues.

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5 Years
07-22-2014, 07:18 PM
"N-no, I'm fine.. I just feel really lightheaded.." She would say in a soft tone, smiling at her mate's touch. "Eyy!! It's no time for a reunion. You heard him, we have to get out of here!" Sven would screech and push himself between them, shoving the two lover's bodies apart.

"Winter.. I.. I think I'm pregnant." She would say in all honesty, a wave of nausea hitting her. "Oh shit.." She would say and quickly turn her head, coughing, but nothing came up. Maybe it was a good thing after all that she hadn't found a meal after pairing up with Sven, but she still felt fatigued.. Lightheaded, though the thought of food only made her want to vomit even more. "I need to cool off," she would say as another symptom would hit her, her body burning up with fire. She would drag herself off the rock and slump onto the snow, nuzzling her face against the ice. "Uhh Winter.. What's wrong with her, what's a 'pregnancy'?" He would ask the male, feeling worried about his Lassy.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-22-2014, 07:37 PM

How to make her feel better? What was he to do. . . He had never been in such a situation. Typically, if something like this were to arise, he would leave. Leave and allow others to worry with such problems. Now, he regretted such decisions for he had no idea how to help his mate accept offer his warmth and companionship.

His love's next words would strike even more worry and fear into his heart. Pregnant. He was afraid of this since day one. Another thing Winter was not sure how to deal with - pregnancy and puppies. Winter caught himself holding his breath and now, he too, felt lightheaded. How. . . How can we be sure?

Suddenly Misha jumped to her feet and quickly snuggled into the nearby snow. What was he do to help? Winter rushed over to her. Tell me what I need to do. Should I go fetch you something to eat? Or maybe water? Winter snuggled into her fur then glanced upwards again as a loud roar of thunder shook the earth. The rat is right, Misha, we have to get to shelter.

His eyes would turn to Sven when he would question him about pregnancy. She is carrying babies, Squirrel. You mean. . . you don't. . . Winter just shrugged it off. How could a grown squirrel not know that? Though, it did not surprise him. The little guy had more issues than that. I mean, he was hanging around huge carnivores.

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5 Years
07-22-2014, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2014, 08:05 PM by Misha.)

How could they be sure? He would ask, the fae swallowing the lump in her throat. "Well, it has been quite a while since we mated.. And these symptoms aren't some flu, if they were, I would know." She would say, looking down at her stomach. It hadn't swelled yet, but it would certainly start in a few weeks. "I don't need anything.. Just.. Rest," She would say in a weak tone, eyeing Winter when he called Sven a rat. "Eyy!! I em not a rat, I em an Arctic Ground Squirrel!" He would hiss at the male, narrowing his eyes. "Are ye calling mi stupid?" He would ask in a shocked gasp as he watched the male, placing himself next to Misha. "Obviously this is all yer fault- ye did this to her!!" He would say with a shriek, a low rumble bubbling up in his throat at Winter.
"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-23-2014, 03:18 AM

Listening carefully to her words, finding himself to forget how to breathe once more. Him - a daddy? Responsible for the lives of small living creatures. Ones in which depend solely open him and their mother. Winter would be there for his babes no matter the cost. He would care for them and love them and raise them the best he knew how. He would also be there for their mother, his mate, each step of the way. Comforting her and loving her with all of his being.

We cannot rest here, love. We need to find a cave or at least a better shelter than what the evergreen offers. A storm is coming. We need to get you safe. Winter stopped for a moment and then continued his speech. My love, I promise to be by your side no matter what. I will be by your side and I will love and cherish each one of our little babes and I will protect them, and you, with my life. His face pressed into her abdomen and he whispered to his unborn puppies. I love each and every one of you.

The rat spatted hurtful words at Winter, accusing him of causing her pregnancy in such a harsh tone. They were a blessing not a curse, but he could not help but feel torn inside. He put so much stress and worry upon Misha. The pregnancy was unexpected and the rat's words made him feel as if he had, possibly, ruined Misha's life. What if he had? What if she did not want to carry the puppies? Tears fell from his eyes and sadness overtook his body. Misha, I. . . I am sorry

He licked her maw and turned to walk toward the nearby rocky canvas. She would follow, he was sure, as he continued his search for shelter. . .

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5 Years
07-23-2014, 12:47 PM

"Yeah ye better be sorry fer hertin' mi Lassy!" He would squeal angrily at the male, his Irish accent thick in his words. "No, Winter.. Please don't be sorry, I love you, and these pups. Sven is just an asshole, and we both know that," she would shoot a daggering look at the small brown creature, a low growl escaping her throat. She would drag herself up from the ground and wobble over to her mate, a growl escaping her maw. "Winter. It's not something to be ashamed of, they're not some things that are going to ruin our lives- they're our future us. They represent us, the babies represent us. No damn fetus. They're pups." She would say with a sigh, looking into his green emerald eyes. "It's not a curse- it's a blessing.." She would say as she would sigh softly, her gaze dropping to the ground.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"


07-23-2014, 07:48 PM

Sven was an asshole. In fact, that was probably an understatement for the annoying little rat. Winter listened carefully to Misha's words, though, he still felt terrible. Especially after so much had happened in his life before Misha. . . Ah, how he needed to tell her, perhaps. . . Perhaps tonight. No, no. Not possible. She would flee from him, would she not?

He paused his travels as she would continue to sing out to him. Words in which would attempt to reassure him that everything was great, but it was not! She did not understand, or rather she just did not know. . . She needed to know. He sighed, fighting back tears in which begged to poor from emerald eyes. Yes. . . a blessing. Please, Misha. . . let us seek shelter. I think there is. . . I think. . . I need to talk with you. His words were all over the place and she probably gathered something was wrong, but she needed to know. She needed the truth and so he would let the truth be known.

Winter would continue walking and close by rested a medium sized cave. It was not amazingly roomy or very comfortable but it would shelter them from the coming storm. He glanced back to see if Misha had followed. Misha and that rat. At the entrance he would wait patiently for her to enter first - being the gentleman in which he was just now learning to be. Although, the rodent could stay outside if it were up to him.

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5 Years
07-23-2014, 08:05 PM

She would look to him as he would speak, his words coming out in jumbled out sentences that didn't make much sense and it was clear he was anxious or worried in one way or another. Misha felt worried too, wondering what her mate had to tell her. She would quickly follow him, stepping inside the cave first as his gentleman self would let her. Sven would quickly follow behind her, hugging the cave walls. "Warmth!!" He would squeal, looking back at Misha and Winter. Misha would watch as winter would step into the cave, nuzzling his neck with her muzzle affectionately. "What is it that's troubling you, my love?" She would ask in a concerned tone, worry laced in her melodic chord of a voice.


07-23-2014, 08:24 PM

Winter was glad she had followed him into the safety of the cave - though, he could not say the same about her little rat. The storm would soon consume the lands with all its force. Thunder continued to shake the ground and lightning illuminated the sky. The lightning now being the only source of light for day had been devoured by the darkness of clouds.

Thoughts growled through his mind as the thunder did all the world around them. How would he approach the subject? Maybe he should not bring it up to her just yet. But he needed to. She deserved to know and so, he would tell her his truths. What's worse? The rat would now get to hear his truth as well and so it would probably be known to all the world, but. . . at least it would no longer be contained inside his soul.

He accepted her warm touches - touches in which he was scared would no longer be his after he spoke of his past, but it had to be done. And so he decided to speak all of it at once and not "beat around the bush." Misha. . . You see. . . I was in a relationship before us. I did not love her, no. In fact, it was probably not even "like." We kind of had pups together, unintentionally on my part. And me, being the rogue I was. . . abandoned them all. But, in truth, I think I was running from the possibility of being tied down and loving someone other than myself. Those you love can hurt you a million times more than any other for they hold your heart. Please don't think ill of me. That's not me now. I would never do that to you, this I promise. Misha. . You have taught me so much. I want to love you. I want to be with you and cherish you and protect you. You and our unborn puppies. I was young then and foolish. . . He would trail off his sentence - it turning into a whisper. Winter hoped she would not think ill of him after he told her what weighed upon his heart.

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5 Years
07-23-2014, 09:49 PM

Misha would look at her mate when he would speak, perking her ears up at him politely. "Misha. . . You see. . . I was in a relationship before us. I did not love her, no. In fact, it was probably not even "like." We kind of had pups together, unintentionally on my part. And me, being the rogue I was. . . abandoned them all. But, in truth, I think I was running from the possibility of being tied down and loving someone other than myself. Those you love can hurt you a million times more than any other for they hold your heart. Please don't think ill of me. That's not me now. I would never do that to you, this I promise. Misha. . You have taught me so much. I want to love you. I want to be with you and cherish you and protect you. You and our unborn puppies. I was young then and foolish. . . " The words would hit her like a train wreck, making her heart sink.. He had abandoned his last litter and the female who carried them. If he didn't love her, then why the hell would he have mated with her.. A love wasted, was a life wasted. Nobody could ever fully recover from heartbreak, the girl an expert at those words. Though, he had abandoned her in the most time when he would be needed.. A papa for the pups, those little lives would never know. How could she be so sure that Winter wouldn't do the same to her? Or so positive that he wouldn't hurt her like he did? She would keep her maw closed and stayed in silence, the squirrel coming up beside her and hugging her leg.. Even he was quiet in that moment.


07-24-2014, 04:09 AM

The silence, it was unbearable. It tore at his heart as a predator would his prey. The annoying rat even had nothing to say and that was a huge surprise. He felt as if he had ripped her heart into pieces. At this moment, he had no idea what to tell her or how to make her feel better. She did not need this stress, not now.

Winter moved into her fur, taking in her warmth, and pressed his face against hers. He wanted to be close to her - so close to her. Misha, it was different then. I am not that wolf anymore. I was scared. . . terrified. He took a deep breath before continuing. My mother - she died when I was born. It was my fault. My father abandoned me in the cold; I was born in the north, you see? The lady that took me in would even leave me in time. . . raising me until I was barely able to care for myself. Everybody that I have ever loved has left me. It has just been easier for me to leave before I am left. But you, Princess, have changed that. You have taught me so much. How to trust and how to truly love. I will never leave your side. You own me, Misha. You own every single particle that makes up my entire being. You and our puppies. I love them, too. I promise to be the best father I can be. Please, please don't leave me for what I have done.

Winter pleaded with her - begged her. Minuscule drops of water fell from his emerald jewels. He never wanted to lose her, he really did not. She was his life now. Her and their babes. If she were to forgive him and accept his baggage, he would never leave their side and protect each of them with his entirety. He would shower them in undying love. Though, if she no longer wanted him - he would leave although his entire being would be ripped to shreds. His soul would grow cold and to love again would never happen.

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